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因为任何类型的论文写作不可能一次成功,中间可能会有细微的问题。所以在选择之前要了解代写专家的专业创作水平,是否提供后期有检查和修改?这样我们就可以大致判断出代写专家的写作能力。如果感觉不合适,也可以要求网站帮助我们调换,或者是指定一个专业性的写手,虽然论文代写价格会因此而提高 ,但是整体上来讲还是要保证论文的质量,不能让论文写作质量受到任何影响。









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科学管理的泰勒理论认为,应该根据人们的技术能力来分配工作。这一理论主张以人民的生产力为基础,向人民提供报酬。这一理论最初是为了解决职场中的裙带关系问题而提出的(Braverman, 1998)。这个理论采取客观的立场,忽略了与工作相关的情感方面。科学管理认为,在工作环境中,人应该被非人化,保持客观。它讨论了工作过程的细微差别,并着眼于增长的有形方面。泰勒科学管理理论因其基于人们的有形生产力来衡量人们而受到称赞。工作过程中涉及的情商或与工作相关的内在因素不被认为是争论的焦点。
在当今世界,人们需要以有形需求为基础来维持。有生理需要和情感因素需要争论。在管理过程中采用泰勒主义的优点是它有助于确保生产效率。人民是根据他们的生产来判断的。在这一进程中考虑到人民的努力和实际影响。这一理论被用于公司,因为它讨论了公司实现财务目标的微妙方式。裙带关系,系统偏见在这个系统中没有发现。基于生产率和报酬的方程,它很简单(Braverman, 1998)。这种非人性化的过程可能不利于人们的情感健康。在这一点上,需要考虑马克思的概念。现代工作场所应该在这两个因素之间建立一个折衷的平衡。


Taylor theory of scientific management states that the people should be given work based on their technical abilities. This theory professes that based on the productivity of the people, remuneration should be provided to the people. This theory was originally proposed to combat the issues of nepotism in the work place (Braverman, 1998). This theory takes an objective stand and overlooks the emotional aspect that are associated with the job. Scientific management states that the people should be dehumanized and remain impersonal when relating to the work environment. It discusses the nuances of work process and looks at the tangible aspects of growth. The Taylor theory of scientific management is lauded owing to the fact that it measures the people based on their tangible productivity. The emotional quotient involved in the process of the job or the intrinsic factors associated with the job are not considered to be in contention.
In the contemporary world, people need to sustain based on the tangible needs. There are the physiological needs and emotional factors that need to be in contention. The advantages of adopting Taylorism in the management processes is that it helps in ensuring productivity. The people are judged based on their production. The efforts and the tangible impacts of the people are considered in this process. This theory is used in the companies because it discusses about the nuanced ways in which the company can meet its financial objectives. Nepotism, systemic bias is not found in this system. It is simple based on the equation of productivity and remuneration (Braverman, 1998). This dehumanization process cannot be potentially good for the emotional well-being of the people. In this the notion of Marx needs to be considered. The modern workplaces should integrate and create an eclectic balance between these two factors.



MBA是工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)的英文简称,MBA作为一种专业硕士学位,在培养模式上,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。MBA教育在培养模式上与普通硕士存在着显著差异,这就从根本上决定了MBA论文写作有其自身独特性的要求和要点,需要学生牢牢地把握并灵活地加以运用。下文分别从论文选题、论文撰写、论文修改等几个方面阐述了MBA论文写作的基本步骤和要点。

1、定方向 确定论文选题

论文写作中,选题至关重要。一个好的选题会使接下来的写作得心应手,反之亦然。笔者认为,MBA论文选题应结合自身兴趣以及自己对选题的熟悉程度等两个方面加以确定。一是自身的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”。一个人一旦对某个事物有了浓厚的兴趣,就会主动去求知、去探索、去实践,并在求知、探索、实践中产生愉快的情绪和体验。因此,在选题确定上,要选择自己比较感兴趣的方向和领域,促使自己能够有足够的动力和 来完成写作任务。二是熟悉程度。MBA属专业型硕士,其论文要求具有一定的理论性和较强的实践性。所以,写作者最好对写作方向具有一定的认知和熟悉程度。如果完全从陌生的领域入手,就很难在有限的时间内写出一篇合格、高质量的论文。MBA学生大多具有一定的工作经验和管理基础,因此,笔者建议,最好结合自身的工作经验或者自身所在企业、行业来确定论文选题方向。

2、深研究 明确具体题目



3、集资料 组织内容撰写




4、合规范 做好论文修改





情态动词通常有与义务或任何可能性相关的含义。情态动词是一种动词,用来表示语气,暗示可能性、义务或允许。” Ought “是一组简单的情态动词。它总是和几乎紧跟在“to”和动词不定式后面。这就意味着“应该”和“应该”的用法是一样的,并且可以用类似的方式使用,尽管“应该”不太通用,而且表示更正式一些。“should”作为情态动词的一些例子包括:“We ought to reach the museum by night”(我们应该在夜间到达博物馆),这意味着它应该在夜间到达博物馆。另一个例子是“我应该完成我的工作”,意思是这是一种义务。此外,情态动词只有一种形式。“应该”也是一个只有一种形式的词,因为“应该”不能用作“应该”。这在语法上是不正确的。另一方面,“Used”作为一个名词,当作为情态动词被观察到时,明显地适用于情态动词后面跟着“to”的同一类别。当used与to连用时,它构成情态动词。

例如,“I used to live in danish”或“We used to go For a picnic every weekend”。从这个角度来看,used属于助动词的另一类。助动词则是通过另一个完整的动词来完成问句、否定句和复合时态的动词。当与主动词连用时,“应当”属于助动词的范畴。助动词与主动词的结合有助于不同程度地表达时间和情绪。动词短语从此被创造出来。在助动词范畴下,” ought “可以用作助动词,例如:” You ought to see that movie “(表示愿望:助动词)作为助动词,它作为它的补语,一个助动词。这样的动词可以是一个完整的主动词,如move或to go,也可以是一个简单的不定式,如go。“应该”的否定形式要么是“不应该”,要么是“不应该”。另一方面,used确实属于助动词范畴,因为它表示助动词。例如,“她过去是个好人”。


Modals usually have meanings related to obligations or any sort of possibilities. A modal verb is a type of verb used for indicating modality implying likelihood, obligation or permitting. “Ought” is a simple set of modal verb. It is always and almost followed by the term “to” and the verb’s infinitive form. This implies the same as for the work “should” and can be used in a similar way, even though “ought” is less general and indicates a bit more formality. Some examples of “ought” indicating it as a modal verb are inclusive of: “We ought to reach the museum by night” which implies it is expected to reach the museum by night fall. Another example is “I ought to finish my work” meaning that it is an obligation. Furthermore, modal verbs are such that they have only one form. “Ought” is also a word that has only one form as ought cannot be used as “oughting”. This is grammatically incorrect. “Used” as a term, on the other hand, when observed as a modal verb, is evidently suitable for the same category as modal verbs are followed by “to”. When “used” is utilized in conjunction to “to”, it forms a modal verb.

For example, “I used to live in Denmark” or “We used to go for a picnic every weekend”. From this perspective, “used” falls under another category of verbs that is helping verbs. Auxiliary verbs, on the other hand, are the verbs which are followed through another complete verb so as to complete a question, a negative sentence and a compounded tense. When used in conjunction with main verbs, “ought” falls under the category of auxiliary verb. Combining auxiliary verbs and main verbs helps in expressing time and mood related different degrees. Verb phrases are henceforth created. Under auxiliary verb category, “ought” can be used as evident from following example: (indicating desire: auxiliary) “You ought to see that movie”As an auxiliary verb, it takes as its complement, a following verb. Such verb might be apparent as a complete initiative such as to move or to go or as a bare infinitive such as go. The negative of ought either is ought not or oughtn’t. On the other hand, “used” does fall under auxiliary verb category as it indicates a helping verb. For example, “She used to be a good person”.



电影是真实生活场景的投影,其目的是为了娱乐、启发和向更高层次的观众传达信息。电影的观众基础在很大程度上帮助导演决定电影的背景、结构、故事情节和情节发展。有很多方法可以解释隐藏的信息和电影的目的。它们中的许多依赖于类型、历史时间和背景事件,这些有助于揭示未来的事件[Salt, B。,1992]。在这篇文章中,我选择了《肖申克的救赎》作为我的目标电影来分析和带来批评艺术作品的细微差别,以及故事情节的发展。《肖申克的救赎》是一部受到评论性好评的戏剧,因为它的人物塑造和画面化,是永恒的。《肖申克的救赎》获得了许多著名奖项的提名,如1995年美国奥斯卡奖、1995年美国金球奖和1995年美国电影编辑奖。这部电影获得了日本电影学会、摄影家协会、美国心脏地带电影节等诸多奖项。在电影《肖申克的救赎》(the Shawshank Redemption)中,只有把自己从监狱的时空流放中解放出来,主人公才学会了把自己从自我内疚和折磨的枷锁中解放出来的艺术。,2009]。



A film is a projection of a real life scenario for the purpose of entertainment, enlightment and giving out a message for the higher audience. The audience base of a film goes a long way in helping the director decide upon the context, structure, storyline and development of the plot.There are many ways of interpreting the hidden message and the purpose of the cinema. Many of them depend on the genre, time in history and the background incidents which help in unveiling future events [Salt, B., 1992].In this essay, I have picked up “The Shawshank Redemption”- a critically appreciated drama which is timeless because of the characterization and picturixation, as my target movie to analyse and bring about the nuances of the critical artwork and progression of the storyline. Shawshank Redemption was nominated for a number of prestigious awards like Academy awards USA 1995, Golden globes USA 1995, and American cinema editors USA 1995. It won the prestigious Awards of the Japanese academy, Camerimage, heartland film festival and many more. In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption, the protagonist learns the art of freeing himself from the prangs of self guilt and torment only by freeing himself from the spatial and temporal exile situation of the prison bars [Nilsson, D. and Johansson, A., 2009].

This movie is set in a poignant cell backdrop with different character setting the tone for different emotions. It intends at shaking the inner most caveats of a man’s heart and sneaking deeper to understand how the potential is housed inside of a human being. In the spatial arrangement where Andy occupied a space in the prison and undergone regular tortures (both from the inmates and jailor),it provokes him to look deeper into his situation and find out an outlet to let his creative juices flow and work towards a greater good.The perceived significance of the film changes as the screens move from one to the other. In this movie, the director has projected the spatial and temporal imprisonment situation of Andy with reference of the mythological retelling of the story of ‘Perseus’. The structural similarity and cinematic projections add beauty to the existing concept.The myths described the incidence as a young man whose father exiled him from the pleasures of life and his mother from the respect of the society. This man is then forced to spend his time journeying around different spaces which were surrounded by hazzardorous islands, just to find a proper gift best suited for his mother marriage to her new husband. It was about finding ulterior motivation in life to bear the present hardships prevalent. This gift was a sign to show the dignity of her mother and socially acceptance by the new husband. The gift that the young man finally presents to his mother was the severed head of deadly creatures, which is mythological, known as Medusa.






The Binglee website consists of different products such as Computers, TV, Audios, cameras, phones, home appliances, small appliances, floorcare, heating or cooling appliances, fitness and health appliance and lighting appliances. It has been designed with the white background with all the menus in blue colour. The shopping cart and contact us has been placed on the extreme right towards the top. The header consists of the logo of the company in blue and the search box from where the users can easily search any of the products which are available on the websites. The menu options are very clear and limited. The numbers of options are quite less which makes easy for the user to search for the products. Below the main menu there is an image slider which consists of the most important products which are popular recently. Below the image slider, comes the tab for the catalogues which consists of some of the great deals of the products which can be used by the users. Besides this, there is a tab which replicates the store locations of the company. The users may also take up the options of visiting the store and checking for the products in the stores.

Below this, the users are provided with the option to sign up so that they can receive some of the best deals. In order to facilitate the user and to support the user computer interaction, an option has been provided where the user can shop by clicking on their favourite brands. Below this, the website has the icons of the different product categories which are available on the website. The footer of the website is extended and it consists of the options such as the social media connection through facebook, Youtube, Google Plus etc. In addition to this, there is the link to some of the pages such as catalogues, Bing Lee story, Careers in Bing Lee. The payment options are also replicated in the footer. Also, there is an option to do the live chat. The contact number is also replicated in the footer. Kogan website is the website which consists of a professional user interface. The website looks quite appealing and is made in such a manner that replicates a professional ecommerce website.



方法的目的是讨论一个确定的框架,在此基础上,本研究的调查将进行。本章将讨论所使用的方法、方法和数据收集/分析。在设计研究框架时,有必要考虑四个重要因素。Crotty(1998)认为要素是认识论、理论视角、方法论和方法。认识论是研究背后的理论(Crotty, 1998)。这是嵌入在理论视角中的知识,用于指导研究。其次,对于被调查的现象所提出的问题,将采取哲学立场。第三,方法,即创建方法的行动计划,最后,方法是实际的技术和程序将被使用(Cresswell, 2003)。“陈述一种知识主张意味着研究人员在开始一个项目时,对他们将如何学习以及他们将在探究过程中学习什么有一定的假设”(Cresswell, 2003, p.6)。这些主张被称为研究人员做出的哲学假设或认识论和本体论。这里用到了建构主义的主张。

这是一种基于理解、多种参与意义及其解释、社会和历史建构等的主张。理论是由参与者感知的基于现实的分析产生的。参与者对他们的世界有一种主观的意义,在这种多种多样的意义中,这种现象被研究(Cresswell, 2003)。这种哲学立场更适合这项研究,因为这里涉及的参与者是调查环境中的雇员(跨国公司工作场所)。文化的影响作为一种现象在这里被研究,因此有必要考虑参与者,告知他们并使他们行动的过程,工作场所的文化环境等等。这些因素在构建参与者员工的意见(工作场所的满意度或非满意度)时将在研究中被考虑。研究方法主要有定性研究方法、定量研究方法和混合研究方法。本研究将采用定性案例研究方法,收集数据并作为案例分析。当研究者想要回答研究的“如何”和“为什么”问题时,就会使用案例研究方法(Yin, 2003)。


The purpose of methodology is to discuss a definitive framework based on which the enquiry of this research would be conducted. The methodology used, the methods and data collection/ analysis would be discussed in this chapter. In designing the framework for research, it is necessary to consider four important elements. Crotty (1998) suggests that the elements are epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods. The epistemology is the theory behind the research (Crotty, 1998). This is the knowledge embedded in the theoretical perspective that is used for informing the research. Secondly, philosophical stance would be adopted for the questions that would be asked of the phenomenon under investigation. Thirdly, there is the methodology, which is the plan of action for creating methods, and finally, the methods which are the actual techniques and procedures would be used (Cresswell, 2003). “Stating a knowledge claim means that researchers start a project with certain assumptions about how they will learn and what they will learn during their inquiry” (Cresswell, 2003, p.6). The claims are called philosophical assumptions made by the researchers or epistemologies and ontologies. The constructivism claim is used here.

This is a claim that is based on understanding, multiple participant meanings and their interpretations, social and historical constructions and more. Theory is generated from an analysis based on reality as perceived by the participants. Participants suffer a subjective meaning of their world and in this varied and multiple meanings, the phenomenon is studied (Cresswell, 2003). This philosophical stance is better suited for the research as the participants involved here are employees in the setting of investigation (the MNC workplace). The impact of culture is being investigated as a phenomenon here and hence it is essential to consider the participant, the processes that inform them and make them act, the cultural setting of the workplace and more. What these factors have in constructing the participant employee’s opinion (satisfaction or non-satisfaction in the workplace) would be considered in the research. The methodologies that are mostly considered in research are the qualitative, the quantitative and the mixed research methodology. This research will be using a qualitative case study methodology where data will be collected and analyzed as a case study. The case study methodology is used when the researcher wants to answer for the ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions of the research (Yin, 2003).



证券化是一种理论,适用于那些被夸大、制造和转化为重大威胁的事件和问题,使其成为安全问题(Fako, 2012, pp.2;威尔金森,2007,第6页)。这使得该问题能够吸引非同寻常的手段用于其安全,这可以被称为该问题的极端政治化。这些问题是在国家一级讨论的,国家行为者通过言论法使其成为一个国家安全问题,并利用稀少的资源将其证券化,从而对其他被认为是正常发生和相关性较低的威胁视而不见。这就破坏了其他遗留问题的重要性,这些问题虽然不受欢迎,但比恐怖主义造成的破坏更大。作为一个突出的例子,以全球背景下的恐怖主义为例,将其与几个将恐怖主义视为安全问题的案例研究国家联系起来。



Securitization is a theory which is applied to events and issues which are being blown out of proportion and made and converted into major threats and makes them matters of security (Fako, 2012, pp.2; Wilkinson, 2007, pp. 6). This enables the issue to attract extraordinary means to be used for its security and this can be termed as extreme politicization of the issue. These issues are discussed at state level and state actors make it a national security issue through speech act and use scarce resources to securitize it, thus leaving a blind eye towards other threats which are viewed to occur as normal and having less relevance. This then destroys the importance of other lingering issues which, though not popular, are capable of creating more damage than terrorism. As a prominent example, take the case of terrorism in the global context and then link it with several case study countries who have taken terrorism as a securitized issue.

Since terrorism is seen as the worst of evil conducts on earth, it has been discussed globally to a significant level among nations who face it more than others. They discuss and take decisions about the future course of action to combat such a menace. They make valid decisions, as thought by them, and make a plan of action to use resources and means to either destroy it or prevent its happening depending on the nature of the expected and perceived threat. This is then publicly announced in the country, in this case America, and since it has become a matter of global discussion and even other nations have termed it as something to be acted upon immediately, this becomes a topic of prime importance in the eyes of the public at large. Securitisation of a perceived problem which is expected to grow multi-fold in the future gets its importance because politicians gives it identity after thorough assessment of its impacts and magnifying the need for curbing the impacts.


















从功利主义的伦理角度来看,只有当一种行为对所有相关的人都有最大的利益时,才必须采取这种行为。从所有受影响的人的角度考虑有益的后果。因此,谁会受到影响以及有多少人会受到影响的后果将成为一个问题(West, 2004;Velasquez, and Rostankowski, 1985)。第二种适用于这种情况的伦理理论是康德义务论。康德义务论不再关注结果。必须遵守规则。必须作出正确的决定,因为这些决定是正确的,而不是因为结果(Baron, 1995;奥尼尔,2013)。结果既可以是外部利益相关者(消费者)的利益,也可以是内部利益相关者(企业)的利益。根据康德义务论,因此任何行为都不能为了个人的满足而进行。相反,必须这样做,因为这样做是义务,或因为这样做是正确的。道德义务比行为的后果更重要(Creyer, 1997)。


The company cannot afford to send out a product that harms the person in any way, such as physically or hurts their religious sentiment etc. For instance, creams must not contain mercury or other harmful substances both the internal and external stakeholder agree. Similarly, the consumers want care products that they can trust on improving their skin or maintaining it and not harming it. There are some differences when it comes to information in marketing. Consumers want information which is true, and now company is conflicted. In the case of marketing information for beauty care products with logo labelling and more, the company wants to be accurate in information. It is being ethical only because it is monitored and is also a legal necessity, as it can use the halal logo only then. However in the case of marketing to the teenage girls, there is a clash. The clash occurs because the marketing team might feel that it is not illegal to make such a representation. Teenage skin does not need the antioxidant boost, so such a representation would be misleading and unethical.

In the ethical perspective of utilitarianism, it is presented that an action must be taken only if it has the most benefits for everybody involved. The beneficial consequences are considered in the perspective of all those who are affected. So the consequences of who gets affected and how many people get affected will come into the question (West, 2004; Velasquez, and Rostankowski, 1985). A second ethical theory that could be applied to the situation is that of Kantian deontology. Now in Kantian deontology, the focus is not on consequences anymore. Rules have to be obeyed. Right decisions have to be taken, because they are right and not because of the consequence (Baron, 1995; O’Neill, 2013). Consequence can either be the benefit to the external stakeholder (the consumers) or the internal stakeholders (the firm). According to Kantian deontology, hence any action must not be performed for one’s personal satisfaction. Instead, it has to be performed because it is duty to do so or because it was right to do so. It is the moral obligation that carries weight more than the consequences of the action (Creyer, 1997).