


Well, I don’t think it is a good idea that the hip hop genre or any genre of music per se should be categorized in terms of gender, race or ethnicity. Music is a creation of mind and any creative form of culture should never be restricted by these barriers of gender, caste or creed. Music does not have any gender or race. Awareness needs to be created regarding the same. However, the practical reality is far different from what I/or we think. During the course of research, I noticed that such a phenomenon exists not only for hip hop but also in other musical genres. According to me, there are seriously a lot of problems with this. If music is limited by these manmade boundaries, then the best of music can never come to the forefront and reach the ears of the music lovers.

How can the music lovers help to establish some form of equality amongst the genders?
Since music is appreciated by one and all across the globe, music lovers are a single large entity. It is important for the music lovers to make sure that they do not restrict themselves to music based upon gender inequality. Only when more and more female singles try to carve their niche in this genre, this domination by the male counterparts will fade away and everyone will have their respective positions and categorizations will only be based upon quality of music and lyrics used but not gender or race. While reading this article, I was especially saddened to find that while hip hop music amongst the black men was very famous. Where every individual singer has as many as 8 albums to his credit, amongst the females, only one could successfully release a second album. This is extremely bad as women have lots of potential and creativity and there should never be any limits due to gender.

The article by Berggren is very interesting as it opens the doors to another very important topic of discussion- gender bias in music. Hip hop genre has always been dominated by the males across the world and a significant numbers of issues have been identified from time to time. While the world has become one single platform due to globalization, unfortunately, there still remain a few pockets that are still ruled by men. Women though have the ability and interest, they have to make them invisible in the light of the chauvinism as exhibited by the males. This scenario has undergone very little changes over the years and researchers working in the field of Hip hop have shown conclusively that this niche is still dominated by men.

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