
essay 代写:瑞士风格

essay 代写:瑞士风格

在更正式的说法,瑞士风格被称为国际排版风格。从20世纪50年代到60年代,这种设计开始发展,至今仍对当代图形学产生重大影响。这种风格是由许多标志性的方面和特点,这些是使设计可行和流行至今。这种风格的一些独特特点包括元素的使用,如不对称的布局建立在数学网格周围;清晰而朴实的表达内容的方法;使用无衬线式,一般设置左对齐和右对齐;与插画相比,摄影更受欢迎(Hollis, 2006)。在纯设计的上下文中,添加功能样式表示是非常独特的。正如我们在大多数情况下所看到的那样,当人们注意到海报的功能是多么的强大时,他们也会变得更加简单。瑞士风格的海报似乎减少了复杂性,几乎是设计上的极简主义。海报没有很多东西,而是以一种浓缩的形式叙述。早在20世纪60年代,机场使用的缩略语就非常流行,在当代更是如此。

essay 代写:瑞士风格
随着瑞士设计之父约瑟夫•穆勒-布罗克曼(Josef Muller-Brockmann)、卡尔•郭士纳(Karl Gerstner)或阿明•霍夫曼(Armin Hofmann)的出现,后者的设计师很快就接管了瑞士风格。简约的设计吸引了极简主义美学设计师,比如马西莫·维涅利(Massimo Vignelli)和维姆·克鲁维尔(Wim Crouwel),以及诺德·杨(Nod young)和洛克·恩(Lok Ng)等艺术家。成功的瑞士风格作为一种组合形式被用于许多其他风格的上下文中。以阿姆斯特丹的一组设计师的“实验喷气机”为例。瑞士风格对当代设计和技术有很大的影响。在这篇文章中,我想谈谈瑞士风格是如何影响现在的平面设计,因为瑞士风格实际上是由几何形状,布局和字体组成的,这和现在的平面设计师是一样的。这就是为什么瑞士风格一直在不知不觉中影响着图形行业。了解瑞士风格将有助于理解它如何影响当代设计师。

essay 代写:瑞士风格

In more formal parlance, the Swiss style is called as the International Typographic Style. From the 1950s to the 1960s, this design started to grow and it still has a major influence in contemporary graphics. The style is identified by many hallmark aspects and characteristics and these are what make the design viable and popular even now. Some of the unique characteristics of this style include elements such as the use of asymmetrical layouts built around a mathematically constructed grid; a clear and unadorned approach to the presentation of content; the use of sans-serif type, generally set flush-left and ragged-right; and a preference for photography over illustration (Hollis, 2006). In the context of plain design, the addition of a functionality style presentation is very unique. As seen in most cases there is opulence when one notices how functional posters are more so when they are also made simpler. Instead of a splash of many things that might be difficult for a person who views to just understand it, the posters of the Swiss style seem to bring a reduction in complexity, almost minimalistic in design. The posters instead of having many things formed a narrative in a condensed form. These form of condensed versions used in airports became much popular as early as in the 1960’s and in the contemporary times they are even more so.

essay 代写:瑞士风格
With the founding fathers of Swiss design being Josef Müller-Brockmann, Karl Gerstner or Armin Hofmann, latter designers soon took over the Swiss style. The reduced design appealed to the minimalistic aesthetic designers such as that of Massimo Vignelli and Wim Crouwel and artists like Nod young, and Lok Ng. The successful Swiss style was used in the context of many others, as a combined form. Consider the case of the ‘experimental jetset’ of Amsterdam based set of designers. Swiss style has a very large impact on contemporary design and techniques. In the essay, I would like to talk about how Swiss style affects nowadays graphic design, as Swiss style is actually formed by geometric shape, layout and typeface, which is the same as what nowadays graphic designers do. That’s why the Swiss style has been influencing the graphic industry in an unwitting way. Knowing about Swiss style will be helpful in understanding how it influences contemporary designers.