
代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
人力資源管理是一個具有彈性的術語,它涵蓋了不同書籍和組織之間不同的應用範圍。如果人力資源管理不僅僅被認為是管理人員的一個花哨的名字,那麼這兩個概念就會有各自不同的屬性(Wilkinson, 2005)。正如Guest(1987)所提到的,人力資源管理關注於實現四個主要目標,即集成、員工的承諾、適應性和靈活性以及質量。整合考慮組織的戰略計劃,可以通過考慮人力資源的問題來成功實施,同時保持一致和連貫的政策來處理人力資源的問題(Walton和Lawrence, 2009)。這進一步受到直線管理人員對人力資源重要性的理解的影響,這在考慮到他們的行為時是顯而易見的。根據員工承諾的目標,員工必須在組織中有自己的身份,同時表現出幫助組織實現目標和目標的承諾。向前邁進,根據適應性和靈活性的目標,人力資源管理對發展組織結構做出了關鍵的貢獻,它可以被認為是有機的而不是機械的,同時幫助組織享受角色和關鍵功能的靈活性(Trehan, 2004)。

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
最後,考慮到質量的目標,在公共形象、標準、績效、員工等方面保持質量有著巨大的意義,這對企業組織和關鍵管理者都是至關重要的。 Stephen Bach(2005)認為,與10年前相比,大多數關於人力資源管理定義的爭論被認為已經消散。他認為,這在一定程度上是因為使用了更廣泛和更包容的人力資源管理定義。巴赫進一步認為,這一論點並沒有因為不同意博塞利和珀塞爾的說法而減弱(Cappelli et al., 1997)。他們指出,人力資源管理是指所有與管理企業相關的僱傭關係相關的活動。員工關係作為一個術語,與勞動管理的術語是等價的。人力資源管理不同於ER(員工關係),因為HR關注管理實踐,並且有忽視員工利益的能力(Torrington等,2007)。事實上,他對人力資源管理的本質持有相當堅定的觀點。

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理

HRM is a term with elasticity to cover varied application ranges that differ from one book to the other and one organization to the other. If HRM was not just considered as a fancy name for management of personnel, then there would have been individually different attributes of the two concepts (Wilkinson, 2005). As mentioned by Guest (1987), HRM focuses on the achievement of four main goals that are integration, commitment of employee, adaptability and flexibility, and quality. Integration considers strategic plans of the organization that can be implemented in a successful manner by taking into account the issues of HR, while maintaining consistent and coherent policies to deal with the issues of HR (Walton and Lawrence, 2009). This is further affected by the understanding of line managers regarding the significance of human resources, and this is evident when considering their behaviour. As per the goal of employee commitment, employees must have their own identity in the organization, while showing commitment to help the organization in achieving the objectives and goals. Moving ahead, as per the goal of adaptability and flexibility, HRM makes key contribution to develop the structures of organization which can be considered as organic instead of mechanistic, while helping the organization for enjoying flexibility of role and key functions (Trehan, 2004).

代寫論文 價格:什麼是人力資源管理
Finally, considering the goal of quality, there is huge significance of maintaining quality in public image, standards, performance and staff that is crucial for the business organization along with the key managers. According to Stephen Bach (2005), it has been argued that in comparison to 10 years before, most of the controversies on HRM definition have been considered to be dissipated. He argued that in part, this is because of the use of broad and more encompassing HRM definitions. Bach further considered that the argument has not diminished through disagreement with the statement by Boxali and Purcell (Cappelli et al., 1997). They stated that HRM refers to all activities related with the management of firm related employment relationship. Employee relation as a term is used on equivalent terms as labour management. HRM is different from ER (Employee relations) in the sense that HR focuses on practices of management and has a capability of ignoring employee’s interests (Torrington et al 2007). As a matter of fact, he held quite hard perspectives on HRM nature.