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新西兰传媒学论文代写-服务绩效测评系统。选取的主题是墨西哥Chipotle快餐店服务绩效测评系统。当前,Chipotle的顾客数量大幅下降。上门拜访的顾客表明他们的服务正在失败。2016年,该公司股价下跌最严重,食品安全问题也加剧了该公司的进军(Turner & Patton, 2016)。现在,公司正在努力改变服务运营方式,以帮助客户更好地服务,并在所有分支机构实施测量系统。

There are two subtopics in this work. The first subtopic is that of evaluation of the performance measurement system that is present in Chipotle as observed by the customers. Where customers feel their input is being taken seriously then the relationship between service provider and customer will improve. For the first subtopic, the tool used to assess the situation is the ‘Bow-tie versus Diamond’ relationships model. The data for this is collected from the customer end

The second subtopic in the work is understanding the form of support that leaders lend to the employees during change management. Autonomy is an important empowerment for employees during this time. The assessment is done using the ‘Compliant to Adaptive Tool’ to understand how employee discretion is empowered.

The service being measured here is the Chipotle service delivery for its customers. The chipotle service delivery framework works as follows. Firstly, the customer has the option of either going to the restaurant and ordering for the product or they could alternatively order their food product online and then go to the store to pick it up.

In the first scenario, the customer goes to the restaurant. They stand in a queue and order the toppings and sauces they like in either a burrito wrap or a rice bowl. Once this is done they move on to the cashier at the counter. Pay them and get their order. They are then guided towards the station for getting spoons, sporks, paper towels, sauces etc. Finally, they move on to an empty chair where they have their food. Alternatively, as in the case of the second scenario they get to pick up their food and leave. Different service staff are involved in the construction of their service experience. Staff first build their order, one of the staff is tasked with the bowl or burrito preparation, some of the staff are associated with adding the side dishes, one of the staffers act as the cashier, some take care of keeping the premises clean, some assist in getting an empty table for the person, getting their feedback etc.

Methodology and Data

The methodology made use of here is a mixed research method. A mixed research uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Both techniques are needed for this work because quantitative technique helps answer how many of the participants believe in certain aspects of the research phenomenon and the qualitative technique helps in understanding attitude and more personal opinions. The qualitative technique is applied with the Bow-tie versus Diamond relationships model and the quantitative technique is used with the Compliant to Adaptive Tool.

Primary Data
Primary data was collected by interview method and the survey method. The interview method is a qualitative data collection method. The qualitative form of research is one where the researcher would be able to collect data making use of qualitative data collection techniques such as the interview method. The interview method is one where the researcher will directly interact with the research participant. Through a series of interview questions, the researcher is able to understand what participant feels about the service management in Chipotle and can also understand the areas of improvement. The survey method was used with the employees to understand the form of discretion and autonomy they are given by the managers. The survey method used is a quantitative method.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


这是一份为澳大利亚咨询机构董事会准备的内部报告。本报告的重点是为考虑实施循环经济实践的组织提供战略建议(Sauve et al. 2016)。因此,本报告强调了循环经济的主要好处以及该模式对澳大利亚各组织的影响(2015年计划)。本报告将着重介绍循环经济如何为商业客户提供新的机会。它将展示采用循环经济实践可以为组织提供竞争优势的方式(Murray et al. 2015)。因此,将对实施循环经济实践的不同领导组织进行综合研究。接下来,将提供组织用于代写essay-循环经济实践的建议。

The present economic model is linear in which the industrial approach of take, make and dispose is evident. The circular economy model is in contrast with the linear economy as the circular system is regenerative in nature (Mentink 2014). This system enables the input of the resource, waste, energy and reduces the emission leakages through narrowing the energy loops and material. It is identified from the research that the circular economy can takes place with the help of design. This can be done as it will promote long lasting product, effective, maintenance and repair in order to allow the reuse (Mendoza et al. 2017). The products are then remanufactured, refurbished and recycled.
Seven key elements of the circular economy model have been elaborated below:
Prioritization of the regenerative resources: this suggests that the non-toxic and reusable resources are used as both energy and materials in the most efficient manner possible.
Utilization of waste as resource: this element implies that the streams of waste are used as a secondary input materials and waste is recovered for the recycling and reuse (Lieder & Rashid 2016). This element indicates a notion that the waste does not exist but it is created. Hence, product designs are key to the waste reduction.
Design for future: this indicates that the process that design uses the adequate materials can provide the product with an extensive lifetime and allow its use in the future (Ghisellini et al. 2016). It further suggests that product should be produced in such a manner that a new item can be developed upon dissembling it.
Preservation and extension of existing resources: this element indicates that the existing resources are not only maintained and repaired but also are upgraded in order to enhance the lifetime and offer a second life to product where applicable (George et al. 2015). Therefore, the products can be launched with the pre-defined program for maintenance involving the supporting system of logistics and buyback offers.
Collaboration for developing joint value: the close association with the suppliers and supply chain allow the organization to increase value.
Using digital technology: this allows an optimized and tracked use of the resources. It enables the associations between the supply chain and online platforms stronger which offers more insight (Bocken et al. 2016). Furthermore, it provides with the encompassment of virtualised delivery and creation of value.
Mechanisms of feedback and prices indicate real cost: the element indicates that the need of revealing the total cost of the negative externalities is to be considered (Tukker 2015). This is asserted since the lack of transparency across the actions of externalities pose barriers to adoption of the circular economy model.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有论文代写、新西兰代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


在现代,国家参与经济活动已经变得非常普遍和强制性。即使在高度发达的资本主义国家,也有政府的参与,这有助于降低失业率,带来了经济体系的稳定(Boddewyn, 2016)。国家干预的主要动机是为了确保经济体系的稳定和充分就业。为了消除或减少贫困,达到更高的生活水平,在经济体制不稳定的欠发达国家需要国家干预(Lee, Kim and Ahn, 2011)。一个组织的行为对经济、社会和政治方面有重要的影响。在今天的资本主义社会,一个组织的首要责任是整顿国家的经济。在美利坚合众国,几个世纪以来一直存在着一个稳固的资本主义社会,本组织大多数成员的主要动机是赚取利润。在美国,每个商人的主要动机都是赚钱,不管他或她经营的是什么样的组织。美国社会的主要和最重要的哲学是“时间就是金钱”。在所有这些事实的帮助下将更容易理解新西兰教育学论文代写-社会责任的意义。

There are various ways by which social responsibility can be described. It has been observed that most of the organizations only perform those social obligations, which are made compulsory by the government. It means that in order to meet certain legal and economic responsibilities, a firm is engaged in social actions (Boddewyn, 2016). An organization does nothing more than what they are obliged to do. This is the general view of social responsibility. Milton Friedman, who is Nobel laureate and great economist, is the most outspoken advocate of this approach. To operate in the best interest of stockholder, whose primary apprehension is that monetary should be the primary responsibility of all kinds of organizations as said by Milton Friedman (Li et al., 2013).
There are two other concepts, which reflect the socioeconomic views. They are social responsibility and social responsiveness. In response to some popular need of society, when an organization connects in social actions, it is known as social responsiveness. With the help of social norms and values, managers are guided and after that make those kinds of practical decisions which are market, oriented (Li et al., 2013). Just for an example, the first automaker companies endorse a federal ban on sending text message while driving was Ford Motor Company (Dan and Maria, n.d.).

When an organization works toward the achievement of the organizational goals as well as the benefit of the society, it is known as social responsibility (Deogaonkar and Washimkar, 2014). It has been a very controversial question among the researchers and managers that are justified for a corporation to follow the objectives of social responsibilitie s(Van der Wee et al., 2015). Moreover, it has been found out that any kind of social responsibility should not be assumed by business. According to the modern approach, it has been specified that it is also the responsibility of an organization to improve and maintain the overall welfare of the society.

Now it has been accepted by every organization that social responsibilities are the part of their organization and becomes their responsibility as well. It has been felt by managers and researchers that an organization should make such kind of corporate policies and strategies so that social issues become the part of the corporate social policy and can be responded professionally and successfully (Li et al., 2015).

As social responsibility is made in a wide variety of areas, it is said to a complex process. Social responsibility includes three major areas for social issues: firstly, total observance with state, federal, international and local legislative acts and laws (Van der Wee et al., 2015). Secondly, it is the ethnic and moral procedures and standards under which a firm will operate freely, happily. Thirdly, it is the benevolent giving. There has been a development of social audit as preliminary guide, which can be used for the evaluation of how well a company is doing in the areas of social responsibility. It would also be beneficial for an organization to see where and what kind of changes are required for the improvement in the policies and strategies of the company, and this can be done by the results that are based on the basic evaluation.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Another approach adopts a distinct methodology and looks over the relationship present between economic structure development and segmented labour markets emergence. In such models inequalities originating are through the system of economics itself (Dickens 2005). Two key theoretical sets have been produced through use of such methodology inclusive of theories on dual labour market and radical theories. Dual labour market systems and their theories look specifically at technology based developments under capitalism or for divergent industrial structure development for explaining labour market segmentation emergency. Most of the particular dale labour market elements are found within economics of orthodox nature. The essential aspect of the dual labour market analysis is its focus over interactions taking place between economic structure developments, technological developments and labour market behaviour pattern. According to Bonacich, it has been argued that antagonism of ethnic nature initially comes from a split market in the labour. In this market two or more distinct working groups racially or ethnically are vie for similar jobs. This is where the total price to the hiring workers employed from a group is essentially low than the hiring cost from other groups (Gallie 1991). He explained this theory to advocate for its elements as well as segmentation of labour market through ethnicities or race with regard to political power and structure in the society instead of prejudice at individual level.
Employers have a preference of hiring cheap labour and do so in absent opposition actively from workers who are highly priced resulting in creation of an antagonism between groups from higher price and lower price. Differences in labour prices have a sociological as well as a political nature rather than being a personal preference matter. This is because, for example, unionized workers enjoying complete rights politically will demand more wages and have more likeliness of resisting prerogatives in comparison to immigrants or non-union workers without document from poor nations (Daniels et al 2006). As per Bonacich, there is likeliness for split labour market outcomes inclusive not only of antagonism but depending over higher priced workers political power. This is a caste type of system in which workers who are lowly priced have restriction to particular profession or complete lower priced group exclusion from labour markets. The theory contends for dynamics among three labour groups inclusive of employers, highly paid labour groups as well as cheap labour systems. Employers have an aim of having cheap labour force which is docile for them so as to effectively compete with other businesses and enhance the return economically. Businesses start dispensing with and undercutting the working class of white collar if they can and this has been done by them when opportunity is given. Labour paid highly is often threatened though cheap labour introduction into their markets with a fear that this will in turn engage in forcing them to leave working place or reducing their level of pay (EOR 1999). If higher paid labour has strength or it possesses resources allowing power then they have the ability of preventing their replacement or undercut through cheap labour by exclusion based movements or caste system creation. Cheap labour furthermore is utilized through employers for undermining the position of highly expensive working force through under cuts or strikes being broken. Usually, cheaper labourers are not skilled but their training can be provided.

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代寫-死亡的形象化及其在攝影中的意義的论文范文供留学生们阅读如下:一種被稱為“瞬間記憶”的形象促使中世紀晚期的歐洲人將其作為死亡的紀念而出現。為了做到這一點,死亡在瞬間被描繪成人類的骨架,或者是收割者(死神),收割莊稼,或者是描述與人類身體相關的高級腐爛狀態。這是死亡最極致的表現,通常在媒體和攝影藝術領域中都能看到。在攝影中以這種形式表現死亡的目的是提醒觀者,死亡是一種無法避免的生命形式,是每個人在任何時候都必須做好準備的事情。動量取景的圖像是一種圖形化的展示,表明死亡不僅是一種常見的現象,而且在當今時代的歐洲中世紀也是一種非常常見的現象(Harris 2016)。他們進一步表達了一個死亡概念,這是一個特定的地方和時間的特點。從這一角度拍攝的照片中的死亡意象,在不同的時間、不同的地點都有其特點。這些照片和相關圖片代表了一種19世紀美國的死亡觀念,在很多方面都與中世紀的歐洲截然不同。

Some interesting observations have been made by British sociologist, Geoffrey Gorer on the differences that lie between distinct attitudes of culture towards death in the Victorian times and in the modern times as well. In an article written by him, in the year 1955, “The death pornography”, he argued that death is considered within 20th century society as something that is closer to how sex was considered in 19th century era. The avoidance of subject especially among children population groups or speaking of it through euphemisms if the subject cannot be avoided is very specific to death (Delillo 1986). Now, death is treated as a hidden aspect and related to an event that should take place behind doors. The opposite notion is also correct from the perspective of 19th century where death was discussed in a free way as sex is spoken of today. As Freud postulated, if society is based over and defined through repressions, the society clearly has undergone a psychological perspective since the era of 19th century.
Freud further brought the view that by the end of life, the human psyche is emergent as a battleground that lies between sexuality and death related fundamental and irreconcilable urges. Death between pleasure principle life enhancing dives and the death instinct related to destructive drives are specific to photography in 20th century. While postulation of instinctive death for Freud has never been able to receive complete acceptation among the followers but still he described his death drive theory as meta-psychological in nature and even as a speculation of far-fetched nature making it possible to view the Western attitudes related historical perspective towards death in the binary opposition framework. In fact, this has been done through Philippe Aries (Delillo 1992). As per Aries, the sexual and death realms were distinct in the culture of West under Middle-ages ended especially because of the Christianity strictures. Henceforth, at this time, death was either represented as a void or simply darkness to not overstate the notion of death. When these strictures loosened and the individual consciousness simultaneous emergence took place, the 2 realms started being associated. Later after several centuries, they collaborated in an erotic macabre in which there was tangible evidence of death related imagery in abundance. Death related outward treatment in rituals or in funerals was not changes or it did not discreetly evolve but death and love started merging in the unconscious realm. The society and artists started discovering the unrecognized hitherto resemblance between these two domains. As per Aries, society started erecting a defence system in different sectors such as morality, government, law, religion as well as technology in opposition to nature’s uncontrollable forces but such defences could not be impregnated. Such assumption erected in opposition to 2 weaker spots elucidating love and death by which less savage violence always gets leaked. Sexuality and death were restrained by society through taboos and ritualization means. Each of these was subjected to collective control of an individual. Individuality proved strong, nevertheless than the society forces that looked into control.

新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!



As discussed in this case, the key responsibility for effective corporate governance rests upon the senior management and board of directors of the organization. In addition to this, supervisors and leaders play a crucial role in the development of guidance and assessment of practices related to corporate governance. Also, his or her role is responsible for promoting effective corporate governance. When considering the cases of HIH and Leighton Group, both the organizations faced a number of challenges to enhance corporate governance, but only Leighton managed to be successful. The key factor of this success was the principles of corporate governance closely intact in the culture of the organization. Considering the basic mechanisms and framework for corporate governance that have been evolving as effective supervisory process and legal framework, a crucial role is played by efficient capital markets and independent jurisdictions. There must be enhancements of these mechanisms and framework with the improvement of greater accessibility to fund at low cost, operational efficiency, and organizational reputation. These improvements may require evolution and advancement with time as the business environment keeps changing with time. There is no time for maintaining a minimum level of compliance with legal requirement, but it is time increase this commitment towards sound governance.

Ineffective Board and mismanagement by senior management resulted in upholding apathetic business culture. The approaches of HIH reflected the consideration of unethical standards as depicted by the executive directors. On the other hand, considering the approaches of Leighton towards corporate governance reflects the effectiveness of related principles in the achievement of organization goals and objectives. Corporate governance can be considered as a crucial system for controlling and directing the organization with the norms of CSR. The structure of governance, as depicted in the case of Leighton Groups states that distribution of responsibilities and rights across several different participants of the organization while specifying procedures and rules to make decisions as per corporate affairs.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


媒体是人们与社会沟通的桥梁。少数民族充分认识到,种族问题的代表性将改善社会条件,并有助于消除社会上普遍存在的不必要歧视。媒体可以通过对种族问题的事实描述来加强公众舆论。这将为少数民族提供提出更多问题的机会,并鼓励他们参与其他公共利益问题。种族问题报道突出了少数民族人民的痛苦和痛苦。这些小团体能够提出他们的问题和落后的原因(Piperopoulos, P。,2010)。媒体为少数民族提供了向社会展示他们苦难的机会或平台。此外,由于媒体呈现的是真实的画面,人们属于各个年龄层、阶层和种族,公众对媒体报道有着极大的信心。媒体不仅报道、教育、授权和塑造形象,而且对种族歧视等关键问题给予理解和发展。媒体可以影响人们的思维,让他们明白他们的行为影响和塑造了社会。接下来有关新西兰管理学论文代写-媒体报道对少数民族的影响分析如下:

Media reporting has resulted in a massive decline in racial discrimination issues throughout the world. However, increasing population and migration of people to different countries for employment have outset the past efforts of media in reduction of racial issues. It is a matter of shame for all us that ethnic minorities continue to get suppresses and bear sufferings in modern present world. Media has done a commendable job in raising and presentation of racial issues. The problem lies in the framework of entire system as minorities continue to face sufferings due to non-reporting of their issues in a timely manner. Media has limited resources and with increasing racial issues; the entire media system needs to be restructured for reporting racial issues throughout the world (Peck, J., 2015). Thus, people should make an effort and work in tandem with media to address such evils of modern society. Responsible media reporting, increased supervision and monitoring of racial activities might serve as important data points for highlighting and addressing concerns of ethnic minorities.
Media and general public needs to understand that minorities are also working for the benefit of the society. They need to be equally respected and given their share of due recognition in the society. Media should keep contemplating that minorities are because of their existence in small groups but their intent towards the welfare of the society remains same. This would induce a sense of reasoning, critical thinking and help people to come out of such problematic issues. Moreover, minorities would also feel good about themselves after a change in treatment from majority group people. Racial differences can be minimized by imparting knowledge through media. Media should convey the message that god made all of us equal. It is, we, who have created boundaries in between us through formation of races. This would help in improvement of social status of minority in the society (Zouaghi, S., 2015). Moreover, majority would also get favor from minority people. Media can act as a catalyst and empower individuals and groups towards establishment of a peace and noble society. Moreover, media impact is so powerful that it can virtually diminish racial issues from the society. Minorities are well of media’s powers and access to several locations. Media can facilitate information sharing at a faster rate and even prevent racial issues by stepping up in between two racial groups. Thus, it can be concluded that racial issues reporting in media have a measurable influence on position and views about ethnic minorities in society.

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随着loT技术的发展,数据传输和数据共享在这个时代变得越来越容易。带有传感器和无线连接的设备可以很容易地跟踪和分析。政府可以利用这些数据追踪恐怖分子和绑架者。一些人认为,检查数据可以帮助政府控制犯罪,但其他人认为没有人有权跟踪别人的信息。Sanger(2016)提出,当电话公司加密数据时,政府无法监控数据,就会出现问题。然而,变暗并不一定意味着将没有可用的数据进行监视,而是意味着将有可用的数据以主机新技术的形式出现。最好是有政府,并在一端访问这些数据。然而,它也不应该提供给任何人使用,因为来自其他国家的黑客可以侵入数据并利用它。接下来新西兰传媒学论文代写-对数据检查的重要性供留学生阅读。 Even though inspecting mobile devices’ data may violate individuals’ privacy, it is making more contribution to control crime and track suspects. Governments can obtain all the location data and messages sending from individuals, but governments do not concentrate on this kind of information. The data they care about is only the information which contains sensitive words or the data sent from suspects. The location data from mobile device can give governments more chances to track kidnaps and terrorists. Especially the messages sending from suspects can be decrypted and help police to find suspects and obtain more evidences. (Sanger, 2016). One concern about the loT devices is that, not only government, other individuals or companies may also have ability to decrypt the data and obtain sensitive data from others. From my opinion, it is necessary for governments and police to obtain individual’s private data. But governments should strengthen the management of location data or any other private information. Governments have to ensure no other parties can obtain private data. With there being so many ways in which IoT devices are put to use, there would be much data being generated with it. Direct data collection can be done in the form of IoT device interaction reporting and more. Data can be collected on the use statistics of the IoT devices or network; it can be collected on the efficiency and the data that is actually being transferred could be collected and more. Whatever being the data collection, they would either be initiated by legal and right persons for the correct reasons or they would have been initiated by others (crime or cyber terrors groups). Given the vulnerability of the IoT system, it is necessary for the Government to monitor the system like a network administrator. The Government that should hence have the right and the ability to snoop networks and access data, but these forms of acquisitions must be governed and monitored in order to ensure that the government does not abuse their power. There are many geopolitical issues when it comes to monitoring. For instance, what would be the Government’s collaborations when it comes to snooping on another person’s data interactions when they are in another country. These forms of issues require more policy formations before they can be made sturdier. There are 4 important Vs for big data. They are Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity. The volume of data being used on the internet and IoT are on the rise The velocity with which data is being transferred via the networks makes more data available on the internet than never before. Besides these 4 Vs, some big data experts also pointed out some other important Vs for big data, Such as Value, Visualization and Variability. From my opinion, I think the Value is the most important “V”. We all know that the volume of big data will become much bigger in the future. How to use this huge size data and analysis this data will become the main concern of big data. Not all of data is accuracy and useful. When we use big data, it is important to ensure the chosen data is correct and useful. Otherwise, the redundant and incorrect data will make it more difficult in data analysis and may cause some errors. If most of data in database is incorrect, the database will lose it function (Bernard, 2014). So it is necessary that any business or an application has the ability to make use of the value of the data. 中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供新西兰代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


社会学家不是从个人的行动和决定中得出任何东西,而是从一个现成的社会结构中得出的,这个社会结构是经济学家对个人如何以各种方式寻求金钱的分析所假定的。有了这些想法和理论的形成,个体在做决定时根据偏好、资源和能力理论计算自己决定的结果总是可以接受的(Archer and Tritter, 2001)。这使得这一理论在一定程度上是有效的,当它被考虑到个人决策的合理性时,这是因为任何个人总是会做出对他有益的决定,无论是通过拥有某种东西还是获得一种值得珍惜的情感。在采取行动之前,总是有一些行动的重点,而这种重点通常涉及个人作为受益人,即使是很小的利润(Abell, 1991)。因此,一个人考虑所有成本和收益的基本假设在一定程度上是正确的,即使不是更广泛的结果,也与个人本身有关。这一假设可用于更广泛地分析婚姻制度,并提供令人满意但有争议的答案和结论。代写-婚姻制度下的理性选择理论供留学生阅读。

Rationality itself is debatable because the word ‘rational’ is differently interpreted by different individuals (Heath, 2003), such as some men would feel it is rational to select their partner after going through multiple assessment of various prospects, and some men would feel it is rational when the family and parents of both the families are more in agreement about the marriage of the two individuals. Similarly, some women would want to feel that their selection of a wealthy man is rational so as to have her material needs fulfilled, whereas some group of women would only feel rational to marry a man who allow her to continue working after marriage and even join him in his business. These decisions of both genders are more shaped by the influence of social structures of giving importance to wealth, understanding, emotions, ability to respect each other, considering each one equal and no discrimination, etc. (Cohen and Wright, 2011). These expectations are varied and formed after individual choices have culminated into the ocean of social structures which have innumerable understanding about marriage, where the individuals are free to choose their own choices because all choices in the ocean of social structure is considered to be rational. Bruce (1993) gives an interesting view that the application of rational choice theory to religions and their associated conducts and beliefs and actions are meaningless since it is not secular and by principle, all religious actions are considered to be the most rational. Considering this, it is seen that if religions are considered to be rational and the application of rational choice theory not being able to illuminate the understanding of the same by the rational choice theory, all actions related to marriages in a particular religion is meaningless and not rational. There are no hard lie facts about human behaviour and making it an assumption, there are innumerable interpretations because every decision is contextual and not universal in nature, indicating the weak stand put forward by economists and sociologists about the authenticity of rational choice theory. This particular belief is backed by Swidler (1986) who states:
“Culture influences action not by providing the ultimate values towards which action is oriented, but by shaping a repertoire of ‘tool kit’ of habits, skills, and styles from which people construct ‘strategies of action’.” This is a phenomenal and nearly accurate observation as all cultures and religions has differing views within the same areas of belief and every culture is more tolerant towards the development of these differing views of what is considered as rational choice in the social structures of marriage.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!

essay 評判-國際化爭端

essay 評判-國際化爭端
除此之外,菲律賓在1990年曾試圖出版和使爭端國際化,以便要求聯合國採取行動。然而,它沒有得到鄰國的支持,但為堅持合作解決辦法所作的努力仍在繼續。 2005年,中國、菲律賓和越南聯合進行了油氣勘探,收集了有關該地區油氣儲量的信息。不過,由於菲律賓國內問題眾多,且國內爭端不斷,這一協議於2008年終止。另一個原因是,據報導,中國正在強迫外國公司不要在越南佔領的地區進行勘探。中國和菲律賓的衝突就是在這之後發生的。中國和越南之間的情況也在惡化。中國已經開始對該地區的軍事進步採取越來越強硬的行動和擔憂。
2009年3月,在美國“無瑕號”(USNS impeccable)事件發生後,菲律賓的政府號通過了一項法律,規定了一系列與其海域相關的基線。這項法律規定,菲律賓可以對斯巴達利斯群島和馬辛洛克群島等一些地區提出主權要求,但指的是不受新基線所包圍的島嶼制度。 2009年5月,馬來西亞和越南也向歐盟委員會提交了一份聯合聲明。這是大陸架的界限。而是他們的大陸架延伸到200海裡(海裡)以外,在這個區域已經有九條虛線指明了中國的區域。這遭到了中國的抗議。這導致了一系列由若干行動組成的相關事件鏈,其中包括許多國家的協調行動,這些行動導致了爭端的增加。

essay 評判-國際化爭端

Other than this, the Attempts were made by Philippines in 1990 for the publication and internationalization of the dispute in order to call an action by the United Nations. However, it did notreceive the support from the neighboring nations, but the efforts for the perseverance of the cooperative solutions continued. In 2005, China, Philippines and Vietnam undertook joint surveys to gather the information about the oil and gas deposits over this region. Though, this was terminated in the year 2008 because of the number of domestic problems in Philippines and the ongoing internal disputes. Another reason for the same was that it was reported that China was forcing the companies in the foreign nations not to engage in exploration in the regions occupied by Vietnam. The conflicts between China and Philippines were instantiated after this. Also the conditions between China and Vietnam were getting worsened. China had started to make more and more assertive actions and concerns over the advancement in the military in this region.
In March 2009after the USNS impeccable incident, the government of Philippines, passed a law which led to the designation of a number of baselines related to its maritime zones. This law stated that Philippines can claim over some of the regions such as Spartlys and Bajo de Masinloc, but referred the same as the regime of islands which were not encompassed by the newer baselines. In the month of May 2009, Malaysia and Vietnam also came under a joint submission to the commission. This was on the limits of the continental shelf. It was that their continental shelf is extended beyond 200 nm (nautical miles) in such an area where there were already nine-dashed lines which were specifying the region of China. This was protested by China. This led to the sequences which consists of number of actions related chain of events, which included a coordinated moves by many nations who led to the increase in the disputes.
