


OECD countries can be seen responding to the situation of emergency by scaling up the spending of public to welcome migrants and process applications of asylum seekers. There has been availability of additional funding at national levels and EU for supporting the nations of transit and origin (Boyle et al. 2014). With the unfolding of crisis, Germany has been projecting an extra 0.5 per cent of public spending over GDP per year in the financial period of 2016 and 2017 for meeting the initial needs of immigrants newly arrived, and for integrating them within the market of labour. This was 0.3 per cent of GDP of Austria in the year 2016 and 0.9 per cent of GDP of Sweden in the year 2016. The government of Turkey has been providing assistance to the population of Syria while being protected temporarily in Turkey since the year 2011 that was equal to a GDP of 0.8 per cent in the year 2014. In the shorter period, the additional spending of public may be acting as a stimulus of demand.
Condition for the accessibility of labour market in the process of asylum claim involve significant variations across nations. In certain cases, there can be granting of access to labour marketing, within certain conditions, while in others, the period of waiting takes a long time (Keukeleire and Delreux 2014). Estimates of higher bound for Switzerland and European Economic Area on the whole is known to be indicating the cumulative effect of the inflow of asylum seekers by the end of the year 2016 will be corresponding to almost 1 million entries in the market of labour, or 0.4 per cent of the labour force of European Economic Area.
In the general sense, the impacts of labour markets across host nation has to be built up in a progressive manner with time as refugees end up dealing with better integration, while reuniting with their family. However, if the migrants want to consider realizing their complete potential, it becomes important for enabling them in the location where there is maximum requirement of the skills. A specifically worrying and striking attribute of the current crisis of migration in the larger population of minors unaccompanied among the asylum seekers. Irrespective of the fact if unaccompanied minors can be identified as asylum seekers or not, their responsibility ends up falling over the state, more often the authorities of municipality, within which they have been identified (Ranci et al. 2014). Even if minors end up coming from nations from which applications of asylum are hardly successful, they often end up going within the process of asylum. In the year 2014, out of 24,000 unaccompanied minors who applied for asylum seeking consisted of 4 per cent of every asylum seeker in the European Union. However, it is further ahead worth noting that not every unaccompanied minor ends up in the system of asylum seeking.

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