标签存档: 新西兰essay代写


ps代写-阿斯顿·马丁汽车在土耳其的业务扩张。阿斯顿·马丁是一款标志性的汽车,有着强大的品牌形象和在汽车市场上的声誉,是公司成长计划的后盾。市场渗透率的降低会阻碍Aston Martin在土耳其的发展计划。此外,有限的产品组合不利于公司的增长计划(Worthington & Britton, 2015)。土耳其的增量增长率为业务扩张提供了充足的机会。然而,汽车市场日益激烈的竞争阻碍了公司的发展计划。整体的行为是通过微观环境分析的形式进行的,这说明了在阿斯顿马丁公司的环境中发生的变化。解释了客户分析,以说明在采购过程中所做的更改。该行为简单地解释了SWOT分析,这是通过说明的方法和机会可以很容易获得。讨论的整体结果进行了说明的方法,并建议的营销策略的方法在这方面的阿斯顿马丁。

The steady political condition leverages the expansion plan of Aston Martin in Turkey. The country’s fast growth rate and favourable business laws help the company in operating its business in Turkey. The economy is stable, and the high flow of foreign direct investment in this country also benefited the expansion plan of the company. The society is rich and can afford luxurious cars hence favour the growth plan of the Aston Martin (Winer & Dhar, 2014). Apart from these, with improved technologies, strong legal structure and abundance of natural resources support the growth of the company. Aston Martin is an iconic car with strong brand image and reputation in the automobile market is back-up the growth plan of the company. Less market penetration can impede the development plan of Aston Martin in Turkey. Besides this, the limited product portfolio is against the growth plan of the company (Worthington & Britton, 2015). The increment growth rate of Turkey provides adequate opportunities for the business expansion. However, the increasing competition in the car market hinders the growth plan of the company.
Recommendations for Marketing Strategy
The recommendations that can be provided to the Aston Martin are that the changes in the marketing plan must be made by implementing the concepts of the scarcity marketing, concentrated marketing, and the inbound marketing. These three marketing techniques will enable the company to create a focus on the quality to enable the customers to get attracted towards the products or the services provided (Blythe, 2006). It simply also enables the enhancement of the product as it is surrounding the growth of the company at the earlier stages and the appropriate placement of the product is becoming essential for the company. Other than these strategies, the company must adopt the tradeshow marketing strategy for the appropriate establishment of the trademark and the product launch can be appropriately conducted by making the sponsoring process to attract the VIPs towards the products.

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新西兰论文代写之essay重要组成部分的内容解析。Essay对留学们来讲是很熟知的论文写作,Essay的论文组成一般有四个重要组成部分:Introduction、 Main body 、Reference 、Conclusion。接下来英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis辅导老师就留学生们讲解下这四个组成部分的主要写作内容。



2、Main body

文章的Main body中心部分统称为正文。正如上面说到的,文章正文一般是用来论说论据的。澳洲悠悠论文老师提醒大家在榜首段正文中,通常应该列出最有利的那一个论据。榜首句是主题句,要开宗明义。在正文中,论说论据的时分不能过于简练,而应该具体论说,发明适宜的语境。


参考文献是作为essay的重要组成部分,如出现引用不标注,很有可能会判定为学术抄袭。在引用参考方面时留学们一定要标注出来 ,避免论文抄袭的情况发生。



一般来说,论文的定论都会以“in conclusion”,“in the end”等最初。在这之后,再次论说自己的观点,这应该已经是第四五次在文中重述观点了。此处能够运用一些在引论中用过的词句,以此来首尾呼应。这样不只会加强观点,还能够简要地回忆正文。最终就是文章的末尾了。论文的最终一句话通常是统领性的句子,用来突出主题,点名中心,总结全文。

新西兰论文代写之essay重要组成部分的内容就为留学生们解析到这里,留学生需要论文代写辅导的地方,详情可以咨询新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




essay代写-麒麟下午红茶的业务流程。麒麟下午红茶是商家精选。麒麟下午红茶是麒麟公司的一部分,麒麟公司是麒麟控股的子公司。公司主要控股酒精饮料行业。麒麟啤酒从1885年开始运营,当时它接管了美国啤酒商威廉·科普兰(William Copeland)留下的资产。这是一家日本啤酒公司,也销售其他饮料(麒麟,2017b, 2017c)。饮料可以直接零售,也可以通过网络零售。这项工作的重点是如何提高可持续性的麒麟下午红茶部分。该公司在软饮料业务有很强的业务,红茶部分是这些业务的一部分(麒麟,2017a)。麒麟还投资于物流和工程部门来处理它们的业务。他们在餐馆和房地产行业也很有名望。麒麟的业务流程整合了研发、营销和供应链。研发专注于发酵技术和生物技术应用的独特和前沿解决方案。市场营销的重点是了解消费者的需求。供应链注重效率,在更短的时间内实现更高质量的产品。

An integrated sustainability policy is recommended for the company. As the scope of an integrated sustainability policy would be high given that Kirin is a company with multiple holdings, and even in the specific black tea segment, spans internationally, only three aspects of integration will be considered.

Firstly, the business will check sourcing and syrup production for sustainability in sourcing and operations.

Secondly, sustainability check will come into place in the bottling segment. Bottle recycling stamps will be put on the bottles to remind the customer to submit them for recycling. The use of packaged cartons will be stopped.

Thirdly in the distribution segment, the focus will be on creating shorter and sustainable supply chains. The more the beverage has to travel to reach the consumer, the more the costs associated with it. Transporting syrup or even sharing formulae for the syrup with partners in foreign nations could help in reducing costs and fuel used in transportation.

Policy Scope

The policy proposed will be applicable to all subsidiaries under Kirin holdings that are operating in the beverage businesses, their partners (both local and international), their distributors, suppliers and other stakeholders. The proposed policies will also be applicable to all businesses that present support services for Kirin beverage companies.

Three resource targets identified are:

Sourcing and Syrup Production

Bottling and Packaging


There are many risks in this industry

There are high risks of contamination. In July of 2005, waste water from the Yokohama Plant of Kirin spilled waste water containing untreated microorganisms into the river because of operational malfunction (Kirin, 2006).

Unchecked sourcing of tea leaves

Packaging and Bottling contaminations have been present in the past.

Misprinting of labels and wrong expiry dates have resulted in voluntary recalls.

Bottled not being recycled properly by consumers because of lack of consumer engagement in sustainability

Packaged products result in landfills.

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The current analysis clearly shows the factors that currently influence the housing business showing the growth of the population by the immigration, population growth, household formation and the impact on the global industry. With these, the negative factors are also indicated as well that enable the unemployment rate and the unfavourable tax policies which influence the discussion undertaken for the study. The growth of the population is becoming the popular reason for the rising of the housing prices in a region which shows the growth of the real estate industry. Statistically, it has been proved that Auckland region of the New Zealand consists of one-third population of the New Zealand population. The structure clearly shows the growth of the population, and thereby the enhancement of the projection is essential for showing the figures in the form of an upward graph (Justin, 2016). As the Auckland region consists of 62% of the population growth, the structure of the city is depicted to be the largest city which is shown to consist of the highest growth rate as compared to the whole country. The construction of the region’s population is shown to be forested which will be doubling the population in the year 2050 and also the total land area of the New Zealand will be considered to be doubling the increase of the housing price.
International immigration is an important factor for the representation of the growth of the Auckland region, and thereby it is likely to be a most important factor which will influence the significant factors shortly. The structure of the study clearly shows the enhancement of the approaches that enable the appropriate establishment of the structure for the enhancement of the business of the real estate in this country. The underlying information is considered for the study that shows the Household formation is depicted to be another determinant of the underlying demand for the housing in the New Zealand. The statistics of the New Zealand clearly describes the number of the families that are projected for the increment of the number of the households and thereby the increment is depicted to be the 34 percent. According to the discussions, the increment of the 35 percent of all the households in the New Zealand Auckland region is depicted. The structure is showing that the enhancement is depicted which is showing the framework of the work. It also the enhancement of the work can be easily depicted in enhancing the Auckland region. The average size of the New Zealand households is declining and the contribution to the increase in the demand for the houses (Lee and Kuo, 2010). The average family size is clearly expected for declining the increment of the proper and appropriate establishment of the increment of the proportions of the income. The increase in the proportion of the couples without the children and the decrease in the structuring of the work can be easily enhanced by following the structure of the families developed in the region. The development of the decisions can be established by showing the structure of the work and also the marginal decline in the average household size in the Auckland region can be depicted to be consisting of the 15000 dwellings.
The global money has a great impact on the housing market of the New Zealand and is explained largely because of the flexibility of the monetary systems and the floating changes rates. The example of the huge surplus can be easily generated by the East Asia which was depicted to be boosted up by following the flow of the funds. It can be moved freely from one destination to chase the best choices that are available in the global market(Pennington-Cross and Smith, 2017).

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Many important discussions need to be considered in the cases of this surgical treatment. The specific procedure is to ensure that an inclusion of the discomfort and also the use of drugs in certain cases. In this schema, vigorous activities must be taken (11). Allergies also need to be considered in these cases. The surgical option is often considered only when all the other non-surgical treatments are considered to not be a viable choice (12). A number of other non-surgical options and treatment plan that needs to be considered in this paradigm. The number of non-surgical treatments is factored in the following section. Different kinds of tools are used in the dental implant and the restoration of the natural tooth, which have been elucidated in the following.
Pocket Reduction Procedure
The bone and gum tissue must fit into the teeth appropriately. In cases of periodontal disease, the loss of supporting tissue and bone is destroyed. These are found to form “pockets around the teeth”. In time, these pockets become deep and provide larger spaces, which could cause bacteria to develop around the teeth. Packers can accumulate and advance in the gum tissue (27). These deeper pockets collect bacteria. Pockets result in bone and tissue loss. In cases where the bone is lost were teeth needs to be extracted. This is divided into a mild or advanced periodontitis (28).
In cases of mild periodontitis, it is recommended to have the pockets that are very deep to clean and have a daily at-home oral hygiene along with a professional care routine. In these procedures, the periodontist fold back gum tissues and removes the disease-causing bacteria (29). In these cases, irregular surfaces are found in the damaged bone, which limits the areas where the bacteria can hide. These enable the gum tissues to have a better attachment to the healthy bone. In these cases, the pocket depth is reduced and eliminating existing bacteria are done by the periodontists. Additionally the ways in which people can preserve their teeth are also discussed (30). A combination of these ideologies is practiced in order to save the real teeth from further defragmentation.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



Well, I don’t think it is a good idea that the hip hop genre or any genre of music per se should be categorized in terms of gender, race or ethnicity. Music is a creation of mind and any creative form of culture should never be restricted by these barriers of gender, caste or creed. Music does not have any gender or race. Awareness needs to be created regarding the same. However, the practical reality is far different from what I/or we think. During the course of research, I noticed that such a phenomenon exists not only for hip hop but also in other musical genres. According to me, there are seriously a lot of problems with this. If music is limited by these manmade boundaries, then the best of music can never come to the forefront and reach the ears of the music lovers.

How can the music lovers help to establish some form of equality amongst the genders?
Since music is appreciated by one and all across the globe, music lovers are a single large entity. It is important for the music lovers to make sure that they do not restrict themselves to music based upon gender inequality. Only when more and more female singles try to carve their niche in this genre, this domination by the male counterparts will fade away and everyone will have their respective positions and categorizations will only be based upon quality of music and lyrics used but not gender or race. While reading this article, I was especially saddened to find that while hip hop music amongst the black men was very famous. Where every individual singer has as many as 8 albums to his credit, amongst the females, only one could successfully release a second album. This is extremely bad as women have lots of potential and creativity and there should never be any limits due to gender.

The article by Berggren is very interesting as it opens the doors to another very important topic of discussion- gender bias in music. Hip hop genre has always been dominated by the males across the world and a significant numbers of issues have been identified from time to time. While the world has become one single platform due to globalization, unfortunately, there still remain a few pockets that are still ruled by men. Women though have the ability and interest, they have to make them invisible in the light of the chauvinism as exhibited by the males. This scenario has undergone very little changes over the years and researchers working in the field of Hip hop have shown conclusively that this niche is still dominated by men.

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新西兰论文代写-新西兰房产的中国投资者。新西兰方面表示,中国投资者正寻求在英国、美国和全球其它地方购买房产。中国投资者购买各类房地产的模式发生了转变。房地产中的固定资产使中国投资者能够进行投资并使他们的投资组合多样化。近年来,中国二线城市的国内市场一直在放缓(Bowman and Conway, 2013)。多元化的投资组合使中国投资者降低了风险。越来越多的中国中产阶级喜欢向多个方向投资。

According to New Zealand, the Chinese investors are looking to buy property in UK, US and elsewhere across the world. There has been a shift in the paradigm for the Chinese investors to buy property across the spectrum.
From a comprehensive perspective, it can be understood that there is economic progress in the nation. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of China is around to be 1,086,644 billion USD according to the 2015 fiscal year. The Chinese GDP accounts for more than 17.53% of the world economy. There is a growing middle class and the disposable incomes of the people have been steadily increasing in the state. From the perspective of Chinese investor, they want to invest in foreign places in order to grow their prominence and to diversify their assets. Basically, there are three kinds of commercial investors who choose to invest in foreign properties. These are the commercial investors.
Three kinds of investors who are considered are the commercial investors who are looking for a return value on their assets. The second kinds of investors are the people who want to construct a leasing ground or residential buildings for continued revenue. The third group enables the people to diversify their investments and meet with the potential synergies with the assets.
In the case of real estate, it is a safe place to invest money. It becomes easier for the people to diversify their assets. By investing across the globe, they reduce the risk of financial instability in the state.
Chinese investors prefer to diversify their investments out of China based on the real estate trends. Furthermore, the Chinese investors are aware of the housing bubble. Due to this, they diversify their assets in the different regions of the world.
Fixed assets in real estate enable the Chinese investors to invest and diversify their portfolio. The Chinese domestic markets in the second tier cities have been slowing down in the recent times (Bowman and Conway, 2013). Diversifying portfolios make the Chinese investors reduce risks. There are a growing number of Chinese middle class people who prefer to invest in multiple directions. This is based on their spiritual beliefs. The Chinese middle class people prefer to invest in real estate and ensure that they have a feasible place abroad. Issue with the Chinese investors is their difficulties with coping with the people in the different regions. They would function best if the government is flexible towards their needs.
Due to these paradigms, the Chinese Investors continue to invest in newer foreign nations.
One of the most lucrative and feasible options for the Chinese investors is New Zealand.
The specific motivational factors for the Chinese people and commercial endeavours are discussed in the following section.
The motivational factors for the Chinese people including the businesses and the families to invest in the country have been explained in the following section.

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Change Management can be defined as a process that systematically implements change in the company. The change management has many applications. It is considered as a means of defining along with adoption of the corporate strategies, procedures and technologies. These are found to stem from the changes in the macro environmental conditions. The companies as a measure of transitioning needs to have a process in place where there can be effective leading of people and enabling the people to meet the newer processes that are found to exist in the system. In the cases of Competitive Tactic Change management, the companies need to look for ways to be a continual process. The companies need to align the goals of the organization in the marketplace (Ittner and Larcker, 2003). These can be done responsibly and effectively than the competitors. Now Chipotle as seen from the media urgency and more is shown to be invested into change management. The reason for the declining of the restaurant stock prices is due to the issues in service and product quality.

To bring in change, the leadership of the company needs to increase the urgency in the situation. They need to create the need for the people to embrace the newer changes and the dynamics of the situation. The redundancy and the gaps in the process need to be addressed. The changes need to be instilled in order to create a heuristic where the people need to understand that without the change they cannot sustain in the long-term (Lee & Ulgado, 1997; Qin & Prybutok, 2009). One this has been created the companies need to develop an appropriate team. In this the right people need to be committed to change. The appropriate people need to be hired for the right position in the company. The companies need to have the power and the drive to bring in the change effort in all the levels of the company. The next step is ensuring that all the people in the company would move towards the appropriate vision that has been set forth for the company. Once the vision for the company and a feasible strategy is developed, these need to be communicated to the organization (Johnston & Clark, 2008). There must be clear, heartfelt messages that are made aware to all the stakeholders. The step five of the action is the empowering action. This is done to remove the barrier to the people who want to assist in the bringing in of the change efforts. Now although employees were not directly approached on how leadership change management was done in the restaurant, some of the banners and posters on employees and how the management tries to interact with employees, calling them as family etc. It showed that the leadership change manager was trying to create a culture of change. The customers as interviewed for the work believed that Chipotle must be doing something for change management, and leadership in that particular chain was indeed adequate. When some service is late they have the manager apologizing in person and cancelling the bill or other activities to make the service pleasant. Managers are never observed as being rude to the staff as well. This shows service management is being treated critically well by the leaders in Chipotle.

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The applied linguistics can be a process where the theoretical and empirical investigation in realtime problems is the central factor that is considered. The issues of miscommunication in social life, discourses, classrooms, and hospitals along with the language policies and testing procedures can be used. Added to this the learning process becomes an inception point where the foundational field of research that aides towards the second language acquisition. These factors have caused the language educators to draw from their linguistic research to learn about the issues that they encounter in the different practices.
In this context, the teacher uses multiple tools to make a point to the students. Kumaravadivelu (2003) states that the consequence of constructing post method pedagogy can aid the students to visualize the notions from a three-dimensional system. This kind of post method of teaching is used for the advancement of a context-sensitive language that is based on the sociocultural, and political particularities. These are used for the rupture of the role relationship that occurs between the theorists and practitioners. It calls for the teachers to focus on the particularity, practicality, and possibility of the pedagogical tools. These are used for the communication.
Teacher Role
An intricate relationship exists between language and literature. The literature is developed from the language. It is imperative for the teachers to understand this relationship. They try to change the traditional methods of teaching in the case of foreign language instruction. In this case the teacher uses the example of “wife wanted” to make the point of teaching the language. The teacher uses the techniques to remove cultural and linguistic barriers and makes the teaching more fruitful. The aide of the tools of blackboard and communication the teacher has tried to emulate the teaching patterns. The first priority of the teacher is to define the teaching literature. It is mandatory to develop the needs and create expectation for the students. The teacher is taken on the role of a mediator, facilitator between the language and the language acquisition process by the students.

Sharpe (2008) has explained about the ways in which the teacher manoeuvred and made real-time analysis with the students at a macro level. They have planned these strategies to work on concepts between the different kinds of writer voice. In the development of the scaffolding process there are many kinds of negotiated meaning that is constructed. Sharpe (2008) explores about the dynamics and the modalities with which the language is constructed. There is the use of the apprenticing tool that the teacher has used to make their point across. When dealing with technical aspects and fundamental modalities of the speech patterns the teacher needs to have dialogic methods of communication. It is important for the teacher to take up multiple roles to make the students listen. The teaching pattern of the teacher depends on how the students would perceive the information.

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代写价格-英国的互联网环境。英国每天有4180万成年人使用互联网(internet Life Stats, 2017)。因此,大约82%的人每天都在使用互联网。这是2016年的统计数据。据统计,2015年平均有3930万成年人(78%)使用互联网,2006年这一数字为35%(英国国家统计局,2016)。这显示了互联网使用的飞跃。在中等收入到高收入的家庭中,以手机的形式使用互联网的情况占了很大比例。互联网的大部分使用都是针对购物的,而在这里,单是网上购物就占了很大比例。让一些家庭重新考虑使用互联网连接类型的一些问题是互联网的速度。一些连接类型提供了比其他类型更好的速度。调查发现,超过89%的英国人将在2017年及以后的时间里使用互联网。

Household expenditure, income and other factors are strong determinants when it comes to understanding the economy of household. Economists have been studying the complex reasoning behind household income, their expenses, their choice of products etc. It is observed as an interesting and complex connection because of the following insights. According to the Engel’s law, it was identified that when the income of a family increases, then the overall household budget would then decrease. The decrease in household budget happens because the household would now be willing to spend on a much more diversified diet. This was unexpected as the spending propensity usually increases when income increases.

Other complex factors include the understanding of how budget shares within household could change their purchase capacity. The theory of household production as presented by Becker (1965) is yet another theory that in presenting how households make purchases based on intent to maximize profit. They will want to create the best possible combination in commodifying utility. Researchers such as Bansback (1995) and Dickinson et al., (2003) argued that some non-income factors could result in modified decision making. As Sekhampu (2012) argued that income of a household is an important determinant when it comes to understanding the form of consumption patterns in the household. Although Sekhampu (2012) argument exists for the purpose of knowing about consumption patterns with respect to food expenditure, a similar analogy could be derived to understand how income becomes a determinant of internet usages. A similar form of understanding of household patterns and determinants for internet use in the UK can be identified.

in the United Kingdom in 2017 and later (Internet Live Stats, 2017).
In order to understand the need to know internet usage determinants, it is important to understand the type and numbers in internet users that there are in the United Kingdom. Firstly, the number of internet users in the United Kingdom is 60,273,385 (Internet Live Stats, 2017). The UK population penetration is considered as around 92 percent which is a high value of the worldwide internet users, and the percentage is around 1.8 percent of the worldwide internet users. The number of internet users over the years is listed in the below table. Research works on the internet users connects across multiple variables such as socio-demographics, the age of the person, their geographic location, psychographics and sex. Much of the determinants in internet usage are hence determined by these factors.

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