标签存档: 新西兰论文代写价格



概述运动鞋如何满足顾客的需求和要求,涉及鞋的性能、舒适性、耐用性和形象/风格等因素。当运动鞋的款式和形象符合市场潮流时,才能满足顾客的需求。顾客的选择随着市场的变化而变化。其他重要的事情是性能,和舒适的鞋子,这只能在使用后才能体验的鞋子。顾客的选择可以与品牌的选择相关联,品牌的选择是在检查了舒适性、性能和耐用性之后做出的。另一个重要因素是鞋子的成本,以及与市场上其他品牌的比较(Thomas, 2014)。区分客户的需求和需求,描述需求如何在消费经济的复苏中成长为需求。顾客的需求和需求之间存在着显著的差异。这可以通过客户有他们不需要的想要的方式来区分。这就像一个人的需要是一个汉堡,但他们去比萨饼。



Outline how athletics shoes meet the needs and wants of the customers, referring to factors such as shoe performance, comfort, durability and image/ style.The athletic shoes can meet the needs of the customers, when the style and image of the shoe is in accordance with the trends of the markets. The choice of the customers changes with the market trends. The other important things are the performance, and comfort of the shoes which can only be experienced after using the shoes. The choice of the customers can be made related to the brand choice which can be made after checking the comfort, performance and durability. The other important factor is the cost of the shoes and its comparison with the other brands which are available in the market (Thomas, 2014). Distinguish between the customer needs and wants and describe how needs can grow into wants in the recovering consumer economy. There is significant difference between the customers’ needs and wants. This can be distinguished in the manner that the customer have wants which they don’t need. It is just as the need of the person is a hamburger but they go for pizza.

The needs of the customers can be grown to the wants when they will know about the specific requirement according to the body style or the game which they play. People who are looking for the casual shows should be guided by the salesperson. By knowing the needs of the type of shoes, people needs will be easy to guide them to their wants.Use the customer’s whole experience of buying and using a pair of athletic shoes to outline what marketing describes as the Total Product Concept.Total Product Concept is based on different aspects like the core product, expected product, augmented product and potential product which can be analyzed after seeing the buying habits of the customers. Like most of the people, they follow the trend in the market and select the shoes which most of the people buy. On the other hand, very less amount of people know what their actual wants are. Therefore, the concept of Total Product is based on the trends of the market. There are different core lines which are only for the specified customers who know their needs.



雇员从雇主那里得到的报酬会影响他的生产力。如果员工觉得所做工作的薪水是公平的,他就会愿意更加努力地工作。补偿问题也有心理方面的问题。一个公司可以吸引和留住行业中最好的人才,如果它提供一个有吸引力的薪酬方案,其员工(Carraher, 2011)。有些行业人才匮乏。公司之间必须相互竞争,以获得有资格的人的服务,也有在许多公司工作的经验(皮尔斯,拉金和吉诺,2012)。海尔和海信是各自行业的龙头企业(海信,2016)。两家公司都希望有最优秀的人才为他们工作。这些公司在他们的组织中有单独的人力资源部门。公司对待员工的态度是认真的(Chen, 2010)。这些公司知道其他公司会向员工提供什么样的补偿。这些公司致力于生产高质量的产品。

为了继续生产好产品,并以好价格销售,他们需要合格和创新的员工(海尔,2016)。人力资源部门还必须考虑新的方案和制度,让员工在组织中感到快乐。从上表可以看出,海尔提供的奖金与公司整体绩效挂钩,而海信关注的是员工的个人绩效(Weibel, Rost, Osterloh, 2010)。在这个体系中,效率更高的员工获得更高的薪酬,而其他人的薪酬则更低。但员工绩效考核制度必须科学透明;否则,就会引起员工的不满。医疗和牙科检查是大多数员工的首要任务。海信更关心员工的健康。然而,一些员工认为一年一次的体检就足够了。人们越来越意识到健康问题和医疗费用可能会非常高。这就是为什么越来越多的公司对员工的健康特别关注的原因。


The productivity of an employee is affected by the compensation the individual receives from the employer. If the employee feels that the salary paid for the work done is fair, the person would be willing to work harder at the job. There is also a psychological aspect of the issue of compensation. A company can attract and retain the best talent in the industry if it provides an attractive compensation package to its employees (Carraher, 2011). There is scarcity of talented people in some industries. The companies have to compete with one another to get the services of people who are qualified and also have had the experience of working in many firms (Pierce, Larkin and Gino, 2012).Haier and Hisense are leading companies in their industry (Hisense, 2016). Both the companies would like to have the most talented people working for them. These companies have separate human resource department in their organization. The companies are serious about how they treat their employees (Chen, 2010). The companies are aware of what other companies are offering their employees as compensation. These companies are engaged in making quality products.

In order to continue making good products and also sell them at good prices, they need qualified and innovative employees (Haier, 2016). The human resource departments also have to think of new schemes and systems to make employees feel happy in the organization. It can be understood from the above table that while Haier provides bonus linked to overall company performance, Hisense concentrates on the individual performances of its employees (Weibel, Rost and Osterloh, 2010). This is a system where the more productive employees get paid more while others are paid less. But the system for measuring performances of the employees has to be scientific and transparent; otherwise, it leads to discontent among the employees.Medical and dental checkups are a top priority for most of the employees. Hisense is more concerned about the health of its employees. However, some employees feel that the medical checkups once a year is sufficient. People are becoming more aware about health issues and medical expenses can be very high. This is the reason why more companies are particular about the health of their employees.

论文 代写:食品和杂货商

论文 代写:食品和杂货商

愿景陈述是一种雄心勃勃的陈述,它解释了企业未来几年的发展方向。该声明为公司提供了一个基准,因此他们可以相应地工作来实现这些目标。“食品和杂货商”的愿景陈述如下:“食品和杂货商需要成为高价值的商业品牌,通过提供一流的服务来服务客户,通过实现内部和外部利益相关者的目标来服务社区”(Aaker, 2001)。使命宣言是根据公司的目标和目标设计的。使命和愿景陈述是与公司的战略一起设计的,因此他们可以相应地工作。“食品与杂货商”的使命陈述如下:“我们希望在食品零售市场上取得更好的地位,把社区凝聚在一起。”“Food and grocers”的价值观围绕着三个核心要素:了解顾客。这一价值观解释了“Food and grocers”想要分析顾客的需求,从而提供相应的产品和服务。

论文 代写:食品和杂货商
当分析顾客的内在和外在需求时,增加顾客忠诚度和满意度的潜力也会增加(Brady, et al., 2004)。公司需要成为第一个满足顾客需求的公司:正如第一价值已经解释的,“食品和杂货商”需要深入了解顾客,他们也会在其他食品零售店之前满足顾客的需求。当公司在投放市场之前分析和预测了客户的需求,他们就会开始制定相应的策略和工具来吸引客户。负责与社区保持积极的关系这一价值包括使命和愿景声明,因为公司希望与社区建立积极的关系。不仅需要满足公司内部的利益相关者,公司外部的利益相关者也很重要。社区和客户等外部利益相关者对公司也很重要。与客户和社区建立积极的关系将有助于改善“食品和杂货商”与客户的关系(Boush, 2013)。

论文 代写:食品和杂货商

Vision statement is an aspirational statement that is explaining where the business wants to be in the coming years. This statement provides a benchmark for the company so they can work accordingly to achieve these objectives. Vision statement of “Food and grocers” is mentioned below:“Food and grocers needs to be among the highly valued business brands serving the customers by providing top class services, serving the communities by fulfilling the objectives of internal and external stake holders” (Aaker, 2001).Mission statement is designed along the goals and objectives of the company. Mission and vision statements are designed along with the strategies of the company so they can work accordingly. Mission statement of “Food and grocers” is as follows:“We want to make a better position in the food retail market for brining the communities together.”Values of “Food and grocers” revolve around three core elements which are as follows:Understanding the customers: This value explains that “Food and grocers” wants to analyse the needs and demands of their customers so they can provide products and services accordingly.

论文 代写:食品和杂货商
When intrinsic and extrinsic needs of customers are analysed potential of increasing their loyalty and satisfaction level for the customer also increases (Brady, et al., 2004). The company needs to be the first for meeting the needs of the customers:As first value already explains that “Food and grocers” needs to understand the customers deeply, they will also meet the needs of the customers before other food retail stores. When the company has analysed and forecasted the needs of the customers before the market they will start making strategies and tools accordingly for attracting the customers. Acting responsible for maintaining positive relationships with the communitiesThis value covers mission and vision statement because the company wants to build positive relationship with the communities. It is not just the internal stakeholders of the company that need to be catered, external stakeholders of the company are also important. External stake holders like communities and customers are also important for the company. Building positive relationships with the customers and communities will help in improving the relationship of “Food and grocers” with their customers (Boush, 2013).



SCI(Scientific Citation Index)是美国科学信息研究所(ISI)编辑出版的引文索引类刊物,涉及基础科学的100余个领域。每年报道60余万篇最新文献,涉及引文900万条。进入SCI这一刊物的论文即为SCI论文。





标题一定要简洁、明确,有力。尽量不要出现novel, new等字眼,从逻辑的角度讲,写科技文章的目的就是报道新的进展,如果不新的话那也没有发表的必要了。














Reeves and Deimler(2011)的一项研究表明,今天的大多数公司都处于一个不稳定和风险的时代。此外,研究指出,随着新技术的出现,企业经营透明度和全球化程度的提高,以及非常不稳定的商业环境,给全球大多数跨国公司(MNCs)的首席执行官造成了非常深刻的不安局面。自1980年以来,企业营业利润率的波动性和自1950年以来的静态状况,已扩大了一倍,与市场赢家(营业利润率高于正常水平的企业)与市场输家(营业利润率低于正常水平的企业)之间的差距相当。不同行业的市场领导者比其他行业的领导者拥有更多的保险,而在不同行业中,失去顶级职位的公司比例从1960年的2%上升到了2008年的14%。市场领导者必须付出更多的代价才能获得最高的地位。在当今的商业环境下,许多商业部门不再存在行业份额与盈利能力之间的相关性。



A study conducted by Reeves and Deimler (2011) stated that most of the companies today are operating in an era of instability and risk. Moreover, the study stated that with the advent of new technologies, companies doing business with greater transparency and globalization along with very unstable business environment have created a very deep uneasy situation for most of the CEOs of the Multinational Organizations (MNCs) around the globe. The volatility of businesses operating margins since the year 1980 and static situation since 1950s have doubled similar to the gap between market winners (firms having above normal operating margins) and market losers (those having below normal operating margins). The market leaders in different industries are more insure than other and the percentage of companies who are missing their top ranks in different industries have increased from 2 % in the year 1960 to 14 % in the year 2008. The market leaders have to pay an increased amount of price to be in the top positions. In today’s business environment, the correlation between industry share and profitability no more exists in many of the business sectors.

According to research, the chance of profitability leaders to be the same as that of the industry share leaders has decreased from 34 % in the year 1950 to only 7 % in the year 2007. It has become impossible for some of the company CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) to identify the industries with which they have competition. The above mentioned uncertainties are challenging the strategy making process of different MNCs around the globe. The traditional move towards strategy making which was once considered as the way for answering uncertainty and change are actually becoming relatively constant and conventional. The main goal of most of the business strategies is to gain a continuous competitive advantage by setting smart market positioning (either by having a dominant position or by creating an attractive niche) or by gathering the exact capabilities and expertise for manufacturing or delivering a particular offering (doing exactly what the company can do well) (Porter, 1979). Most of the companies today are having periodic reviews of their strategies and setting direction and organizational structure on the basis of industrial analysis and forecasts made as how the industry will evolve.













有时候选字很简单,例如缩写一定要避免,本质上缩写就是不正式。另外,口语用的字词或片语,像是「东西(things)」和「差不多(pretty much)」,是绝对不可出现在正式写作里的,「不错(lived-in)」、「等一下(put off)」等组合型片语也都不适当。












宣传的主要功能是为任何广告创造一个大规模的运动。在学术评论中,宣传是一种政治手段,是一种可互换的传播形式。宣传的主要功能是以虚假信息和谣言的形式向群众传播虚假信息。宣传的另一个功能是说服读者,使他们能够对一个具体的案件塑造自己的看法。除了这一功能外,宣传的目的是获得受访者的回应,让他们采取公众要求的具体行动。这个行动过程是由社区为达到社会目的而设计的(伯奈斯和米勒,2005)。宣传模型解释了由爱德华·赫尔曼和诺姆·乔姆斯基提出的用于政治经济的概念体系。他们建立了这个模型来解释宣传是如何在系统的基础上向大众传播信息的。这个模型的目的是解释如何利用一个错误的信息来操纵人口,以及这些信息是否符合经济和社会界限(Ross, 1993)。宣传理论解释说,宣传的组织方式相应地产生了有效的效果。

用于宣传的大众媒体类型有助于达到效果。在第二次世界大战期间,宣传是战争双方的一个重要工具。随着当时宣传的使用,形成了正式的宣传类型,如白色、灰色和黑色的宣传,并提出了关于宣传类型的文献(Samuels, 2011)。白色宣传被解释为一种宣传方式,用来明确标示透明的目的。另一方的灰色宣传包括其来源可疑的资料,而这些资料的来源是不准确的,而且总是可疑的。黑色宣传是由反对政府发布的信息,他们使这些信息来自一个友好的来源。第二次世界大战期间,英国政府成立了“政治战争执行委员会”,专门从事黑人宣传工作。本组织的主要目标是使轴心国部队和公民士气低落,以便他们能够返回。这次任务的主要目标是挫败德国军队和公民的努力,这种宣传试图减少在国内前线的战争努力(伯奈斯和米勒,2005)。


Main function of propaganda is to create a massive campaign for advertising anything. Propaganda is used as a political technique in academic commentary as an interchangeable form of the communication. The main function of propaganda is to spread false information to the masses in the form of false information and rumors. Another function of propaganda is to persuade the readers so that they can mold their perceptions on a specific case. In addition to this function, propaganda aims at getting the responses from the respondents and letting them adopt a specific course of action demanded by the public. This course of action is designed by the community for achieving societal purposes (Bernays and Miller, 2005).Model of propaganda explains a conceptual system used for the political economy that was advanced by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. They developed this model for explaining how propaganda works in a systematic basis for spreading the information in masses. This model aims to explain how populations can be manipulated with one false piece of information and can this information consent economic and social boundaries (Ross, 1993). The theory of propaganda explains that the way in which propaganda has been structured gives effective results accordingly.

Example: type of mass media used for the propaganda helps in achieving the results. During World War 2, propaganda was used as an important tool on both sides of the war. With the use of propaganda at that time, formal types of propaganda like white, grey and black propaganda were developed and literature was presented on the types of propaganda (Samuels, 2011). White propaganda was explained as the type of propaganda which was used for clearly labeling the transparent purpose. Grey propaganda on the other had consists of the information that was questionable from its origin and the sources of this information were inaccurate and always doubtful. Black propaganda is the information put out by opposing government and they make this information come from a friendly source. During World War 2, political Warfare Executive was formed by the British government for the production of black propaganda. The main goal of this organization was to demoralize the Axis troops and citizens so that they can turn back. Main target of this mission was to demoralize the efforts of German troops and citizens and this propaganda tried to decrease the war efforts on the home front (Bernays and Miller, 2005).

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
人力資源管理是一個具有彈性的術語,它涵蓋了不同書籍和組織之間不同的應用範圍。如果人力資源管理不僅僅被認為是管理人員的一個花哨的名字,那麼這兩個概念就會有各自不同的屬性(Wilkinson, 2005)。正如Guest(1987)所提到的,人力資源管理關注於實現四個主要目標,即集成、員工的承諾、適應性和靈活性以及質量。整合考慮組織的戰略計劃,可以通過考慮人力資源的問題來成功實施,同時保持一致和連貫的政策來處理人力資源的問題(Walton和Lawrence, 2009)。這進一步受到直線管理人員對人力資源重要性的理解的影響,這在考慮到他們的行為時是顯而易見的。根據員工承諾的目標,員工必須在組織中有自己的身份,同時表現出幫助組織實現目標和目標的承諾。向前邁進,根據適應性和靈活性的目標,人力資源管理對發展組織結構做出了關鍵的貢獻,它可以被認為是有機的而不是機械的,同時幫助組織享受角色和關鍵功能的靈活性(Trehan, 2004)。

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
最後,考慮到質量的目標,在公共形象、標準、績效、員工等方面保持質量有著巨大的意義,這對企業組織和關鍵管理者都是至關重要的。 Stephen Bach(2005)認為,與10年前相比,大多數關於人力資源管理定義的爭論被認為已經消散。他認為,這在一定程度上是因為使用了更廣泛和更包容的人力資源管理定義。巴赫進一步認為,這一論點並沒有因為不同意博塞利和珀塞爾的說法而減弱(Cappelli et al., 1997)。他們指出,人力資源管理是指所有與管理企業相關的僱傭關係相關的活動。員工關係作為一個術語,與勞動管理的術語是等價的。人力資源管理不同於ER(員工關係),因為HR關注管理實踐,並且有忽視員工利益的能力(Torrington等,2007)。事實上,他對人力資源管理的本質持有相當堅定的觀點。

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理

HRM is a term with elasticity to cover varied application ranges that differ from one book to the other and one organization to the other. If HRM was not just considered as a fancy name for management of personnel, then there would have been individually different attributes of the two concepts (Wilkinson, 2005). As mentioned by Guest (1987), HRM focuses on the achievement of four main goals that are integration, commitment of employee, adaptability and flexibility, and quality. Integration considers strategic plans of the organization that can be implemented in a successful manner by taking into account the issues of HR, while maintaining consistent and coherent policies to deal with the issues of HR (Walton and Lawrence, 2009). This is further affected by the understanding of line managers regarding the significance of human resources, and this is evident when considering their behaviour. As per the goal of employee commitment, employees must have their own identity in the organization, while showing commitment to help the organization in achieving the objectives and goals. Moving ahead, as per the goal of adaptability and flexibility, HRM makes key contribution to develop the structures of organization which can be considered as organic instead of mechanistic, while helping the organization for enjoying flexibility of role and key functions (Trehan, 2004).

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
Finally, considering the goal of quality, there is huge significance of maintaining quality in public image, standards, performance and staff that is crucial for the business organization along with the key managers. According to Stephen Bach (2005), it has been argued that in comparison to 10 years before, most of the controversies on HRM definition have been considered to be dissipated. He argued that in part, this is because of the use of broad and more encompassing HRM definitions. Bach further considered that the argument has not diminished through disagreement with the statement by Boxali and Purcell (Cappelli et al., 1997). They stated that HRM refers to all activities related with the management of firm related employment relationship. Employee relation as a term is used on equivalent terms as labour management. HRM is different from ER (Employee relations) in the sense that HR focuses on practices of management and has a capability of ignoring employee’s interests (Torrington et al 2007). As a matter of fact, he held quite hard perspectives on HRM nature.



在过去20年左右的时间里,随着中国、印度和许多其他亚洲国家经济增长水平的提高,矿业巨头必和必拓(BHP billiton)和必和必拓(里约热内卢Tinto)的财富增加。由于中国经济对矿物和金属的强劲需求,这些公司的销售和收入增长了许多倍。随着中国以惊人的速度建设城市和制造基础设施,澳大利亚矿业公司成为该地区金属原材料和矿产的主要供应商,以填补该地区巨大的供需缺口。像印度这样的国家也纷纷从澳大利亚进口煤炭,因为煤炭似乎比从印度偏远地区进口更便宜。的强劲需求驱动的两个亚洲巨人,必和必拓这样的公司看到了非凡的增长在2002年和2013年之间的时期(大卫,2012)然而,第一次经济衰退的迹象条件和全球需求疲软的复苏,有削弱这些矿业公司的盈利前景。

2013年初,黄金和白银价格大幅下跌,随后,2014年初,铁矿石、铜和煤炭进口价格大幅下跌。更糟的是,新的煤炭供应来源出现了,而且继续以更低的价格供应煤炭。随着美元在同一时期走强,以及全球需求因石油进口价格下跌而走弱,上述因素进一步减弱。铜价成为第一个受害者,从两年前的每磅40美元跌至每磅3美元,铁矿石价格跌至每吨75美元,这是过去5年来的最低水平(Collander, 2012)。全球需求减弱,尤其是在美国壳牌天然气(shell gas)热潮之后。这波热潮导致全球油价在3年内从2011年的每桶120美元降至不足50美元。这几乎摧毁了石油生产国,因为它们的新需求增长几乎停滞。自2013年以来,大宗商品总价格已经下跌了40%,而且远未结束。


In the last two decades or so, along with the rising level of economic growth in China and India and many other Asian nations, the fortunes of the mining giants BHP and Rio Tinto rose. The sales and revenue of these firms rose many times on the basis of a very strong demand for minerals and metals in the Chinese economy. As Chinese built cities and manufactured infrastructure at a breakneck speed, Australia based mining firms became a major supplier of metal raw material and minerals to fill the huge gap between demand and supply in the region. Countries like India also flocked to import coal from Australia, as it was seemingly getting cheaper than transporting from far off places in India itself. On the back of strong demand drivers from the two Asian giants, companies like BHP saw phenomenal growth in the period between 2002 and 2013(David, 2012)However, with the first signs of a recessionary condition and resurgence of weakening demand globally , there is a weakening of the earnings prospect of these mining firms.

Gold and silver prices saw a very stiff decline in prices in early 2013 and this was followed by a large decline in the import prices of iron, copper and coal prices in early 2014. To make matters worse, new supply sources emerged andcontinued to supply coal at a much cheaper rate.The matters were weakened further as the US dollar strengthened over the same period and the global demand weakened over easing oil import prices. Copper became the first casualty of the situation and was sold as low as $3 per pound down from $40 two years ago and iron prices plunged to $75/tonne, which was the lowest in the last 5 years(Collander, 2012).The global demand weakened particularly in the wake of US shell gas boom which downed global oil prices to less than $50/barrel in three years’ time from $120 in 2011. This almost shattered the oil producing economies as growth of new demand almost stalled in them. Overall commodity prices have gone down by 40% since 2013 and are far from over.






Baym and boyd (2012) note the following: “Navigating socially mediated publicness requires new mechanisms of control and new skills.” Discuss what is meant by ‘socially mediated publicness’ and the mechanisms and skills that the authors refer to. Connect their discussion to your own personal experiences.The present day’s social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have made the nature of public life or social life of human beings complicated. How the modern internet technology has re-shaped the “publicness” of individuals, smudged the “audiences” and publics, and has changed the meaning of being engaged in communal life. The characteristic of online “publicness” is formed by means of construction and also by means of the effort put on by the social media. It also involves an individual’s social background, identities and habits. Journey through the socially mediated publicness requires all the latest processes and technologies in order to manage an individual’s profile so that he / she have a communal life means of the social media platform. The communal life in social media involves regular changes which an individual manages by handling indistinct boundaries, various forms of profile viewers, characteristics of different publics.

All this mechanisms are used by a person on a regular basis of their social media usage. According to Harrison and Barthel (2009), social media provides high amount of appreciation to its users. Social media acknowledges clients who aggressively employ the affordances of the latest tools and technologies in order to deal with individual’s own imaginative and involved purposes; the wish of doing the above mentioned activities in order to circulate them to other users available at any point of time on the social media platform. “Media” and ‘‘public’’ have forever been entangled; so the mechanism rightly pointed out by the author is not just the aptitude to utilize technology towards fulfilling their latest needs in the social media; but also the magnitude at which public who at no time had connections to media like television are presently exploiting social media on a daily basis. It involves thoughtful use of strategies commandeering to different media technology at the same time. If social arbitration blurs limits and thrusts redefinition among community and personal sharing, it also urge for re-evaluation of the association linking ‘‘audiences’’ and ‘‘publics.’’ According to Livingstone (2005), audiences have usually been collectives that are correlated hypothetically to the private realm.