
在本篇assignment代写-投资增长与债务之间的负面关系中,描述了以增长为基础的投资将增加与债务相关的代理成本,这将导致外部借款减少,并导致债务与增长之间的负面关系。规模较小的公司通过向外部融资机构借款来承担风险的行为会更加厌恶,因为风险不会像在大型组织中那样由几个投资机构共同承担(Graham et al., 998)。其结果是,这是反过来财政增长的内在性质与资金的产生。尽管最近的文献并没有对债务和属性之间的关系给出一致的看法,但许多研究人员仍然认为基于债务的比率和增长之间存在一种积极的联系(Baker and Wurgler, 2002)。接下来有关assignment代写-投资增长与债务之间的负面关系分析如下:

Profit making ability furthermore is related directly to the theory of pecking order that predicts a hierarchy order to financial decisions of a company. This comes first with funds generation in internal basis and then it gets issues externally through debts. The last option here comes forward with new equity issued as illustrated in the works of Myers (1984) (Balsari and Kirkulak, 2010). Therefore, this theory is not such that it can go along with the prediction made by Modigliani and Miller (1958) as under the theory of pecking order, organizations do not indulge in taking benefit of the benefits from debt tax shields, as they are of the preference to internally finance instead of externally consider the same because of high risks being faced through external costs of finances (Graham, 2005). In small organizations, moreover, the risk cannot be shared through several investment makers and managers will have much aversive behaviour towards taking risk by money being borrowed from external financing units (Bradley, Jarell and Kim, 1984). The obtained results through most of the researchers within the field of SMEs have consistency and this shows a relationship of negative nature between debt ratio and profit ratio.

On the other hand, growth has a reference to indicators which measure the investment growth. This leads towards considerable profits being made. These types of indicators represent a good technique for investment makers, shareholding groups and credit investors to evaluate the health of a company. With regard to such attribute, previous studies have a controversial nature and there are not any consensus within the relationship present between debt and growth (Bowman, 1980). This relationship is positive as higher growth result as higher growth in turn results in signalling to creditors that organization is not going into default and that they have the ability of recognizing it through providing a favourable credit term. Jensen, (1986) and Stulz (1990), furthermore have stated that the issue to overly invest and the company growth recognition in accordance to creditors, are two factors which help grant easy credit. These are also the causes of a positive type of relationship present between debt and growth showed through previous studies of empirical nature (Graham et al., 2001). On the contrary spectrum, Hovakimian et al. (2001) have taken the assumption that growth is related negatively towards debt as organizations are of the preference to consider growth financing by retention of profit on debt. The issue is of underinvestment as the reason stated for such correlation.

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The adaptive reuse is helpful in generating numerous tangible and intangible advantages. The advantages are not only limited to the developers of the historic establishment but also accrue to benefit the community and local government (Bullen and Love 2011, 411-421). The developers are benefitted as there are no additional costs of demolition and have the rigor to make better the existing buildings. The adaptability of the building is considered as an important element of the community as it benefits in making the unproductive property into a productive one. In addition, there are some of the social and economic advantages to the adaptability of the buildings. For instance, if the building that has to be adapted is in the good structural condition, then there are economic advantages and the low cost of investment, low land acquisition cost and less time are consumed in construction. On the other hand, the social advantages of adaptive reuse comprise of providing an association with the past and creating a link with the present. In addition, with the positive intent of adding value to the society, the adaptability of the buildings aids in revitalizing the society and neighbourhood (Conejos 2013).

The following section of the report contains the reasons which assure that why the buildings should be adapted.
It gives the people a sense of place and creates a focal point for the people.
It gives the people residing in the area the feeling of belongingness
Its structure and design impart the building a new and distinctive identity which lifts the overall quality of the environment.
It assists in accomplishing the sustainability objectives of the country.
It allures people who may not come for perceiving the distinctive quality of the buildings and only concentrate on knowing about the past.
Therefore, these points contribute in understanding the adaptability of the buildings are their because of their significance to the economies. This occurs because the historical buildings are regarded as the conservation projects which contributes in sustaining the cultural value of the country (Cantell 2005).

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This might affect the organizational flexibility and the corporate image. In this regard, several arguments regarding the application of McDonaldization and physical setting have been put forwarded to improve the product quality and the services (Johnston & Clark, 2005). The concept of McDonaldization will change the complicated society and will bring flexibility and uniformity to the entire organization structure. It can be justified by highlighting that McDonaldization and physical setting will be effective in focusing on four primary factors. They are efficiency, predictability, calculability and control (Spencer, 2010). One of the important functions of McDonaldization is efficiency through which the complicated tasks can be performed within smaller duration with a little effort. The understanding of McDonaldization and physical setting is significant to improve the service quality of an organization because through these concepts, the standardization of the fast food products carries more importance about designing the product process. In the context of quality management based on the case study, it can be justified that in order to improve the service quality of the concerned organization, the importance of physical evidence is being highlighted through McDonalzalition and physical setting. The physical evidences can be categorized into two broader categories. One is facility exterior and the other one is facility interior (Mudie & Pirrie, Services Marketing Management, 2006).
The facility exterior is an innovation which plays the primary role in designing, parking, signage etc. The facility interior includes the covering of layout and designing, the use of equipment and signage etc. The other important part of the physical setting is tangible products. Uniforms and business cards are of high importance in the tangible products. However, it can be critically analyzed that at the time of implementing McDonaldization and physical setting, operational failures might arise. The team performance is not strong enough in undertaking any complex organizational decisions. In order to avoid these challenges, the packaging of the services and rightly delivery of the services is of greater concern to evaluate (Morin et al., 2007). This, in turn, reduces perceived risks. In addition, the cognitive dissonances can also be reduced. To detail further, to improve the service quality of an organization, socialization among the employees and the customers is important. It put emphasis on certain etiquettes among the employees who are use the uniforms and the formation of coherent group structure. It had been argued by different authors like Mudie & Pirrie (2006) that McDonaldization and physical setting is effective in providing well-designed facilities o the customers.

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代写assignment-工作满意度与态度相关的因素。在工作满意度方面,工作满意度与工作态度有关。与态度相关的其他因素包括工作投入和心理赋权。人们很清楚,缺乏满足感会影响他们的态度。然而,考虑到工作投入和心理授权,它可以被增强(Bratton和Gold, 2012)。因此,如果考虑到这些因素,公司可以保留高效的管理人员。最后,考虑到领导力的重要性是非常重要的。有效的领导确保高效的劳动力不仅被开发,而且被组织保留。路径目标理论为必须采用的领导提供了坚实的基础。根据这一理论,领导者为追随者提供信息、支持和资源来帮助他们实现目标。企业必须有有效的领导,这一点与管理是非常相关的。确定领导者以确保保留高效的劳动力是非常重要的。

Considering the aspects of Job Satisfaction, it is related to attitude at workplace. The other factors related to attitude are job involvement and psychological empowerment. It is well understood that the lack of satisfaction has impacted the attitude. However, it can be enhanced considering the job involvement and psychological empowerment (Bratton and Gold, 2012). Thus the efficient managers can be retained by the companies if these factors are considered.
Lastly considering the importance of leadership is quite important. Effective leadership ensures that the efficient workforce is not only developed but also retained by the organization. Path Goal theory provides a sound basis for the leadership that has to be employed. According to this theory leaders provide followers with information, support, and resources to help them achieve their goals. The corporate must have effective leadership and this aspect is quite relevant for the management. The identification of leaders in ensuring that the efficient workforce is retained is quite important.
Based on the above discussion the relevance of key issues that are the foundation of any organization cannot be denied. This has also been highlighted in the findings of the study that capital, resources and access to markets can have huge impact on the economic development and growth. However the relevance of retaining the talent and ensuring that the team is in place to use the available resources is also quite important. The primary challenge is to ensure that the needs of the workforce are satisfied. At the same time growth of each and every individual is also ensured in the target achievement of the organization.

The discussion with respect to different studies that have been conducted and the theoretical framework that have been developed with respect to motivation, job satisfaction and leadership reveal how the organizations develop, maintain and retain the management skills and efficient managers.

Overall the study reveals that the development of management skills is quite important and for that the corporate in New Zealand must ensure the talent is retained at any cost. This is because the organizational goals are much higher than the cost that will be incurred in maintaining such talent. From all the perspectives the relevance of the study conducted its importance to the corporate can be seen.

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The specialty of Pariah lies in the play with emotions. Being a debut director, Dee Rees has taken a wiser approach to present the thrill of discovery and show the meaning and emotion of every scene (Taylor 2011, paras. 11-14). The last scene when it echoes the theme that Alike is choosing and running made it a point among the viewers. Most importantly, it provoked the viewers about the life of Alike and created a positive impact.
From the politics of responsibility to the response towards oppressive socialization, blacks have faced number of issues. Alike now faces some more because she is extra homophobic and people around her continued to be misogynoir. The love of her father has strengthened her at various moments. There is a sense of belonging, exploration and subtle moments of joy. The movie did not ever deviate from the concept of lesbian. Laura is also found to be a pariah as her lesbian nature forced her mother to remain careless. The last moment is powerful as Alike shares her love to her mother. The poem that she shared as she left the family is even powerful and etched the oppression and loneliness in the minds of viewers.
Alike was only found to run throughout the film between mother’s bigotry followed by disapproval and father’s unwillingness to accept the reality and infantilization (Taylor 2011, paras. 15-17). She also ran between herself and the fears. The specialty of Alike’s role is that she has not broken down, but attempts to break away.
Impact on society
Pariah has a direct impact on the society, as it features the insecurity faced by the lesbian to gain an identity and sustain as yet another citizen. The role of Alike is so strong and realistic. She faces difficulties to manage her complex emotions and travel amidst the authentic interior life. The cinematography enriched the overall script as it enabled every viewer to travel along with the story and understand the feelings of Alike. Dee Rees presented her story and discovered acute awareness and unfamiliarity among the viewers.
Pariah is a bold attempt that has created deeper impacts among the audience. The Blacks are usually rejected by the society. In addition to it, a Black lesbian is further discriminated, but it opens the minds of audience by stating that the thought to become a lesbian is not voluntary but incidental. The choice of Alike and Laura is highly appropriate to showcase the struggles between them (Holden 2011, paras. 10-11). In the case of Alike, her family has found it hard to convince and change the interest of her towards lesbians. Consequently, Lara’s parents had discriminated and abandoned her long ago.
The subjectivity of a Black woman is centered and the complex topic is easily dealt by the director. It reminded the viewers about inclusion of LGBT people and understands their woes. The lack of social inclusion is the reason for the growth of lesbians claiming for individual rights. In addition to it, the rights of lesbians are often denied by the public. This thought has awakened the viewers. Blacks are not to be rejected, but to be included and this is the subject of the movie.
The movie has a stronger impact as it spread positive message about lesbians. The dressing, thoughts and beliefs of people about lesbians need to change to reduce the vulnerability of society. This message has been conveyed in an efficient manner. Likewise, it is essential for LGBT groups to be stronger on their decisions and avoid the confusions in their search towards sexual identity.

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assignment代写-有效市场进入策略的好处。由于缺乏与当地企业和跨国公司竞争的资源和专业知识,中小型企业通常处于不利地位。批判性地评估技术和进入策略的选择如何在全球市场中最小化这些劣势。用例子支持你的回答,全球进入战略被认为是一种有计划的方法,它通过进出口的过程帮助将货物和服务运送到一个新的市场(Lasserre, 2012)。稳固的营销策略的使用对于在全球市场中脱颖而出是必须的,因为这些策略将直接影响公司的其他营销组合决策,接下来assignment代写-有效市场进入策略的好处如下:

Benefits of Market Entry Strategies
More revenue generation: In this process, the companies get the opportunities to get new sources of earning revenue from. The companies which have saturated in their efforts in the domestic market have growth opportunities for expanding in the global market. This occurs because there is a larger customer base which aids in gaining more profits for the business (Hill, 2008).
Resources and supplies: The companies operating in the global marketplace have the adequate amount of capital to be invested and for further expansion opportunities. The business with the help of global marketing gets the opportunities to be exposed to new materials and resources.
Market development: The diversified customer base aids in spreading the risks of the business to a larger customer base. This means that if the business is unable to make profits in one country, then it has still an option to expand in new country. This occurs despite of the government regulations levied in that particular country.
Larger talent pool: In the global market, the businesses are assisted with a huge pool of talent. The employment of the diversified employees in the company enhances the services provided by the company and also diverse populations are an advantage to the business. The global work teams collaborate with other employees for the realization of the objectives of the business, in an efficient manner (Cavusgil et al., 2014).
Benefits of Technology
The benefits in technology are listed as below, which help in minimizing the disadvantages of doing business in the foreign market:
Increased speed of international communication and travel
Smaller world due to increased communication
People are more aware of the events happening in outside countries and their home country
Increased awareness of foreign opportunities
Better understanding of foreign opportunities leads to better international trade and investment
Increased number of businesses operating in the foreign market
Economies around the world are more closely integrated
Therefore, when the above points are incorporated in the small to medium enterprises, then they are enabling to minimize the disadvantages of excelling in the global marketplace (Laufs and Schwens, 2014).

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Many important discussions need to be considered in the cases of this surgical treatment. The specific procedure is to ensure that an inclusion of the discomfort and also the use of drugs in certain cases. In this schema, vigorous activities must be taken (11). Allergies also need to be considered in these cases. The surgical option is often considered only when all the other non-surgical treatments are considered to not be a viable choice (12). A number of other non-surgical options and treatment plan that needs to be considered in this paradigm. The number of non-surgical treatments is factored in the following section. Different kinds of tools are used in the dental implant and the restoration of the natural tooth, which have been elucidated in the following.
Pocket Reduction Procedure
The bone and gum tissue must fit into the teeth appropriately. In cases of periodontal disease, the loss of supporting tissue and bone is destroyed. These are found to form “pockets around the teeth”. In time, these pockets become deep and provide larger spaces, which could cause bacteria to develop around the teeth. Packers can accumulate and advance in the gum tissue (27). These deeper pockets collect bacteria. Pockets result in bone and tissue loss. In cases where the bone is lost were teeth needs to be extracted. This is divided into a mild or advanced periodontitis (28).
In cases of mild periodontitis, it is recommended to have the pockets that are very deep to clean and have a daily at-home oral hygiene along with a professional care routine. In these procedures, the periodontist fold back gum tissues and removes the disease-causing bacteria (29). In these cases, irregular surfaces are found in the damaged bone, which limits the areas where the bacteria can hide. These enable the gum tissues to have a better attachment to the healthy bone. In these cases, the pocket depth is reduced and eliminating existing bacteria are done by the periodontists. Additionally the ways in which people can preserve their teeth are also discussed (30). A combination of these ideologies is practiced in order to save the real teeth from further defragmentation.

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代写assignment-老年人的医疗服务措施。老年人的身体状况需要额外的护理。老年人身体状况严重,不能从事日常工作。此外,他们需要别人的帮助来完成一些日常工作,如刷牙、洗澡、吃饭和走路。他们甚至需要帮助他们的厕所。因此,他们需要特别照顾自己的生活。在这方面,很明显,许多医护人员没有接受足够的老年病学培训,因此他们无法为老年人提供适当的护理。与年轻人相比,老年人获得预防保健的可能性更小(Bugental & Hehman, 2007)。因此,医护人员必须有足够的耐心来照顾老年人。除此之外,也有证据表明,老年人不太可能被检查的疾病和其他健康问题。随着年龄的增长,人们变得越来越虚弱,身体不能做事情,需要特殊的照顾。此外,很明显,老年人经常被排除在医疗检查之外;然而,他们是批准药物的最大使用者。老年人的有效医疗措施有时被忽视,导致治疗不当和不完善。在这种背景下,有必要为老年人提供足够的医疗服务。

Develop effective education and training programs to the healthcare providers who work in the field of older care
The formal training for the healthcare professional is very important because without formal training the healthcare professionals cannot provide adequate care services to the aged people. Hence, the service providers should be given adequate education and training so that they can provide effective care services to the deprived aged people. The care services must be appropriate as the older people require special attention and care (Shippee-Rice, Fetzer & Long, 2012). Several older people are residing in Australia who needs proper care services. Hence, the authorities must take care of the development of an effective education and training programs for the care services providers who specially provide services to the older people. The training and development program must be included with the psychology subject that helps in giving care services to the elderly people because most of the aged people are suffering from mental diseases. They feel nervousness, agitation and many other mental diseases so that the services care providers must handle their problem sympathetically (Shippee-Rice, Fetzer & Long, 2012).

In Australia, there are a huge amount of people who are aged and require adequate healthcare services. However, there are several governments and non-government organizations working in this field, but those are not sufficient for taking care of the huge population. Besides this, it is evident that many of the healthcare professionals do not have adequate training and mentality to take care of the elderly people. There are several issues in providing care services to the elderly people as the older people often do not want to receive or respond to the care services (Rosenthal, 2014). Often it is observed that the older people are agitated, and misbehave with the care services providers, where the service providers must be patient enough to bear the older people and sympathetic to the older people. Also, they must provide required health care services to the older people.

Besides this, it is also witnessed that the aged people are less likely to be examined for the diseases as well as other health issues. With the aging, the people become weaker and physically unable to do things and require special care. Moreover, it is also evident that the older people are constantly excluded from the medical check-ups; however, they are the largest users of approved medicines. The proven medical treatments for the aged people are sometimes ignored, which leads to improper and incomplete treatment. In this context, it is essential to provide adequate healthcare services to the older people (Yuill, Crinson & Duncan, 2012).

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The constant economic growth and development of the country are stimulated by the policies of reform. The opening up of these policies has created a great support for the country China to enhance the wealth of its population as well as given employment and growth opportunities. However, the quick growth cannot come without any cost and the depletion of the natural resources as well as increasing environmental pollution of the soil, water and air has been unintentional. However, have significant level of side effect has been explained and the key environmental issues are as follows:
Contamination of the fresh water resources: The fresh water resources of the country are increasingly polluting with the advancement and growth of the country. The water pollution is common in China as the fresh water resources along with the urban, industrial, as well as agricultural effluents and the waste materials result is reducing access to the good quality water. Hence the pollution related diseases are increasingly growing (Hunter, Salzman & Zaelke, 2015).
Institutional Framework for Environmental Regulation
National level
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) is the national-level authoritative body in charge of natural administration. SEPA’s capacities incorporate planning and executing national arrangements, enactment and directions identified with water and air quality, strong waste administration, and nature assurance and atomic/radiation security. SEPA is likewise responsible for detailing ecological quality criteria and contamination release/emanation guidelines at the national level, sorting out natural quality observing and starting requirement exercises together with nearby ecological specialists. SEPA facilitates plans for tending to trans-limit ecological issues and arranging logical innovative work.
A scope of environment related issues is overseen independently by various Ministries and Agencies of the State Council. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) assume a key part as the body in charge of creating and executing FYPs. In this limit, NDRC coordinates natural issues into the general arranging framework in China and into division particular strategies (Karas, 2005). The key services occupied with the usage of natural approaches include:
Ministry of Water Management: watershed administration, soil disintegration and groundwater quality;
Ministry of Land and Resources: arrive utilize arranging, mineral and marine asset administration, arrive recovery
Ministry of Agriculture: administration of agrarian chemicals, sea-going regular stores, agro-biodiversity and prairies

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代写assignment-激光传感器的简介和讨论。激光传感器主要用于发射电磁波的光脉冲。近红外光谱波长为800-950nm,紫外光谱波长为1500 nm (Yenkanchi, 2016)。当汽车运动时,物体之间的距离由飞行时间信息来计算,飞行时间信息负责计算接收脉冲与发射脉冲之间的差值。这些类型的传感器能够检测多个对象。然而,这些传感器也有一些缺点,比如它们对悬挂的天气很敏感,而且对灰尘也很敏感。如果镜头被灰尘覆盖,它们就不能很好地反射目标。然而,一些重要的功能,如消除事故,减少碰撞和自动停车是很少的例子。

The most significant laser based sensors are the Laser Scanner and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). The Laser sensors are those that work on the technology that mainly emits the light impulse of the electromagnetic waves. The wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum near infra red is 800-950nm and in the ultra violet, the wavelength is 1500 nm (Yenkanchi, 2016). When the car is moving, the distance between the object is calculated by the time-of-flight information, which is responsible for taking the difference between the received pulses and emission. These types of sensors have the ability to detect multiple objects. However, there are some drawbacks of these sensors, such as they are sensitive towards the hanging weather and are also dirt sensitive. They poorly reflect the target if the lenses are covered by the dirt. However, some important functions like eliminating accidents, collision mitigation and automatic parking are few examples.
For the appropriate road safety and guidance, it is very significant that acquisition of all the objects on and around the road should be clear for this purpose good lighting conditions are very important (Petit et al., 2015). The weather should be clear and day lighting is required.

The sensors for the driverless cars can be classified in two different types, Active sensors and Passive sensors. This classification is done on the basis of their capability and physical phenomenon they are able to measure by actively probing the environment or by passively perceiving the environment (Yenkanchi, 2016). Active sensors are mainly those which send the radiations for detecting an object around the vehicle and it also eliminates the noise of emissions. However, the passive sensors are those perceiving the information that is based on the illumination of the environment. Passive sensors are considered to be less expensive in the way of their mechanism. Some of the examples of the active sensors are radar based sensors, laser based sensors and ultrasonic based sensors. One significant example of the passive sensor is camera. Since the autonomous automated cars are the next evolution of the transportation and will increase the safety, driving experience and traffic efficiency (Petit et al., 2015). A completely automated vehicle will significantly rely on the sensor reading for the long term (planning) and short term (related to safety) driving decisions.

Under the poor lighting conditions, Laser sensors are unable to provide the precise information about the geometry information of the objects on the road. Although, some forecasts state that driverless cars are going to dominate the roads by 2040, still the completely autonomous cars seem to be the distant reality due to many technological factors. The Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) are required to process more than 1 million points per second in 3D form for detecting objects and pedestrians on the road. The pedestrian detection system can be achieved through the infusion of the various sensors and by combining the data of the various sensors that include time-of-flight cameras, laser sensors, stereoscopic machine vision and normal cameras that can be significantly useful for solving the problem of object and pedestrian detection (Navarro et al., 2016).

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