
在新西兰留学的时候写essay的是经常要做的事那么数字该用英文表示,例如one, two, three..,还是用阿拉伯数字 1,2,3….来变表示?这和到essay的格式是使用APA还是MLA而有所不同。那么它有那些规定呢?请看我们论文代写老师的讲解。

论文代写提醒,APA格式和MLA格式分别是由美国心理学学会(American Psychological Association)和现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)两个机构所制定,作为投稿他们家期刊的规定格式。 APA收录的主要是社会科学相关的论文,MLA收录的则是文学相关的论文。

资料是根据MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.)以及the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing(3rd ed.)所写。


必须能以8.5×11英寸的纸张输出;行距间隔为2,字体推荐Times New Roman;字体大小为12pt;标点符号后方需空一格;页面留白为 1 inch;段落的第一句用“tab”后开始。

在所有页面的右上方标记页数,上方以 inch间隔开并“内容靠右”方式(如老师叮嘱不要标记,则不需要标记)

“斜体字”只使用在需要强调的部分。如需要Endnotes(尾注),跟Works Cited Page个别在页面新增注解


题目以“对齐中间”,底线、斜体字、引用符号等都不适用题目。根据题目大写需求,使用大写字体(eg. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Last of the Mohicans)。引用符号或斜字体只使用在题目当中有引用其他文獻时,题目和论文内容的第一句行距间隔为2。

论文代写表示,所有页面的右上方页首部分写上姓(Last name)及页数。数字以阿拉伯数字(1,2,3,4)按照顺序写上,上方留下英寸间隔后“靠右对齐“

除此之外,还有很多引用方法和Works Cited Page等格式所须遵守的规则,这些跟APA格式的一样了。

APA Style



12 years old, 57th trial

Unit of measurement前的数字

5-mg dose, 24 mm


Multiplied by 5 或0.33 of the ~


More than 5% of the sample, a ratio of 15:1


1hr 34 min, at 3:30am, 2-years olds, score 3 on a 10 point scale. 5 days

例外时间或日期以大数值表现时例外“about five days”



数字在句子或题目等文章的最前面时Forty-eight percent of the sample…, Twelve students improved…


one fifth of the class…, two-thirds majority


the Twelve Apostles, Five Pillars of Islam

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研究人员建议,长期的买方和供应商的权力和关系是与提高组织财务绩效的措施相联系的。发现买卖公司的权力对管理很重要,因为它提高了ROS(销售利润率)通过降低原材料成本,总收入,不断满足客户需求和及时,ROI(投资回报率)和提高操作性能措施通过高响应性和按时交货(麋鹿et al .,2017)。买方供应商权力的首要重要性仍然在于顾客满意。


通过战略性的买方-供应商伙伴关系所获得的利益的结合确保了不仅客户的需求得到了有效和及时的满足,而且这些需求也通过成本效率的方法得到了解决。这确保了现有的客户将重复购买,这是由于之前对成本效率、产品可用性和易用性(Habib et al., 2015)的满意度。因此,为了使这些变量呈现给每个客户的体验,买方供应商的紧密联系是很重要的。此外,供应商的组织成功与买方的价值间接地联系在一起。供应商通过提供竞争优势来实现与买家的合作,供应商可以确定持续的成功(Yilmaz Borekci et al., 2015)。这是由研究人员提出的,因为他们的基本假设是,购买者更喜欢提供竞争优势的供应商,而不是其他供应商,无论是产品质量、成本领先还是两者兼有。


It is suggested by the researchers that the long term buyer-supplier power and relations are associated with the measures of enhanced financial performance of organizations. It is found that the buyer-supplier power is important for management since it improves the ROS (return on sales) through the reduced cost of the raw material, total revenue by meeting the customer demands continually and timely, ROI (return on investment) and enhances the operating performance measures through high responsiveness and delivery on time (Elking et al., 2017). The primary importance of the buyer-supplier power remains on the customer satisfaction.


The combination of the benefits that are achieved through strategic buyer-supplier partnership ensures that not only the needs of the customers are met effectively and timely but also that these needs are addressed with the cost efficient approach. This ensures that the existing customers will make repeated purchases due to the satisfaction experienced previously about the cost efficiency, product availability and ease of access (Habib et al., 2015). Therefore, in order to make these variable present for the experience of each customer, close association of the buyer-supplier is important. Moreover, the supplier’s organizational success is linked indirectly with the value of the buyer. It is realized by the suppliers that working with the buyers through delivering competitive advantage, the supplier can ascertain the sustained success (Yilmaz Borekci et al., 2015). This is argued by researchers due to the basic assumption that the buyers will prefer the supplier that provides competitive advantage over other suppliers whether it is the product quality, cost leadership or both.








The referendum has given them the right to withdraw ratification in the year 2005 and to ensure formal relationship with Iraq going forward (Cabinet KRD, pars. 21-29). Referendums are meant to know the wishes of people when the current government has either misused its power or become powerless. In this case, it has misused it many instances which called for referendum on independence. According to the Iraq constitution, it is a voluntary union which can also be voluntarily dissolved through the constituent units. It should also be noted that Iraq has failed to honor constitution which actually formed the base for creation of a voluntary union. In such a case, Kurdistan has every right to call referendum as lawful and constitutional. This referendum will stand as a marker to denote the dissolution of law, government and powers.

Impact of the law applicable
It was the first Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum organized to state the interest of over 93% of voters to become independent. Although it is a controversial referendum, the voter turnout rate has shown the urge of people to become democratic and dissolve the existing Iraqi government.
The impact of the law is the call for dissolution of Iraq rule as per the constitution of Iraq and application of chapters on secession by United Nations to ensure the rights of every member upon dissolution.



每日邮报称,受疾病影响的人数实际上在英国每年超过5万人。除非患者出国旅行,否则实验室通常不进行测试。患者病情的这种假设是令人担忧的趋势。在英国以外从未有过这种疾病的机会也很高。可以说任何人都可以感染这种疾病,而有贾第鞭毛虫的人则需要治疗。实验室和医生对这种情况有不屑一顾的态度。这种不屑的态度是许多人未经诊断和治疗的原因。即使官方记录的数字较少,受此病影响的实际人数可能会高得多。没有他们的知识,人们可以成为多年的载体。一些专家说,感染这种疾病的机会是很容易的。这种疾病的表现可能需要几年的时间。这种情况可以使人们发展其他更小的疾病,如乳糖不耐症。这种疾病只需要非常低的囊肿数量来影响人类或宿主介质。该领域的专家说,尽管现有的任务规定,这种疾病的流行率较高。一个人即使在游泳的时候也可以抵制这种疾病。 (Ruthwood 2013)。受污染源的数量实际上是相当多的数字,需要立即采取行动。如果这种情况没有得到纠正,可能会有贾第虫病的潜在流行。如果有更严格的相关法律,就有法律保持良好的卫生习惯,这种疾病的传播可以完全停止。


The daily mail claims that the number of people that are affected by the diseases is actually more than 50,000 per year in the UK. The labs generally do not conduct the tests unless the patient has travelled abroad. This assumption of the patient’s condition is a worrying trend. The chance of contracting this disease is also high within the people who have never travelled outside the UK. It can be said that anyone can contract this disease and people who have this Giardia needs to be treated. The labs and the physicians have dismissive attitude for this condition. This dismissive attitude is the reason many people go undiagnosed and untreated. Even though the official recorded number is less the actual number of people who are affected from this disease could be much higher. The people can be carriers for years without their knowledge. Some experts say that the chance of contracting this disease is very easy. The expression of the disease could take even few years. This condition can make the people develop other smaller ailments like lactose intolerance. It takes only a very low number of cysts for this disease to affect the humans or the host medium. The experts in the field say that in spite of the existing mandates there is higher prevalence of this disease. A person can contradict this disease even while swimming. (Ruthwood 2013). The amount of contaminated sources is actually a considerable number that warrants immediate action. If this situation is not corrected there could be a potential epidemic of Giardiasis. There are laws to maintain good hygiene if more stringent relevant laws are in place the spreading of this disease can be stopped completely.
A study was undertaken to find out about the prevalence of this condition in the United Kingdom. One hundred animal faecal samples were randomly collected from public parks in Scotland. It has been found that the Giardia affects people and other animals as well. It was found that of the random sample that the proportion of the Giardia cysts ranged between 0 to 40% and the incidence of cryptosporidium ranged from 0 to 2.4%.






The costume of Batman is an emblem of a bat to scare his villains, foes and enemies. He puts on a black cowl and cloak with ears of bat joint. The colour of his body suit is grey with his boots and gloves, which are black. With the passage of time, the appearance of Batman has altered repeatedly. The appearance has been changed over 200 times of Batman. By this theme, the superhero reflects the cultural and religious righteousness in the society. Villains commanded on charging the superhero boy and wanting to take him into his home. However, by the superpowers of Heroes, Villains ran away frightened. Religiousness is consequently not only to be existed in the present society but the emergence and elimination of evil forces of Heroes the society became religious and became as a paradise in which everyone lives in peace. There is no fight, no evilness, no cruel, no poverty, no helplessness in the earth. Comic books recognition all through the Comic Books Golden Age was perceptive and evolution of time the transform in format and style has developed. This is manifestation in the differences of dominant culture and thoughts given in the era of contemporary comics. Amazing Fantasy by hero’s journey whose spirit has formed to vigorous today is picture of superhero other than organized to keep definite facets that stay behind proper to its creative form. As character of hero characterize solder the comics reveal how relevant and like a human he is throughout his efforts of a normal teenager.
Surprisingly, the comic of Heroes is about religious approach and perspective expressing as popular cultural perspective. The comic stories hit the peoples as a more fascinating, vivid inspiration to insatiability. It is generally more ethically difficult as the character may in fact be precise (Synder, Scott, 2011).The stories of comic of Campbell will ultimately activate us. Scared heroes generally recognize threats that are present rather than prospective, other than they might be suspicious destructions anyhow.





The operation and structure of all the industries has been greatly altered by technology. The central question for the management of the existing firm is not that whether the technology would be beneficial or not but will the business gain from its change or not. Many aspects of business are evolving through technology and its new business opportunities are also being created through the same.
The penetration of technology in every function of business has rendered the opportunity to every employee to observe that technology could allow them to have quality data which is well organized which could be used to make better decisions. Moreover, day-to-day running of the business is supported by the technology. The acceptance of the new world of information technology to the manager is one side of the equation (Goodhue 1995). Getting employees to work on the technology is the other part and it requires deep understanding of human nature and patience. This is because of the fact that most of the people are fearful of technology. A fear is established in employees that technology would replace them altogether for the sake of cutting costs or it would displace personnel into unfamiliar and new job function.
Every aspect of the business could be improved with the advent of the new information technologies. The businesses are more efficient and flexible with the invention of fax machine, telephone and new developments in video-conferencing and wireless communications. Businesses that are more willing to accept the technology are more likely to prosper and survive. Hence, today the workplace is full of heavy technology where the basic essentials are the fax machines, complex network of phones and high end computer net working(Jack 1998). It is by high technology that the today’s management and business continue to get transformed.





The use of monitoring software in public spaces such as office workrooms, or school spaces will require the consent of the people present in those spaces. Privacy rights of all people are to be protected. In this context, this essay will discuss scenario 3, which is the issue of the usage of Webcams in School Laptops. A part of my responsibilities as an IT manager will be overseeing the installation of software packages for large orders. A recent order of laptops for a local school district requires webcam software to be loaded. This software has the capabilities of remote activation which means that one who had access privileges might be able to turn on the laptop webcam remotely. All software access privileges will be controlled by the school system administration. The school wants the webcam with software to be installed in order to track laptops if they were stolen and also wants this remote capability in order to monitor children when they are taking a test online. This will be a form of verification tool.

The people that are affected by this implementation are diverse. Primarily it is the people that will use the laptops, such as the school children, the teachers in the school and the other employees. Other stakeholders involved are the parents and surroundings of the children where the child might use the laptop as there could be security and privacy risks for them. In addition it is also the Technology procurement and implementation group that will be at risk. We could lose our reputation. The school administration will be directly affected by this risk. The school administration may at present believe that they will be benefitted, because they want to ensure that if a laptop gets stolen they will be able to identify who took it, and also will be able to check up on the students that take the test. Although the school believes that it benefits, there are legal and ethical implications here. Primarily it will not be necessary for the school to have this webcam installation in order to find out who stole their laptop, at present there are small chips that can be installed in order to track the laptop if necessary.





Nick feeling unsatisfied and unconfident in being able to get a fair price by selling his shares to the existing shareholders is legitimate but his conduct of not attempting to sell the shares to his partners or internal shareholders is not advisable. Before attempting to sell it to existing shareholders Nick trying to sell it directly to external shareholders and bringing an outsider is a violation of the Articles of Association which requires him to sell it to existing shareholders, failing which he can approach an outsider and sell his shares. Nick has violated the Articles, following which David and George can appeal in the court against the conduct of Nick trying to sell his shares to an outsider without informing them.

Articles of Association are a necessary legislation required to be followed by all company which are registered. Scottish Holdings Ltd also comes under the prevue of the Articles of Association and they need to follow it strictly. The Articles states that the resolution can be amended by passing a special resolution (Companies Act 2006, 2014). This part of the legislation was not utilised by the company when it was required to repay the debts and the directors outvoted Nick while David and George retained the decision making position. They could have used a special resolution when Nick wanted to sell his shares and without attempting to sell it to the existing shareholders went to sell it to an outsider. The Articles contain the powers of directors, meeting procedures, member’s rights, winding up a company, paying dividends to shareholders, etc. In this scenario there seems to be a lack of procedural details which enforced Nick to opt out of the share sale and later indulge in violated practices of mortgaging the company’s property and using the raised money to purchase another property with his wife through a different company unknown to David and George. The purchase of a property in Scotland by Nick with his wife by mortgaging one property belonging to Scottish Holdings Ltd is a violation of the Articles of Association as one property being owned by a company if mortgaged, the money raised from it must be used for the development of the same company and not in any other company completely not connected to Scottish Holdings ltd.












Methods of Drawing Overseas Investment in Tourism
Several processes, including the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, have been booked to entice more undeviating overseas venture since the economic disaster hit the Korean economy in the year 1997. As per the act, if any overseas share over US$ 20 million is completed in travel businesses as tourist guesthouses, floating hotels and global agreement capacity, the expanse can be chosen as a Foreign Venture Zone. Initiatives in such regions obtain tax cutbacks and exclusions in agreement with the Special Tax Treatment Control Act. Tax discounts and exceptions for Koreans and outsiders who finance in the tourist fascinations and travel facilities are instructed by The Social Indirect Capital Investment Act.
Global Cooperation:
Korea has reinforced supportive relations with the universal organizations like WTO and APEC, for the intention of evolving their own tourism industry (Lee, 2005, P.839). Supportable tourism was involved in the strategy aims of the Seoul Affirmation and South Korea was designated to supervise execution of this strategy.
Promotion of Medical Tourism:
The South Korean health division was focussed to severe publicity limits under earlier regulation. However, due to the tough competition in the tourism business, the administration is now supporting its liberty in the expectation of growing its economy. Sanatoriums will be permitted to effectively promote and market their facilities through the social media.
The freedom provided to the South Korea’s medical segment is anticipated to endorse the development of medicinal tourism in the Republic. South Korea’s advanced medical resources and competitive prices are expected to see the country become an increasingly important medical tourist destination in the near future. Some travel traders have now undertaken measures to create themselves as frontrunners in this developing arena.
In the year 2007, 6.4 million (approx.) distant travellers visited South Korea, labelling it as the thirty sixth best visited nations in the world and this figure is anticipated to surpass 8.5 million in the coming years (Kim, 2005, p.347). Maximum number of non-Korean travellers arrives from the countries like Japan, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.



Danimal设法例证了金字塔的基础原则,我认为由于过渡的主要决定采取Danimal的传统商业模式。然而,我认为,案例研究凸显了防喷器市场管理需要特别是关于创新和创造独特(Acosta等,2011)。各种流程的介绍是在Danimal导致对防喷器的管理业务。最重要的介绍按我的分析是在组织中引入的新的分配渠道,命名为Danimamas Daniladies。传统分销渠道没有后跟Danimal采取其产品超市,因为该组织的主要目标客户是来自低收入群体(Acosta等,2011)。这里的目的不仅是开发分销渠道以精炼的方式也让女性人口。这种描述创新。这种关系的分销渠道是两层,允许SA达能的分销渠道管理的帮助下只有一些管理人员。培训事件发生两天能够涵盖销售、市场营销和融资部门领导对创造20%的参与者的撤军。组织是支持允许长期撤军描绘Danimals灵活性。把产品的分销商也允许的第一箱没有任何价格帮助建立信任。引入虚拟货币的过程是另一个基本角度避免了完整的有关组织的财务风险。这样的例子,可以说,公司建立了一个具有高度创造性的管理风格与创新业务。这也进一步得出结论,通过管理的原则有效地防喷器,Danimal也能够体现他们。


Danimal managed to exemplify the base of pyramid principles, I think due to the main decision of transition taken against the traditional business model of Danimal. However, I believe that the case study has highlighted the BOP market management required especially with regard to innovating and creating uniquely (Acosta et al, 2011). The introduction of various processes was done at Danimal which led towards management of the business of BOP. The most crucial introduction as per my analysis was the new distributive channel introduced within the organization, named as Danimamas and Daniladies. Traditional distribution channel was not followed by Danimal for taking its products to the supermarkets because the main target customers of the organization were people from low income groups (Acosta et al, 2011). The purpose here was not only to develop the channel of distribution in a refined manner but also for empowering the women population. This depicted innovation. This relationship of distribution channel was two tier and allowed SA Danone for managing the channel of distribution with the help of only some management members. The training event taking place for 2 days was able to cover sales, marketing and financing departments leading towards creation of 20 percent participants’ withdrawal. The organization was in favor of allowing long-term withdrawal as well which depicted Danimals flexibility. The distributors were also allowed for taking the product’s first crate without any price which helped in building trust. Introduction of the process of virtual money was another essential perspective for avoiding the complete risk of finances in relation to the organization. With all such examples, it can be said that a highly creative management style was established in the company with innovative operations. Further this also concludes that by managing the principles of BOP effectively, Danimal was also able to exemplify them.