

患有品行障碍的儿童被诊断为患有其他形式的障碍,因为一些攻击性的特征会与其他特征重叠。观察到的典型特征是有欺负、攻击或卷入身体斗争等倾向。观察到的缺陷可能会在以后的生活中转化为受损的社会判断力和普遍的攻击性(Moffitt, 1993)。接下来有奥克兰论文代写-儿童攻击性特征的案例研究论文范文供留学生们参考阅读。

Researchers Pratt et al. (2002) were able to identify that disorders like antisocial personalities, ADHD and its other sub classifications which will be passed down genetically. The influence of environment has been admitted as a significant influence, too. Studies cite that around two-thirds of juvenile delinquency was observed in families where parents had a criminal record. As Siegel & Senna (2004) argued, when a biological father was a criminal, there were high chances for the child to be a criminal, too. Researchers like Ghodsian-Carpey and Baker (1987) performed studies where they observed a high amount of heritable influence in aggression. A high degree of correlation was observed. A typical case study for some of these elements and their influence on criminal tendencies is John Wayne Gacy Junior aka killer clown. John Wayne Gacy is a serial killer who had a difficult childhood because of his weight. He lived in an abusive environment, and therein some of these elements and their contribution on criminal and psychopathic tendencies have been studied in detail by researchers. Research by Mitchell & Aamodt (2005) highlights how the incidence of abusive environments and parents leads to criminal tendencies in later life.
Researchers like Rushton, Fulker, Neale, Nias & Eysenck (1986) on the other hand highlighted that not all children would display a behavioural disorder. Some might learn to grow out their aggressive tendencies and hence the pathway from childhood aggression to criminality might be reduced. As much of these research works are from the past, this research will focus on a comparative discussion of correlation. No correlation is between childhood aggression and criminal tendencies in adulthood, which is based on more current research works.
The aim of this research is to critically analyse and discuss the correlations between childhood conduct problems like aggressive behaviour or history of aggression in parents or influence of environment or antisocial personality and adult criminal tendencies.
Hypothesis 1: Childhood conduct problems like aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 2: A history of aggression in the parents of a child results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 3: Influence of environment results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 4: Antisocial personality results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
The sample population based on that this research analysis will be done is Caucasian British. So secondary data on research work will be collected on the basis of whether the study used Caucasian British subjects.
The independent variables are childhood aggression, history of aggression in parents, the influence of environment and antisocial personality. The dependent variable is criminal tendencies in adulthood
Hypothesis predicts that the independent variables lead to the presence of the independent variable or the increased criminal tendencies in the adult.
Data Collection
This research makes use of secondary data collection. The research is not a primary investigation. It attempts to collate and analyse experimentally whether there are high levels of correlation observed in the childhood pathway to adult.

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