

社会学家不是从个人的行动和决定中得出任何东西,而是从一个现成的社会结构中得出的,这个社会结构是经济学家对个人如何以各种方式寻求金钱的分析所假定的。有了这些想法和理论的形成,个体在做决定时根据偏好、资源和能力理论计算自己决定的结果总是可以接受的(Archer and Tritter, 2001)。这使得这一理论在一定程度上是有效的,当它被考虑到个人决策的合理性时,这是因为任何个人总是会做出对他有益的决定,无论是通过拥有某种东西还是获得一种值得珍惜的情感。在采取行动之前,总是有一些行动的重点,而这种重点通常涉及个人作为受益人,即使是很小的利润(Abell, 1991)。因此,一个人考虑所有成本和收益的基本假设在一定程度上是正确的,即使不是更广泛的结果,也与个人本身有关。这一假设可用于更广泛地分析婚姻制度,并提供令人满意但有争议的答案和结论。代写-婚姻制度下的理性选择理论供留学生阅读。

Rationality itself is debatable because the word ‘rational’ is differently interpreted by different individuals (Heath, 2003), such as some men would feel it is rational to select their partner after going through multiple assessment of various prospects, and some men would feel it is rational when the family and parents of both the families are more in agreement about the marriage of the two individuals. Similarly, some women would want to feel that their selection of a wealthy man is rational so as to have her material needs fulfilled, whereas some group of women would only feel rational to marry a man who allow her to continue working after marriage and even join him in his business. These decisions of both genders are more shaped by the influence of social structures of giving importance to wealth, understanding, emotions, ability to respect each other, considering each one equal and no discrimination, etc. (Cohen and Wright, 2011). These expectations are varied and formed after individual choices have culminated into the ocean of social structures which have innumerable understanding about marriage, where the individuals are free to choose their own choices because all choices in the ocean of social structure is considered to be rational. Bruce (1993) gives an interesting view that the application of rational choice theory to religions and their associated conducts and beliefs and actions are meaningless since it is not secular and by principle, all religious actions are considered to be the most rational. Considering this, it is seen that if religions are considered to be rational and the application of rational choice theory not being able to illuminate the understanding of the same by the rational choice theory, all actions related to marriages in a particular religion is meaningless and not rational. There are no hard lie facts about human behaviour and making it an assumption, there are innumerable interpretations because every decision is contextual and not universal in nature, indicating the weak stand put forward by economists and sociologists about the authenticity of rational choice theory. This particular belief is backed by Swidler (1986) who states:
“Culture influences action not by providing the ultimate values towards which action is oriented, but by shaping a repertoire of ‘tool kit’ of habits, skills, and styles from which people construct ‘strategies of action’.” This is a phenomenal and nearly accurate observation as all cultures and religions has differing views within the same areas of belief and every culture is more tolerant towards the development of these differing views of what is considered as rational choice in the social structures of marriage.

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