


Danimal设法例证了金字塔的基础原则,我认为由于过渡的主要决定采取Danimal的传统商业模式。然而,我认为,案例研究凸显了防喷器市场管理需要特别是关于创新和创造独特(Acosta等,2011)。各种流程的介绍是在Danimal导致对防喷器的管理业务。最重要的介绍按我的分析是在组织中引入的新的分配渠道,命名为Danimamas Daniladies。传统分销渠道没有后跟Danimal采取其产品超市,因为该组织的主要目标客户是来自低收入群体(Acosta等,2011)。这里的目的不仅是开发分销渠道以精炼的方式也让女性人口。这种描述创新。这种关系的分销渠道是两层,允许SA达能的分销渠道管理的帮助下只有一些管理人员。培训事件发生两天能够涵盖销售、市场营销和融资部门领导对创造20%的参与者的撤军。组织是支持允许长期撤军描绘Danimals灵活性。把产品的分销商也允许的第一箱没有任何价格帮助建立信任。引入虚拟货币的过程是另一个基本角度避免了完整的有关组织的财务风险。这样的例子,可以说,公司建立了一个具有高度创造性的管理风格与创新业务。这也进一步得出结论,通过管理的原则有效地防喷器,Danimal也能够体现他们。


Danimal managed to exemplify the base of pyramid principles, I think due to the main decision of transition taken against the traditional business model of Danimal. However, I believe that the case study has highlighted the BOP market management required especially with regard to innovating and creating uniquely (Acosta et al, 2011). The introduction of various processes was done at Danimal which led towards management of the business of BOP. The most crucial introduction as per my analysis was the new distributive channel introduced within the organization, named as Danimamas and Daniladies. Traditional distribution channel was not followed by Danimal for taking its products to the supermarkets because the main target customers of the organization were people from low income groups (Acosta et al, 2011). The purpose here was not only to develop the channel of distribution in a refined manner but also for empowering the women population. This depicted innovation. This relationship of distribution channel was two tier and allowed SA Danone for managing the channel of distribution with the help of only some management members. The training event taking place for 2 days was able to cover sales, marketing and financing departments leading towards creation of 20 percent participants’ withdrawal. The organization was in favor of allowing long-term withdrawal as well which depicted Danimals flexibility. The distributors were also allowed for taking the product’s first crate without any price which helped in building trust. Introduction of the process of virtual money was another essential perspective for avoiding the complete risk of finances in relation to the organization. With all such examples, it can be said that a highly creative management style was established in the company with innovative operations. Further this also concludes that by managing the principles of BOP effectively, Danimal was also able to exemplify them.