

自古以來,就有關於勞動的細微差別的討論。雇主有義務為工人提供的服務支付工資。在工人和雇主之間存在著一種社會經濟動態。工人將他們的服務賣給雇主,並從雇主那裡獲得金錢或其他服務。在這種情況下,支付給工人的報酬取決於交付給雇主的工作類型。可以向雇主提供不同類型的服務(Schumpeter, 2013)。它通常分為非熟練的、熟練的或需要體力勞動的勞動。從歷史時期到現代,對勞動報酬的支付方式一直存在著普遍的批評。在支付勞動報酬時要考慮很多變量。這就成為了商品定價的因素。在確定支付給勞動者的報酬時,要考慮當地的地理、政治和經濟條件(Stephens, 1979)。它實際上是許多變量的組合。在許多情況下,人們都說原始工人在資本主義的事物模式中受到剝削和壓迫。在其他情況下,它被認為是對增長和發展的務實反應。


已經發現,應該對行動的利益相關者進行積極的增長和真正的價值。為此,有必要讓運營中的所有利益相關者真誠地工作。產品的定價應該基於勞動力的真實價值,勞動者應該根據他們的努力得到補償(Postone and Galambos, 1995)。任何參與這一進程的利益相關者都被發現採取不擇手段的手段。有許多理論解釋瞭如何為健康的經濟增長支付工人工資。許多理論學家試圖解釋工資勞動關係的細微差別。社會上的一些社會主義者試圖解釋工資勞動的概念,以便有利於雇主。工資是根據等級制度付給工人的。資本家傾向於把勞動制度定義為一種基於供求概念的公平制度。然而,社會主義國家在這一制度中有許多等級控制,雇主在這一制度中獲得最大的利益(Postone和Galambos, 1995)。從過去到現在,關於什麼是對工人的合理支付一直存在著歷史上的爭論。


From time immemorial, there has been discussion about the nuances of labor. The employer has a duty to pay the workers for their services that have been rendered. There is a socio economic dynamics that are found to exist between the workers and the employers. The worker essentially sells their service to the employer and gains money or other services from the employer. In this case, the payment to the worker depends on the kind of work that has been delivered to the employers. There are different kinds of services that can be rendered to the employer (Schumpeter, 2013). It is usually classified into unskilled, skilled or labor that requires manual labor. From historical times to the modern times, there have been general criticisms about the ways in which payment have been made to the labor. There are many variables that are considered while making payments to the labor. This is then factored into the pricing of the commodity. There is consideration of the geographical, political and economic conditions of the place while making determination of the payment paid to the labor (Stephens, 1979). It is actually an amalgamation of many variables. In many cases, it has been stated that the original workers are exploited and oppressed in the capitalistic schema of things. In other cases, it has been cited as the pragmatic response towards growth and development.

It has been found that there should be positive growth and true values should be paid to the stakeholders of the operation. For this, there is a need for all the stakeholders in the operation to work truly towards and honestly. The pricing of the products should be based on the real value of labor and the laborers should be compensated according to the efforts they had put (Postone and Galambos, 1995). Any one of the stakeholders involved in the process is found to adopt unscrupulous means. There have been many theories to explain how the workers should be paid for the growth of a healthy economy. Many theorists across the spectrum have tried to explain the nuances of the wage labor relationships. Some of the socialists in the society have tried to explain the notions of wage labor to favor the employer. Wages have been paid to the workers based on hierarchical systems. Capitalists tend to define the labor system as a fair system that is based on the notion of supply and demand. However, the socialist state that in this system there are many hierarchical controls and the employer stands to gain the most in this system (Postone and Galambos, 1995). There has been a historical debate from the older times to the current times as to what constitutes right kind of payment to the worker.