

代写assignment-老年人的医疗服务措施。老年人的身体状况需要额外的护理。老年人身体状况严重,不能从事日常工作。此外,他们需要别人的帮助来完成一些日常工作,如刷牙、洗澡、吃饭和走路。他们甚至需要帮助他们的厕所。因此,他们需要特别照顾自己的生活。在这方面,很明显,许多医护人员没有接受足够的老年病学培训,因此他们无法为老年人提供适当的护理。与年轻人相比,老年人获得预防保健的可能性更小(Bugental & Hehman, 2007)。因此,医护人员必须有足够的耐心来照顾老年人。除此之外,也有证据表明,老年人不太可能被检查的疾病和其他健康问题。随着年龄的增长,人们变得越来越虚弱,身体不能做事情,需要特殊的照顾。此外,很明显,老年人经常被排除在医疗检查之外;然而,他们是批准药物的最大使用者。老年人的有效医疗措施有时被忽视,导致治疗不当和不完善。在这种背景下,有必要为老年人提供足够的医疗服务。

Develop effective education and training programs to the healthcare providers who work in the field of older care
The formal training for the healthcare professional is very important because without formal training the healthcare professionals cannot provide adequate care services to the aged people. Hence, the service providers should be given adequate education and training so that they can provide effective care services to the deprived aged people. The care services must be appropriate as the older people require special attention and care (Shippee-Rice, Fetzer & Long, 2012). Several older people are residing in Australia who needs proper care services. Hence, the authorities must take care of the development of an effective education and training programs for the care services providers who specially provide services to the older people. The training and development program must be included with the psychology subject that helps in giving care services to the elderly people because most of the aged people are suffering from mental diseases. They feel nervousness, agitation and many other mental diseases so that the services care providers must handle their problem sympathetically (Shippee-Rice, Fetzer & Long, 2012).

In Australia, there are a huge amount of people who are aged and require adequate healthcare services. However, there are several governments and non-government organizations working in this field, but those are not sufficient for taking care of the huge population. Besides this, it is evident that many of the healthcare professionals do not have adequate training and mentality to take care of the elderly people. There are several issues in providing care services to the elderly people as the older people often do not want to receive or respond to the care services (Rosenthal, 2014). Often it is observed that the older people are agitated, and misbehave with the care services providers, where the service providers must be patient enough to bear the older people and sympathetic to the older people. Also, they must provide required health care services to the older people.

Besides this, it is also witnessed that the aged people are less likely to be examined for the diseases as well as other health issues. With the aging, the people become weaker and physically unable to do things and require special care. Moreover, it is also evident that the older people are constantly excluded from the medical check-ups; however, they are the largest users of approved medicines. The proven medical treatments for the aged people are sometimes ignored, which leads to improper and incomplete treatment. In this context, it is essential to provide adequate healthcare services to the older people (Yuill, Crinson & Duncan, 2012).

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