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Journalism After September 11, edited by Barbie Zelizer & Stuart Allan critically analyzes the role journalists and news media played during and after the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers. The book is a collection of essays that critique the performance of American news community on the basis of universally accepted news-reporting standards.

For example, when it comes to reporting traumatic events, the role of journalists involves ‘establishing safety, engaging in remembrance and mourning, and reconnecting with ordinary life’ (p.2)

On the day of the attack, the newsmakers and the news avenues went out of their way to make sure that ‘required’ and ‘sought for’ information about the incident flowed through to the people. In their commitment to report the most-timed update, they overlooked the journalistic prerequisite of ‘objectivity.’

The book is divided into four parts: the trauma of 9/11, the news and its contexts, the changing boundaries of journalism and the possibilities of reporting trauma tomorrow. Thematic issues covered in the book range from monopolistic tendencies in the news industry, bias in reporting and patriotic sentiments in coverage, etc.





• Semi – Strong form of efficient of market hypothesis – This form of efficient market hypothesis states that in addition to the market public information, the current stock price also includes publicly available non-market information. Thus it states the investor will make use of the available financial information and take the decision to buy sell the stock. Hence the current stock price is the reflection of all the available public information. Semi strong form of market includes the weak form. In addition to that, it includes the other non market public information. This information is used to do the fundamental analysis of the firm. On the basis of this, the investor will buy and sell the stock. Hence this form of efficiency places restriction on the excess returns earned by the investor using the fundamental analysis. Hence if the markets are semi strong then the investor cannot earn excess returns using the technical (weak form of efficiency) and fundamental analysis.





Cash Flow Forecasting is said to be a process wherein the company analyzes the movement of its cash or the flow of its cash and then forecast for the future on the projections of the cash. It helps the company in not only comparing whether the cash is appropriate and justified for current running of operations but also giving a certain target that could be achieved in future (Cornell & Shapiro, 1987). We may take an example to explain. Say Castle Nursing Home is spending more on the operations whereas the cash received from the business is less. We may also say that the sales are less than the investment; it means Castle is incurring losses. Hence first of all it becomes necessary to improve the current status and then predict or plan for future. We may see in the trading profits and loss figures that the sales figures are going down from 2010 to 2011. Not only sales but all other figures like profits and gross profits are also going down and cost of sales is increasing





So an organization can be divided into four levels for our purpose, for example, 1) Executive level, 2) Higher management level, 3) Middle Management level, 4) Supervisory or lower management level. Setting targets is not a unidirectional process. First Executive level people decide the broader aspect of their policies based on shared vision, mission and objectives of company. Role of higher management is very crucial in this process. They are the link between middle management and supervisory level to executive level. They need to understand the situation at bottom level and communicate to executive level. Budgets can be decided based on their understanding. Middle and junior level managers are the real executioners and very crucial for successful budgeting. They are the one who needs to communicate exact scenario to policy makers. Usually operational budget is decided by their feedbacks. Financial budget is the cost to acquire resources to fulfil operational targets. These resources are both human and production resources.





The law firms can also create pages for the company to display vast information as well as offer updates about the company to the employees. The ethical challenge lies in the opportunity in disclosure of confidential information of the company to fake users who seem to be competitors. This will stand as the violation of ethical rules (Shields, 2013). The usage of social media differs in the jurisdiction. However, majority of them have identified a wide range of ethical and legal issues that should be avoided by the users in the upcoming times. The complexities and issues are not just limited to the law field. They exist in the educational field. Social communication was initially considered to be private (Cain et al, 2010). However, this situation has changed now where the information is directly published online through social media. This gives the teachers the opportunity to assess the attitudes, character and opinions (Cain et al, 2010). It is illegal for the student to post confidential information or post incorrect information on the social media as they are regarded as a form of abuse

论文代写网 IPO在中国面临的问题




The problems faced by Chinese IPOs in US are many. Firstly is the wrong portrayal of the business of the firms. The firms describe their business model in a poor manner and they try to portray what they are not to the investors. Many of the firms in the disclosures do not include that they are prohibited from selling certain products due to the government policies.
There is carelessness or the firms do not pay attention to financial projections. They are not serious about the financial projections of the firm. These firms have very receivables which make them vulnerable and they also tend to a poor analysis of the financial performance of the firm. In the initial stages these firms didn’t have CFO but later on due to the norms they formed a team handling the financial aspects of the firm. There were also resignations by the auditors which led to further distrust among the investors of US.

新西兰论文代写 地理环境



Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system or tool which collects geographical information and uses this information to manage, to manipulate or for analyzing purpose for better decision making with regards to geographical locations. In 1968, the term Geographic Information System (GIS) was promoted by Roger Tomlinson for the first time. In modern days, this technology uses digital spatial database i.e. using data obtained from satellite images, digitizing maps and database designed for transactions (Rigaux, 2001). In the last two decades, GIS has merged with many technologies providing better results and incorporating new demands placed by users more efficiently. Starting from the early 1990s when all this data used to be stored in relational databases on mainframe computers to evolution of minicomputers, GIS continues to evolve with the ever changing infrastructure. The fragmented computing environment along with Web based technologies provides new opportunities to GIS based application to be more powerful and collaborative and much easier to use by the end user. In recent years, efficient data handling techniques have been used to incorporate the enormous and complex data required for storing and analyzing purposes and also for transferring data worldwide.






从本篇代写论文-英法两国之间争夺北美控制权的武装冲突中了解到,从一六八九年起英法两国之间发生了一系列争夺北美控制权的武装冲突,一七一O年诺.斯高莎半岛落入英军之手;法军则重新占领了皇家岛(如今的布列敦角)。法国人在那里修筑路易堡,来防御从对劳伦斯水道而来的英军,并以它为新生法兰西与西印度之间的贸易枢纽。路易堡在一七四五年被英军攻占,但到一七四八年双为法军所收复。英国人随后建筑了哈利法克斯城与之抗衡。在七年战争中英国确立了世界头号殖民强国的地位。在北美洲,杰弗雷.阿姆赫斯特将军率部于一七五八年再次从法军手中夺取了路易堡。接 下来本篇论文范文代写论文-英法两国之间争夺北美控制权的武装冲突供大家阅读了解如下。

In July 1755 the French defeated the British general braddock’s army at fort duquesne. News came that Charles Laurence, the English governor of nova scotia, had forcibly deported ten thousand of them to Louisiana, fearing that the French inhabitants of the native arcadia would seize the opportunity for disorder.

The following year, another British general, James Wolfe, won a decisive victory outside Quebec city and captured it. Montreal also fell to the British in 1760. By this time Britain was in effect in complete control of new France.

The treaty of Paris in 1763 officially made new France a British colony. British possessions in North America were then south to the gulf of Mexico and north to Hudson bay.

Britain’s victory meant that some 60,000 French canadians (including 1,500 acadians who had returned from Louisiana) had to adapt to a very different way of life.

Fortunately, British rule, on the whole, proved to be moderate. The British rulers adopted English criminal law, but soon realized that they had to keep the French civil law in use. The Quebec act of 1774 formally established that both sets of laws were in force simultaneously.

When the United States became independent in 1776, royalists, regardless of rank and file, fled the new United States of America and made their homes in Canada. These newcomers were quite different from the original inhabitants in religion, law and social system. How to adapt to each other between the two, who is the main serious problem.

This problem was partially solved in 1791. The colonial government divided the original province of Quebec into two parts, upper and lower Canada, which are now Ontario and Quebec. Each section has its own parliament.

The original province of nova scotia was gradually divided into several parts: prince Edward island became a British crown colony in 1769; The province of new Brunswick was founded in 1784; Newfoundland was originally a fishing base until it had its own provincial government in 1832.

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