essay 代寫:迪克斯密斯公司成功的原因

essay 代寫:迪克斯密斯公司成功的原因
據觀察,迪克史密斯公司的客戶服務也很差。據客戶數量統計,產品交付不當,客戶服務代表在​​一段時間內沒有給出滿意的答复。許多客戶抱怨公司糟糕的客戶服務。根據一項觀察,在facebook上發現有100多起投訴以某種或其他方式與糟糕的客戶服務有關(Merton, 1994)。創新和學習是一個組織中最重要的支柱之一,它可以引導企業走向成功。在迪克史密斯,訓練從一開始就很好。

essay 代寫:迪克斯密斯公司成功的原因
此外,在最近的歷史上也有一些創新。它在過去獲得了很多成功,主要是因為公司為員工和用戶提供了高效的培訓。培訓是為客戶提供一些較小的項目。與Dick Smith (Sassen, 1999)相比,其他公司一直表現出色,並取得了持續的成功。 JB Hi-Fi全年淨利潤約1.365億美元,同比增長約6.4%。這些結果也說明了JB Hi Fi的股價越來越高(Schutzer et al, 1999), HarveyNorman和JB Hi Fi等其他公司也在增加消費者的信任。因此,這些公司比迪克史密斯公司更成功。

essay 代寫:迪克斯密斯公司成功的原因

It has been observed that the company Dicksmith is also providing a poor customer service. It has been claimed by the number of customers that there is improper delivery of the products and the customer service representatives haven’t given a satisfactory response over a period of time. A number of customers have complained about the company’s poor customer service. According to an observation, it has been found that over 100 complaints had been posted on the facebook with respect to the issues related to poor customer service in some or the other manner (Merton, 1994).Innovation and learning are some of the most important pillars in an organization which may lead the same to the success. In Dicksmith, training has been good enough since its beginning.

essay 代寫:迪克斯密斯公司成功的原因
Also, there has been a number of innovations in the recent history. It has been gathering a lot of success in the past mainly because of the efficient training provided by the company to the employees and the users. The training is provided to the customers on a number of smaller items.The other companies have been performing in a great manner and have been attaining consistent success if compared with Dick Smith (Sassen, 1999). The net profit obtained by JB Hi-Fi during the entire year is around $136.5 million which is around 6.4 per cent growth. These kinds of results also state that JB Hi Fi shares are increasing more and more (Schutzer et al, 1999) Also, the other companies such as HarveyNorman and JB Hi Fi are increasing the trust of the consumers. Thus the companies are successful more than Dicksmith.



此外,还有每周播出的电视节目,节目中粉丝们通过向偶像明星挥手或叫喊的方式给予共同支持(Wilson et al, 2011)。在屏幕上显示的这些粉丝群体中,大多数都是在学校穿制服、在老师的带领下加入的女孩。一些学校的老师显然帮助他们的流行歌星崇拜学生(怀特等人,2009年)。教育行业的支持描绘了流行歌星崇拜无处不在的年轻个人。这反过来又揭示了娱乐产业增强的影响,这在西方文献中有适当的记载。

Bruno et al(2012)认为,香港娱乐圈也很好地宣传了消费主义、享乐主义、虚荣主义和偶像崇拜(Yue et al, 2013)。年轻女孩对名人和流行歌星的崇拜尤其通过与粉丝自杀等企图有关的事件引起人们的关注。例如,一位女粉丝因负债累累而自杀,这反过来又导致了她对流行歌星崇拜的过度天性的消费。另一名十几岁女孩的粉丝试图自杀,因为她被一个声称要带她去看她最喜欢的明星偶像的男人所伤害。


There are weekly based programs as well, on television which show fan scores lending their collaborative support either through waving or yelling to their idol celebrities (Wilson et al, 2011). Most of such fan groups shown over screen were girls who wore uniforms in school and led through their teachers. Some teachers from schools apparently help in motivating their pop star worship students (White et al, 2009). The educational profession support depicts the pop star worship ubiquity among younger individuals. It in turn results in revealing the enhanced impact of the industry of entertainment which has been documented properly within the West literature.

According to Bruno et al, (2012), the entertainment industry across Hong Kong also does an excellent job to promulgate the consumerism, hedonism, vainglory and worship of idol based norms (Yue et al, 2013). Young girl’s worship of celebrities and pop stars especially attracts the attention of people through incidents being struck related to the attempts of fans such as committing suicide. One female fan, for example, committed suicide as she was under large amount of debt and this in turn resulted from her consumption of in-ordinated nature with regard to pop star worship. Another fan who was a teen girl attempted suicide, as she was victimized through a man who had claimed that he would bring her to see her favourite celebrity idol.



英国的传教士被选派到中国服务,他们不是天主教徒就是新教徒。在中国人民中有一种普遍的争论,认为这是英国政府间接地将文化帝国主义引入中国的努力。然而,传教士在这个国家的工作是不可忽视的。在中国的女传教士有着不同的动机。他们想帮助社会上的妇女和女童。用埃尔西·艾略特(Elsie Elliot)的话来说,她说,“大多数儿童,甚至是最小的婴儿,都因营养不良和生活条件炎热而皮肤感染,出现了巨大的疖子和皮肤感染”。



The missionaries from United Kingdom who were chosen to service in China were either Catholics or Protestants. There was a general contention among the people in China that this was an indirect effort by the British governance to bring in cultural imperialism in the nation. Nevertheless, the works of the missionaries in the nation cannot be discounted. Women missionaries in China had different motives. They wanted to help the women and girl children in the societies. In the words of Elsie Elliot, she stated,“Most of the children, even the tiniest of babies, suffered from enormous boils and skin infections, due to malnutrition and hot and sticky living conditions”.

There was a unique reason for the women missionaries of Britain to visit China for services. In general, women missionaries were more sensitive to the Chinese women requirements and their plights. These missionaries represented by Elsie Elliot were more ready to help the harsh surroundings in which Chinese women lived. They wanted to help the girl students and the pupils and were integral in their role of the anti-footbinding movement. There were a number of women missionaries who chose to visit China and help the people in order to alleviate the sufferings of the people esp. Improving the position of the women in the patriarchal society. They were involved in teaching, providing health care and services and advice that were exclusively required for the women in the population.



企业家想象力或企业想象力是创新的关键(Hamel and Prahalad, 1991)。在新项目的研究,如Bhide(2000)国家,企业家将“必须使用他们的想象力想象他们的公司可以成为沿着几个维度,如市场服务,他们将获得的有形和无形的努力,和他们的组织的气候和规范”(琼斯& Pitelis,2015,p . 296)。创业想象力的话题及其对创新的影响将直接影响到一个组织的财务可持续性,正如在当前竞争激烈的市场中,组织必须通过创新才能在竞争中生存。研究者对这一问题的特殊兴趣是由于个人的职业选择,以创造一个创业企业的未来。本项目将从理论上探讨想象力在创业过程中的作用。

它将研究关于机会发现/创造和机会发展过程的文献,并以此为创业想象力理论的发展奠定基础。可能进行飞行员面谈。创业型企业无法满足于创业所发展的利基业务领域。在一个充满挑战的世界里,企业变得更有创造性和创新性变得很有必要。现有的作者必须改变心态,此外它也是很有必要,企业家应该把这样的经验技术,与利益相关者沟通和理解的市场为了想出创新的组织,在这种背景下创业想象成为一个重要的概念(琼斯& Pitelis,2015)。只有对创业想象力的挑战,以及创业想象力转化为创新的挑战进行研究,企业才有可能提出可行的、成功的创新。


Entrepreneurial imagination or corporate imagination as it has been called is the key to innovations (Hamel and Prahalad, 1991). In new ventures, research such as Bhidé (2000) state that entrepreneurs will “have to use their imaginations to envision what their firms could become along several dimensions, such as the markets they will serve, the tangible and intangible efforts they will acquire, and their organization’s climate and norms” (Jones, & Pitelis, 2015, p. 296). The topic of entrepreneurial imagination and its effect on innovations will directly have an impact on the financial sustainability of an organization, as in current competitive markets, organizations will have to innovate to survive the competition. The researcher’s specific interest in this arises because of personal career choice to create an entrepreneurial venture in the future.This project will theoretically explore the role of the imagination in the entrepreneurial process.

It will examine literature on opportunity discovery/creation and the opportunity development process, and use this to lay the groundwork for the development of a theory on entrepreneurial imagination. Possible pilot interviews may be conducted.An entrepreneurial business cannot afford to stay content with the niche business segment that the entrepreneurship has developed on. In a world of challenges, it becomes necessary for the business to become more creative and innovative. Existing mindset of the authors have to be changed and in addition it is also necessary that entrepreneurs should combine such experiences in technology, their communication with stakeholders and their understanding of the market in order to come up with innovations for the organization, and in this context entrepreneurial imagination becomes a significant concept (Jones, & Pitelis, 2015). Only when challenges to entrepreneurial imagination, and the challenges for the conversion of entrepreneurial imagination into innovation are studied, then it will be possible for businesses to come up with feasible and successful innovations.



即使有各种各样的方法来解释,知觉过程阶段,心理学家基本上是按照三个阶段来解释的。最初是感官上的灵感;例如,香水的味道会让人想起青春。在这种情况下,一个领导者过去的经历会影响他现在的反应。感知过程的下一个阶段是大脑中激励的分组;即。(Luthans, 2010)。这是一个过程,在这个过程中,每个人都试图以一种他们认为合理的方式来安排事情。感知过程的第三阶段,也是最终阶段,包括理解和传达已经引发的信念,通常包括一种表达性的反应,比如对蛋糕的香味感到高兴,或者听到一首可能与过去有关的歌曲时感到悲伤。

感知的整个过程表明,在企业中,失望是存在的,因为经理们没有注意到工人们说了什么,但是他们期望他们说什么(Patzer和Voegtlin, 2010)。另一种情况是,除了预期之外,员工们不会注意他们的领导说了什么。在这里,是知觉过程选择到达的刺激,并把它们安排成重要的模型。研究还发现,这种分配受到学习、灵感和行为方面的影响,而这些方面会提高预期。连续地,这些期望使人们对特定刺激的反应能力很强,而对其他情况的反应能力较差。根据Furnham(2014),这种反应的意愿被称为人的感性集合。


Even if there are various approaches to explain, perception procedure phases, psychologists largely explain it as per three phases. The initial is sensory inspiration; for instance, smell of a perfume that reminds one of a youth time. Herein, a past incident in a leader’s life influences his current reactions. The subsequent phase in the perception process is the grouping of that incentive in one’s brain; i.e., making a positive or negative logical reaction to the spur (Luthans, 2010). This is a procedure wherein individuals attempt to arrange things in a manner that seems sensible to them. The third and ultimate phase of the perception procedure includes understanding and conveying the belief that has been elicited, usually including an expressive reaction for example cheerful at the perfume of cake, or getting sad when a song is heard as that might be linked to one’s past.

The whole procedure of perception shows a thing that in firms, disappointment is there as managers do not pay attention to what workers speak however what they expect them to speak (Patzer and Voegtlin, 2010). Alternatively, workers do not pay attention to what their leaders speak except what is anticipated.Here, it has been the perceptual process which chooses arriving stimuli and arranges them into significant models. It has also been revealed that this dispensation is impacted by learning, inspiration and behavioural-aspects which raise the anticipations. Consecutively, these expectations make people quite equipped to react to specific stimuli in specific manner and less equipped to react to other situations. As per Furnham (2014), this willingness to react is known as the person’s perceptual set.






Mrs. Higgins, is a desert parlor that is situated in 270 CBD, Queen Street Auckland. It is also present in the food court of Papatoetoe with plans to expand their stores in future. The catch tag for the cookies are “Rediscover Cookies like Grandma used to Bake”. The Cookie place presents soft chewy style American cookies in different flavors. They are butter cookies mixed with chunky bits, fruits, nut and what their site calls as ‘secret bits’. At present the Mrs. Higgins creates around 20 different flavors with a growing target market. In addition to the point of sale dessert parlous outlets, Mrs. Higgins offers cookies in the form of wholesale retail shops, franchises where customer demand for the cookies are good and more.

The purpose of Integrated Marketing Communications is to ensure that all marketing messages of an organization is coherent and is linked together. If there are weaknesses in some of the promotional messages, then the others would support them with their strengths. It is more of an interlinked marketing where marketing divisions are not made as such on the brand message. The message is sold on multiple marketing channels of the company in a fully integrate way. The promotional tools used for marketing, such as place, product strategy, price strategy and more would be interlinked and hence the consumer gets the same coherent message advocated in a much stronger way.





1. 学校



PS反映的是申请者独特的经历与个性,因此在动笔之前,还有一件必须做的事情就是回忆个人经历,我们称之为mind mapping 或者是brainstorming。具体来说就是把你能够想到的个人经历,特色,理念,动机等因素从想法转变成文字。


3. 确定主题




a. 开篇


b. 主体

主体部分是对文章主题的支撑、延展和加深,一般可分成2-4个段落。每段要有一个topic sentence也就是中心句,一般为段落的第一句。中间部分起到对中心句的支撑和加深的作用。每段的结束句起到加深中心句并且作为过渡到下一段做出连贯的衔接。


c. 结尾







一般来说,毕业论文dissertation分为两种: 理论和实证。按照国外的哲学思想和传统,一般会让你写经验集中论文, 就是让你由理论,引出自己的调查。在这里列举一个毕业论文写法的基本结构框架,供大家参考:

1. coversheet: 上面有你的标题,字数,学生号码,日期等。标题应该是你文章的高度概括。

2.index: 在目录里面,把论文详细的结构和页数交待清楚

3.abstract: 就是你整篇文章的概要,一般来说是需要写作摘要的



5.literature review:这里面,主要讲的是前人怎样做research的,文献综述不是让你把前人写的基本概念都写出来,重要的是,你要把握某一个领域研究的方向,主要是逻辑的发展方向,然后引用一个和你写的文章类似的研究性,辩证的写一写,一些宽泛的概念,引用2-3个即可。

6.research design and methodology:主要是讲你文章的研究方法,比如你是用定量的方法,还是用定性上的方法,其中的重点是你要自圆其说,说明为什么你用这种研究方法,可以得到客观公正的结论。

7.results and discussion:在这部分,要提出自己这篇文章,经过自己的research,你发现了什么,你发现的东西,能否补充前人理论的不足,或者仅仅是一个新的发现而已。




10.Appendices: 把你认为有用的东西,适当的放在这里面,可以增加论文厚度,加强手感。当然有些论文对你有很详细的要求,比如需要你把interview的transcript放到这里面,你就要按照要求去做。

最后,提出dissertation的3点基本要求:那就是presentation/content/critical judgement dissertation一般都占1个unit的,而且这个东西,比考试要重要很多,尤其是对于将来要继续读博士的同学,一定要好好的关注起来,积极上进,好好写。































