
论文代写-西方在代谢期结构中对日本建筑产生的影响。在此之前,日本从未受到过西方世界的任何影响。但现在情况发生了变化。1960年,世界设计大会在东京召开,讨论与通用设计有关的问题,从中可以看到西方的重大影响。正是在这次会议上,对西方建筑进行了相关的讨论,并与日本建筑进行了相同的实现。会议由世界上一些最好的建筑组成,包括浅田隆、阿瓦祖清吉、关健二。这些艺术家的创作动机来自于西方乌托邦式的巨型结构建筑(Nitschke, 1964, pp. 509)。这个群体也受到了勒柯布西人思想的影响。许多伟大的建筑师都受到了西方建筑的启发。这就是西方在代谢期结构中产生影响的原因(Karakiewicz, 2005)。

Some of the influence of the metabolists included the post-apocalyptic and post-war like situations. These were in the form of the characters such as amine and manga. The characters which were related to amine and manga had been related to the environment in such a manner that these were similar to the way in which the people interacted with the environment.
The names of the city were also done in such a manner that were inspired from western thought in some or the other manner. The city names were dependent on the basis of the machine. The metabolism architecture was practiced during those times. The metabolist architecture consisted of the designed which were generally, movable, flexible and were built out of the cells which were similar to that of the living organism (Kuan, 2013, pp.189). The plan also allowed for enabling of the dynamic growth and was also much responsive to the inhabitants in spite of trying to have an overarching construction which the inhabitants actually wanted to implement.
Another major thought which was popular during the Metaboist age was to do the significant rebirth from the physical devastation which was done during the times of World War 2. The architects during these times believed that the Metabolists were interested more in the culture and tradition of Japan but along with the same, they were much more interesting in combining the same with some of the recent ideas related to the technology.
The theories which were implemented during these times were economical as well as it was easier to add small components rather than to create several individual buildings. Because of the same, the urban cities where Metabolist architectural styles were implemented were much more cohesive in comparison to other cities of the world. Another great architecture in Japan during this period was Kenzo Tange (Pernice, 2004). The designs of Kenzo Tange were also an aid to the metabolist movement. His plans were so effective and impactful that they gave boon to metabolism. His architecture was inspired from that of West and many of his works includes the elements from western architecture (Cho, 2012, pp. 72). An example of his work during this period includes the Tokyo’s Bay Plan. This was a mega structure which consisted of a very large framework consisting of a number of movable and smaller parts. This was again inspired from the West and the buildings were attached and detached from the super highways. The design of the entire structure build over Tokyo Bay was inspired from the Western architecture. The roads which were planned to be created under such a plan were designed in such a manner as if they appeared as the arteries or veins. This kind of construction was inspired from west as these roads were previously available only in the western architectural forms.
Another famous architecture which consists of western influences was the Marine city. This structure had been built after the conference held in Tokyo. The structure of the interior of the building had been setup in such a manner that it was a permanent and an open living space which had been surrounded by the spaces which could be easily replaced. In addition to this, the Marine City features a large number of cylindrical towers which also permits a large number of circular units which were joined and plugged. Some of these towers had been placed in such a manner that they appeared as the circular disks which floated over water. This was another plan which was influenced from the western architecture (Schalk, 2004).

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After this, I discussed the plan which the Dragon world had been making for the purpose of construction. These include the discussion related to the amount which the Dragon world needs to pay to the government (Kapp & Bangeni, 2000). I initially demand a payment having a value of around 1.5 million Euros per year. This is the money which is required for doing the multiple reforms for the people of the place and to protect their cultural values. I also stated them that money would be used for the development of the people. In order to plan each and everything, I asked them to give the entire payment in the form of the annual payments and in advance instead of paying the same in the form of the payroll tax. The amount which is being paid by them now, is not at all sufficient for the work. Thus, it is important to ensure that the revenues should be done in a proper manner without any kind of delay in the same. The payment should not be made by the company in the form of Payroll tax. It is very essential to ensure that the amount should be received in the given time. I also asked the company to ensure that there should be complete and equal sharing of the revenues.
On the terms and the agreements which have been put forward by Dragon world, there was a huge discussion and the negotiation. The meeting had been suspended twice in the interim. At times, the discussion was on its high.
The dragon world was using the different tactics for the purpose of convincing us. But each and every thing that they had put forward was not acceptable by us. They were very much stiff about the payment as a payroll tax instead of direct payment. However, I knew what they would have been thinking for. I knew the actual reason for which they had made such a strategy. I wanted to ensure that the people of the city should be benefitted in every possible manner. The dragon world generally pays a very lower amount of payroll tax to the government (Nadler, 1998). This is because they show that they are using very less number of workers. The real situation is different. Besides, the payroll tax is not paid in advance. I explained them the reasons for the advance payments. Nevertheless, it seemed as if they were least concerned about any kind of discussion and were trying to put forward their own views. At one point of time, both the Dragon world and I were adamant about the payments. I wanted to make sure that the payment is done properly by dragon world before initiating the project.
At this point of time, the meeting was suspended. This resumed after 15 minutes when they said that they will not be able to pay the money in the form of single payment, and they would be doing only in the form of the payroll tax (Nadler et al., 2003). They accepted that they will not be using the people of the town to serve them and will also protect the culture of the place. They assured that there will be a complete protection of the French culture and the people. They also ensured that they will not be using the land of the farmers and will do most of their construction in the land which is completely unused or barrel. Even if it is required to use a farm land, they will give the same amount of land to the farmer in another place in the same town, but they will be paying the money in the form of the payroll tax.

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论文代写-反社会人格受环境影响的因素。研究人员普拉特(Pratt et al., 2002)能够识别出像反社会人格、注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)及其他亚分类这样的疾病可以在一定程度上遗传下来。在其他情况下,攻击性是由于学校里的同伴压力,或通过观察那些本身具有攻击性的父母或看护人而产生的长期沮丧而形成的。因此,环境的影响被认为是一个重要的影响。

Studies cite that around two-thirds of juvenile delinquency was observed in families where parents had a criminal record (Stewart, 2008). As Stewart (2008) and Sibley et al. (2011) argued, when a biological father was a criminal, there were high chances for the child to be a criminal, too. Researchers like Ghodsian-Carpey & Baker (1987) performed studies where they observed a high amount of heritable influence in aggression. A high degree of correlation was observed. A typical case study for some of these elements and their influence on criminal tendencies is John Wayne Gacy Junior otherwise known as killer clown. John Wayne Gacy is a serial killer who had a difficult childhood because of his weight. He lived in an abusive environment, faced aggression contributing elements in his life, and therein some of these elements and their contribution on criminal and psychopathic tendencies have been studied in detail by researchers. Research by Mitchell & Aamodt (2005) highlighted how the incidence of abusive environments and parents leads to criminal tendencies in later life.
As much as those traumatized children who turned to be criminal, we need to note that not all people end up being so. For example, researchers like Rushton et al. (1986) highlighted that not all children would display a behavioural disorder. Some would learn to grow out their aggressive tendency and hence the possibility from childhood aggression to criminality would be reduced.
1.2. Aims/hypotheses
The aim of this paper is to critically analyse, discuss the correlations, and trace the pathway from ADHD induced aggression, aggressive parents, the environment influence, and antisocial personality on adult criminal tendencies.
The research questions are,
1) How ADHD related aggression leads to the onset of adult criminal tendencies?
2) How aggressive parents lead to criminal tendencies in the grown-up child?
3) How environment like school and family contribute to aggressive childhood that leads to adult criminal tendencies?
4) How antisocial personality related aggression leads to adult criminal tendencies?
Based on the research aim and questions, four hypotheses are generated which are as follows.
Hypothesis 1: Childhood conduct problems like ADHD related aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 2: A history of aggression in the parents of a child results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 3: Influence of environment such as school institutions induced peer pressure, bullying etc. causes friction and aggression that results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult
Hypothesis 4: Antisocial personality related aggression results in criminal tendencies when the child becomes an adult.

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In these systems, one of the most important factors that need to be considered is the ideology of moral freedom. This has been discussed in the subsequent section.
The discussion of moral freedom hinges on nature of man. The questions need to be asked as how does man seek his own nature (Plato, Halliwell, 1988). The reflection of Man and the society view of the actions of these men are reflected in the ways in which the society is constructed. It is evident that two radical ideologies exist in the system. The ancient school of thought was reflected in the ideology of Plato and modern ideology is reflected in the works of Jean Jacques Rousseau. However, certain trends are common between the elements. The most common element that exists is the inception points as to how these authors begin the focus of the society. Platonic idea of human nature and morality is about how people can be free even in prison cells. This is different from the ideology of Rousseau. In this, the people set up the political society that is based on the inherent rights of the people. This role of the moral freedom has a number of important benefits and limitations. Plato centered his discussion on how man is social creature and Rousseau states that it is based on the construction of the society (Riesenberg, 1994). Rousseau stated that the people are forced to make a decision between the ways in which they systematically work to discuss the freedom of women. This is to look at the nature of the man. It is evident that Plato and Rousseau make important decisions and have constructed a political theory based on certain allusions. The ideology of moral freedom and political theory constructed are subjective between the two men. In both the political theories, certain assumptions that are based on idealistic conditions. These are explored in the following.
It is evident that a construction of ideal societies in the arguments that are put forward by Plato and Rousseau. Plato stated that the leader of the people needs to be an ideal person and positive hopes for justice and happiness are detailed. Similar analogy and assumption about society and construction of society are made in the arguments that are put forward by Rousseau. Plato asked the people to essentially give up their rights and opinion in the hand of the leader. He assumed that by giving up their civil liberties to their leader, there could be a prosperous society. For this reason, many of the philosophers allude that these arguments are unrealistic and are not convincing enough for the people living in the modern societies.
A different kind of idealism is observed in the theory that is proposed by Rousseau. In this, the assumption that is made by Rousseau is the majority of the people address the requirement of all the people in the society (Riesenberg, 1994). However, it is imperative to overlook of the requirements of the minority people in the population. For example, slave ownership can be claimed as social contract theories according to the ideology of Rousseau. Successful minorities in the population are subjected to the notions of violence. These actions are not condoned in the current times. The basis of social contract theory can be used to justify the lynching of minorities as a part of social contract tenets. Here the idealism is observed in the ways in which Rousseau stated that people in the societies are idyllic. This ideology can also be unrealistic. An innate utopian dream that is embedded in the arguments which are posed by both these philosophers. These make the arguments essentially idyllic (Riesenberg, 1994). There are many important developments and a growth of the progressive society that can be made possible from these developments. Nevertheless, this idyllic system needs to exist.

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论文代写-托马斯·莫尔爵士的《乌托邦》。乌托邦政府计划维持一个经济上可行的社会,在这个社会里,每个人,包括男人和女人,都必须为生存或挨饿付出同等的努力,正如他所记录的那样,这种理想在英国也应该得到更多的实施。希斯洛德说,乌托邦人会伸出援手,积极参与各种行业,以求得文明社会的生存。根据个人的力量和技能(More, Bacon and Nevile,第53页),政府管理层将交易“分配”给个人。托马斯·莫尔爵士的乌托邦中乌托邦政府的管理负责合理利用“时间”,防止无所事事。因此,托马斯·莫尔爵士希望人们批判性地思考社会的生存和维持方式。乌托邦的公平政策仅仅反映了欧洲社会的消极一面。

Population Control measure is critical in Utopian Economy since the fundamental pillar for a society’s survival is human labor force. Though, it has also been observed that over population will lead to discomfort (Ackroyd, 1998, p. 15). The need for the number segmentation, the shuffling and the dictatorship in order to maintain the same is not explained clearly by Hythloday (Wilde, 2017, p. 12). The balance in the population has given focus by Sir Thomas More due to bring stability in the nation.
Traveling to another city for visit or leisure is an uphill and unpredictable task for a Utopian. Hythloday maintained that any individual wishes to do so can obtain written permission from the concerned elected officials unless they are needed at the city (More, 2017, p.26). This is a reflection of a collectivist society (Wilde, 2017, p. 15) was leaving a community without permission is seen as a severely punishable crime. Thus, Sir Thomas More has tried to focus on the strong administration in this matter of seeking permission at Utopia.
The morality of the government was questionable because of the dictatorial policies which disregard human rights (Brotton, 2006, p. 7) and it inspired More to author Utopia. One can further extend the doubt towards the people who readily accept these policies. Hythloday explains that it is unjust and inhuman to pursue one’s own interest and pleasures by depriving others of their survival need (More, 2017, p. 126). Thus, it is clear that this trait in human is systematically addressed and controlled. Further, it is believed that the acts one performs through self-sacrifice are a definite path towards never ending pleasure after death. This is an instance of metaphysics in Utopia, a non-Christian nation. As a Christian, Sir Thomas More believed that the people who are not the follower of Christ still behaved better than the non-Christians and that is reflected in his thought (Olin, J., 1989, p.2)
Marriage in Utopia is also regulated. It is a little more than a contract. Clandestine pre-marital intercourse is deemed as a punishable offense to the extent that both man and women are forbidden from future marriage (Wilde, 2017, p. 22). For overt-premarital intercourse, the adult parties are enslaved and as explained by Hythloday, it is the strictest. On the contrary, according to Hythloday’s justification, in contemporary England, thievery is excusable if granted. It is more ironical for Hythloday to say that it is not justified to bind people by laws which are quite huge and obscure. Utopia was used as a satirical tool to hint at King Henry VIII’s promiscuous lifestyle and his breaking away from the church to marry Ann Boleyn.
Another striking feature of Utopia is its foreign policy that reflects another nature of a collectivist society. It pays no heed to the crimes (Wilde, 2017, p. 78) of their own people in the foreign land and demands the release of their prisoners (More, 2017, p. 56). In his description of Utopian foreign policy, Hythloday declares that if a Utopian is held captive in a foreign land due to any crime, he must be released to the Utopian Government or else a war is raged (More, 2017, p. 16).
Free-speech has also been disregarded in Utopian Policy which More felt should be implemented in England as well (More, 2017, p. 110). This is because this government protects collective and community interests but not individual rights, which is clearly mentioned that deciding upon public interests is a criminal offense. And these decisions are vested in the governmental officials (More, 2017, p. 110). This approach is justified since individuals become destructive when confused or influenced. To preserve the collective well-being, it is crucial to maintaining a single belief among the people (More, 2017, p. 125). European intolerance and restrictions in free speech at Europe was the main reason that provoked Sir Thomas More to consider them in the Utopian Government.
Hythloday concludes with triumph that the Utopian country is superior above the other countries because they have successfully abolished insatiable selfish desires and greed—the instrumental vices that tear apart governments and community (More, Bacon and Nevile, 2008, pp 53). These policies of Utopia not only safeguard the community interests but also allow for a societal functioning, which is controlled by the sate (More, 2017, p. 126).

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!



Marquez used a very procrastinating and indirect narrative technique to point out the dominance of patriarchy in the Columbian society. The readers become impatient as in every paragraph the desired action is delayed by the characters due to some situational reasons. In fact, the author leaves the scope of doubting the authentication of the entire narrative as the narrator heard it from Santiago’s mother. The novel begins with “On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning to wait for the boat the bishop was coming on”. The murder was replaced by something very petty and light fact. On the other hand, the Vicario twins halt at two places, first at the butcher’s and then the milk shop and proudly reveal their plan of murdering Santiago. The inhabitants of the town already know their motives. The pace of the narrative seems to slow down since the revelation of their plan in order to accommodate the space for different approaches of different people to the murder and the twins seem hesitant about the murder. In fact, Marquez has employed this narrative technique specifically to criticise the typical traditional mindset of Columbian society at that time. The characterization of the Vicario by Marquez as twins is intentional so that the harsh reality of gender equality can be brought forth through the story narration. Their physiological similarities are stated as “so much alike that it was difficult to tell them apart”. This indistinguishable characterisation validates the previous observation. Moreover, shaving symbolizes the machismo and back then exhibiting machismo was almost ritualistic and men used to compete with each other. This is substantiated in the line “and she brought him the brush, the soap, the hanging mirror, and the safety razor with a new blade, but he shaved with his butcher knife”. It should be noted the traditional masculine professions are all associated with some sort of brutality. In the novel, Angela’s two brothers are responsible for safeguarding this tradition of honour just as every member of the society should have. When they hear that their sister has lost her virginity before marriage because of Santiago, they decide to kill him because “it was a matter of honour”. Therefore, it can be said that the novel is an apt reflection of the male dominance and chauvinism.

The multi-layered narrative technique has been applied in this novel in order to bring out the hypocrisy of the society. Santiago is murdered openly and many villagers are aware of this occurrence. Ortega suggests that the readers can easily understand the social custom of this community as Marquez uses first person nonlinear narrative whereby he narrates the story through the many thought processes of characters in the novel. Besides, it is Santiago himself who tells “They have killed me” after being stabbed several times by the Vicario twins. In fact, the climax of the murder of Santiago has been the most repeated truth in the entire novel. Actually, Marquez devises this narrative technique to criticize the society for mostly being blind despite knowing the truth. Many people in the town console themselves with a pretext that reads, “Affairs of honour are scared monopolies”. The ignorance of the people of this place in the name of honour killing is well elaborated in this case. The narrator claims that the town people’s action could have prevented the murder from happening. There was abundant use of direct speeches in the novel but Marquez kept them ineffective so that the procrastination of the characters could be presented prominently. Several years after the murder, the cook named Victoria Guzman and her teenage daughter admit that they know the motive for this killing as well as the place where the killing has taken place. A retired army colonel named Donor Lazar Aponte and the local priest who have seen him on the dock conclude that the threat “had all been a fib”. Many people are aware of what would happen to Santiago. At a market described as a meat market, the narrator argues that around twenty-two people have heard the Vicario twins say that “we’re going to kill Nasar” but none of them pays attention to those brothers. Once again, this attitude of the common people reflects the thinking “Honour must not wait” and the lack of humanity in them.

In conclusion, Marquez successfully portrays a society which is reined by traditional and rigid gender roles. The essay mainly focused on the characterisation of Angela, the narrative of the story in relation to male dominance and the narrative technique used in this novel. Each of those focal points is used to critique the traditions and conventions of society. Societal expectations like virginity and family honour must be upheld at all costs, the most significant of which is the “death foretold” of innocent Santiago. The extensive practice of those traditions of society can be as dreadful as convincing individuals to kill a human.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


論文代寫-教育水平對創業成功有影響。其中一個促進因素是教育,因為高等教育中獲得的知識和技能具有與創業活動相關的應用。一些文獻認為教育是參與創業活動決策的一個重要決定因素(Amit et al. 2001)。教育的獲得與商業創造和it的成功有著直接的聯系。有觀點認為,企業家的教育年限與新企業的生存機會呈正相關。更大的公司也是由受過更好教育的企業家創建的(Daily et al. 2002)。管理技能、教育水平和研究經驗對創業成功有影響。

he entrepreneurial activities can be pursued because of certain personal characteristics. Despite the fact that it is not easy for measuring qualities that brings about entrepreneurship, some indicators certainly come up such as, work experience, wealth, age, and education that are factors facilitating entrepreneurship.

One of the facilitating factors is education, as the acquired knowledge and skills in higher education has the application with activities related to the entrepreneurship. Several literatures have considered education as an important determining factor in decision of engaging the entrepreneurial activities (Amit et al. 2001). The attainment of education has a direct association with business creation and the success of it. There are arguments that length of an entrepreneurs’ education is positively related to the new business’ chance of survival. The larger companies are also created by the entrepreneurs that have better education (Daily et al. 2002). The managerial skills, educational level, and the research experience have impact on the entrepreneurial success.
The positive relationship is because an individual’s self worth and personal confidence that is required for the success of entrepreneurship. The business venturing is involved with risks. The attainment of education increase the chance of a household in venturing that leads to longevity of business and higher revenue, being catalyzed by the self confidence in helping to alleviate risks involved in entrepreneurship.

Methods of data collection and analysis

This section of the project proposal has been aiming at presenting, defining and justifying the methods of research that is applicable in the research project. Further, it must be noted that it has been set out in applying the research onion as covering the key elements and the areas to conduct the research (Kumar 2014).

Research Philosophy
The first layer of the research onion is the research philosophy that has been helping the researchers developing their own perceptions regarding the context and the views. The validity with respect to the whole research study is dependent on the research philosophy in relation to its influence on the research because of the fact that the application of the wrong research philosophy can be affecting the results and findings. There are three general types of research philosophies: positivism, realism and interpretive (Reis &Judd 2014).
Research Approach

The approach forms the second layer of the research onion that has been helping the researchers to align the research study with the research objectives and research aim. The commencement of the research approach that is inductive commence with the concept, notion, and the idea that has been studied in order to generalize it in terms of a broader picture. On the other hand, strategy of research that is deductive in nature has been a converse method. Under this method, the researcher commences the strategy of research with a picture and an idea that is broader in nature and has been concluding the findings with respect to a specific context (Saunders &Tosey 2013).
The research study entails the research plan in applying the approach of deductive research. The reason that is primarily for applying this, is aiming the research in studying the entrepreneurship with the aspects described in the aims and objective section.

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本論文代寫的主要目的是解釋約瑟夫•斯大林(Josef Stalin) 1928年上臺的原因,以及這位蘇聯唯一的領導人是如何成為領導人的。此外,這篇論文還將關註政治局如何將斯大林視為擊敗托洛茨基的次要角色。為了描述同樣的問題,本文將重點放在幾個方面,比如斯大林自權力鬥爭開始以來在政治上是否強大?托洛茨基有興趣成為蘇聯唯一的領導人嗎?在權力鬥爭中,斯大林的反對者在多大程度上是軟弱的?對於斯大林政權的崛起,是否有任何外部因素的介入?或者,這一事件是否與運氣有關?在這些調查中,所有的問題都將得到回答或審查?有關論文代寫-約瑟夫•斯大林擊敗托洛茨基的政治鬥爭分析如下:

The focal time period of this essay is from 1924 to 1928 i.e., from the political struggle power of Soviet Union to formal role of Stalin to a totalitarian dictatorship. There are many sources which served as some historiography for analyzing Stalin’s cleverness and cunningness in the struggle for political power. The sources, which helped the same, were variety of primary source diary material, secondary source books, newspaper articles and periodical articles. After the death of Lenin, this has been a subject of debate for many historians (Service, 2005). In this paper, the same debate has been discussed further as to how Stalin rose to power by the year 1928.
This paper shows the combination of the political skills and personality of Stalin and how Trotsky was eliminated from the struggle of political power and how Stalin became the sole leader of Soviet Union (Bullock, 1992). There were too many complexities of events during that period and it becomes a little bit difficult to understand whether these factors could be played out by itself or not? Many historians have the same view that the political skills of Stalin were the most crucial cause for his uprising.
Rise of Josef Stalin to power
The main purpose of this essay is to study the factors because of which Stalin became the sole leader of Soviet Union and how he defeated Trotsky. Joseph Stalin was Russia’s third most popular historical figure nationwide despite having ruthless character. This essay inspects the political skills and personality of Stalin and what were the weaknesses of his opponents. After all the facts, it was concluded that although Trotsky was the most powerful candidate. However, the kind of nature Stalin`s personality had, it made him stronger and powerful as compared to Trotsky (Bullock, 1992). Stalin badly wanted to be on the top. The most important reason for the uprising of Stalin’s personality and his political skills will be argued in this essay. This investigation is very interesting and worthy to study because it may become a reference to a future power struggle, which could be similar to the rise of power of Joseph Stalin. It can be examined from the topic that to become a successful leader one should have a strong personality and should have potential abilities.
Surprisingly, Stalin’s daughter had a very bad image of her father as she wrote, “In his cold-blooded way he cared about only one thing. How is X conducting himself now? Does he admit his mistakes?” There are various research paper and articles, which revels Stalin’s true personality (Bullock, 1992). He did not admit to any wrongdoings and only blames it on his opponents. In one’s opinion, he had a very cruel but strong personality and Svetlana has the same view, “He is gone, but his shadow still stands over all of us (Service, 2005). It still dictates to us and we, very often, obey.” His background mainly caused Stalin’s personality and learned life the hard way through an independent life. Stalin was not considered an intellectual like Trotsky. However, he had the power to lead equals whom Trotsky lacked through manipulation and cunning. Stalin has had no fear of behaving immorally or of getting this hands dirty and this contributed largely to his success in taking over the party by 1928.

新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、report代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!


论文代写-产品标准化的原因。标准化作为一种适合所有人的方法,是为特定商品或服务设置相同特征的实践(Ang和Massingham, 2007)。标准化的主要原因是规模经济(Ghantous, 2008),它可以降低生产的单位成本(Ang and Massingham, 2007)。由于标准化战略简化了全球营销方法,因此成本效益和标准化战略的管理对许多公司具有吸引力。Ghantous(2008)认为标准化策略显著降低了营销领域的成本,如研发和推广。因此,它使企业能够投入更多的营销活动,从而在价格方面比其他本地竞争对手更具竞争力。

Several elements in both strategic and operational factors have to be considered in order to determine an international standardization strategy. Managers have to decide whether to standardize or on the contrary adapt to local conditions (Ghantous, 2008). For example, in speaking of the international communication strategy of a brand, the issue of standardization emphasizes four distinct elements of this strategy, namely the mission, the proposition, the concept and the execution (Van Raaij, 1997).
Similarly, Kustin (1994) mentioned that it is very complicated to choose a global strategy proposal to establish the correct strategy. Nevertheless, he proposed that culture can be neglected and all products can be standardized. To make a marketing plan, the type of market and the degree of standardization are important to be taken into account. Kutin (1994) also noted that standardization strategy is better off in markets that are categorized and segmented with similarities. International marketing strives to achieve success in standardized product strategies, where products are sold at rational prices in international markets (Kustin, 1994). The product is standardized but its price is adjusted in accordance with the economic situation in the foreign market.
Moreover, standardization strategy can be considered on a global scale or regional scale in a geographic term (Ghantous, 2008). For one thing, in global scale, product strategy varies on marketing executions among different transnational segments, each one of which covered the entire national markets. For another thing, in regional scale, separate markets can be regrouped in a limited cluster of adapting executions to each cluster. The geographic scale of standardization strategy is considered very important in building a universal brand (Douglas et al, 2001). In fact, Levitt (1983) considered the world as a single market, and others considered that similarities of the market only exist inside the countries which get close to each other geographically and recommend this regionalization of worldwide brands (Hsieh, 2002). In fact, both global and regional scale coexists today, and they can be found in an international corporation (Douglas et al, 2001). Moreover, Kapferer (2005) noted that regionalization of standardization can be used as a selective globalization of the post-global trademark between the local and the global. These regional strategies can be built on groups of counties classified in accordance with their cultural dimensions or regions which have achieved political and economic integration processes, such as the European Union.

The motives mentioned above are important and have exerted great influence on the global product standardization. However, Ryans et al (2003) argued that despite its centrality to the focal research issue, the extent of homogeneity of markets for marketing strategy, standardization hasn’t attracted much attention within the literature. Researchers probed into some customer response elements, such as the brand loyalty, risk perception and brand personality which were thought to be essential to the global cross-cultural marketing strategy, rather than focusing on the market homogeneity.

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使用氯进行水的补救,自古以来就是一种全球性的做法。为了达到上述目的而使用氯的主要想法是降低微生物的致病形式对健康的总体风险,这些微生物在饮用水场所和水源中普遍存在,从而成为治疗过程的积极组成部分(Tang & Xie, 2016)。尽管这一策略非常重要,但在饮用水来源中仍然存在一些不受欢迎的副产品(Smith et al., 2016)。这些不良产品通常出现在饮用水供应中,最常分别被称为产品消毒(DBPs)。当氯与未经处理的原水中的天然有机物(NOM)接触时,就会发生化学反应,导致三卤甲烷(THMs)和卤乙酸(HAAs)的形成(Melo et al., 2016)。因此,由于化学反应而形成的各种类型或类别的氯化产品据说对生物和人类的健康造成严重和不利的影响。它们进入食物链,影响环境的各种生物组成。在世界各地不同国家进行的不同类型的毒理学研究已经确定了不同数量的产品或CBPs氯化反应(Melo et al., 2016)。哈斯是CBPs的活性成分,具有高度的致突变性和致癌性。它们造成不利的威胁,因为它们损害了生物体的生殖和发育方面。接下来有关论文代写-饮用水副产品氯化的危害分析如下:

A number of epidemiological studies conducted in this field have confirmed and suggested that the enhanced risk of cancer and other fatal diseases as a result of mutagenic factors is largely due to the by-products present in potable drinking waters (Plewa & Wagner, 2016). The DBPs, as outlined by various researchers, have enhanced carcinogenic properties compared to THMs and HAAs as per the animal studies conducted worldwide (Righi et al., 2014). They further enhance cancer and other life threatening disease risk and interfere with the normal reproductive biology of living organisms thus altering it. The various commonly available nine types of HAAs in chlorinated drinking water samples are MCA (monochloroacetic acid ), DCA (dichloroacetic acid, Cl2CHCOOH), TCA (trichloroacetic acid, Cl3CCOOH), MBA (monobromoacetic acid, BrCH2COOH),DBA (dibromoacetic acid, Br2CHCOOH), Bromochloroacetic acid (BrCl2AA), Bromodichloroacetic acid (BrClAA), Chlorodibromoacetic acid (Br2ClAA),and Tribromoacetic acid (Br3AA) respectively (Ali et al., 2014). Since the HAAs are identified to pose serious risks to health of living organisms, the environment protection agency (EPA) has set a permissible range for these harmful by-products in potable waters (Teh & Li., 2015). The maximum level of permissible contaminant which has been fixed by the EPA has been levelled at0.080mg/L for the THMs and 0.060mg/L for the five different classes of HAAs which include MCA, DCA, TCA, MBA, and DBA respectively.
The formation of HAAs in water is largely dependent upon the ways in which the different operational procedures are conducted in the various water treatment plants (WTPs), with regard to dose of chlorine, the time of contact between the dissolved organic matter and chlorine and other physical parameters like pH of water, temperature and other related conditions (Righi et al., 2014). Furthermore, it has been suggested by numerous researchers that the amount and percentage of HAAs formed in water could vary from place to place with regard to geographical environment and seasons of nature where these water bodies or resources are located (Melo et al., 2016).
HAAs, similar to the different THMs, are found to be an active constituent of drinking water along with chlorine. Researchers have pointed out the fact that irrespective of the water source or water body, HAAs and THMs happen to be the largest classes of DBPs that are present in water which have been treated with chlorine. In order to control the percentage of DBP in finished drinking water facility, it is extremely essential to have a thorough understanding of the aspects leading to DBP formation along with speciation (Plewa & Wagner, 2016). As the measurement of total organic halogen (TOX) can be considered to be a standard for water quality measurement, it is extremely important to be aware regarding the percentage of specific and individual levels of HAAs, as a measure of the total organic halogen(TOX) under a series of different experimental set ups (Legay et al., 2011).

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