

人们已经看到,时尚和音乐在世界各地走在一起。时尚和美容公司、网站、杂志封面上的偶像都通过音乐图标来展示。韩国流行音乐对韩国时尚和亚洲国家的时尚产生了深远的影响。智勇,谁是著名的艺名权志龙,是一个韩国流行歌手。他是一个歌曲作家和一个非常著名的时尚偶像。这位著名的韩国流行歌手已经成为亚洲国家新的时尚偶像。成千上万的歌迷来到他的现场演唱会,挥舞着自制的海报和染过的头发,表达他们对偶像的爱。本文之所以选择这位世界著名流行歌手和时尚偶像,是因为时尚被认为是韩国流行文化和音乐的重要支柱。韩国流行音乐产业已经成为偶像工厂。在21世纪的韩国,时尚已经显著成熟。不同的潮流和风格开始在韩国街头共存。这个国家的流行文化影响了时尚。时尚界开始参照流行文化使用新的形状、颜色和图案。通过时尚和流行文化,韩国经济已经成长为亚洲第四大经济体。它被誉为“品牌之乡”。G-Dragon是亚洲最受欢迎的明星,与贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)和凯恩·韦斯特(Kayne West)同台竞技。他的受欢迎程度正在亚洲以外迅速扩大。这篇论文范文代写论文-韩国流行音乐和时尚的联系供留学生阅读。

A few years ago, when Ludacris paid a visit at YG Entertainment situated in Seoul, G-Dragon was present. Danny Im, a former label mate of the YG Entertainment recalled that they were showing some videos to Ludacris that was made by YG entertainment. When Ludacris saw GD, he stated that GD would definitely become a star. And this has been proved now. Ji-Yong has been able to receive admiration from Karl Lagerfeld and Jeremy Scott for his chameleon-like style. The Western Fashion World was also enthralled by the presence of G-Dragon in the Paris Fashion Week in 2012. The designers had become savvy by his presence at the fashion week. By the year 2015, he had become a genuine fashion icon not only in the street fashion but also in the luxury fashion. G-Dragon became the coolest and the most successful fashion icon of the rapidly growing Korean fashion market. As quoted in Dazed, he had also worked with Giuseppe Zanotti, who is LA’s Stampd and Italian shoe designer. G-Dragon was also closely associated with Karl Lagerfeld (Lochanski, 2017). It was in the year 2016 that he released a Raf Simons/Vetements. This collection was inspired collaboration with Samsung’s fast fashion label called as 8 Seconds.
Another amazing step taken by G-Dragon was to launch his own fashion brand with the name PeaceMinusOne with his famous Big Bang stylist, Gee Eun. This collaboration had come with a wonderful fashion collection that was debuted over 4 days in Paris. Gee Eun, G-Dragon stylish showed that they had planned some installations which could be used to explain the story of their brand. They took advantage of this platform in Paris so that people could see their products in personal and understand their thoughts and feelings. This is the reason of the great influence of G-Dragon on the fashion industry in Korea and other countries of Asia. Since the process of creativity has a long road, G-Dragon also had a close connection with fashion and style from a very young age.

G-Dragon himself stated that he had begun his career as the child actor. At that very young age, he could not have a personal manager or a stylist. His mom was his stylist, as she used to buy clothes for him that only he would wear. That was the time when he started developing some sense of fashion. G-Dragon felt that after looking at his pictures from age of five or six, he could find himself as a stylish person even at that young age. G-Dragon has quoted himself that “I’m pretty chilled and cool. To be honest, I’m so used to it. I started music when I was six. I was nineteen, Korean age, when Big Bang started. If I’m not mistake it should be seventeen for you guys” (Lochanski, 2017). This statement displays the close connection of G-Dragon with fashion and style. However, when Big Bang debuted in the year 2006, this K-pop group looked like any other American teenager and sported key ring chains, base ball caps and vests (Glasby, 2017).

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