


WHS的问题是,对于在一种情况下需要做什么,有一组广泛的定义。人民不了解一些法律及其含义。许多部门都有广泛的共识,这并不涉及具体细节(Schofield, Reeve,和McCallum,2014)。当人们想要确保他们遵守安全标准时,法律本身在很多地方都是模糊的。个别公司有必要根据这些授权来解读和制定行动计划。我觉得这是公司应该遵循的准则,为酒店实现员工和客人的安全。每一项行动计划都不能由世界卫生组织制定,它们可以提供一个框架,说明如何达到这些最终的安全义务和尽职调查。


When there are only benefits by following the safety protocols, sometime companies are not able to meet these requirements. On retrospection and analysis, it was felt that this was because of the obscure laws. Normally, when all the businesses want to sustain not following safety protocols seems to be an issue,the issues in safety and not meeting the due diligence requirements are simply because of lack of understanding of what is required and expected from the employees. The WHS is one attempt by the government to ensure that there is a more specific plan in place to ensure the safety and due diligence of the company. Hierarchical control of the issues is defined in the WHS. This can be used as a guided framework for the people to develop a risk management plan for the company.

The issue with the WHS is that there is a broad set of definitions as to what need to be done in a situation. The people do not understand some of the laws and its implications. There is a broad consensus for many departments and this does not involve the specifics (Schofield, Reeve, and McCallum,2014). When the people want to ensure that they are adhering to the safety standards, the law in itself is obscure in many place. There is a need for the individual companies to decipher and develop an action plan based on these mandates. I felt that this was guideline that should be followed by the companies to achieve safety of the employees and the guests for the hotel. Each action plan cannot be developed by the WHS, they can provide a framework on how to reach these final safety obligations and due diligence.






What is intrinsic valuation analysis? What are the benefits of using intrinsic valuation analysis? Intrinsic value is a topic discussed in philosophy wherein the worth of an object or endeavour is derived in-and-of-itself – or in layman’s terms, independent of other extraneous factors. A stock is also capable of holding the intrinsic value, outside of which its perceived market price is often touted as an important aspect to be considered by value investors when picking a company to invest in.Outside of this area of analysis, some buyers may simply have a “gut feeling” about the price of a good without taking into deep consideration the cost of production, and roughly estimate its value on the expected utility which he or she will derive from.

Others may base their purchase on the much publicized hype behind an asset (“Everyone is talking positively about it; it must be good!”) However, in this article, we will look at another way of figuring out the intrinsic value of a stock, which reduces the subjective perception of a stock’s value by analyzing its fundamentals and determining the worth of a stock in-and-of-itself (in other words, how it generates cash).



利用这种领导力理论假设,本作业以英国游戏产业为例。本文将运用领导力理论来解释一些游戏公司的领导力过程中固有的局限性、挑战、偏见和偏见,比如英国的摇滚明星娱乐公司(Grand Theft Auto的制造商,英国)。全球领导力理论有4个概念框架,它们包括特质、风格、转型和复杂性。每一次进化都提供了下一阶段开发的信息。领导者的角色从个人规划的焦点向员工转型促进的广泛焦点发展,导致了催化剂、规制和变革以及创新意义的产生。

领导理论从将任何类型的组织权力让与给作为个体的领导者,到在追随者之间分散权力(Chesbrough et al., 2008)。角色的变化和权力分配的变化提供了一个洞察领导为基础的未来角色和创新领导。本节将简要介绍领导力理论中的四个概念框架,并将讨论它们如何为未来的领导力实践提供信息,以便在视频游戏行业中实现这些内容。


Using such leadership theoretical assumptions, this assignment has been prepared using the UK gaming industry as a case study. Leadership theories will be utilized in this paper for explaining the limitations inherent, challenges, biases and prejudices existing in the leadership processes of some of the gaming companies such as Rock star entertainment, UK (the makers of Grand Theft Auto, UK). There are 4 global leadership theory conceptual frameworks which have evolved inclusive of trait, style, transformation and complications. Every evolution has provided information on next phase development. The leader role grew from the individual planning focus to broad focus of employee transformation facilitation and these results in catalyst, regulation and change as well as innovation meaning making.

The theory of leadership initiated from yielding of any type of organization power to the leader as an individual to diffusing the power between the followers (Chesbrough et al., 2008). The changes in roles and changes in the distribution of power provide an insight into the leadership based future role and the innovation leadership. This section entails the four conceptual frameworks in brief within the theory of leadership and discussion will be led on how they inform future practices of leadership so that to implement these within the video gaming industry.






Describe the following conflicts and provide a possible solution to each: the conflict between army and emperor; between the city of Rome and the provinces; between the upper and lower classes, and between the Christians and the polytheists?The camps of Roman Army brought Romanization. This led to the extension of the Roman culture to the Empire. The expansion also led to various conflicts. One of the conflicts was the conflict between the emperor and the Army. It was very important to bring stability and unity in the empire. It was very important to remove conflict between emperor and army. For the Roman Empire the main institution was the Army. Without army the emperors could not extend their borders and could not save their kingdom from attacks. The responsibility of defending the Empire was in the hands of army.

To remove this conflict, it was important to create loyalty. The Roman Empire constituted of twenty five provinces. It was the duty of the Emperor to unify the provinces and people. The conflict between Rome and provinces could only be stopped by establishing permanent civil services in Rome as well as in Provinces. And, this was done by Augustus. The conflict between the upper and lower class could have been removed by the spread of citizenship. The Roman citizenship provides a privilege to the people and sense of equality among the people of different classes. The conflict between Christians and the polytheists could only be removed by providing equal status to both the cultures and religions.

留学 论文代写:政治上的不稳定性

留学 论文代写:政治上的不稳定性


留学 论文代写:政治上的不稳定性

留学 论文代写:政治上的不稳定性

Another risk factor is instability politically as well as war. Instability of political nature depicts a circumstance wherein situations, governance mechanisms as well as rules get challenges with regard to their legitimacy, politically through components that operate externally (Beirman et al., 2014). It might appear that instability politically and terrorist acts do not have any relationship. However, by closely examining, it is evident that just as terrorism, instability politically can result in enhancing the risk perception at a location. Another risk factor is the spread of diseases and epidemics.

留学 论文代写:政治上的不稳定性
Health problems related with tourism domestically and internationally result in attracting the researcher’s interest from social sciences wide range and disciplines of medicines. Various researchers have recognized that there exists an interconnection between tourism and health. This becomes an essential component of the experience of tourists that influence the levels of the overall satisfaction and can affect ultimately their life quality (Beirman et al., 2014). As the quality of tourism and satisfaction of visitors are linked intrinsically to experiences that come from trips, visits and holidays, it consists of a wide acknowledgement which adversely influences over tourists health.



Fastenal公司主要总部位于美国明尼苏达州。它们的功能是将其他企业使用的商品进行分配。销售的产品包括工业产品、建筑产品和安全产品。它在许多国家都有业务。他们在北美、澳大利亚和欧洲大陆开展业务(Manrique和Manrique, 2015)。他们主要是工业分销商。下面将详细讨论公司面临的挑战和建议。他们从根本上拥有良好的品牌形象,提供便捷的服务、库存管理和加工工艺。

它在美国国内市场上占有重要地位。发现公司面临着消费者需求变化、创新管理、服务管理和沟通问题(Manrique and Manrique, 2015)。除此之外,经济波动也会影响企业的运营。他们已经成功收购了一些规模较小的企业,并制定了扩张计划。他们需要解决这些问题,否则他们将被竞争对手取代。公司需要解决这四个主要挑战,如果他们想在未来持续下去。


Fastenal Company is primarily headquartered in Minnesota in United States of America. They function as a business that distributes the used good by other businesses. The goods that are sold includes industrial products, construction products and safety products. It has operations in many countries across the spectrum. They operate in the North America, Australia and European continents (Manrique and Manrique, 2015). They are primarily an industrial distributor. The challenges faced by the company and the recommendations are discussed in detail in the following. They fundamentally have a good brand image, they offer expedient services, inventory management and machining process.

It is a strong presence in the domestic United States market. The company is found to face the issues of changing consumer requirements, management of innovation, management of services and communication issues (Manrique and Manrique, 2015). Apart from this, the fluctuating economy affects the operational aspect of the business. They have managed acquisition of smaller organizations and have plans for expansions. They need to address these issues else and they will be replaced by their competitors. The company needs to address these four main challenges if they want to sustain in the future.




研究方法部分讨论所采用的研究方法,最后的资料及讨论部分讨论问卷的结果,以及如何解释这些结果,以了解对澳门的影响。城市旅游研究从多个角度进行。首先考虑游客来城市旅游的原因(Hall, 2005;科尔斯,2003)。首先,游客会去参观城市,因为他们认为城市为游客提供了最好的住宿,同时也是一个多功能的实体。旅游景点对旅游者来说既是经济上的也是物质上的可行景点,因此城市旅游的增长。


The main aim of the paper is to analyze the situation of Macau as a tourist destination, and its impact on the socio-economic of the region. An understanding of those factors that could help sustain and develop Macau further with respect to the industry is also discussed. Key objectives of the research are:To discuss by means of existing literature the tourism industry of Macau and the role it plays in the socioeconomics of the place.To discuss by means of primary research, the impact of tourism development in Macau.To explore by means of primary research if urban tourism is viewed positively by the people of Macau. The research paper is structured into three main blocks of discussion which are the literature review section, the methodology and the data and discussion section. The literature review section presents the existing evidence on urban tourism and its effect on cities.

The methodology section discusses the research methodology that was adopted, and the final data and discussion section discusses the results of the questionnaire and how these results can be interpreted to understand implications for Macau. Urban tourism research is conducted from many angles. Consider the reasons that tourists visit cities for in the first place (Hall, 2005; Coles, 2003). Firstly, tourists will be visiting cities because they believe that the cities provide the best accommodation for the tourist and also act as a multifunctional entity. The tourist spots are both economic and physical viable spots for the tourist, and hence urban tourism increases.



度假村和水疗服务的另一个挑战是年轻用户的可访问性。水疗服务被认为是摆脱压力和获得各种医疗福利的关键(D’angelo, 2011)。但由于缺乏意识,年轻用户无法访问这些服务。因此,spa运营商面临的另一个挑战是受众的扩大。根据Erfurt-Cooper & Cooper(2011)的说法,年轻观众对水疗服务的使用了解不多。至关重要的是,水疗运营商应采取适当措施,鼓励成年用户与年轻用户交流,以便他们也能了解水疗服务的医疗效益。度假村和水疗行业面临的第三个挑战是,在经济低迷期间,水疗运营商面临的困难时期。

在经济衰退期间,水疗和度假服务的销售额相当低,因为这是奢侈品消费,大多数消费者买不起。在经济低迷时期,顾客不感兴趣的是在水疗服务或旅游胜地或水疗中心花钱(Erfurt-Cooper & Cooper, 2011)。由于顾客中有一种观念,认为水疗服务是一种奢侈品,所以他们不会在这类事情上花太多钱。这可能是由于水疗服务的市场营销的水疗运营商作为纵容服务。spa运营商将spa服务作为一种昂贵而奢侈的服务进行营销,在消费者中树立了一种服务昂贵的观念。


Another challenge in the resort and spa services has been the accessibility of the services to young users. Spa service is considered vital to get rid of the stress and get various healthcare benefits (D’Angelo, 2011). But young users have been not able to access these services due to lack of awareness. Therefore, the broadening of the audience remains another challenge for the spa operators. As per Erfurt-Cooper & Cooper (2011), there is not much awareness about the use of spa services among the younger audience. It is vital that spa operators take appropriate steps to encourage the adult users to get their young ones along so that they also get to know the healthcare benefits of the spa services.The third challenge faced by the resort and spa industry is the tough time faced by the spa operators during economic downturn.

During the recession, the sales of the spa and resort services are considerably low due to the reason that it is luxury expenditure and most consumers cannot afford to buy it. The customers do not feel interested to spend money on spa services or visiting resorts or spas during the economic downturn (Erfurt-Cooper & Cooper, 2011). As there is a perception among the customers that spa service is a luxury, so they do not spend much on such things. This might be due to the marketing of the spa services by the spa operators as pampering services. The spa operators conduct marketing of the spa services as expensive and luxury service, which sets up a perception among the consumers about these services being expensive.



本文的目的是基于商业环境框架对商业格里芬食品进行商业环境分析。该框架包括业务环境和任务环境。这里选择了来自新西兰的格里芬食品进行分析。它是一个澳大拉西亚烘焙产品零售和制造组织。Griffins于1864年在新西兰尼尔森成立,从那时起就在新西兰运营,在奥克兰有制造工厂。新西兰的烘焙行业是食品和饮料行业的一部分,截至2015年,其出口额估计为290亿美元(新西兰贸易和企业NZTE, 2016)。

行业价值4100亿美元(NZTE, 2016)。在网络媒体和全球新闻趋势中可以注意到的更多与该行业相关的最新趋势是,倡导人们不要食用类似饼干的产品,比如煮熟的、烘烤的、加工过的食品。从逻辑上讲,这种形式的健康饮食趋势应该会压低市场。然而,尽管存在这些威胁,关于烘焙市场的报道似乎表明,市场实际上正在增长,并可能在未来几年超过2015年的4.1亿美元。消费呈上升趋势(Bossel & Haas, 2015)。


The purpose of this essay is to conduct a business environmental analysis of the business Griffin Foods based on the business environment framework. The framework includes both the business environment and the task environment. Griffins Foods from New Zealand has been chosen for analysis here. It is an Australasian bakery product retail and manufacturing organization. Griffins was established in Nelson, NZ in 1864 and has been in operation in NZ from then, with manufacturing units in Auckland. The Bakery industry of New Zealand is part of the food and beverages industry which as of 2015 is worth an estimated US$29 billion in terms of its export (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise NZTE, 2016).

The industry values 410 billion USD (NZTE, 2016). More current trends that can be noticed in online media and global news trends with respect to the industry are that of an advocacy against eating cookies like products, such as cooked, baked, processed foods. This form of a healthy eating trend should logically drive down the market. However, despite these threats, reports on the bakery market does seem to indicate that the market is in fact growing and could cross the 410 million USD of 2015 in the coming years. Consumption is on the rise (Bossel & Haas, 2015).



英国航空(British Airways)也被称为英航(BA),它被贴上了英国旗舰航空公司的标签。它是布列塔尼最大的航空公司。在载客参数上,它被称为第二大航空公司。1974年,联合王国政府成立了英国航空公司。英国航空公司的母公司是国际航空集团。该组织有一些子公司,包括英国航空公司的CityFlyer、英国航空公司的World Cargo等。据报道,英国航空公司的主要枢纽位于伦敦希思罗机场,总部设在水边。英国航空公司是许多航空公司联盟的创始成员。



The British Airways also termed as BA is tagged as a flag carrier airline of the UK. It is the largest airline in the Brittaine. It is known as the second largest airline on the parameter of carrying passengers. In the year 1974, the British airlines was established by the government of the United Kingdoms. The parent company of The British Airways is International Airlines Group. The organisation has certain subsidiaries which include BA CityFlyer, The British Airways World Cargo and etc. It is reported that the main hub of The British Airways is at London Heathrow Airport and based in Waterside. The British Airways is founding member in many airlines alliances.

Now, to name a few, Oneworld airline alliance, Cathay Pacific, Qantas Airlines, etc. The direct competitor of The British Airways is Easyjet as it has transported more passengers than BA.It has been estimated that the annual turnover of The British Airways in the last fiscal year was £11,333. It has been reported that the organisation has 39,309 employees working for the organisation approximately. It has been reported that by the end of the last annual year, the British Airways had 284 aircrafts. The annual revenue of the organisation in the last fiscal year was £11,642.