


The specialty of Pariah lies in the play with emotions. Being a debut director, Dee Rees has taken a wiser approach to present the thrill of discovery and show the meaning and emotion of every scene (Taylor 2011, paras. 11-14). The last scene when it echoes the theme that Alike is choosing and running made it a point among the viewers. Most importantly, it provoked the viewers about the life of Alike and created a positive impact.
From the politics of responsibility to the response towards oppressive socialization, blacks have faced number of issues. Alike now faces some more because she is extra homophobic and people around her continued to be misogynoir. The love of her father has strengthened her at various moments. There is a sense of belonging, exploration and subtle moments of joy. The movie did not ever deviate from the concept of lesbian. Laura is also found to be a pariah as her lesbian nature forced her mother to remain careless. The last moment is powerful as Alike shares her love to her mother. The poem that she shared as she left the family is even powerful and etched the oppression and loneliness in the minds of viewers.
Alike was only found to run throughout the film between mother’s bigotry followed by disapproval and father’s unwillingness to accept the reality and infantilization (Taylor 2011, paras. 15-17). She also ran between herself and the fears. The specialty of Alike’s role is that she has not broken down, but attempts to break away.
Impact on society
Pariah has a direct impact on the society, as it features the insecurity faced by the lesbian to gain an identity and sustain as yet another citizen. The role of Alike is so strong and realistic. She faces difficulties to manage her complex emotions and travel amidst the authentic interior life. The cinematography enriched the overall script as it enabled every viewer to travel along with the story and understand the feelings of Alike. Dee Rees presented her story and discovered acute awareness and unfamiliarity among the viewers.
Pariah is a bold attempt that has created deeper impacts among the audience. The Blacks are usually rejected by the society. In addition to it, a Black lesbian is further discriminated, but it opens the minds of audience by stating that the thought to become a lesbian is not voluntary but incidental. The choice of Alike and Laura is highly appropriate to showcase the struggles between them (Holden 2011, paras. 10-11). In the case of Alike, her family has found it hard to convince and change the interest of her towards lesbians. Consequently, Lara’s parents had discriminated and abandoned her long ago.
The subjectivity of a Black woman is centered and the complex topic is easily dealt by the director. It reminded the viewers about inclusion of LGBT people and understands their woes. The lack of social inclusion is the reason for the growth of lesbians claiming for individual rights. In addition to it, the rights of lesbians are often denied by the public. This thought has awakened the viewers. Blacks are not to be rejected, but to be included and this is the subject of the movie.
The movie has a stronger impact as it spread positive message about lesbians. The dressing, thoughts and beliefs of people about lesbians need to change to reduce the vulnerability of society. This message has been conveyed in an efficient manner. Likewise, it is essential for LGBT groups to be stronger on their decisions and avoid the confusions in their search towards sexual identity.

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