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特朗普的稅收計劃包含了企業稅收方面的重大變化,提高了美國的吸引力。企業稅將降至15%,目前的稅率為35%。這對於吸引美國企業回到加拿大開店來說似乎是一個巨大的下降(Bedard,2016)。加拿大目前的聯邦公司稅率為15%。儘管這一稅率穩步下降,但由於稅率的變化,應稅收入發生了變化,因此這一稅率所帶來的收入有所增加企業所得稅較低,往往反映出政府當局收入較高。總統期望從相同的效果中獲得巨大的好處。對加拿大來說,相當不幸的是,除了聯邦公司稅的稅率外,各省,一直在徵收高額公司稅。新斯科舍(新斯科舍省)和愛德華王子島(Prince Edward Island)的最高稅率為16%,不列顛哥倫比亞省(British Columbia)的最高稅率為11%,大多數省份的最高稅率將徘徊在12%的關口(Golombek,2016)。


The tax plan of Trump is inclusive of a major change in terms of corporate taxation enhancing the attractiveness of USA. The corporate tax will be lowered down to 15 per cent which is currently at the rate of 35 per cent. This appears to be a substantial drop for luring back the businesses of America that had been setting up shops in Canada for the reasons of taxation (Bedard, 2016). The current rate of federal corporate tax in Canada is 15 per cent. Irrespective of the steady decline in this rate, there has been an increase in the revenues earned by this tax rate as there are changes initiated in taxable incomes as a result of the changed rate. Low corporate taxes on income often reflect high revenues for the authorities of government. The President expects to provide tremendous benefits out of the same effect. Quite unfortunate for Canada, in addition to the rate of federal corporate tax, provinces have been levying significant corporate taxes. The top rates have been ranging from 16 per cent in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to 11 per cent across British Columbia, with majority of the provinces to hover across a mark of 12 per cent (Golombek, 2016).
While Washington, Texas, Ohio and Nevada have not been levying a corporate tax on income, majority of the states do. Ranging from 9.4 per cent in Washington and Alaska to 4 per cent in Washington and Alaska, Iowa is the only state beyond this particular range at the rate of 12 per cent. Exclusively considering the rates of federal corporate tax, Canada is known for having lowest rates at rank three across the nations of Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation. United States stands at the last position (Bedard, 2016). However, the combined provincial and federal rate places Canada at 23rd rank across the 35 member nations of OECD. In addition, the combination of US rate appears to bring up the rear. However, post- tax cuts will raise United States at the 12th rank. The tax plan of Trump might be crucial in providing additional incentives to the companies with tax of 10 per cent on repatriation of profits.



据说香农是开发这个框架的先驱。这就是两方之间沟通的基本方式。在所有的传播模式和公共关系中都发现了类似的意识形态。最著名的公共关系模型之一是由gr& Hunt开发的模型。以下是gr& Hunt公司开发的4款与众不同的车型。gr& Hunt开发了4种与公共关系实践相关的独特模式。这些模型的开发是为了理解公共关系中存在的基本沟通类型,从而开发一个内聚模型。这四种模型分别是报刊绅士模型、公共信息模型、单向传播模型和双向对称模型。


The Shannon–Weaver model of communication states tries to provide the overall heuristics of communication. It fundamentally states the information is sent by a sender to transmit information to the other party. The sender is expected to have encoded a particular message through the medium. They are considered to be the encoders. They send information by using different portals and this is integrated rhetoric noises in the medium. This information is decoded by the portals or individuals before it reaches the final destination. There is ample feedback that has been garnered from this final receiver of the information. From the communication is developed. To elucidate with an example, when two people communicate using a medium the transmitter is assumed to be first person initiating the communication they then send it using a portal or devise. The information is decoded by other people who receive the digital sound signal and finally reaches the perception of the second person.
Shannon is said to have pioneered in developing this framework. This is how communication fundamentally occurs between two parties. Similar ideology is observed in all models of communications and in public relation. One of the most well known models of public relations is the models developed by Grunting & Hunt. The 4 distinctive models developed by Grunting & Hunt’s are explained in the following part. Grunting & Hunt developed 4 distinctive models related to public relation practices. These models were developed to understand the basic kinds of communication that exists in the public relation to develop a cohesive model. These four models are the press gentry model, public information model, one-way communication model and 2-way symmetric model.

論文代寫 推薦:什麼是幸福

論文代寫 推薦:什麼是幸福
雖然金錢確實給了人們購買所有他們想要的物質的力量,但它不能買到幸福。金錢幫助人們過上舒適和安全的生活(Li, 2015);準確地說,金錢是萬惡之源。社會上的許多人認為他們擁有的錢越多,他們就會獲得越多的幸福。因此,他們總是盡最大努力賺錢(李,2015)。事實上,大多數人傾向於一生都在追求金錢。他在一篇名為《為什麼經濟增長不能轉化為幸福的增加:中國幸福多層次模型的初步結果》的文章中談到了收入的增加如何不能提高個人幸福。文章發現,貧富差距擴大、慾望得不到滿足、環境污染、過度工作和社會活動減少會降低人們的幸福感。

論文代寫 推薦:什麼是幸福

I started off from a point that I knew well, my grandfather who was a farmer in China. During our conversation he told me that he worked in the fields with sweat, but he was very happy. After my family’s standard of living improved, my grandfather move to another city. However, he was not happy at the new place, and always speaks of wanting to go back his previous life. I have also conducted an interview with my best friend, Sushi Chef Li, and my mom Zhang about their understanding of happiness. The younger people always think money can buy happiness, while older people always feel that family is important than money. I completed my research by referencing several journals for articles on the topic of happiness and its impact on individuals.The study addressed the key question – Can money make a person happy? I understood that while money can satisfy people’s desire it need not necessarily make them happy.
While it is true that money gives people the power to buy all the material things they want it cannot buy happiness. Money helps people live a life of comfort and security (Li, 2015); it is would be accurate to say that money is the root cause of all evil. Many individuals in society think the more money they have, the more happiness they will obtain. As a result, they are always trying their best to get money (Li, 2015). In fact, most people tend to spend their entire life in the pursuit of money. An article titled “Why Economic Growth did not Translate into Increased Happiness: Preliminary Results of a Multilevel Modeling of Happiness in China” by Li, he speaks about how increased income is not able to raise individual happiness. The article finds that the expanding gap between the rich and the poor, unfulfilled desires, environmental pollution, overwork and a decrease in social activities can decrease people’s happiness.



协作是组织最重要的任务之一。协同工作是指吸引新员工,提高整体生产力,帮助员工发展技能的工作。人力资源经理可以通过实施以下策略来帮助协作工作场所的发展。新的人力资源技术有着巨大的市场。每天都有一些新的应用程序出现,以帮助HR开发他们的团队并简化整个业务流程。人力资源经理应该努力寻找那些能够帮助员工有效沟通和协作的技术。这些应用的例子包括37 Signals ‘ Basecamp和Contactzilla。37 Signals ‘ Basecamp对于确保项目上的有效协作非常有用(Need, 2006)。在此帮助下,人力资源经理可以维护一个完整的审计跟踪项目的沟通,文件和待办事项清单。


Collaboration is one of the most important tasks for an organization. A collaborative workforce is the one that attracts new people, improves the overall productivity and helps the employees to develop their skills. HR managers can help in the development of the collaborative workplace by implementing the following strategies.There is a huge market for the new HR Technology. Each and every day, several new applications are coming up to help HR’s in developing their teams and simplifying the overall business process. The HR Managers should try to find those technologies which can help the employees in communication and collaboration in an effective manner. The examples of these applications include 37 Signals’ Basecamp and Contactzilla. 37 Signals’ Basecamp is useful for ensuring an effective collaboration on the projects (Need, 2006). With the help of this, HR managers can maintain a completer audit trail of the project with respect to the communications, files and to-do lists.
Contactzilla allows the employees to manage their contacts as a team so as to ensure that they can stay connected with all clients and coworkers. In the past, HR Departments used to run traditional methods for the purpose of building the teams. In the recent times, many companies are implementing a new approach for the purpose of promotion of collaboration in the companies. The companies are holding regular “hack days” in which the developers are given a day off from their usual jobs in order to do something different. Some of these companies give hack days to the employees so that they can work on the creative improvements for the product and can drive innovation. One of the companies, Spotify, hold the hackathons in which the employees can work on their creative ideas.



















叙利亚人口1810万,2015年GDP增长0.4%。通货膨胀率已上升到29.2%,这是一个相当高的数字,引起了人们的关注。这片土地被战争严重破坏,经济自由几乎可以忽略不计。由于石油和税收收入因政府干预而崩溃,该政权没有把重点放在经济发展上。相反,巴珊•阿萨德(Bashan al-Assad)政权被发现集中精力在两个主要领域——军队和公共部门人员的工资。经济上的冲突一直持续到今天,因为有几个领域表明可持续性和不适合于生活。叙利亚的人口每年都在增长。但是,在1 810万人口中,有392万人被列为劳动力,他们主要从事服务业。农业和工业部门是另外两个可以看到劳动力的领域。叙利亚人口增长的劣势在于75%的人口处于贫困线以下(Odekon, 2006)。
这是一个令人震惊的消息,因为它使这个国家变得不友好,不适合任何新企业,而且公共债务也很高。自叙利亚内战爆发以来,经济放缓的速度加快。根据2014年取得的外债记录,债务项下为58.12亿美元,收入不足以偿还外债。内战之后,进口率也一直在下降。人口的迅速增长和人均收入低仍然是叙利亚面临经济问题的两个主要原因。也有人指出,冲突的机会成本很高,由于贫困条件,每个人都不容易利用生活的基本需要(Odekon, 2006)。联合国开发计划署还采取主动,结束贫困状况,为人民创造数十万个就业机会。然而,叙利亚的劳动力并没有很好地参与就业。超过70%的劳动力月收入低于100美元。这表明需要更好的改革来发展经济。


Syria has a population of 18.1 million and 0.4% growth which is observed in its GDP in the recent year of 2015. The inflation has gone to 29.2% which is quite high and has developed concerns among people. This land is greatly devastated by war and the economic freedom is almost negligible. As oil and tax revenues were collapsed due to government intervention, the regime did not focus on economic development. Instead, Bashan al-Assad’s regime was found to concentrate on two major areas – military and wages for public sector people. The conflict in economy continues till date as several areas denote sustainability and inappropriateness for living. The population in Syria is on an increase every year. However, 3.922 million out of 18.1 million population have been categorized as labour force and they are engaged mostly in services sector. Agriculture and industrial sectors are the other two areas where the labour force can be seen. The disadvantage with this population growth of Syria is that about 75% of the population fall below the poverty line (Odekon, 2006).
This is a shocking news as it makes the country unfriendly and inappropriate for any new business and the public debt is also high. Since the Syrian civil war had happened, the economic slowdown happened at a faster pace. As per the records obtained in 2014 for external debts, 5.812 billion USD falls under the debt and the revenues haven’t been sufficient to pay the external debts. The import rate also has been declining after the civil war. The rapid growth in population and low per capita incomes have been remained as two major reasons for the economic issues faced by Syria. It is also observed that the opportunity cost of conflict is high and it is not easier for everyone to avail the basic needs for living due to poverty conditions (Odekon, 2006). The UN Development Program has also taken initiatives to end the poverty scenario and create several hundred thousands of jobs to people. However, the workforce of Syria has not engaged well with the employment. More than 70% of the labour workforce earn below 100 USD a month. This shows the need for better reforms to develop the economy.








第四,iterature Review的写作可根据所选取参考资料中 Literature Review部分的内容进行写作。同时进行Methodology部分的书写,可参考学长的优秀论文习作,也可以参考资料中的内容写作。正文的写作同样是以自己所列出的提纲及框架结构为依据,按照所找的文献资料进行书写的。写作过程中一定要注意内容的丰富性、准确性及逻辑性,避免前言不搭后语的现象发生。









公司内部对推进这一价值有不同的看法。业务伙伴模型是由Ulrich开发的。Ulrich将HR职能划分为三个部分。它是管理支持任务的共享服务活动(Foot and Hook, 2011)。另一方面,业务伙伴是与经理密切合作的个人或小型团队。这些业务伙伴、个人和团队与管理人员一起寻找关键的解决方案。专业知识中心是被认为是知识库的第三个涉众。Ulrich模型可以被人力资源部门所使用,应该在公司的战略方向上启用。在人力资源业务模型中,人力资源部门参与战略规划,以满足公司的业务目标和未来目标(Strachan, 2015)。除了专注于人力资源的职责,还应该有福利、员工关系和人力资源部门。公司的人力资源部门增加了公司的整体战略愿景。


Before the analysis of the BPM model, the analysis of the SNOW mountain has been explained in the following.The employees, the existing infrastructure i.e. the physical location and management of the company are internal drivers. The consumers have been driven by these facts to visit the place. The external drivers of the company are the governing legislation, economics of the place. It has been stated that the company is essentially looking for the best ways to govern the people and develop a shared vision towards growth. The company has an impressive brand image and has won accolades for its performance. The company has lately decided to follow the BPM model, developed a central shared devices and also the line managers of the company have been asked to take over the HR activities. The company has an existing strong HR department. The company needs an innovative plan for sustenance. There are differing views of the company as to what direction they should read in the future. The vision of the SNOW mountain hotel is to gain the status “employer of choice” within the next two years. we hire for attitude and train for skill. The company has an attractive benefit program.
There are differing views in the company to move forward with this value. The Business partner model was developed by Ulrich. Ulrich had divided the HR functions into three segments. It was that the shared service activities of the administrative support task (Foot and Hook, 2011). Business partners on the other hand, are individuals or small teams who work closely with the managers. These business partners, individuals and groups work with the managers to find key solutions. The centre of expertise were the third stakeholders who are considered as the repositories. Ulrich model can be used by the HR department should enabled in the strategic direction for the company. In the HR business model, the human resource departments participate in the strategic planning to meet the business objectives and the future goals of the company (Strachan, 2015). Apart from focusing on the HR duties, there should be benefits, employee relations and HR departments. The HR department of the company adds to the overall strategic vision of the company.


項目實施後支持是項目的一個重要方面,它不僅決定了客戶對公司植入解決方案的滿意度,還通過未來提供實施後支持,影響創收能力。 JD Edwards的應用支持將包括為Gunersen用戶提出的問題提供問題解決方案、升級程序以及解決後的跟進,以確保我們提供的解決方案能夠為公司糾正問題。標準支持時間為周一至週五上午8:30 -下午5:30,在客戶當地時區。然而,也有24/7的支持包可用(O’Leary, 2012)。我們會在辦事處以外的地方提供實施後的支援。但是,如果Gunnersen需要現場支持,那麼我們的顧問可以在他們的前提下提供。
但是,現場支助的條款和條件需要首先最後確定。在持續支持方面,我們的重點主要是在用戶培訓方面支持Gunnersen的業務,讓他們熟悉已經在企業級推出的JD Edwards新系統。然而,持續支援的核心重點,主要是在客戶的設施內提供培訓、按需培訓或在我們的設施內提供培訓。因此,根據簽訂的合同,培訓將被安排(Poston和Grabski, 2013)。如果Gunnersen的管理需要24/7隨需應變的支持,那麼也可以根據公司的需求進行設置。然而,支持24/7可能需要在合同中增加新的條款,因為目前的支持主要是為了支持一周中的五天(週一至週五)。


Post implementation support is a critical aspect of the project, as it not only decides the customer’s satisfaction with the company’s implantation of the solution, but also influences the revenue generation capability by offering post-implementation support in future. Application support of JD Edwards will include issue resolution for the issues raised by Gunersen users, escalation procedures, and post-resolution follow-up to ensure that the solution provided by us has been able to rectify the problem for the company. Standard support time will be Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, in the local time zone of the customer. However, there are 24/7 support packages are available as well (O’Leary, 2012). The post implementation support will be provided offsite from our offices. However, if Gunnersen wants onsite support, then our consultant can be provided on their premise.
However terms and conditions of the onsite support needs to be accordingly finalized first. In terms of on-going support, the focus is mainly on supporting the business of Gunnersen in terms of user training and making them familiar with the new JD Edwards systems that have been rolled out at the enterprise level. However the core focus of the on-going support is mainly towards providing training at facility of the customer, training on demand or training at our facility itself. Hence, depending on the contract signed, the training will be scheduled (Poston and Grabski, 2013). If Gunnersen’s management requires on demand support 24/7 then that can be also setup based on the requirement of the company. However, supporting 24/7 might require addition of new terms in the contract, as the current support is mainly aimed to support for the five days in a week (Mon-Fri).



自2015年起,澳大利亚国立大学环境管理计划的重点是阐明可持续发展的目标和指导该计划实施的战略。该计划的关键目标是,到2015年底,将碳足迹的排放量减少20%。其中一个关键的办法是减少电力的消耗,因为它主要造成温室气体的排放。ICT的绿色倡议将为澳大利亚国立大学提供一个通过ICT了解日益增长的能源需求的平台。从项目初始阶段开始,在进行项目工作时就使用了许多项目管理工具。其中包括SIPOC图、Is/ Is Not图以及将在附录部分中提供的利用矩阵。


The ANU Environmental Management Plan focuses on articulating targets of sustainability and strategies of implementation for guiding the plan since 2015 and head. The key target of this plan was reducing the emissions of carbon footprint by 20 per cent by the year ending 2015. One of the crucial ways was reduction in the consumption of electricity, as it mainly contributes to the emissions of greenhouse gases. The Green initiative of ICT will provide a platform to ANU for understanding the growing demand of energy through ICT. There is use of a number of tools of project management while working on the project since the initial stage. Some of these include SIPOC diagram, Is/ Is Not diagram, and utilization matrix that will be provided in the section of Appendix.
The key focus is also on researching and implementing ways for the reduction of negative impact on the environment across the campus of ANU. Following are the key objectives of this project:Investigating and recording the data for carbon footprint released due to ICT across ANU. Identifying ways for the reduction of carbon footprint across ANU as caused due to ICT. Working with the stakeholders for the identification of industrial trends in adopting the green practices of ICT and evaluating technology of energy efficiency for the reduction of environmental impact cause by ICT.Identifying the incentives available by the government for companies which adopt sustainable practices of IT.Increasing the level of awareness about Green ICT across the stakeholder groups.Reducing the emissions of carbon from ICT throughout the campus by 10 per cent.