

在當前的範式中,管理者對人性的理解和對人的管理衝動是當務之急。人們與他人的互動基本上是基於他們對世界的接觸和他們特定的家庭背景(Baldassar et al., 2015)。研究表明,一種文化中的社會行為反映在操作程序和員工執行的激情或動機(Fisher和McPhail, 2011)。在全球化的世界裡,管理者需要管理來自不同文化的人。他們在管理人民方面不能採取一種同質的辦法。有一些理論,如泰勒的科學管理理論,討論如何激勵人們。有形報酬一直是泰勒科學管理理論的焦點。有一種特別的科學方法是忽視情感和文化因素(Fisher和McPhail, 2011)。
根據泰勒的科學管理理論,公司應該根據員工的技術資格來招聘員工,根據員工的日常有形生產力來提供薪酬(Littrell, 2007)。然後,公司創造了一個基於工資的激勵系統,在這個系統中,工人根據他們一天的生產力得到報酬(Fisher和McPhail, 2011)。僱用這些人是根據他們的技術能力。在這個過程中,無形的激勵因素,如激情、創造力、創新和每個人超出當前工作職責範圍的內在潛力,在很大程度上被忽視(Fisher和McPhail, 2011)。這一理論幫助這些公司克服了裙帶關係的問題,並幫助它們獲得了銷售額。然而,人們創新的動力卻喪失了。人們開始遵循一個抑制創造力的系統過程(Littrell, 2007)。


In the current paradigm, it is imperative for the managers to have understanding of human nature and impulses to manage people. People fundamentally interact with others based on their exposure to the world and their specific family backgrounds (Baldassar et al., 2015). Research has indicated that the social behaviour in a culture is reflected in operational procedures and passion or motivation of the employees to perform (Fisher and McPhail, 2011). In the globalized world, the managers need to manage people from different culture. They cannot adopt a homogenous approach in management of the people. There are theories such as Taylor’s scientific management theory that discuss about the ways to motivate people. Tangible remuneration has been the focal point of the Taylors’ scientific management theory. There is a particularly scientific approach that is undertaken overlooking emotional and cultural factors (Fisher and McPhail, 2011).
According to Taylors’ scientific management theory companies should hire people based on their technical qualification and provide remuneration based on their daily tangible productivity (Littrell, 2007). Companies then created a system of motivation based on salary in this the workers are paid for their productivity of the day (Fisher and McPhail, 2011). The people are employed based on their technical capabilities. The intangible motivational factors such as passion,creativity, innovation and innate potential of every individual beyond the scope of their current job duties are largely overlooked in this process (Fisher and McPhail, 2011). This theory had helped the companies to overcome issues of nepotism and aided in gaining sales. Nevertheless, there was a loss in the motivation of the people to innovate. People start to follow a systematic process that inhibits creativity (Littrell, 2007).