标签存档: 代写本科essay




























活跃的受众理论认为人类不只是接收信息。他们积极参与基于他们的意识形态和知识的信息的理解。对受众的信仰、价值观和教育的影响(Shoemaker and Reese, 2013),对媒体信息的解码。观众一直都在参与媒体如何与他们互动以及如何满足他们的需求。这些受众不是信息的被动接受者;相反,他们积极参与信息如何被人们理解。根据Stuart Hall的说法,有三种类型的观众。他们是主要的观众,谈判的观众和对立的读者(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。占主导地位的受众是接受信息并复制首选阅读的霸权读者。

谈判的读者试图整理信息,并将其与他们的意识形态一致。对立的读者或反霸权的读者被发现直接反对主导的代码和理解首选阅读。他们试图建立一个可供选择的参考框架(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。社交媒体的出现改变了活跃受众理论的动态。在这些动态中,观众的分类已经完全转变了。出现了新时代的观众,他们不能被划分为任何一个观众群体(Shoemaker和Reese, 2013)。听众已经成为信息传递给不同群体的支持者或部分。


The active audience theory states that humans do not simply receive information. They are actively involved in making sense of the message based on their ideology and knowledge. There is decoding of the media message that is influenced by the beliefs, values and education of the audience (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Audiences have always been involved in how the media is engaged with them and how it meets their needs. These audiences are not passive receivers of the information; rather they are actively involved in how the information is construed by the people. According to Stuart Hall, there are three kinds of audiences. They are the dominant audiences, negotiated audiences and oppositional readers (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The dominant audiences are the hegemonic readers who accept the information and reproduce the preferred reading.

The negotiated reader tries to collate information and aligns it with their ideology. The oppositional reader or the counter-hegemonic readers are found to be directly opposing to the dominate code and understand the preferred reading. They try to build an alternative frame of reference (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). Emergence of social media has changed the dynamics of the active audience theory. The audience classification has been turned completely in these dynamics. There is the emergence of the new age audience who cannot be classified into any one audience groups (Shoemaker and Reese, 2013). The audience have become the proponent or a part in which the information is carried over to the different groups.



公司治理委员会由委员会组成,委员会可以在董事会的协助下成立。本委员会的职责是推荐每年召开一次会议的董事提名人选,并使其能够甄别出成为董事会成员的合格人选。它还有助于发展董事会制定的指导方针,可以对公司(Kim, Nofsinger和Mohr, 2010)进行有效的应用。该角色由股东大会组成,股东大会清楚地表明所有股东都是名义上的股东和无记名股票,这些股东是为了公司的事务而故意聚在一起的。该角色还有助于建立公司的利益行为,从而使该协会的章程也与之相关。



The corporate governance committee consists of the outstanding committee which can be formed with the aid of the Board of the Directors. The sim of this committee is to recommend the Director nominees which constituting each annual meetings and also it is enabled for identifying the individuals qualified for the becoming the member of the board of the directors. It also aids in developing the board that sets the guidelines which can be fruitfully applicable to the company (Kim, Nofsinger and Mohr, 2010). The roles consist of the general meeting of the shareholders which clearly indicates all the shareholders that are the holders of nominative and the bearer shares which are deliberately coming together for the matters of the company. The role also aid in the establishment of the acts of the company’s interest and thereby the articles of the association are also linked to it.

The modus operandi indicates the annual meeting of the shareholders held by the company which must be made on the business days and not on the holidays. The company discusses the information which will be available for its shareholders, and it includes the call notice, the total number of shares and the other proposed documents that will be presented at the meeting (Lehman et al., 2005). The top layers, as mentioned in this context, seems to be effective and also is indicated to be efficient in arranging all the facilities to the shareholders. The top layers also play a vital role regarding the mind making of the shareholders. The discussion on the regarding the relationship of reporting and accounting between the top management and the key stakeholders must be appropriately organized for the betterment of the operations continued in the organization. This aids in developing profitability for the company and also aids in maintaining the stability of the organization.



尽管买方供应商的权力对管理和供应组织都很重要,但从管理的角度来看,增加对供应商的关注将会给组织带来价值。这是通过降低组织在持续的基础上所经历的成本(Poppo和Zhou, 2014)来进行的。研究表明,超过50%的机械化组织预算用于供应本身。这为组织的管理提供了一个关键的动机,以确定这些供应商的职能,以降低组织的成本,从而为本组织节省成本。


买方-供应商的权力和买方-供应商交换的结果对于管理从多种角度来说是至关重要的。购买者和供应商链接的重要性可以从多个组织领域中看到,因为长期和强大的买方供应商的力量可以在创建新产品线的过程中为组织的发展做出贡献(Pulles et al., 2014)。新产品线的引入是业务的一个重要组成部分,有助于产品多样化、成本领先、产品差异化和市场份额的增加以及品牌意识。买方-供应商的权力尤其重要,因为与组织管理紧密合作的战略供应商可以为产品的设计提供有价值的投入。这是在组织和供应商确认的不断增长和不断变化的需要的基础上完成的。这样的关系也可以产生资源的协同效应(Reimann et al., 2017)。与供应商的管理战略联盟有助于降低成本,提高产品投放市场的速度,降低交易成本。


Even though the buyer-supplier power is important for both the management and the supplying organization, from the management’s point of view delivering increased amount of focus on the suppliers will result in providing value to the organization. This is conducted by lowering the cost that are experienced by the organization on an ongoing basis (Poppo and Zhou, 2014). The research has indicated that more than 50 per cent of the mechanized organizational budget is spent on the supplies itself. This provides a critical motivation to the management of organization for identifying such suppliers that function with the focus on reducing the cost of the organization which will enable the cost saving benefits for the organization.


The buyer-supplier power and the outcomes of the buyer-supplier exchanges are essential for the management from multitude of perspectives. The importance of the buyer and supplier link can be viewed from a number of organizational areas as the long term and strong buyer-supplier power can contribute to the organizational development in the process of creating new product lines (Pulles et al., 2014). The introduction of new product lines is a critical component of business that facilitates product diversification, cost leadership, product differentiation and increase in market share along with brand awareness. The buyer-supplier power is especially important as the strategic suppliers that work closely with the management of organization can provide valuable input for the design of the product. This is done on the basis of the growing and changing needs recognized by the organization and supplier. Such relations can also create synergy of resources (Reimann et al., 2017). The strategic alliance of the management with suppliers facilitate the reduction of cost, increased speed of product placement in market and reduced cost of transaction.




根据研究人员的研究,战略方式的供应链管理更加强调了买方和供应商之间的紧密联系和加强的纽带,以利用这种联系所带来的利益。买家正在与该组织的战略供应商(Habib et al., 2015)日益密切的联系。研究人员认为,组织的管理逐渐认识到建立一个强大的买方-供应商权力和买方-供应商交换结果的重要性,因为这些实践已经提供了明确的和有利的结果。


学术学者和研究人员认为,随着越来越多的组织发展战略性的供应商合作关系,与战略供应商的支持关系的重要性正在显现。一旦完成,这些组织就会立即在运营市场中获得竞争优势(Hingley et al., 2015)。研究人员指出,为了与战略供应商建立大范围的关系,重要的是买家不仅要意识到,而且还要重视其他供应商的关键优势。其中一个重要的因素是,从战略供应链管理的角度来看,组织成功是一个依赖的变量。研究人员认为,对买方-供应商权力和后续交易的有效管理不仅能使价值创造,而且还能提高组织的绩效。


According to the researchers, the supply chain management of strategic manner is placing more emphasis on the close affiliation and strengthened bond of the buyer and supplier in order to avail the benefits that can be derived from this association. The buyers are growingly developing closer links with the strategic suppliers of the organization (Habib et al., 2015). It is argued by the researchers that the management of organizations is gradually recognizing the importance of establishing a strong buyer-supplier power and the buyer-supplier exchange outcomes as these practices have provided with the defined and advantageous results.


The academic scholars and researchers suggest that the significance of the supportive relations with the strategic supplier is surfacing as increasing number of organizations develop strategic supplier partnerships. Once this is performed, the organizations immediately attains a competitive edge in the operating markets (Hingley et al., 2015). The researchers indicated that in order to develop large range of relationships with the strategic suppliers, it is important that the buyers not only realize but also appreciate the key strengths of the other suppliers. One of the factors that in particular make the buyer-supplier power important to the organizational management is that the organizational success becomes a dependent variable from the viewpoint of strategic supply chain management. It is implied by the researchers that the effective management of the buyer-supplier power and subsequent exchanges can not only enable the value creation but also it can result in enhancing the performance of organization.




本文着重讨论了买方-供应商权力的重要性和基于买方-供应商的交换结果对组织管理的重要性。这篇文章的主要关注点仍然是买方供应商的权力对管理的重要性以及它如何变得重要(Buciuni和Mola, 2014)。为了评估买方-供应商权力的重要性,需要对最近的期刊文章、书籍和论文进行审查,以获得最可靠、最可靠和最新的关于买方-供应商协会的信息。


通过研究发现,买方-供应商的权力最终成为越来越受到商业研究和学术研究领域的关注的领域。许多研究人员断言,为了增加市场地位和获得竞争优势,与分包商和其他组织的密切联系不仅至关重要,而且迫在眉睫(Chicksand, 2015)。从全球化和国际化的影响已经在世界范围内实现以来,网络经济是一个普遍的讨论话题。研究人员认为,网络经济使这些组织和市场能够以一种相互关联的方式前进,从而获得市场的额外份额,并保持已经存在的地位。此外,组织与其他公司直接竞争可获得的竞争性自然环境(Elking et al., 2017)。然而,在竞争环境中,由于买方供应商的力量被削弱,并且出现了输赢的情况,供应商往往被买方对待。激进组织通过与供应商建立战略合作伙伴关系来解决这一问题。


This essay focuses on discussing the importance of the buyer-supplier power and the buyer-supplier based exchange outcomes to the management of organization. The primary focus of the essay will remain on the extent to which the buyer supplier power is essential to management and the how it becomes important (Buciuni and Mola, 2014). In order to evaluate the essentiality of the buyer-supplier power, it is required that the recent journal articles, books and papers are reviewed for obtaining the most credible, reliable and latest information on the buyer-supplier association.


It has been identified through the research that the buyer-supplier power is eventually becoming the area that is receiving increased attention from the business research and academic study domains. It is asserted by various researchers that in order to increase the market position and obtain the competitive advantages, the articulation of the close ties with the sub-contracted and other organizations becomes not only critical but also imminent (Chicksand, 2015). It is identified that the network economy is a prevailing topic of discussion since the impact of globalization and internationalization has been realized across the world. The researchers suggest that network economy has enabled the organizations and markets itself to advance in a linked manner in order to obtain the additional share of market and retain the position that already exists. Moreover, organizations compete with other companies directly within the available set of competitive nature (Elking et al., 2017). However, in the competitive environments, suppliers are often treated by buyers in an adversarial nature due to which the buyer-supplier power is undermined and win-lose situation arises. This has been addressed by the radical organizations through forming strategic partnerships with suppliers for effective end customer service.





除上述公司外,还有其他几家公司正在进行笔记本电脑制造或分销。但也有一些受欢迎的公司,这些公司已经合并或被其他公司收购,或者现在已经不复存在。例如,2014年2月,索尼公司把其个人电脑业务卖给了一家投资公司Japan Industrial Partners(Polo et al,2014)。作为公司重组战略的一部分,为了更好地关注其移动设备业务,这一举动得以实现。同样的,一个颇受欢迎的笔记本电脑公司 – 康柏也有一段时间与惠普合并。这一趋势凸显了笔记本电脑市场目前正在进行的微妙变化。组织已经意识到,笔记本电脑市场不能独占存在。这就是为什么商业组织要么巩固核心业务,要么通过新的产品系列使其业务多样化成为重要的原因。例如,苹果是计算和移动设备的高端品牌之一。苹果的MacBook,MacBook Air和MacBook Pro是笔记本电脑领域的三大变种(Polo et al,2014)。然而笔记本电脑领域并不构成苹果整体产品线的核心组合。它还有平板电脑,手机和音乐播放器。需要理解的是,苹果并没有完全依赖其笔记本电脑业务(Fletcher,2011)。



Apart from above companies there are several other companies which are into laptop manufacturing or distribution. However there are several popular companies as well, which have either merged or acquired by some other company, or are now defunct. For example, in February, 2014; Sony Corporation sold its PC business, under which it had popular brand as ‘VAIO’ to an investment firm Japan Industrial Partners (Polo et al, 2014). This move was made, as part of restructuring strategy of the company, in order to have better focus on its mobile device business. Similarly one of the popular laptop companies-Compaq some time back merged with Hewlett-Packard. This trend highlights a subtle change which is currently going on in the laptop market. Organisations have realized that laptop market cannot exist in exclusivity. That is why it has become important for the business organisations to either consolidate its core business, or to diversify its business with new range of products. For example, Apple is one of the premium brands in computing and mobility devices. Apple’s MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro, are three variants of its laptop segment (Polo et al, 2014). However laptop segment doesn’t forms the core portfolio of Apples overall product line. It has tablets, mobiles, and music players as well. Point to be understood is that Apple has not been completely dependent on its laptop business alone (Fletcher, 2011).

However laptop manufacturers and vendors, have to encounter various problems from time to time, which eventually impact the overall market growth (Fletcher, 2011). This observation can be understood by example of 2010-2011. Europe is considered to be one of the biggest markets for laptops.














Secondary Research

The secondary research will follow from the electronic sources, books, online media content, specific reports by small and medium organizations, government reports, human resources reports, magazines, newspaper and more.

Data Collection

The data collection will be done from various sources for the SME organization. The main source of data collection is the website of SME organization and also by contacting to the employees working in SME organization. Other sources of data are the business magazines, newspaper report published by the SME organization etc.

Data Analysis

Collected data from the survey will be analyzed using Excel software. In this dissertation qualitative data analysis will be used. Qualitative data analysis will use the conceptual data like the factors of HRD affecting the turnover rate. The qualitative data analysis will be used for performing the case study and comparative analysis.

Planning and Schedule

The dissertation will start with defining the human resource management and functions of human resource management in an organization. Human resource development will define the approaches of development of human resource and how it can be made effective. Training program will include the plans for providing the training.According to the organization, these training is classified into two types of training management and employee training. The section will mainly focus on the employee training because generally SMEs have very few managers.

Methodologies will be discussed and this will include the collection of data and a case study on the SMEs will be done. Data will be used in the analysis and discussion. Analysis and discussion will include the analysis performed and a detailed discussion on that analysis and research.

Finally, the conclusion and summary of the whole discussion will be drawn with the result of the hypothesis that whether this derived hypothesis is true or not.












Dispute Resolution by Gibbons Review represents an essential growth in the approach to conflict handle in the organizations in Britain. ACAS has noticed an emerging change in the growth from its reviews that uses in changing the policies. This approach is important in notifying the conflict and builds the smooth relations among employers and employees by reducing the conflict in between them (Gibbons, 2007).

The objective of the review was to appraise the procedures of dispute resolution introduced by the Michael gibbons in 2004. A main goal of this review is to encourage employers and employees for removing the conflict within the organization.

“Disciplinary situations” involves misconduct and the poor performance. Employers may address all such issues under the disciplinary and grievances procedure. There are some basic principles decided in the code should be adopted by the employees. Whereas grievances are the complaints that employees may arise with their employers.

Flexible approach

A main message given by the enquiry of Gibbon was that the regulations seem not successful and the measures taken were easy and flexible. The government of the Britain also gave the response by specifying the variety of interventions including legislatures and non-legislatures policy. The aim behind changing the policy is disputes were sort out within and outside an organization.

Regulations & Procedures

ACAS supports both the parties of the workplace in understanding the regulations / laws and on the other hand, promoting an approach to encourage positive behaviors within the organization by removing the conflicts. Various training courses also organize by the ACAS especially for the employers from small organizations. In the business poll of the 2011, it declares that still the awareness of the ACAS requires more. The code of practice leaves the major impact on the policies and the procedures resulted as successful for those employers who have used and applied in their companies.