标签存档: 新西兰essay代写





随着某些集中概念如恋物癖、窥阴癖和窥视癖的重新出现,凝视可以被认为是一种缺失的元素,它构成了从观察意识(Butler, 2011)而导致的阉割的焦虑。心理上的影响是强加的,主体在实现的过程中失去了自主性,这是一个可见的对象。这一特殊的概念与对镜像阶段的理论认识有着密切的关系。


The aim of this essay is to explore issues of representation and gaze with respect to a visual cultural piece. The visual cultural piece selected for this analysis is the photographic series by Cindy Sherman, namely, “Untitled Film Stills”. The series consist of photographs of Cindy that range from the stereotypical views of daily lives to cinema, painting and literature. These photos are not her portraits, which instead they serve the purpose of reflecting upon ideology, consumerism and culture.

With the recast of certain centralized concepts like Fetishism, Voyeurism and Scopophilia, gaze can be considered as the absent element constituting anxiety of castration that result from viewing the awareness (Butler, 2011). The psychological impact is imposed that the subject ends up losing autonomy on the realization which they are a visible object. This particular concept is strongly related to the theoretical understanding about the mirror stage.



在当前的全球环境中,粮食安全是一个普遍存在的问题,因此,世界不同地区必须集中精力在粮食安全问题上做出更小的努力。必须减少对利润的关注,必须更多地关注如何利用该区域的土地和资源。基于气候区域的牧场和作物种类的匹配将有助于培育更可持续和更自然的作物种植实践。热时间用于预测下列哪种作物品种可以生长在a) Chirstchurch区和b) Hamilton (Ruakura)区。热时间是基于热基萌发模型的概念,以预测植物的萌发率和萌发时间。它是在一个基本温度之上的日平均温度的积累。为了计算热时间,必须知道发芽的基本最低温度。


大麦 在10厘米深的巴利土温度必须达到6.5摄氏度或更高。

小麦 10厘米深度的小麦土壤温度必须达到6.5摄氏度或更高。

豌豆 农民的温度在10厘米的深度必须是6.5摄氏度或更大。

玉米 迈兹油温度在10厘米深度必须达到10摄氏度或更大。





In the current global environment where food security is a widespread issue, it becomes essential for different regions of the world to focus on doing their part towards making food security issues lesser so. There has to be less focus on profit taking and more focus has to be given to making use of the availability of land and resources in the region.Matching pasture and crop species based on the climate region will help inculcate crop growing practices that are more sustainable and natural. Thermal time is used to predict which of the following crop species can be grown in a) the Chirstchurch district and b) the Hamilton (Ruakura) district. Thermal time is based on the notion of thermal based germination models in order to predict germination rate and germination timings of plants. It is the accumulation of daily mean temperature above a base temperature. Base minimum temperature for germination has to be known in order to calculate thermal times.

BarleySoil temperature at 10 cm depth has to be 6.5 degree Celsius or greater
WheatSoil temperature at 10 cm depth has to be 6.5 degree Celsius or greater
PeasSoil temperature at 10 cm depth has to be 6.5 degree Celsius or greater
MaizeSoil temperature at 10 cm depth has to be 10 degree Celsius or greater
RIsk of Frost has to be minimal, average of 1.5 or lesser per month
Data such as frost data or average grass minimum temperature to show when maize seedlings can be affected
Assuming crops are grown in spring, make use of thermal time to maturation for crops Table 1 and Thermal time data Tables 4A and 4B to determine if sufficient thermal time is present for each crop to mature by end of summer, including March.

personal statement 代写:航空分析报告

personal statement 代写:航空分析报告

这份报告分析了美国航空公司在航空和航空行业的运营情况,包括信息技术的重要性以及它对美国航空公司的影响。本报告研究该组织并调查该组织的要求,并将进一步确定其对企业生存的重要性(Ashcraft and Ashcraft, 2015)。本报告将研究它在美国航空公司内的应用的要求,以及组织内部和外部使用它的方式。

personal statement 代写:航空分析报告

此外,它给美国航空公司带来的好处和好处将被概述。本报告将重点讨论利用它可能产生的风险,并将在组织的范围内加以阐述(Benckendorff, Sheldon & Fesenmaier, 2014)。本组织为监测和维修所作的努力将予以调查和提出。相关的文献、工具和概念将被用来评估它对美国航空公司业务的影响。

personal statement 代写:航空分析报告

This report analyses the American Airlines operating in the industry of airlines and aviation with respect to the essentiality of information technology (IT) and the impact that IT holds on the American Airlines. This report researches the organization and investigates the requirement of this organization, and it will further determine the importance of IT for the survival of the business (Ashcraft and Ashcraft, 2015). This report will investigate the requirements of the application of IT within the American Airlines along with the manner in which the IT is utilized by the organization internally and externally.

personal statement 代写:航空分析报告
Furthermore, the advantages and benefits of the IT brought to the American Airlines will be outlined. This report will focus on the risks that can arise with the utilization of IT and will elaborate it within the organization’s context (Benckendorff, Sheldon & Fesenmaier, 2014). The endeavours made by the organization for the monitoring as well as maintenance of IT will be investigated and presented. The relevant literature, tools and the concepts will be utilized in order to assess the IT impact over the business of American Airlines



活跃的受众理论认为人类不只是接收信息。他们积极参与基于他们的意识形态和知识的信息的理解。对受众的信仰、价值观和教育的影响(Shoemaker and Reese, 2013),对媒体信息的解码。观众一直都在参与媒体如何与他们互动以及如何满足他们的需求。这些受众不是信息的被动接受者;相反,他们积极参与信息如何被人们理解。根据Stuart Hall的说法,有三种类型的观众。他们是主要的观众,谈判的观众和对立的读者(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。占主导地位的受众是接受信息并复制首选阅读的霸权读者。

谈判的读者试图整理信息,并将其与他们的意识形态一致。对立的读者或反霸权的读者被发现直接反对主导的代码和理解首选阅读。他们试图建立一个可供选择的参考框架(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。社交媒体的出现改变了活跃受众理论的动态。在这些动态中,观众的分类已经完全转变了。出现了新时代的观众,他们不能被划分为任何一个观众群体(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。听众已经成为信息传递给不同群体的支持者或部分。


The active audience theory states that humans do not simply receive information. They are actively involved in making sense of the message based on their ideology and knowledge. There is decoding of the media message that is influenced by the beliefs, values and education of the audience (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Audiences have always been involved in how the media is engaged with them and how it meets their needs. These audiences are not passive receivers of the information; rather they are actively involved in how the information is construed by the people. According to Stuart Hall, there are three kinds of audiences. They are the dominant audiences, negotiated audiences and oppositional readers (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The dominant audiences are the hegemonic readers who accept the information and reproduce the preferred reading.

The negotiated reader tries to collate information and aligns it with their ideology. The oppositional reader or the counter-hegemonic readers are found to be directly opposing to the dominate code and understand the preferred reading. They try to build an alternative frame of reference (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Emergence of social media has changed the dynamics of the active audience theory. The audience classification has been turned completely in these dynamics. There is the emergence of the new age audience who cannot be classified into any one audience groups (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The audience have become the proponent or a part in which the information is carried over to the different groups.






Deng Xiaoping leadership developed the trends for economic reforms that were market oriented. Prior to this, China followed the communistic and protectionism ideologies. The economic reforms were a shift in this policy. There was incorporation of a number of other ideologies into the system. The trends of capitalism, consumerism, shifting paradigms from collectivism to individualism and the growing nationalistic sentiments are shaping the policy of China. Economist and financial analysis talk about policy changes in abstract forms rather than specifics. There is financial and economic growth in China and at the same time, the income gap between people are widening. Peking University has found the socio-economic gap in the nation to be widening. The richest people hold over a third of the total wealth.

There are a significant growing number of populations who have become increasingly divergent. Sweeping economic reforms in 1978 has caused significant difference in the growth of the nation. In spite of the growth of the nation, in many ways, China is still a developing nation. The number of people living in the rust belt areas is around 44% and the public benefits do not reach many people in the society. The divergence is evident in China. There is a need to understand the cultural trends to analyze the root cause of all the issues to resolve them. As an inception step, there must be analysis of the real winners and losers in these heuristics. This would enable to understand the socio-cultural reasons for the particular trends in the society.



尽管买方供应商的权力对管理和供应组织都很重要,但从管理的角度来看,增加对供应商的关注将会给组织带来价值。这是通过降低组织在持续的基础上所经历的成本(Poppo和Zhou, 2014)来进行的。研究表明,超过50%的机械化组织预算用于供应本身。这为组织的管理提供了一个关键的动机,以确定这些供应商的职能,以降低组织的成本,从而为本组织节省成本。


买方-供应商的权力和买方-供应商交换的结果对于管理从多种角度来说是至关重要的。购买者和供应商链接的重要性可以从多个组织领域中看到,因为长期和强大的买方供应商的力量可以在创建新产品线的过程中为组织的发展做出贡献(Pulles et al., 2014)。新产品线的引入是业务的一个重要组成部分,有助于产品多样化、成本领先、产品差异化和市场份额的增加以及品牌意识。买方-供应商的权力尤其重要,因为与组织管理紧密合作的战略供应商可以为产品的设计提供有价值的投入。这是在组织和供应商确认的不断增长和不断变化的需要的基础上完成的。这样的关系也可以产生资源的协同效应(Reimann et al., 2017)。与供应商的管理战略联盟有助于降低成本,提高产品投放市场的速度,降低交易成本。


Even though the buyer-supplier power is important for both the management and the supplying organization, from the management’s point of view delivering increased amount of focus on the suppliers will result in providing value to the organization. This is conducted by lowering the cost that are experienced by the organization on an ongoing basis (Poppo and Zhou, 2014). The research has indicated that more than 50 per cent of the mechanized organizational budget is spent on the supplies itself. This provides a critical motivation to the management of organization for identifying such suppliers that function with the focus on reducing the cost of the organization which will enable the cost saving benefits for the organization.


The buyer-supplier power and the outcomes of the buyer-supplier exchanges are essential for the management from multitude of perspectives. The importance of the buyer and supplier link can be viewed from a number of organizational areas as the long term and strong buyer-supplier power can contribute to the organizational development in the process of creating new product lines (Pulles et al., 2014). The introduction of new product lines is a critical component of business that facilitates product diversification, cost leadership, product differentiation and increase in market share along with brand awareness. The buyer-supplier power is especially important as the strategic suppliers that work closely with the management of organization can provide valuable input for the design of the product. This is done on the basis of the growing and changing needs recognized by the organization and supplier. Such relations can also create synergy of resources (Reimann et al., 2017). The strategic alliance of the management with suppliers facilitate the reduction of cost, increased speed of product placement in market and reduced cost of transaction.















Secondary Research

The secondary research will follow from the electronic sources, books, online media content, specific reports by small and medium organizations, government reports, human resources reports, magazines, newspaper and more.

Data Collection

The data collection will be done from various sources for the SME organization. The main source of data collection is the website of SME organization and also by contacting to the employees working in SME organization. Other sources of data are the business magazines, newspaper report published by the SME organization etc.

Data Analysis

Collected data from the survey will be analyzed using Excel software. In this dissertation qualitative data analysis will be used. Qualitative data analysis will use the conceptual data like the factors of HRD affecting the turnover rate. The qualitative data analysis will be used for performing the case study and comparative analysis.

Planning and Schedule

The dissertation will start with defining the human resource management and functions of human resource management in an organization. Human resource development will define the approaches of development of human resource and how it can be made effective. Training program will include the plans for providing the training.According to the organization, these training is classified into two types of training management and employee training. The section will mainly focus on the employee training because generally SMEs have very few managers.

Methodologies will be discussed and this will include the collection of data and a case study on the SMEs will be done. Data will be used in the analysis and discussion. Analysis and discussion will include the analysis performed and a detailed discussion on that analysis and research.

Finally, the conclusion and summary of the whole discussion will be drawn with the result of the hypothesis that whether this derived hypothesis is true or not.




所有的业务,如图2所示,在路线上,很明显,大多数人都有重点出售薯条和炸薯条以及。只有非常少的超市如季节和arrons凯辛纳都集中在卖新鲜土豆的客户(美国饮食协会2010位)。因此,健康食品的选择对女王学院社区的考虑较少。结果是准确的,因为菜单卡进行了分析,每一个企业和股票进行了检查。从定价的角度来看,很明显马铃薯产品类型之间存在差异。从图7另一方面显然与社会经济因素在外部环境因素的描述,一般约22至32%人拥有研究生学位(Ritson,et al.,2005)。收入是每年73k高也是低23k每年。在这些收入水平的基础上,这是显而易见的,在社会上大多数人有更好的健康食品,但仍有获得成功的餐厅以及在社区卖快餐的产品描述健康食品消费不影响通过经济和健康食物获取成本。


All the businesses as suggested from Figure 2 that were on the routes, it was evident that most have a focus to sell potato chips and French fries as well. Only very less supermarkets such as season’s and Arrons Kissena have focused on selling fresh potatoes to customers (Position of the American dietetic association 2010). The choices of healthy food therefore have less consideration for the community of Queen’s college. There is accuracy amongst the results as menu cards were analyzed from each of these businesses and stocks were checked. From the pricing perspective, it was evident that there is variation amongst potato product types. From the Figure 7 on the other hand it was evident that general factors in the external environment with socio-economic considerations depict that approximately 22 to 32 percent individuals have a graduate degree (Ritson, et al., 2005). The income is higher as 73k per year and it is also low as 23k per year. On the basis of these levels of income, it is evident that most people in the community have better healthy food access but still there are successful restaurants as well in the community selling fast food based products depicting the heathy food consumption cannot always be influenced through costs in the economy and health access to food.
Healthy eating is the mantra in today’ world wherein people focus on what they like to eat and what they should eat. Good health is not compromised simply because the healthy products have higher costs. People look for health products related substitutes, for example available fresh foods in the environment and choices developed through exploration of market. As indicated through this research however each person’s choice has a direct impact on what they purchase. The individual choices have a merely larger role to play in comparison to the environmental impacts and socio-economic considerations (Rolls, et al., 2010).














Symbol One: Myths about Civil War

History always opens two doors that guide towards what was done and what was not done. It is always difficult to say which event is true because evidence of every event is present. Still some of events have to be covered with evidence. Myths like slaves at that time were happy; life in South was good before the war and fanatics proposed an unnecessary war on South. A lot more myths are present about Civil war.

Symbol Two: Identification about Each Myth

Myths like Slavery was not present are the biggest myth that was present after the Civil war. This slavery is still present in most parts of the South because of the discrimination and how minorities are treated differently. Economic conditions of South were not good and fanatics proposed an unnecessary war which is not true.

Symbol Three: Correcting perceptions about the evidence

Civil war was related to slavery because human rights acts were not present that time and this in tensed the situation. Abolitionists were not causing an unnecessary war they only wanted to prevent racist laws against the blacks so they can be given citizen rights. Situation was not good and South was effected majorly, this can be noted by the level of discrimination that was conducted against the minorities.

Symbol Four: Contributions of African American in American Revolution

Voluntary services were given by African Americans in most of churches at the time of American Revolution. Poets and writers contributed by uniting all minorities together so they can fight against the main cause.

Symbol Five: Contributions of Native American in American Revolution

Native American made decisions about choosing the sides or remain silent about the situation. Apart from keeping a neutral state they managed to strike back and look into aspects that discussed about their points and demanded for protecting their land during the American Revolution.






This teaches us that in life we are faced with several situations wherein an individual thinks that this is the end to everything. However, one must not let his courage and pride go off that easily; an individual has to learn how to fight even in the adverse conditions. It is by tackling these situations that a human can survive for the best.
Santiago in the Old man and the sea says “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” It is throughout the novel that the true statement could be referred to. He was not mentally defeated even though it seemed that he was destroyed physically. Throughout the novel it was his pride and courage which pushed him forward even in the situations when it seemed that all hope was lost but he was never defeated.
I completely agree with this quote as the victory which is attained over devastating hardships shows the heart of a hero. Thus, the trail of Santiago must be monumental so that he could be a heroic symbol for rest of the humankind. A hero is the one who faces all kind of hardships with grace and dignity. The significant part is to comport ourselves with the inner nobility regardless of whether we fail or achieve some external goal. Hence, the same quote could be applied to every individual in his or her daily struggle in life to achieve a set goal for which they are struggling in their life.