


宣传的主要功能是为任何广告创造一个大规模的运动。在学术评论中,宣传是一种政治手段,是一种可互换的传播形式。宣传的主要功能是以虚假信息和谣言的形式向群众传播虚假信息。宣传的另一个功能是说服读者,使他们能够对一个具体的案件塑造自己的看法。除了这一功能外,宣传的目的是获得受访者的回应,让他们采取公众要求的具体行动。这个行动过程是由社区为达到社会目的而设计的(伯奈斯和米勒,2005)。宣传模型解释了由爱德华·赫尔曼和诺姆·乔姆斯基提出的用于政治经济的概念体系。他们建立了这个模型来解释宣传是如何在系统的基础上向大众传播信息的。这个模型的目的是解释如何利用一个错误的信息来操纵人口,以及这些信息是否符合经济和社会界限(Ross, 1993)。宣传理论解释说,宣传的组织方式相应地产生了有效的效果。

用于宣传的大众媒体类型有助于达到效果。在第二次世界大战期间,宣传是战争双方的一个重要工具。随着当时宣传的使用,形成了正式的宣传类型,如白色、灰色和黑色的宣传,并提出了关于宣传类型的文献(Samuels, 2011)。白色宣传被解释为一种宣传方式,用来明确标示透明的目的。另一方的灰色宣传包括其来源可疑的资料,而这些资料的来源是不准确的,而且总是可疑的。黑色宣传是由反对政府发布的信息,他们使这些信息来自一个友好的来源。第二次世界大战期间,英国政府成立了“政治战争执行委员会”,专门从事黑人宣传工作。本组织的主要目标是使轴心国部队和公民士气低落,以便他们能够返回。这次任务的主要目标是挫败德国军队和公民的努力,这种宣传试图减少在国内前线的战争努力(伯奈斯和米勒,2005)。


Main function of propaganda is to create a massive campaign for advertising anything. Propaganda is used as a political technique in academic commentary as an interchangeable form of the communication. The main function of propaganda is to spread false information to the masses in the form of false information and rumors. Another function of propaganda is to persuade the readers so that they can mold their perceptions on a specific case. In addition to this function, propaganda aims at getting the responses from the respondents and letting them adopt a specific course of action demanded by the public. This course of action is designed by the community for achieving societal purposes (Bernays and Miller, 2005).Model of propaganda explains a conceptual system used for the political economy that was advanced by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. They developed this model for explaining how propaganda works in a systematic basis for spreading the information in masses. This model aims to explain how populations can be manipulated with one false piece of information and can this information consent economic and social boundaries (Ross, 1993). The theory of propaganda explains that the way in which propaganda has been structured gives effective results accordingly.

Example: type of mass media used for the propaganda helps in achieving the results. During World War 2, propaganda was used as an important tool on both sides of the war. With the use of propaganda at that time, formal types of propaganda like white, grey and black propaganda were developed and literature was presented on the types of propaganda (Samuels, 2011). White propaganda was explained as the type of propaganda which was used for clearly labeling the transparent purpose. Grey propaganda on the other had consists of the information that was questionable from its origin and the sources of this information were inaccurate and always doubtful. Black propaganda is the information put out by opposing government and they make this information come from a friendly source. During World War 2, political Warfare Executive was formed by the British government for the production of black propaganda. The main goal of this organization was to demoralize the Axis troops and citizens so that they can turn back. Main target of this mission was to demoralize the efforts of German troops and citizens and this propaganda tried to decrease the war efforts on the home front (Bernays and Miller, 2005).