


雇员从雇主那里得到的报酬会影响他的生产力。如果员工觉得所做工作的薪水是公平的,他就会愿意更加努力地工作。补偿问题也有心理方面的问题。一个公司可以吸引和留住行业中最好的人才,如果它提供一个有吸引力的薪酬方案,其员工(Carraher, 2011)。有些行业人才匮乏。公司之间必须相互竞争,以获得有资格的人的服务,也有在许多公司工作的经验(皮尔斯,拉金和吉诺,2012)。海尔和海信是各自行业的龙头企业(海信,2016)。两家公司都希望有最优秀的人才为他们工作。这些公司在他们的组织中有单独的人力资源部门。公司对待员工的态度是认真的(Chen, 2010)。这些公司知道其他公司会向员工提供什么样的补偿。这些公司致力于生产高质量的产品。

为了继续生产好产品,并以好价格销售,他们需要合格和创新的员工(海尔,2016)。人力资源部门还必须考虑新的方案和制度,让员工在组织中感到快乐。从上表可以看出,海尔提供的奖金与公司整体绩效挂钩,而海信关注的是员工的个人绩效(Weibel, Rost, Osterloh, 2010)。在这个体系中,效率更高的员工获得更高的薪酬,而其他人的薪酬则更低。但员工绩效考核制度必须科学透明;否则,就会引起员工的不满。医疗和牙科检查是大多数员工的首要任务。海信更关心员工的健康。然而,一些员工认为一年一次的体检就足够了。人们越来越意识到健康问题和医疗费用可能会非常高。这就是为什么越来越多的公司对员工的健康特别关注的原因。


The productivity of an employee is affected by the compensation the individual receives from the employer. If the employee feels that the salary paid for the work done is fair, the person would be willing to work harder at the job. There is also a psychological aspect of the issue of compensation. A company can attract and retain the best talent in the industry if it provides an attractive compensation package to its employees (Carraher, 2011). There is scarcity of talented people in some industries. The companies have to compete with one another to get the services of people who are qualified and also have had the experience of working in many firms (Pierce, Larkin and Gino, 2012).Haier and Hisense are leading companies in their industry (Hisense, 2016). Both the companies would like to have the most talented people working for them. These companies have separate human resource department in their organization. The companies are serious about how they treat their employees (Chen, 2010). The companies are aware of what other companies are offering their employees as compensation. These companies are engaged in making quality products.

In order to continue making good products and also sell them at good prices, they need qualified and innovative employees (Haier, 2016). The human resource departments also have to think of new schemes and systems to make employees feel happy in the organization. It can be understood from the above table that while Haier provides bonus linked to overall company performance, Hisense concentrates on the individual performances of its employees (Weibel, Rost and Osterloh, 2010). This is a system where the more productive employees get paid more while others are paid less. But the system for measuring performances of the employees has to be scientific and transparent; otherwise, it leads to discontent among the employees.Medical and dental checkups are a top priority for most of the employees. Hisense is more concerned about the health of its employees. However, some employees feel that the medical checkups once a year is sufficient. People are becoming more aware about health issues and medical expenses can be very high. This is the reason why more companies are particular about the health of their employees.