


英国的传教士被选派到中国服务,他们不是天主教徒就是新教徒。在中国人民中有一种普遍的争论,认为这是英国政府间接地将文化帝国主义引入中国的努力。然而,传教士在这个国家的工作是不可忽视的。在中国的女传教士有着不同的动机。他们想帮助社会上的妇女和女童。用埃尔西·艾略特(Elsie Elliot)的话来说,她说,“大多数儿童,甚至是最小的婴儿,都因营养不良和生活条件炎热而皮肤感染,出现了巨大的疖子和皮肤感染”。



The missionaries from United Kingdom who were chosen to service in China were either Catholics or Protestants. There was a general contention among the people in China that this was an indirect effort by the British governance to bring in cultural imperialism in the nation. Nevertheless, the works of the missionaries in the nation cannot be discounted. Women missionaries in China had different motives. They wanted to help the women and girl children in the societies. In the words of Elsie Elliot, she stated,“Most of the children, even the tiniest of babies, suffered from enormous boils and skin infections, due to malnutrition and hot and sticky living conditions”.

There was a unique reason for the women missionaries of Britain to visit China for services. In general, women missionaries were more sensitive to the Chinese women requirements and their plights. These missionaries represented by Elsie Elliot were more ready to help the harsh surroundings in which Chinese women lived. They wanted to help the girl students and the pupils and were integral in their role of the anti-footbinding movement. There were a number of women missionaries who chose to visit China and help the people in order to alleviate the sufferings of the people esp. Improving the position of the women in the patriarchal society. They were involved in teaching, providing health care and services and advice that were exclusively required for the women in the population.