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这些航空行业的雇员包括飞行员、航空投标、维修、空中交通管制员等等。因此,要在航空业中实现安全运行,需要系统中所有相关利益相关者的协调努力。Kelly(2013)指出,航空安全经历了四个不同的时期。这四个阶段分别是技术发展期、人为错误识别期、社会技术期和个人组织文化期。这些时期的关键识别是防止任何不必要的航空问题的根本原因。技术阶段是指航空安全时期,机械系统故障是主要事故原因(Kelly, 2013)。反映这一时期的许多事故。一个突出的例子是德哈维兰彗星事故。在过去的几十年里,工程技术的进步减少了机械系统故障的出现。这表明,管理层为防止任何机械故障已经做了许多努力。在这段时间之后,机械故障减少到最低程度。已经确定的下一个根本原因是人为错误(von Thaden & Gibbons, 2008)。这是人类错误阶段的到来。


At the same time, there are many safety definitions that seem to have mandates for risk control. Most researchers seem to believe that risk is a combination between frequency and severity.From an ideal perspective, the safety can be obtained from low risk level. A practical safe outcome could be a result of height frequency and extreme low risk damage, however, a low frequency and extreme high damage could cause heavy catastrophe. Accidents that have occurred in United Airlines Flight 232, American Airlines Flight 191, and Air France Flight 4590, indicate that even an unlikely event could lead to sever catastrophe. The table below elucidated the levels of risk associated. Aviation safety is a paradigm of keeping the crew members and the passengers’ safe during the flight duration. In most air carriers, there are instructions and manuals to provide a safe experience for both customers and employees. This is elucidated in Flight Operation Manual (FOM), safety checklist, emergency procedures, safety policies etc. A successful flight outcome is the resultant of the work of aviation industry workers. Their expertise and knowledge help protect people from harm.

These aviation industry employees include pilots, air tenders, maintenance, Air Traffic Controllers to name a few. Thus, achieving a safe operation in the aviation industry require well-coordinated efforts of all the stakeholders involved in the system. Kelly (2013) stated that aviation safety has evolved through four distinct periods. The four phases are technical development period, human error identification, socio-technical period and individual organizational culture period. The key identification of these periods is the root cause to prevent any unwanted aviation issues.The technical period refers to a period of aviation safety when the failures of mechanical systems are major incident causes (Kelly, 2013). There are many accidents reflecting this period. A prominent example is the de Havilland Comet accident. In the past decades, the improvements of engineering and technology have reduced the appearance of mechanical system failures. This indicates that there have been numerous efforts taken by the management to prevent any mechanical errors. After this period, the mechanic errors have been reduced to a bare minimum. The next root cause that has been identified the issue of human errors (von Thaden & Gibbons, 2008). This is the advent of the human error phase.



本分析的目的是找出正确的招聘方法,防止员工流失。本报告将突出这些问题,并就此提出建议。已被确定为公司的问题是:格鲁吉亚招聘专员没有先验知识Autoaccess公司的目标。知识的缺乏导致招聘错误的人(Collings & Wood, 2009)。格鲁吉亚在知识方面存在巨大的差距。她以前在呼叫中心的经验在目前的情况下是没有用的。格鲁吉亚在知识方面存在差距。公司的员工流动率很高。他们需要雇佣合适的员工,以确保新员工不会浪费资源。员工没有真正的激励模式。有必要确保员工的目标与公司的总体目标一致。公司缺乏团队建设模式,以确保员工团结协作。新雇佣的员工不符合现有员工的模式。应该有一个系统来解决员工的差距(Storey, 2007)。缺乏透明度和共同的愿景。新雇佣的员工不了解他们需要什么来适应组织范式。


涉众之间的沟通有很大的差距。这导致员工之间的关系进一步恶化(Story, 2007)。这是公司员工流动率高的另一个主要原因。从分析中发现,公司缺乏绩效的激励因素。需要对招聘的理论因素、激励因素和保持员工在公司内部的方法进行分析。本节阐述了提高公司业绩的途径。Taylors的科学管理理论和McGregor的X理论强调员工应该为他们的服务提供有形的金钱。Taylors’s theory of scientific management认为,员工应该根据他们的技术资格来录用,他们应该为公司提供的服务付费。在这个理论中,员工的报酬是他们的生产力。没有考虑其他动机因素。X理论假设员工天生懒惰,而且他们的知识也比主管少。它强调对员工的微观管理(Clegg, Kornberger,和Pitsis, 2015)。理论X没有考虑内部动机的内在因素。


The purpose of this analysis is to identify right hiring practices, prevent employee turnover. This report will highlight the issues and propose recommendations for the same. The issues that has been identified for the company are :Georgia the recruitment specialist does not have prior knowledge about the objectives of Autoaccess Company. This lack in knowledge leads to hiring of the wrong person for the job (Collings & Wood, 2009). There is significant gap in knowledge for Georgia. Her prior experience in call center is not useful in this current situation. There is gap in knowledge for Georgia. There are high employee turnover rates for the company. They need to hire the right personnel to ensure that the resources are not wasted for the newly hired employee. There is no real motivational model for the employees. There is a need to ensure that the objectives of the employees are aligned with the overall objective of the company.There is lack of team building model in the company to ensure that the people work together cohesively. The newly hired employees do not fit into the paradigm with the exiting employees. There is should be a system in place to address the gaps of the employee (Storey, 2007).There is lack of transparency and shared vision. The newly hired employees do not have understanding of what is required by them to fit into the organizational paradigm.

There is a significant gap in communication between the stakeholders involved. This has led to further worsening of the relationship between the employees (Story, 2007). This is another major reason for the high employee turnover rates for the company. It has been identified from analysis that the company lacks motivational factors for performance. There needs to be an analysis of the theoretical factors for recruitment, motivation and ways to keep the employees within the company. The ways to improve performance of the company have been elucidated in this section. Taylors’ theory of scientific management and the Theory X by McGregor stress on the fact that the employees should be given tangible money for their services rendered. Taylors’ theory of scientific management states that the employees should be hired based on their technical qualifications and they should be paid for the services rendered by the company. The employees are paid for their productivity in this theory. There is no factoring in of other motivational factors. Theory X assumes that employees are intrinsically lazy to work and also have lesser knowledge than the supervisors. It gives emphasis to micromanagement of the employee (Clegg, Kornberger, and Pitsis, 2015). The intrinsic factors of internal motivations are not considered in Theory X.







This reading provides the insight of the racialized communities of the European Union. There was a distinction between the whites and non-whites. The Christians were also divided on the basis of color. This situation increased the tension between non-white, Christian-non-white and others. The whole union was divided on the basis of race. In the history, many conflicts have aroused due to racism. A new form of activism and identity had developed in Europe. Racism had its roots in the past as well. Deep historical archives have evidences that people were separated on the basis of race and color. The migrant and minority groups of Europe were considered as the“Europeans of color”. This was because of their different origin, cultural difference and Non-European origin. They were discriminated on the basis of their color and race. Middle East was differentiated from being European, as they differ from the innate values, and unchangeable differences.

The concept of race had a geographical and intellectual origin in Europe. However, the race and gender discrimination was seen to be prevalent in the American society.Histories of different Continents and country have ingrained system of racism. People from the contemporary world are still bound with such differences. The colonial history of Europe, explains that Muslims were the liberal others of European nation. The historical analysis has explained how the post-national societies of the 21st century still show the influence of color. The exact difference initiated on the basis of race may not be known, but it refers to not belongingness. The minority youth were considered as the threatening outcasts. Such history of racism and discrimination has influenced the mindset of the people in the contemporary societies. The Muslims are yet considered to be the outcasts. Thus, color has been an integral part of the European past, present and history.

美国 essay 代 写:烟草游说团体

美国 essay 代 写:烟草游说团体

烟草游说团体可能不仅是英国,而且是世界上最强大的游说团体。它们不仅是大多数国家最大的税收来源,而且由于它们的跨境存在而具有影响力。没有这样的国家能够宣称自己不受烟草游说团体的影响(Team- Global Issues, 2014)。在这种情况下,大多数政客和政府倾向于采取不伤害这个有影响力的群体的措施。联合王国政府有两个议院,即下议院和上议院。这两个机构的成员都与许多烟草公司有不同的联系。这可能是通过慷慨的捐赠给他们的竞选基金或慈善机构,这些组织接近立法机构的核心,或者通过各种各样的商业交易。不管影响的程度和程度如何,烟草游说团体可以控制大量的立法(Team- Global Issues, 2014)。具有很高的管理和政府技能;决策策略决策是动态环境中唯一的优势或劣势。这一决定需要资源投入,也将产生不易预测的长期后果。

美国 essay 代 写:烟草游说团体

冲突的战略目标只会增加与这个层次的决策相关的风险(Eisenhardt & Zbaracki, 1992) (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997)。禁止烟草和烟草产品的促销将通过对烟草产品征税来影响收入。虽然现有用户将继续支付产品费用,但由于老用户死亡而造成的损失不会由新用户开始使用该产品而得到补偿(Cain, 2014)。对这种情况熟视无睹将对公共卫生机制造成损害,越来越多的人因各种烟草相关原因而患病。这包括癌症(喉咙、肺、嘴等)、哮喘、呼吸问题等等。禁止烟草和烟草制品的促销将影响这些产品的预期销售增长。这反过来又会影响到政治家推动的战争资金和社会事业的可得性。两者都将耗尽,立法机构将不得不从其他地方寻找未来的资金。如果他们与烟草游说团体的成员有共同的商业利益,那么他们也将不得不承担巨大的经济损失。

美国 essay 代 写:烟草游说团体

The tobacco lobby is perhaps the strongest lobbying body not just in the United Kingdom but across the world. They not only are the biggest tax generators for most countries, but are also influential due to their cross border presence. There is no such country which can claim to be free from then influence of the tobacco lobby (Team- Global Issues, 2014). In such a scenario, most politicians and governments tend to adopt measures that do not harm this influential group.The United Kingdom government has two houses, viz., the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The members of both these houses are associated with many of the tobacco companies in different ways. It could be through generous donations to their campaign chest or charitable organisations that are close to the heart of the legislatures,or through business dealings of varied kinds. Regardless of the level and degree of influence, the tobacco lobby can control a significant amount of legislation that comes its way (Team- Global Issues, 2014). A highly rated skill in management and government alike; decision strategic decision making can be the single advantage or disadvantage in a dynamic environment. This decision requires the commitment of resources as well as will have long term consequences that are not easy to predict.

美国 essay 代 写:烟草游说团体
The conflicting strategic objectives only add to the difficulty a risk associated with the decision making at this level (Eisenhardt & Zbaracki, 1992) (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997).Banning the promotion of Tobacco and tobacco products would affect the revenues through taxes being earned on the product. While existing users would continue to patronize the products, the losses due to the death of older users would not be compensated by new users starting out on the product (Cain, 2014). Turning a blind eye to the situation would mean a toll on the public health mechanism, with more and more persons falling ill from various tobacco related causes. This includes cancer (throat, lung, mouth and so on), asthma, breathing problems, and so on.Banning the promotion Tobacco and tobacco products would affect the prospective sales growth of the products. This in turn would affect the availability of funds for the war chests and social causes being promoted by politicians. Both of them would be depleted and the legislatures would have to look elsewhere for future funding. If they have shared business interests with the members of the tobacco lobby, then they would have to bear significant financial losses as well.


大多數定量的金融風險模型都是基於資產收益率序列分佈的常態化假設。雖然這使得建模很容易,但在使用極端尾部估計數據時效率很低(Singh等人,2011)。風險價值(VaR)是一種非常流行的風險管理模型(Longin, 2004)。該模型有助於評估個人或機構投資者對特定交易組合可能產生的最大損失。它本質上是投資者風險水平的快照,基於當前持有量。有趣的是,這種風險模型的目的是識別風險,而不是預防風險。 VaR是一個數學模型,它有助於估計交易組合中預期的最大未來損失。在分析市場風險時,市場的動態特性是一個主要問題。在給定的情況下,波動性使得需要定義可以用於評估和管理當前市場風險的模型。在這種情況下,GARCH模型是一個很受歡迎的選擇(Barone-Adesi, et al., 2008)。數據尾部代表了與投資組合相關的風險的極端可能性。


這種風險可以通過EVT進行適當的評估,GARCH模型是這種情況下最合適的風險評估模型(McNeil & Frey, 2000)。當EVT用於評估投資組合的極端風險時;結果準確而精確(Diebold, et al., 2000)。金融回報的實證分佈顯示的反面往往比正態分佈中的尾部更肥,從經濟角度來看,這是資產回報的一個指標(Huisman, et al., 2001)。不對稱的GARCH模型,是基於歷史數據的,並允許在歷史和價格分佈上看到的差異,這是一個波動的市場的特徵。 (Barone-Adesi et al .,2008)。使用GARCH模型做出的預測在估計波動市場的風險方面非常精確(Gencay & Selcuk, 2004)。基於EVT的VaR計算方法因此被視為涵蓋了從“正常”(接近中位數)到“極端”(接近尾部)的所有可能的風險場景(Longin, 2004);並被視為當前經濟和市場情景下風險評估和管理的適當方法。


Most Quantitative Financial risk models are based on the assumption of normality in the distribution of the return series of an asset. While this makes the modelling easy, it is inefficient in estimating data with extreme tails (Singh, et al., 2011). Value-at-Risk also called VaR is an extremely popular risk management model (Longin, 2004). This model helps evaluate the maximum possible loss that can be incurred by an individual or institutional investor, with a particular trading portfolio. It is essentially a snapshot of the risk level of an investor and is based on current holdings. Interestingly, this risk model aims at identifying risk, but not at preventing it. A mathematical model, VaR helps to estimate the maximum future losses that can be expected from a trading portfolio. The dynamic nature of markets is a major concern when analysing market risk. In the given situation, The volatility lends itself to the need for defining models that can be used for assessing and managing risk in the current markets. The GARCH models are seen to be a popular choice in such situations (Barone-Adesi, et al., 2008). The data tail represents extreme possibilities of risk associated with a portfolio.

This risk can be properly assessed using EVT and the GARCH model is the most suitable risk assessment model for such scenarios (McNeil & Frey, 2000). When EVT is used to assess the extreme risk of a portfolio; the results are accurate and precise (Diebold, et al., 2000).The empirical distribution of financial returns show tails that tend to be fatter than those seen in cases of normal distribution, and is an indication of the returns of assets from an economic view point (Huisman, et al., 2001). The asymnetrical GARCH model, is based on historical data, and allows for the differences seen in the historical and pricing distribution that is the characteristic of a volatile market. (Barone-Adesi, et al., 2008). The forecasts made using the GARCH model are highly precise in estimating the risk in volatile markets (Gencay & Selcuk, 2004). EVT based approach to compute VaR is thus seen as a covering all possible scenarios of risk from the ‘normal’(close to the median) to the ‘extreme’(towards the tail) (Longin, 2004); and is seen as an appropriate method of risk assessment and management in the current economic and market scenario.


King ‘s Cargo Express作為一家總部位於溫尼伯(Winnipeg)的組織,在為客戶提供有效的體驗時,必鬚麵對相當大的政治挑戰。我們區域和加拿大都有一個穩定的環境,不受國家內部政治上任何重大危機的影響,而且在不久的將來也不會有任何關鍵的政治結構變化。 U。 S已經與加拿大等近鄰建立了密切的聯繫,這為物流行業的組織提供了更多的機會,因為它們加強了互聯互通(Rivera et al., 2014)。此外,各國內部的自由化也使郵政服務的國家經營者和私營郵政服務公司能夠將其業務擴大到快遞市場和包裹。這是由老牌公司收購和收購小型國家組織造成的。


在美國和加拿大,物流服務是最重要的,因為它們有助於分配貨物、分配資源和及時交付產品和服務(Rivera et al., 2014)。但是,政府考慮到各種規定,這些規定反過來又限制了某些後勤活動在考慮外部國家的業務時。此外,國王貨物快遞的運作是為客戶提供即時、準確和個性化的服務,只要他們需要。基於技術的通信在交通行業中很重要,公司一直在努力實現數據網絡的即時性,以跟上技術創新和進步(Aoyama et al., 2014)。有了這些,政治環境提供了最重要的政策和法規。例如,公司需要在向外部國家提供的物流服務中增加投資,這是公司在政治上面臨的關鍵問題之一。然而,也有各種各樣的機會,例如考慮與國際公司合併和冒險,以便共享資源和資金需求。


King’s Cargo Express as a Winnipeg based organization has to face considerable political challenges, when providing efficient experience to the customers. The region of US as well as Canada has a stabilized environment which does not get influenced through any essential crisis politically within countries, and no key political structure changes are expected within the nearing future. U.S has resulted in creating close connections with its close neighbours such as Canada and this has brought forward enhanced opportunities for organizations in the logistics industry due to enhanced provision for connectivity (Rivera et al., 2014). Liberalization within the nations furthermore has allowed for national operators of postal services and companies of private postal services for enlarging their portfolio of business into express market and parcels. This occurs by well-established company’s acquisitions and acquisition of small national organizations.

Within US and Canada, the service of logistics are of utmost importance as they help in distribution of goods, allocation of resources and timely delivery of the products and services (Rivera et al., 2014). The government however takes into consideration various provisions which in turn restrict certain logistics operations when considering external nations business. The operations of Kings Cargo express furthermore are designed for providing the customers with services of immediate, accurate and personalized whenever they require the same. Technology based communication is important in the industry of transportation and the company has strived constantly to achieve improvisation of its data network for keeping up with technological innovation as well as advancements (Aoyama et al., 2014). With this, the political environment offers policies and regulations at the forefront. For example, the company needs to invest additionally within logistics services provision to external nations and this is one of the key issues faced by the company politically. However, there are diverse opportunities as well such as considering merging and venturing with international firms which can allow sharing of resources and capital needs.