标签存档: 新西兰essay代写


人们已经看到,时尚和音乐在世界各地走在一起。时尚和美容公司、网站、杂志封面上的偶像都通过音乐图标来展示。韩国流行音乐对韩国时尚和亚洲国家的时尚产生了深远的影响。智勇,谁是著名的艺名权志龙,是一个韩国流行歌手。他是一个歌曲作家和一个非常著名的时尚偶像。这位著名的韩国流行歌手已经成为亚洲国家新的时尚偶像。成千上万的歌迷来到他的现场演唱会,挥舞着自制的海报和染过的头发,表达他们对偶像的爱。本文之所以选择这位世界著名流行歌手和时尚偶像,是因为时尚被认为是韩国流行文化和音乐的重要支柱。韩国流行音乐产业已经成为偶像工厂。在21世纪的韩国,时尚已经显著成熟。不同的潮流和风格开始在韩国街头共存。这个国家的流行文化影响了时尚。时尚界开始参照流行文化使用新的形状、颜色和图案。通过时尚和流行文化,韩国经济已经成长为亚洲第四大经济体。它被誉为“品牌之乡”。G-Dragon是亚洲最受欢迎的明星,与贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)和凯恩·韦斯特(Kayne West)同台竞技。他的受欢迎程度正在亚洲以外迅速扩大。这篇论文范文代写论文-韩国流行音乐和时尚的联系供留学生阅读。

A few years ago, when Ludacris paid a visit at YG Entertainment situated in Seoul, G-Dragon was present. Danny Im, a former label mate of the YG Entertainment recalled that they were showing some videos to Ludacris that was made by YG entertainment. When Ludacris saw GD, he stated that GD would definitely become a star. And this has been proved now. Ji-Yong has been able to receive admiration from Karl Lagerfeld and Jeremy Scott for his chameleon-like style. The Western Fashion World was also enthralled by the presence of G-Dragon in the Paris Fashion Week in 2012. The designers had become savvy by his presence at the fashion week. By the year 2015, he had become a genuine fashion icon not only in the street fashion but also in the luxury fashion. G-Dragon became the coolest and the most successful fashion icon of the rapidly growing Korean fashion market. As quoted in Dazed, he had also worked with Giuseppe Zanotti, who is LA’s Stampd and Italian shoe designer. G-Dragon was also closely associated with Karl Lagerfeld (Lochanski, 2017). It was in the year 2016 that he released a Raf Simons/Vetements. This collection was inspired collaboration with Samsung’s fast fashion label called as 8 Seconds.
Another amazing step taken by G-Dragon was to launch his own fashion brand with the name PeaceMinusOne with his famous Big Bang stylist, Gee Eun. This collaboration had come with a wonderful fashion collection that was debuted over 4 days in Paris. Gee Eun, G-Dragon stylish showed that they had planned some installations which could be used to explain the story of their brand. They took advantage of this platform in Paris so that people could see their products in personal and understand their thoughts and feelings. This is the reason of the great influence of G-Dragon on the fashion industry in Korea and other countries of Asia. Since the process of creativity has a long road, G-Dragon also had a close connection with fashion and style from a very young age.

G-Dragon himself stated that he had begun his career as the child actor. At that very young age, he could not have a personal manager or a stylist. His mom was his stylist, as she used to buy clothes for him that only he would wear. That was the time when he started developing some sense of fashion. G-Dragon felt that after looking at his pictures from age of five or six, he could find himself as a stylish person even at that young age. G-Dragon has quoted himself that “I’m pretty chilled and cool. To be honest, I’m so used to it. I started music when I was six. I was nineteen, Korean age, when Big Bang started. If I’m not mistake it should be seventeen for you guys” (Lochanski, 2017). This statement displays the close connection of G-Dragon with fashion and style. However, when Big Bang debuted in the year 2006, this K-pop group looked like any other American teenager and sported key ring chains, base ball caps and vests (Glasby, 2017).

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患有品行障碍的儿童被诊断为患有其他形式的障碍,因为一些攻击性的特征会与其他特征重叠。观察到的典型特征是有欺负、攻击或卷入身体斗争等倾向。观察到的缺陷可能会在以后的生活中转化为受损的社会判断力和普遍的攻击性(Moffitt, 1993)。接下来有奥克兰论文代写-儿童攻击性特征的案例研究论文范文供留学生们参考阅读。

Researchers Pratt et al. (2002) were able to identify that disorders like antisocial personalities, ADHD and its other sub classifications which will be passed down genetically. The influence of environment has been admitted as a significant influence, too. Studies cite that around two-thirds of juvenile delinquency was observed in families where parents had a criminal record. As Siegel & Senna (2004) argued, when a biological father was a criminal, there were high chances for the child to be a criminal, too. Researchers like Ghodsian-Carpey and Baker (1987) performed studies where they observed a high amount of heritable influence in aggression. A high degree of correlation was observed. A typical case study for some of these elements and their influence on criminal tendencies is John Wayne Gacy Junior aka killer clown. John Wayne Gacy is a serial killer who had a difficult childhood because of his weight. He lived in an abusive environment, and therein some of these elements and their contribution on criminal and psychopathic tendencies have been studied in detail by researchers. Research by Mitchell & Aamodt (2005) highlights how the incidence of abusive environments and parents leads to criminal tendencies in later life.
Researchers like Rushton, Fulker, Neale, Nias & Eysenck (1986) on the other hand highlighted that not all children would display a behavioural disorder. Some might learn to grow out their aggressive tendencies and hence the pathway from childhood aggression to criminality might be reduced. As much of these research works are from the past, this research will focus on a comparative discussion of correlation. No correlation is between childhood aggression and criminal tendencies in adulthood, which is based on more current research works.
The aim of this research is to critically analyse and discuss the correlations between childhood conduct problems like aggressive behaviour or history of aggression in parents or influence of environment or antisocial personality and adult criminal tendencies.
Hypothesis 1: Childhood conduct problems like aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 2: A history of aggression in the parents of a child results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 3: Influence of environment results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 4: Antisocial personality results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
The sample population based on that this research analysis will be done is Caucasian British. So secondary data on research work will be collected on the basis of whether the study used Caucasian British subjects.
The independent variables are childhood aggression, history of aggression in parents, the influence of environment and antisocial personality. The dependent variable is criminal tendencies in adulthood
Hypothesis predicts that the independent variables lead to the presence of the independent variable or the increased criminal tendencies in the adult.
Data Collection
This research makes use of secondary data collection. The research is not a primary investigation. It attempts to collate and analyse experimentally whether there are high levels of correlation observed in the childhood pathway to adult.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、博士论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


第一句话“文化契合度的招聘理念是作为许多企业招聘流程的基础而建立起来的”来自文章《文化契合度的终结》(The End of culture fit by Schmidt, 2017, para。2).这句话的基本意思是,当涉及到企业招聘时,文化契合度是一个基本的准则。第二句是“通过社会化实现的个人与组织价值观的一致性可能是人与文化契合的关键所在”,这是一篇坚定的学术研究论文《银行的人与文化契合与员工承诺》(Nazir, 2005, p.40)。这两个来源在这部作品中得到了批判性的反思。接下来有关新西兰代写-文化契合度的招聘理念的批判性分析如下

The current source basically tries to argue that cultural fit is no longer used as a foundation for recruiting. Instead companies are seen to be focusing on ways to improving diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Culture fit is no longer seen with a positive connotation according to the author, and would in fact be used by some interviewers as a blanket term to reject candidates that they do not like. An unconscious bias is created according to the author. In the current source, there are not much paraphrasing from academic works, and nor are there any references available to cross check the facts presented. These quotations used when the author discussed cultural fit at Facebook. The author first summarizes the study that was done with Facebook. This was a study where Facebook recruited to focus on five core values instead of having a cultural fit based interview. After a summary of the study, a Facebook spokesperson saying is given in direct quotes. The essence of the saying is that the Facebook recruiters do not use the word cultural fit when they are recruiting and would prefer to adopt a more inclusive approach for recruiting diverse candidates. Now based on cultural context, it might not be much change in how the quotation has been used in this article. A direct quotation from a spokesperson would be considered effective representation in any culture. In addition, although the Facebook incorporation is in the western world, it is a media that is used globally. Therefore, people would understand the direct reference. The second source is the academic article which seeks to understand whether person-culture fit within the organization is because of high level of socialization and if it could lead to better employee commitment. The article makes use of more paraphrasing, and is a primary research work. Now this article relies on a representation that should once again make sense across different cultures, because this is the accepted academic style. Quotations are not made use of, instead paraphrasing from articles that provide supporting proof are made use of. It was difficult to ascertain whether cultural context played a role in the use of quotations.
Rhetorical Situation
Quoting is more appropriate given the rhetorical situation, as the author Schmidt (2017) strived to show that companies are indeed taking a stance against the cultural-fit argument. Using a summary helped present the context, but the direct quote captured the opinion of the people described in the context. Thus, the direct quote serves as a proof for the argument made by the author and hence is appropriate. On a comparative note, in the case of the academic article, it is observed that the choice of quotes is used mainly for representing the participant answers. Quotes here are not direct citations as used in Schmidt (2017) article.

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随着时间的推移,科学和技术领域在不断发展。随着升级换代,旧的电子设备已被淘汰。因此,大量的电子垃圾产生,它正成为一个社会的关键问题(杨,2008)。我想知道的更多,所以我选择了“废弃物与进步——电子废弃物是进步的必然结果”,接下来有关新西兰商业论文代写-电子垃圾的社会问题分析如下 :

The electronic waste is one of growing issues in the modern society. It establishes risks by degrading the natural resources and the production of the electronic sources have created a question in the recycling process. It is harming the society directly and it shows the toxic characteristics when they are discarded into the soil or water. The topic surrounds the wastes and the progress made for the reduction of the wastes for stabilizing the life of the people. It also surrounds the issues which are included with the advancement of the society. The surrounding atmosphere can be easily improved by the help of the government initiatives which are depicted to be very much vital for the protection of the natural environment (Hussain & Mumtaz, 2014). Though it illustrates the unplanned consequences, the form of the characteristics is depicted to be different and the development in the form of modernity is dissolved in the form of preserving the nature. This makes the drastic change in the human body, and the characteristics are determined to explain the problems in the media and the human health risks are increased drastically. After all, the involvement of the actions in the form of mitigating the modern risks is undertaken for the study. This enables to generate the social awareness and the changes in the electronic products which are very much essentials with arranging various renewable forms of the e-wastes. Thus, the care can be identified for nature and the protection with conservation of nature can be made for the benefit of the human life. At the consumer level, the media messages must be conveyed with purchasing the latest electronic devices and the awareness in the consumers can be made by the help of the media messages (Meneses, 2016). This simply results in the awareness regarding the natural environment and the consumer can be able to purchase the environment-friendly electronic items with protecting themselves from the health related problems. This is the overall description that can be provided in this context as it had been undertaken for the study.

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经济新闻的发布可以影响市场数据的变化和投资者的理解。这种影响并不完全是一种新现象,而且是1987年多年来一直在研究的一种现象,当时观察到,美国股市的崩盘被认为对波动性有很强的影响。波动性的传导非常强。对新闻公告的批评性审查将在减少影响方面发挥重要作用。Jiang等人(2010)认为,这种对经济新闻公告及其影响的批判性理解在当今时代将具有重要意义。从更大的意义上,人们可以理解经济消息发布带来的波动性冲击,以及它们如何在美国和欧洲股市传播。通过这样的分析,可以更好地回答新闻公告和投资者与企业的问题所带来的波动联系(Huang, 2015)。一个重要的问题是,要理解在宣布日和非宣布日的溢出效应是更高。本研究旨在了解essay代写-宏观经济消息对波动溢出效应的影响.

Economic news announcements have an impact on volatility indices and spillovers. Research results show that news announcements to a partial extent would have an impact on volatility spillovers and sometimes announcement related surprises could result in greater magnitude of these spillovers. Jiang et al. (2010) established that even when effect of news announcements is controlled, a significant volatility linkage exists. This suggests the need to understand how news announcements would impact different aspects of implied volatility indices such as VIX VXO and VXN.
Academicians and practitioners have both attempted to answer this question because of the following reasons. Firstly, understanding volatility spillovers are not just about understanding the spillover, it is about understanding how markets will be integrated. Stock market integration occurs across regions. Stock market and impact are not defined within regions but are in fact defined across regions. How markets can be integrated within regions or integrated across regions can be better understood by studying the volatility impact affected through economic news announcements, both surprise and scheduled. Transmission of volatility shock hence provides insight on how well these markets are integrated. The transmission of shocks can be traced back and information can be obtained (Bekaert et al., 2005).
The second main reason for understanding impact of volatility shock transmission is to know how international portfolio will be affected. International financial portfolios have to be maintained in the proper manner and no risks to such portfolios would be entertained as investors would stand to lose much in such uncertainty. They have to prepare for risks. Risk management considers changes in stock market, and news announcements are undeniably an important influencing factor. In this context, it becomes necessary to study how volatility shocks are created because of the news impact. Opportunities are created for risk analysts. Once the risk analyst is able to understand how volatility is transmitted in the market, they can understand the systematic transmission and impact factors (Cakan et al., 2015). Then based on how the scheduled news transmission or surprise news transmissions worked, they would be able to present trading strategies to their customers. Profitable trading strategies are preferred by people when they work with stock analysts (Donders and Vorst, 1996; Ederington and Lee, 1996). The third reason presented by Jiang et al. (2010) is that such analysis of volatility spillovers and news announcements will throw light on the fundamentals of the situation and the volatility contagion. A volatility contagion and its definition differs across research works but it has been observed that was some consensus. Contagion is understood as a transmission of shocks in an unanticipated manner. Sometimes normal spillover effects exist and at times interdependencies in the transmission of shock because of integrated markets will also exist in parallel. In the aftermath of a news effect, the contagion is differentiated from normal issues because it is not a normal interdependency. Therefore, according to Jiang et al. (2010) it would be easy to identify and segregate the contagion effects when studies are conducted on understanding the transmissions. The final reason to study spillover effects and their relation to macroeconomic news announcements is because of how it informs market efficiency.

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《澳大利亚宪法》第51(xix)条是《澳大利亚宪法》第51条的一部分,该条将赋予联邦制定法律和适用于对外事务的权利。近年来,立法的权力成为人们关注的焦点。这使澳大利亚有权处理各项国际条约和公约。在许多情况下,人们注意到,国际法对国内目的没有直接影响,除非立法当局作出有意的立法行为。新西兰代写-《澳大利亚宪法》分析的目的是通过对法律案件的分析来探讨第51 (xix)条的各个方面。分析了它在法律制定过程中所开创的先例。

Initially, there will be analysis of some cases to comprehend the impact of this legislation. The case of “A R Burgess: ex parte henry 1936 55 CLR 608” is useful to comprehend the role of the external affairs power, specifically section 51 (i) and section 51 (xxix) of the constitution. In this case, Henry was an aviator by vocation. However, his license was suspended. Within a couple of days, Henry drove a plane. Owing to this, a breach regulations conviction was given to Henry that was based on Air Navigation Regulations. This law explicitly stated that the unlicensed person must not fly an aircraft. Henry had confronted and wanted to analyse the constitutional validity of the regulation. With respect to the external affairs, there is no expressed power that is given to the Commonwealth to enact aviation regulation. This was done before the framing of the constitution. The commonwealth argued that the rules were pursuant to the international convention which was in accordance with the external affairs. The majority accepted that the Commonwealth had the right to enact legislations that were pursuant to the international treaty. Latham CJ of the panel dismissed the arguments that attempted to exclude the role of the external affairs from adhering to the local laws. The minority of the panel took a more specific approach. It was argued by Dixon J that Commonwealth had the power to implement the treaties through a series of legislations. The limitation of the role of the constitution was probed in this analysis. Hence, it was argued that the subject matter of the treaty had to be international in character. Even by adhering to the broad view of the external affairs power, courts states that the regulation of the ground does not give effect to the various conventions of the treaty. Another interesting case was the racial discrimination case by Koowarta.
Koowarta (1982) 153 CLR 168 is another interesting case that brings to light many of the issues. Koowarta was the plaintiff who was Aboriginal Australian. He was the member of Wik Nation. In 1974, Koowarta along with other members purchased the Archer Rivercattle station. This covered much of the areas of the traditional land of the Wik people. These were developed by “Aboriginal Land Fund Commission”. American company Remington Rand had owned the station by the process of pastoral lease. During the February month of 1976, Commission arranged contract to purchase the property. However, this sale was stopped by the Queensland government. Joh Bjelke-Peterson did not approve this sale as he had the opinion that the Aboriginal people cannot acquire large pieces of land. He was the Premier of Queensland during that time. His ideology was held as an official cabinet policy. Koowarta had filed a complaint with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Finally, the commission sided with Koowarta complaint regarding the land dispute issues. However, this did not stop the Queensland Government. They filed appeals to the Supreme Court of Queensland. Added to this, the Queensland government filed separate action against the Australian government stating that the power to pass “Racial discrimination act” was not in the hands of the Australian government. It was agreed by the courts that the racial Discrimination act was created to effect within the nation to adhere to the UN conventions to eliminate all the forms of racial discrimination. It was deemed that Australia had signed the law in October 1966. In the end, it was deemed that the Australian Government had the power to use the external affairs. In 1988, it was deemed in favour of Koowarta. This sale was allowed to occur. The efforts of trying to block the sale were also considered as a spiteful act. Based on this particular case, a number of subsequent case decisions were made. This case explored the importance of race relations to the external affairs policy of the nation.

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新西兰教育学论文代写-核聚变提出的关键问题是核聚变作为未来的动力来源。论文研究问题谎言如下:“把核聚变当作未来的能源安全吗?”维持和确保核聚变的持续需要大量的能量、热量和压力。核聚变不同于裂变反应,因为当核聚变反应系统失去控制机制时,就不会形成核反应。如果没有大量的压力和热量,核聚变反应是不可能独立进行的。核聚变工厂的设计不需要过多关注冗余或安全,因为它不存在任何发生反应的机会。从所选择的资料来源来看,核聚变显然已被视为物理学基础科学研究的圣杯。更明显的是,利用太阳所做的聚变将使社会获得无限的能量成为可能(Ongena and Ogawa, 2016)。如果以最佳方式实施核聚变,可以提供无限的能源。

Increasingly scientists have become intrigued over the prospects that in the nearing future, it is possible for a reactor to replicate the energy source of the sun over planet earth through innovation of scientific nature and technological nature (Pedraza, 2017).
From the findings of the sources, there are apparently several benefits related to nuclear fusion. These benefits are as follows:
No waste: The key by-product of the process is only helium which does not have any toxicity. This is the major advantage of making use of fusion reaction.
Fuel obtained is unlimited: All the elements required for creation of energy through use of this process can either be prepared or can be naturally extracted. This implies that energy supply obtain can be both, sustainable for life and unlimited without use of any other source of energy in the process. The key ingredient required is sea water in its distilled form Deuterium.
Simplified control: As fusion takes place, there is a lesser chance of any occurrence of a chain reaction. This in turn allows for nuclear fusion to be performed in a controlled and safe way in comparison to other nuclear energy forms.
Power does not cost expenses: Till now, the key benefit of this power form lies in its cheapness. It only costs 3 cents for every KW hour (Pedraza, 2017).
These benefits make the nuclear fusion reaction a safe one but the fusion system comes with several disadvantages which would make fusion reaction inacceptable. These drawbacks are as follows:
Extreme nature of heat is required for fusing the atoms nuclei. This needs energy in large quantity which nears to as much energy that is produced. This is the reason why nuclear fusion is not considered as a plausible situation.
Expensive costs of construction: The experts, facilities and scientists that are required for successfully running a fusion plant are very costly. In alignment with such higher costs, harnessing the energy created further requires more cost.
The concept of fusion is not understood properly. The fusion system is a newer energy form and the key way that it can be made to good use, when produced on large scale is that perfection of cold fusion is gained. The complete danger scope and influences of fusing nuclear energy is not completely understood because it has not been done in a practical manner.
There is no material for the task. The key issue with nuclear fusion is the perspective that there is no any known material, which has the ability of handling such higher heat required for nuclear fusion. Unless there is a material which has the ability of sustaining higher temperatures, it is not possible to see this energy source’s future (Ongena and Ogawa, 2016).
From the findings on the research question, it is evident that nuclear fusion does not cause any damage to the society or human beings individually, but it has several flaws which still make it distant as a good source for energy.

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To assess the estimated persistence of cash flows and accruals by critical discussion of existing research work findings.
To determine whether earnings components like cash flow and accruals are better at predicting performance compared to other financial elements and also which of the two is comparatively better when assessed against one another.
To do a complete assessment using US sample data from Compustat for a time period of 10 years.
Research Significance
The research findings will be useful in the context of informing financial analysts. Financial analysis will improve heavily when there is detailed cash flow information. The significance of cash flow accounting and accrual based practices have to be understood based on persistence and prediction capabilities in order to inform analysts. A benchmark study is needed to show evidence on why policy makers have to formulate better line of reporting with respect to cash flows. Furthermore, where there are choices of earnings component to be used in prediction, the analysts must have an idea of what to choose based on the context. It is also important to understand how accruals and cash flows need to be linked in order to assess earning quality.
Literature Review
Cash Flow and Accrual Accounting
Accrual is an earning component that could be useful for predicting future cash flows. Accrued expenses are incurred on the balance sheet date. However, they are recorded as current liabilities because they have not been paid out. The main focus of accrual accounting is hence to record such expenses that are not yet paid. This is different from the cash accounting form as in the cash accounting form income is usually recorded as and when the payment is received. While cash and accrual are both accepted methods, accrual is the one that is mandated as required under the GAAP. It would be difficult to actually determine an exact way in which one accounting method might be better than another because the manner in which the income to company and expenses incurred are recognized could be different (Zhou, 2016; Kormendi, & Lipe, 1987)

Earning components and their effects on predicting future financial performance of firms have been researched based on their persistence. The main aim was to analyse the extent to which cash flow and accruals are significant predictors and to understand the differences when using them. To that extent, the research also covered literature backdrop on the earnings components.
The assessment for accruals and cash flow was conducted with ten-year data from 30 companies that was collected from the Computstat database. It was established that future earning assessments can indeed be predicted with the accrual and cash flow earnings of past or current years. The research finding was also supported by evidence in existing research which also emphasized on the point that better disclosures and accounting practices could improve the efficiency of prediction. The assessment was conducted as a comparative analysis, however was not able to clearly establish which of the two -accruals or cash flows would help with better prediction. This is a limitation of the research. Future extension of the research work can consider persistence concerns with cash flow and accruals to check where one might work better than another. However, this would be based on context, firm, their accountability practices, and compliance to disclosures.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


1934年,弗雷德里克·伦奇勒创立了UTC联合技术公司。该公司是一家总部设在康涅狄格州法明顿的美国跨国公司。UTC目前由总统的首席执行官Gregory J. Hayes领导。UTC拥有航空系统、飞机发动机、自动扶梯、电梯、HVAC系统、建筑系统和消防安全系统的制造能力,是世界上最具创新性和声誉的公司之一。该公司还在国防系统作为军事承包商的存在,使其从美国政府的收入10%(联合技术,2017)。UTC现在的名字来自于它的前首席执行官哈里·格雷,他于1974年加入公司,当时公司的名字是联合飞机公司。在他的管理下,公司发展壮大,并向多个技术领域发展,1975年,联合飞机公司更名为联合技术公司。不久,UTC开始收购小型企业,并被大肆宣传为并购公司(United Technologies, 2017)。接下来有关北帕默斯顿论文代写-UTC的战略计划和目标分析如下:

The company believes that corporate responsibility and financial performance go hand in hand.
To enhance the quality of the life of people wherever the company expands its business, the company also aims and focuses on communities to make things better.
The company also works with non-profit organizations in the field of mathematics, technology, engineering and science, which is an inspiration for the business leader of new generation.
UTC focuses to build and maintain a work culture where every employee feels valued. The company focuses on three main areas are: Workforce, workplace and marketplace (United Technologies, 2017).
With its great position in the industry, UTC has several competitors in every segment. In aircraft manufacturing, GE Aviation, Turbomeca, Honeywell and Rolls-Royce are the major competitors. UTC Aerospace Systems has Parker Hannifin and Honeywell as the key competitors, while Airbus helicopters, AgustaWestland and bell Helicopter are the main competitors of Sikorsky (a subsidiary of UTC) (Aeroweb, 2017).
Organizational Structure of UTC
UTC has a 12-member (11 independent members and 1 Chairman & CEO) Board of Directors who take part on 5 perpetual committees: Finance, Executive, Corporate Governance, Audit and Compensation.
The company is purely organic as UTC, under its Chairman & CEO Mr. Hayes, believe in changing the company’s product and services according to the needs of changing environment. Organic structures are utilized as a part of associations confronting temperamental situations and must have the capacity to change appropriately. UTC handles, and investigates the data appropriately and acts rapidly. This guarantees they remain aggressive against different organizations. Organizations like UTC utilize Organic structures to convey viably and rapidly by spreading data. This is finished by divisions and diverse useful regions being firmly incorporated with each other. Likewise, by executing decentralized basic leadership, representatives of lower positioning will be able to settle on vital choices. This involves representatives displaying more prominent inventiveness and better critical thinking. UTC is an extraordinary case of an Organic structure based business. Their representatives are urged to utilize imaginative critical thinking abilities and grow new items. UTC also has an Employee Scholar Program because the company envisions that continued learning should be a part of work culture. Under this program, the company sponsors the educational programs and training of its employee across the globe. This type of scholar program allows the employees of UTC to enhance their knowledge base and skill set (United Technologies, 2011).
This is the best structure for UTC as it is a large organization where authority, control and communication are required within a huge network. Organic structure also allows the employees to take part in problem solving and they become more goal oriented rather than being job oriented.
UTC must continue this kind of working and make efforts to enhance its workforce and workplace environment continually.

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新西兰论文代写-新西兰的房地产市场。新西兰的房地产市场由不同的社区组成,每个社区都扮演着不同的角色。在房地产市场上,有买方、卖方和在买方和卖方之间工作的中介机构。房地产市场的代理人以经纪人的身份进行交易,而房地产业务的第三方交易则由大手组成。房地产经纪人在这个市场中很重要,在这个国家的特定行业中扮演着重要的角色(Athukorala, 2011)。或者,通过专业的方式以合理的价格出售他们的财产来支持人们,可以通过以下方式来说明。

Besides this, they help the buyer to find out ideal home for their living purpose or investment purpose as well as consolidating the loans. According to several academic scholars, lower than 0.5% of the entire property sales are prepared privately. The 80% of the properties placed on the private sale are shifted to the housing agents within the three months’ period. In this context, several investors from the outside of the country invest in the real estate market in the country. The significance of the foreign investment in the domiciliary property market is always debated by the people (Ascheberg et al., 2014). The local people accused the foreign investors of increasing the house prices. Consequently, the affordability of the housing has been declined. For this reason, a large proportion of the people demands that government should restrict on the foreign purchase of housing. Alternatively, some people’s views on the increasing housing prices are just opposite to this view. The people think that the foreign investment has nothing to do with the issue of increasing housing rate.
In this context, two questions arise:
Question 1: Are investments from the foreign investors having an impact on housing rates and affordability of the housing market?
Questions 2: Is the government ethically reasonable in restraining investments from the foreigners in case of foreign investment, it has an impact on the housing market in the country?
Overview of the subject matter
The real estate business in New Zealand is presently a multi-cultural industry comprised of diverse ethnicities because of the immigration policy of the country. Within the previous ten years, the inflow from the non-traditional nations of origin has specifically enhanced the latest settlers from the Asian countries. Enhancing diversity implies that the entire parties should come to clutches with the threats of understanding the house that requires people from diversifying the cultures. In New Zealand, the biggest Asian ethnic groups are Chinese ethnic group (Berk and DeMarzo, 2017). Consequently, as established the local media, within the Chinese communities in Auckland, there is a big intra-Chinese real Estate trade market. The Chinese communities fetch valuable financial resources to support the real estate industry of New Zealand, it is important to research on this subject matter on a timely basis to develop effective marketing strategies for this particular real estate market.
Economic benefits of the investors
The real estate businesses all over the world are booming; however, there was a downfall because of the financial crisis. As the important economies revive their position, the real estate businesses are also improving. The New Zealand real estate market is a truly lucrative market and people from many countries invest in this specific market (Carrillo, 2011). Because the market is growing substantially, the investors are immensely benefitted from the market. The market price of the real estates is rapidly increasing; thus the investment amount of the investors in the real estate market is increasingly growing, and the investors are getting substantial economic benefits. However, it is also evident that due to price hiked. The housing in New Zealand is out of the affordability of the normal people. Moreover, for this occurrence, many people blame the foreign investors as the foreign investment increases the rate of the real estate in this country (Chen, He and Rudkin, 2017). The foreign investors are giving lots of money to the housing industry in the New Zealand. In addition to this, as the foreign investors bring lots of money to the industry, the demand of the housing is increasingly growing and simultaneously the rate of the housing is also increasing. In this context, the investors who invested money in the real estate business in New Zealand have significant opportunities to grow their money and achieve considerable economic benefits. Because the Chinese ethnicity is occupied major portions of the country and the Chinese investors are mostly investing in the real estate business in New Zealand; thus, they have huge potential to enhance their capital in this real estate market in this country.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!