


The current analysis clearly shows the factors that currently influence the housing business showing the growth of the population by the immigration, population growth, household formation and the impact on the global industry. With these, the negative factors are also indicated as well that enable the unemployment rate and the unfavourable tax policies which influence the discussion undertaken for the study. The growth of the population is becoming the popular reason for the rising of the housing prices in a region which shows the growth of the real estate industry. Statistically, it has been proved that Auckland region of the New Zealand consists of one-third population of the New Zealand population. The structure clearly shows the growth of the population, and thereby the enhancement of the projection is essential for showing the figures in the form of an upward graph (Justin, 2016). As the Auckland region consists of 62% of the population growth, the structure of the city is depicted to be the largest city which is shown to consist of the highest growth rate as compared to the whole country. The construction of the region’s population is shown to be forested which will be doubling the population in the year 2050 and also the total land area of the New Zealand will be considered to be doubling the increase of the housing price.
International immigration is an important factor for the representation of the growth of the Auckland region, and thereby it is likely to be a most important factor which will influence the significant factors shortly. The structure of the study clearly shows the enhancement of the approaches that enable the appropriate establishment of the structure for the enhancement of the business of the real estate in this country. The underlying information is considered for the study that shows the Household formation is depicted to be another determinant of the underlying demand for the housing in the New Zealand. The statistics of the New Zealand clearly describes the number of the families that are projected for the increment of the number of the households and thereby the increment is depicted to be the 34 percent. According to the discussions, the increment of the 35 percent of all the households in the New Zealand Auckland region is depicted. The structure is showing that the enhancement is depicted which is showing the framework of the work. It also the enhancement of the work can be easily depicted in enhancing the Auckland region. The average size of the New Zealand households is declining and the contribution to the increase in the demand for the houses (Lee and Kuo, 2010). The average family size is clearly expected for declining the increment of the proper and appropriate establishment of the increment of the proportions of the income. The increase in the proportion of the couples without the children and the decrease in the structuring of the work can be easily enhanced by following the structure of the families developed in the region. The development of the decisions can be established by showing the structure of the work and also the marginal decline in the average household size in the Auckland region can be depicted to be consisting of the 15000 dwellings.
The global money has a great impact on the housing market of the New Zealand and is explained largely because of the flexibility of the monetary systems and the floating changes rates. The example of the huge surplus can be easily generated by the East Asia which was depicted to be boosted up by following the flow of the funds. It can be moved freely from one destination to chase the best choices that are available in the global market(Pennington-Cross and Smith, 2017).

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