


The constant economic growth and development of the country are stimulated by the policies of reform. The opening up of these policies has created a great support for the country China to enhance the wealth of its population as well as given employment and growth opportunities. However, the quick growth cannot come without any cost and the depletion of the natural resources as well as increasing environmental pollution of the soil, water and air has been unintentional. However, have significant level of side effect has been explained and the key environmental issues are as follows:
Contamination of the fresh water resources: The fresh water resources of the country are increasingly polluting with the advancement and growth of the country. The water pollution is common in China as the fresh water resources along with the urban, industrial, as well as agricultural effluents and the waste materials result is reducing access to the good quality water. Hence the pollution related diseases are increasingly growing (Hunter, Salzman & Zaelke, 2015).
Institutional Framework for Environmental Regulation
National level
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) is the national-level authoritative body in charge of natural administration. SEPA’s capacities incorporate planning and executing national arrangements, enactment and directions identified with water and air quality, strong waste administration, and nature assurance and atomic/radiation security. SEPA is likewise responsible for detailing ecological quality criteria and contamination release/emanation guidelines at the national level, sorting out natural quality observing and starting requirement exercises together with nearby ecological specialists. SEPA facilitates plans for tending to trans-limit ecological issues and arranging logical innovative work.
A scope of environment related issues is overseen independently by various Ministries and Agencies of the State Council. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) assume a key part as the body in charge of creating and executing FYPs. In this limit, NDRC coordinates natural issues into the general arranging framework in China and into division particular strategies (Karas, 2005). The key services occupied with the usage of natural approaches include:
Ministry of Water Management: watershed administration, soil disintegration and groundwater quality;
Ministry of Land and Resources: arrive utilize arranging, mineral and marine asset administration, arrive recovery
Ministry of Agriculture: administration of agrarian chemicals, sea-going regular stores, agro-biodiversity and prairies

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