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他继续说他有种族隔离的民众为三个分类基于他们的思维方式即一年级,二年级和三年级。他也承认,大部分的人口可以表示成三年级思想家(Sullivan &查尔斯,2005)。如果一个选择先锋其他人群的使用创造混乱,他/她可能成功地这样做由于缺少能够区分事实与谎言和现实幻想的三年级组。



William Golding, who penned “Thinking as a Hobby” discussed and elaborated on the fact that were three basic evaluations to critical thinking or thinking, in general. He stated and described these three kinds or “grades” of thinking starting with grade three which he described as loaded with “prejudice, hypocrisy and ignorance” (Golding, 2004).

He goes ahead to say that he has segregated the populace into three classifications based on the way they think namely grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3. He also accepts that a greater part of the population can be represented as grade 3 thinkers (Sullivan & Charles,2005). If one chooses to pioneer the utilization of the rest of the population for creating chaos, he/she can possibly succeed in doing so due to the lack of ability to distinguish truth from the lies and reality over illusions by the grade 3 group.

He further moves on to describe the grade 2 thinkers, who according to him are less impacted by one driving force. He accepted that these evaluations of populace could distinguish debasement and inquiry the sincerely of religion or foundation yet are blinded by these thoughts that truly obstructs this a piece of the populace from discovering new standards to consider in (Johnstone & Barbara,1997). The remaining populace incorporates grade-one masterminds who see debasement and viciousness as well as looks for truth. Their specific lives are surrounded by excellence, shrewdness and information (Corbett, 2004). This populace shows characteristics of excellence, innovativeness and creative energy like Einstein and thinkers including Heraclites and Aristotle opening the overall public to music, workmanship and science.





In the present research, the relationship between American football and American culture has been explored. It is acknowledged by many that there has been an error in the preoccupation with baseball in the sports history of America; there have been a number of studies conducted recently that focused on football. These studies are a welcome addition to the works related with the history of contemporary sports in America. While as lately as in 1988, sports historians were facing the challenge of finding comprehensive academic analysis regarding what had happened to the spectator sport that is most popular in America. For example, in bibliographic essay written in 1995 regarding the historical writings of Americans sport during the period between 1850 and 1920, Stephen Riess was only capable of identifying a journal article, one PhD thesis and the official history of the National Football League (NFL). In the same way, he can find only two books and some articles related with college football. Although this research covered only the work that has been done up to 1920, it clearly shows that there is a significant lack of material related with American football, particularly when it is compared with the number of researchers that have been conducted on baseball. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that even sports historians have very little to say regarding football (Bissinger, 1991).



望远镜观察这张图片有它的起源在20世纪早期。意识形态来设计一个空间技术是1923年由德国科学家赫尔曼跟着自己。他观察事件的基本思想和吸收来自不同方面的数据空间。1946年美国天体物理学家莱曼斯皮策小,我提高了这原始的议程创建一个望远镜监视和数据同化。他被认为是创建一个大望远镜的灵感来源。1969年NASA基本上创建一个大望远镜,可以监视活动,收集数据。望远镜的错综复杂和详细基本上成为复杂的时间和知识。1974年,基本上大望远镜收集数据的技术,是十分之一的角秒,可以记录各种波长紫外线和红外线。它基本上可以推导出不同波长的光谱,使重要的计算。1975年欧洲机构也参与了这个项目,1977年哈勃望远镜的名字是设计,正式开始运作。这是这个雄心勃勃的望远镜项目背后的历史。M100的哈勃太空望远镜的帮助下发现实际上是一个集群的恒星,它大约有2500在在这个螺旋梅西耶100星系被认为是最突出或最宏伟的科学家称他们(哈勃网站,2015 b)。天文学家能够观察到有超过一打这些造父变星和造父变星能够强烈脉动发生的速度周。


The telescope to observe this image had it origin in the early 20th century. The ideology to devise a space technology was done in 1923 by the German scientists Herman Oberth. He had the fundamental idea of observing events and assimilating data about the different aspects from space. In 1946 the American astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer Jr, furthered this original agenda of creating a telescope to monitor and assimilate data. He is considered to be the inspiration for creating a large telescope. In 1969 NASA basically created a big telescope that can monitor activities and collect data. The intricacies and the detailing of the telescope basically became complex with time and from the knowledge. In 1974 the large telescope basically had the technology to collect data that is one tenth of an arc second and can record the various wavelengths from UV rays to infrared rays. It could basically deduce the different wavelength across the spectrum and make significant calculations. IN 1975 the European agencies also got involved in this project and in 1977 The Hubble telescope name was devised and had officially started to function. This is the history behind this ambitious telescope project. The M100 that was found with the help of the HST is actually a cluster of stars, it has about 2500 galaxies in it and in this the spiral Messier 100 is seen to be the most prominent or what scientists call the most magnificent in them (Hubble Site, 2015b). Astronomers were able to observe that there were more than a dozen of these Cepheid variables and these Cepheid variables were capable of strong pulsations that occurred at a rate of weeks.



黑洞的概念和困惑科学家着迷。定义黑洞完全可以说,这是一个广阔与外宇宙时空,无法连接。一次粒子进入该地区无法逃离这一地区(夏皮罗& Teukolsky,2008)。这些黑洞的存在或这些“隐形”地区空间在太空中有许多生理效应。最显著的意义是霍金辐射的热性质(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)。这些都是在这个分析探索。黑洞的概念、类型的黑洞即恒星黑洞,超大质量黑洞,黑洞中间形成理论、演化及其检测的黑洞是在这份报告中详细讨论。

术语“黑洞”被评为1967年由约翰·惠勒。黑洞的存在,然而,有关黑洞的研究在这一项了(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)。黑洞是不能沟通的领域或地区与外部交互宇宙由于区域内的密度非常高。一次粒子进入黑洞附近地区不能逃脱它的引力(Redd,2015)。这是一个非常简单的定义有许多参数需要添加理解黑洞的概念。

可以得出的结论是,黑洞的形成当对象的体重变得比引力较小半径(rg)= 2通用/ C2。,牛顿万有引力常数G M C的质量和光速。(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)


The concept of black hole has fascinated and perplexed scientists in history. To define black holes simply it can be said that it is an expanse in space-time that cannot connect with the outer cosmos. Once a particle enters into this region it cannot escape from this region (Shapiro & Teukolsky, 2008). The existence of these black holes or these “invisible” regions in space has many physical effects in space. The most notable significance is the thermal nature of the Hawking radiation (Frolov & Novikov, 1998). These are explored in this analysis. The concepts of black holes, types of black holes i.e. the stellar black holes, supermassive black holes and the intermediate black holes its formation theories, evolution and its detection of the black holes are discussed in detail in this report.

The terminology “Black Hole” was named by John Wheeler in 1967. The existence of the black hole and the studies regarding the black hole was however well before this term was coined (Frolov & Novikov, 1998). Black holes are the areas or region that cannot communicate of interact with the external universe owing to the very high density within the region. Once a particle enters near the black hole region it cannot escape from its gravitational pull (Redd, 2015). This is a very simple definition there are many parameters that needs to be added to comprehend the concept of black holes.

It can be concluded that the of Black hole is formed whenever the body mass of an object becomes lesser than the gravitational radius (rg) =2GM/C2 . Where, G is Newton’s gravitational constant M is the mass and the C is the speed of light.  (Frolov & Novikov, 1998)





The biggest civilising change was brought aboutwhen Lachlan Macquarie became the governor of Sydney in 1810. As an ardent pursuer of civilized buildings and having impeccable colonialist taste in the shapes and forms of buildings, Governor Macquarie completed previous projects and planned for further projects . The idea that Macquarie had was to employ ex-convicts in order to utilise criminal mindset for the betterment of a colony, and that is what he achieved.  Thus began a process of modernization and civilization. Due to shortage of funds, Macquarie employed Francis Greenway, an ex-convict and paid him by means of a settlement. Some of the most prominent architectural domains have resulted from the combined efforts of both Macquarie’s vision and Greenway’s expertise.

The three buildings that bear prominence to civilised culture include St. James’ Church, Windsor Court house as well as Queen Victoria building. These buildings bear not only a remnant of the complex British architecture that was incorporated in Australia, but have since then served as an important reminder of how cultures get amalgamated through architecture to blossom into a civilised nation.




Earlier in 1945, for the initial time in the past a treaty rule was established to regulate money as well as the international payment structure, to be provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This organization needed adherents to maintain their present account free from limitation. Put merely, in case a bill is due for an external interest payment or for imports, domestic monetary authorities must make foreign exchange accessible to pay it. This responsibility is thought willingly, however once made it is legitimately binding as well as permanent. International Monetary Fund Articles of Agreement give a possibility to examine whether a norm influences the behaviour of states, also when State face unexpected situations that make compliance undesirable or more expensive in the short run.
The examples reveal that the IL commitments are essential to policy option. Taken altogether, the findings are most compatible with an analysis that States make commitments to further their self-interests and fulfil them to keep their reputation for expected behaviour in securing the property rights. Powerful regional impacts keep that reputations establish around domestic standards of behaviour. A good status for appreciating the policy of regulation domestically is connected with conformity that recommends that whenever feasible governments will stay clear of harming an important reputation for law-governed actions; this deliberation hinders them from breaking the international regulation.
Moreover, the International Monetary Fund does not enforce commitments, however it posts information on states’ norms from which one could infer compliance. Hence, the Executive Board can endorse limitations and this function could be rather significant in guaranteeing an extent of transparency in differentiating policies appropriate with a contingent policy from the workout of sheer policy judgment. The IMF has made use of these formal solutions cautiously.





红色塔拉或古鲁古里佛母熊一个温和的性格即使她带着弓和头骨的冠冕,也许,代表神圣的战士的能量。白度母,也称为鞑靼语有七个眼睛除了正常的一双眼睛(Tara Drolma,22章)。白度母是受人尊敬的国家最高保护器,以及监护人的佛教传统。她是女神的恐惧。从塔拉Drolma引用,”她似乎只要一个跟随者调用。她的到来,准备把最可怕的情况。她从狮子的威胁,保护忠实的大象,毒蛇或强盗。她还开门密不透风的地下城和放松链条,卸扣囚犯。麻风病的治疗师,她会让你远离死亡的恐惧,有助于克服疼痛,导致学生完美的最高成就。她是无与伦比的力量当面对闪电,愤怒的海洋,或火灾。”(利文森,2003)


Blue Tara, on the other hand, is shown as holding a cleaver and a skullHere too, we find a similarity with the Goddess Kali in Hinduism. Both blue Tara and Kali are considered to be the ferocious aspect of the feminine energy. Similarly, yellow Tara is considered to be an angry form of Tara Boddhisatwa. She is depicted as holding vajra, rope, bow and conch shell (Levenson, 2003).


Red Tara or Kurukulla bears a gentler disposition even if she is shown carrying a bow and a crown of skulls, perhaps, a representation of the divine warrior energy. The white Tara, also known as Sitatara has seven eyes apart from the normal pair of eyes (Tara Drolma, Chapter 22). The white Tara is revered for being the country’s supreme protector, as well as, guardian of its Buddhist traditions. She is the goddess of fear. To quote from Tara Drolma, “She appears as soon as a follower calls. She arrives, ready to put to right the most terrible of situations. She protects the faithful from the threat of lions, of elephants, of poisonous snakes or brigands. She also opens the door to impenetrable dungeons and loosens the chains that shackle prisoners. Healer of leprosy, she keeps the fear of death at bay, helps to overcome pain, and to lead pupils to the perfection of supreme accomplishment. She is attributed with unequalled power when faced with lightning, the fury of the oceans, or fire.” (Levenson, 2003)



Danimal设法例证了金字塔的基础原则,我认为由于过渡的主要决定采取Danimal的传统商业模式。然而,我认为,案例研究凸显了防喷器市场管理需要特别是关于创新和创造独特(Acosta等,2011)。各种流程的介绍是在Danimal导致对防喷器的管理业务。最重要的介绍按我的分析是在组织中引入的新的分配渠道,命名为Danimamas Daniladies。传统分销渠道没有后跟Danimal采取其产品超市,因为该组织的主要目标客户是来自低收入群体(Acosta等,2011)。这里的目的不仅是开发分销渠道以精炼的方式也让女性人口。这种描述创新。这种关系的分销渠道是两层,允许SA达能的分销渠道管理的帮助下只有一些管理人员。培训事件发生两天能够涵盖销售、市场营销和融资部门领导对创造20%的参与者的撤军。组织是支持允许长期撤军描绘Danimals灵活性。把产品的分销商也允许的第一箱没有任何价格帮助建立信任。引入虚拟货币的过程是另一个基本角度避免了完整的有关组织的财务风险。这样的例子,可以说,公司建立了一个具有高度创造性的管理风格与创新业务。这也进一步得出结论,通过管理的原则有效地防喷器,Danimal也能够体现他们。


Danimal managed to exemplify the base of pyramid principles, I think due to the main decision of transition taken against the traditional business model of Danimal. However, I believe that the case study has highlighted the BOP market management required especially with regard to innovating and creating uniquely (Acosta et al, 2011). The introduction of various processes was done at Danimal which led towards management of the business of BOP. The most crucial introduction as per my analysis was the new distributive channel introduced within the organization, named as Danimamas and Daniladies. Traditional distribution channel was not followed by Danimal for taking its products to the supermarkets because the main target customers of the organization were people from low income groups (Acosta et al, 2011). The purpose here was not only to develop the channel of distribution in a refined manner but also for empowering the women population. This depicted innovation. This relationship of distribution channel was two tier and allowed SA Danone for managing the channel of distribution with the help of only some management members. The training event taking place for 2 days was able to cover sales, marketing and financing departments leading towards creation of 20 percent participants’ withdrawal. The organization was in favor of allowing long-term withdrawal as well which depicted Danimals flexibility. The distributors were also allowed for taking the product’s first crate without any price which helped in building trust. Introduction of the process of virtual money was another essential perspective for avoiding the complete risk of finances in relation to the organization. With all such examples, it can be said that a highly creative management style was established in the company with innovative operations. Further this also concludes that by managing the principles of BOP effectively, Danimal was also able to exemplify them.







Product Service: Dominos has provided an unmatched delivery services across all of its stores throughout the world which is way ahead of its rivals. It has gained its huge brand value majorly due to its services. The 30 Minutes delivery or money refund service makes dominos ways ahead of its current competitors. Due to this they have been successful in maintaining a balance between its customers. In addition they also provide a 15 minutes take away guarantee on the pizza’s failing to which they will be providing their own pizza voucher. They also provide free delivery for the all the orders without any minimum amount. Thus, dominos has concentrated on its peripheral services and has provided unmatched services to the customers.

Product Design: Dominos offers a large number of pizza designs. It has created an advanced system by which the customers can select their favorite pizza and other items.  In addition to this, they have been continuously focusing on the pizza design and increasing the number of available products for the customers. They offer pizzas and pastas in a number of varieties, each one of them having different toppings. The design of the product is further enhanced with the oregano seasoning. The product packing also adds an appealing element to its designs.

Process Design and Details: Domino’s pizza offers a large number of products for the customers. They particularly offer pizzas, pastas, side orders and beverages. The pizza crusts include Classic Hand Tossed Pizza, Crunchy Thin crust, Cheese Burst and New York Crust and Extreme Edge for its customers. They offer range of toppings for the customers to choose from.







The halls inside were painted with the rich cultural heritage of the Sultan’s religions and the sitting area or the throne resembled to me the larger than life of the Sultan. The Conqueror, Mehmed in 1453 after the conquest of Istanbul started to build the palace from 1460 and was completed by the end of 1478 (Topkapisarayi.gov.tr). The walls reflected the holy writings of Islam and indicated that there was a very high adherence to the religion followed by them.

The above picture shows the wall details including writings about the Islam religion.

The hall height is more than average indicating the Sultan’s desire of grandness but a strict follower of his religion with submissive attitude. Primarily the Divan served the administrative works, Sultans private meetings with his ministers, with the public to hear and announce important decisions about the realm and rules. The building to me holds an important significance in the entire palace because, it was probably the only place where outside public was allowed to enter and they would perceive the strength of the Sultan by the design and the grandness of the halls designed. The grand design of the hall displayed something beyond its grandness and that is power and influence of the Sultan. To me, it seemed that more than posing a threatening or an intimidating look, the hall actually showcased a more friendly gesture, indicating that if people are right and follow the rules laid down by the Sultan, there is nothing to fear about and justice will be undeniable under the Sultan’s rule.