


黑洞的概念和困惑科学家着迷。定义黑洞完全可以说,这是一个广阔与外宇宙时空,无法连接。一次粒子进入该地区无法逃离这一地区(夏皮罗& Teukolsky,2008)。这些黑洞的存在或这些“隐形”地区空间在太空中有许多生理效应。最显著的意义是霍金辐射的热性质(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)。这些都是在这个分析探索。黑洞的概念、类型的黑洞即恒星黑洞,超大质量黑洞,黑洞中间形成理论、演化及其检测的黑洞是在这份报告中详细讨论。

术语“黑洞”被评为1967年由约翰·惠勒。黑洞的存在,然而,有关黑洞的研究在这一项了(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)。黑洞是不能沟通的领域或地区与外部交互宇宙由于区域内的密度非常高。一次粒子进入黑洞附近地区不能逃脱它的引力(Redd,2015)。这是一个非常简单的定义有许多参数需要添加理解黑洞的概念。

可以得出的结论是,黑洞的形成当对象的体重变得比引力较小半径(rg)= 2通用/ C2。,牛顿万有引力常数G M C的质量和光速。(Frolov &诺维科夫先生,1998)


The concept of black hole has fascinated and perplexed scientists in history. To define black holes simply it can be said that it is an expanse in space-time that cannot connect with the outer cosmos. Once a particle enters into this region it cannot escape from this region (Shapiro & Teukolsky, 2008). The existence of these black holes or these “invisible” regions in space has many physical effects in space. The most notable significance is the thermal nature of the Hawking radiation (Frolov & Novikov, 1998). These are explored in this analysis. The concepts of black holes, types of black holes i.e. the stellar black holes, supermassive black holes and the intermediate black holes its formation theories, evolution and its detection of the black holes are discussed in detail in this report.

The terminology “Black Hole” was named by John Wheeler in 1967. The existence of the black hole and the studies regarding the black hole was however well before this term was coined (Frolov & Novikov, 1998). Black holes are the areas or region that cannot communicate of interact with the external universe owing to the very high density within the region. Once a particle enters near the black hole region it cannot escape from its gravitational pull (Redd, 2015). This is a very simple definition there are many parameters that needs to be added to comprehend the concept of black holes.

It can be concluded that the of Black hole is formed whenever the body mass of an object becomes lesser than the gravitational radius (rg) =2GM/C2 . Where, G is Newton’s gravitational constant M is the mass and the C is the speed of light.  (Frolov & Novikov, 1998)