

第一句话“文化契合度的招聘理念是作为许多企业招聘流程的基础而建立起来的”来自文章《文化契合度的终结》(The End of culture fit by Schmidt, 2017, para。2).这句话的基本意思是,当涉及到企业招聘时,文化契合度是一个基本的准则。第二句是“通过社会化实现的个人与组织价值观的一致性可能是人与文化契合的关键所在”,这是一篇坚定的学术研究论文《银行的人与文化契合与员工承诺》(Nazir, 2005, p.40)。这两个来源在这部作品中得到了批判性的反思。接下来有关新西兰代写-文化契合度的招聘理念的批判性分析如下

The current source basically tries to argue that cultural fit is no longer used as a foundation for recruiting. Instead companies are seen to be focusing on ways to improving diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Culture fit is no longer seen with a positive connotation according to the author, and would in fact be used by some interviewers as a blanket term to reject candidates that they do not like. An unconscious bias is created according to the author. In the current source, there are not much paraphrasing from academic works, and nor are there any references available to cross check the facts presented. These quotations used when the author discussed cultural fit at Facebook. The author first summarizes the study that was done with Facebook. This was a study where Facebook recruited to focus on five core values instead of having a cultural fit based interview. After a summary of the study, a Facebook spokesperson saying is given in direct quotes. The essence of the saying is that the Facebook recruiters do not use the word cultural fit when they are recruiting and would prefer to adopt a more inclusive approach for recruiting diverse candidates. Now based on cultural context, it might not be much change in how the quotation has been used in this article. A direct quotation from a spokesperson would be considered effective representation in any culture. In addition, although the Facebook incorporation is in the western world, it is a media that is used globally. Therefore, people would understand the direct reference. The second source is the academic article which seeks to understand whether person-culture fit within the organization is because of high level of socialization and if it could lead to better employee commitment. The article makes use of more paraphrasing, and is a primary research work. Now this article relies on a representation that should once again make sense across different cultures, because this is the accepted academic style. Quotations are not made use of, instead paraphrasing from articles that provide supporting proof are made use of. It was difficult to ascertain whether cultural context played a role in the use of quotations.
Rhetorical Situation
Quoting is more appropriate given the rhetorical situation, as the author Schmidt (2017) strived to show that companies are indeed taking a stance against the cultural-fit argument. Using a summary helped present the context, but the direct quote captured the opinion of the people described in the context. Thus, the direct quote serves as a proof for the argument made by the author and hence is appropriate. On a comparative note, in the case of the academic article, it is observed that the choice of quotes is used mainly for representing the participant answers. Quotes here are not direct citations as used in Schmidt (2017) article.

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