






Z-energy拥有有效的销售和营销团队,帮助改善市场,因此,公司的市场是不断发展的。这有助于提高企业组织在市场中的效率(Weele, 2015)。为了开发公司的市场,公司有重要的营销计划。按照计划,公司正在运作,公司建立了一个巨大的市场和庞大的客户基础。




Developing operations capabilities–The development of the operational capabilities is important for the business organization. The operation capabilities of the company must be developed in case the company intends to growth. It is the most important for the growth and development of the business organization that its operation capabilities develop with the time. If the operational capabilities are not developed, then the business organization can be lagging behind the competitive market that can drop adverse impact on the business organization.

Deploying capabilities in the market–The capabilities in the market should be developed by the efficient marketing team of the organization as it assists in improving the sales volume of the business organization that assists in improving the productivity and growth of the business organization. The market is full of competition and the business organization in order to ensure that their sustainability has to improve the market. The market development supports the business organization by providing a large numbers of customer bases that assist in improving the productivity of the business organization.
The Z-energy has effective sales and marketing team that assists in improving the market, thus, the market of the company is developing over the time. That assists in enhancing the business organizations efficiency in the market (Weele, 2015). The company has vital marketing plan in order to develop the market of the company. As per the plan, the company is functioning and the company establishes a large market with huge customer base.

The operational management is one of the most important aspects of the business organization as with the assist of effective operational management, the business organization can improve the efficiency of the business that supports the growth and development of the business organization. The growth and development of the business organization is the most important for the sustainability of the business organization that assists in sustaining the business organization it supports further growth of the business organization. The Z-energy provides adequate emphasis on the business operation and the business operation strategy that supports the business organization in improving the efficiency of the business organization. It also assists in improving the sustainability quotient of the business organization. Z-energy is one of the leading energy companies in New Zealand that provides great emphasis on the operational management of the company.










The rights attached for the marks of inherent distinctive is related to initial utilization, but the rights are attached in the mark of secondary meaning only acquiring distinctiveness. In a number of cases, this can lead to questioning priority. The mark of a plaintiff may have an earlier date of initial utilization in comparison with the mark challenged; however, if the mark challenged was utilized before the mark of distinctiveness was acquired by plaintiff, there may be lack of luck for the plaintiff.

It has been indicated in a number of marketing researches that more than 80 per cent of the visual data is in relation with color, as color helps in conveying information, further providing some additional operational benefits to the user. The utilization of distinctive colors for the identification of products can be considered everywhere from industrial equipment to pharmaceutical items.

The packaging of some products is done in a number of different colors, while a number of other products are packaged in a combination of different colors and designs. The actual label or container or design of the product may involve some differences, even if there is similarity of colors. On the other hand, there will be confronting of a more confusing situation by a consumer. It is important to consider that there is a limited supply of colors and this is where the key issues arise when considering trademark of color under legal regulations.

As a significant example, Chippendales has been putting in efforts for obtaining a registration for the dress of trade on the basis of inherent distinctiveness instead of acquiring secondary meaning or distinctiveness. The initial application was filed by Chippendales on 27th November, 2000 but perceiving a number of reason, it had been forced for accepting a registration of second meaning.


论文代写老师解析论文不通过的三大原因。导致论文不通过的原因有很多,比如论文出现抄袭、论文格式字数不达标等,所以留学生们在写作论文时注意论文写作方法和要求,尽量避免论文抄袭的情况发生。如果留学们找的新西兰论文代写平台机构来帮助写作,那么留学生们在拿到论文成品后也要进行仔细的检查,避免出现文不对题的情况发生。今天新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们分析下导致论文不通过的三大原因,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!


如果题目过大,留学生可能驾驭不了,也许有的学生平时学习十分努力,在某一领域也有一定的成就,忽然就着灵感就发现了一个问题,但是可查找的资料太少,时间也不充足,也就只有很遗憾地放弃了。如果选题过小,显而易见的问题,道理很是简单的,本就难以展开论述却强作论文,也是小题大做了。所以新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis老师建议留学生可以跟同学、师哥师姐,或是导师商量自己的选题是否恰当并且有相当的价值。





论文的开头写了不少字,但不知他到底提出了一个什么问题?例如,“我之所以选择这个题目,主要是因为我已多次从事这方面的工作实践,积累了很多经验,也有很多体会和感受。看了这些内容,读者很容易认为下面要写经验和心得体会,至于要写什么,读者依然不能明白。 有的学生居然想起一个好听的题目然后在文章中论述清楚,这是不行的。一定要在题目当中就讲得简洁、清楚、准确,一般情况下,论文题目就是整篇论文的中心论点。









以上内容就是论文不通过的三大原因解析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!中国留学生论文不会写可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


论文代写英文论文的格式要求及注意事项。留学生们在进行英文论文写作时,要注意论文的格式要求和一些注意事项,以此是为了避免因格式错误而降低论文质量。而且一般情况下,不同的论文专业都有明确的格式要求,留学生们在写作时提前了解并注意就可以了。那么有关论文代写英文论文的格式要求及注意事项有哪些呢?今天新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生做以下讲解。




2.字体Times New Roman或许Arial,字体大小:12号(小四),行距:1.5倍。






新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis老师在此提醒留学生们,在抄袭检测方面,国外对于版权和别人的常识版权的维护十分注重,校园一般会运用到抄袭检测体系,学生的论文作业都要先上传到网上统一进行扫描。扫描体系十分巨大,它连接了各个国家的首要电子图书馆,一切网站内容,所以一般能抄到的东西,它都能够扫描出来,假如扫描成果显示论文中抄袭的文章字数超过文章总数的10%,则算作抄袭。



2.关于子标题,在论文内容较长的状况下(如2000字以上),可多运用子标题以使文章调度和结构愈加明晰。但有的时分,导师会在要求中写明“no sub-headings”或许“no headings”,这两种说法都是一个意思,即不要在论文中运用任何子标题,连“Introduction”和“Conclusion”这样的子标题都不必运用,直接编撰引言和定论的内容即可,此时文章的结构仅为“论文标题-正文多个阶段-References(换页)-引证列表”即可。


4.注意防止运用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t, 改成cannot,do not,did not,would not为佳。

5.注意防止用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about…等。


7.在正文处,只写作者的姓和年份,不该呈现任何first name 和middle name。文内引证项文尾必须有对应项,文尾引证项也必须有文内引证对应项,比较严厉的教师,会逐条进行检查。文内引证“(作者的姓,时刻)”若呈现在句末,应该放在“.”号之前。

以上内容就是有关论文代写英文论文的格式要求及注意事项解析,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!中国留学生英文论文不会写可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


論文代寫避免論文掛科的技巧。留學生們想要避免掛科的情況發生,首先就是要提高英文論文寫作能力,在平時的學習中多積累些寫作經驗,改變中式英語的寫作思維。然後根據論文格式要求進行有序的選題和文獻資料的查閱,那麼留學生們如何避免論文掛科呢,今天新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis老師為留學生們做以下講解。

論文代寫避免論文掛科的技巧1:了解主題 激發靈感

寫作題目的來源,可能是指定、多選一或完全自定。 在您拿到題目,或是從中擇取一個題目後,了解這個題目是非常重要的。 而事實上,接下來所有寫作步驟,都會受到題目特性的影響。


這是任何寫作不可或缺的步驟。 先收集相關資訊,之後有助於支持您的想法,但是別忘了引用時要加注來源,徹底遠離抄襲。 另外,訂定時間表可避免事到臨頭手忙腳亂,一旦設定好時間表就要善加管理,整個從研究到寫作的過程中,大量的工作與不斷出現的新資訊,很可能發生意外狀況,因此不妨按照現實情況適度修改時間表。


論文寫作是要將您的想法,以及收集到的資訊,排列組合到圍繞主題的不同段落之中,讓您的文章內容廣泛,卻不失結構上應有的邏輯。 主題想法的發展,從開始到結束一路引導讀者的思緒,因此寫作時應先談一般性的大概念,再逐漸縮小到特定的主題,並適時插入事實、圖表及數據,以想要強調的重點貫串文章。 制定架構與寫作大綱時,可善用繪圖、重點筆記或索引卡片等技巧來進行。


既然已列出文章架構與大綱,其實就准備好該放入哪些參考資料。 剛開始的初稿盡量寫出所有你能想到、希望列入、認為重要的內容,不過要考慮時間因素,因為還要進入論文修改階段。 進行論文編修時,留學生們就不再是作者,而是以編者的角度檢查文章中的錯誤與疏漏。


截止時間總是讓人擔心的重點,但只要在每個階段管理好時間的運用,就不用臨時抱佛腳。同時也要注意,投注長時間進行研究與寫作的過程中,務必不可讓主題脫離焦點。學術生涯總是免不了繁重的學術寫作,用來發表各種研究成果。 同時也不要忽略學術寫作能為您帶來的成就!


綜上所述就是論文代寫避免論文掛科的技巧解析,希望能給留學生們帶來幫助!中國留學生英語論文不會寫可以找新西蘭高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台幫助解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,為留學生提供新西蘭代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,保證論文原創,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!



Ironic and self-mocking, the creation psychology of Karwai Wong reflects changeable life and lonely feelings. Karwai Wong belongs to Cancer. The most important feature of this constellation is to wall them off with “a shell” to prevent damages from the outside world. He magnifies it and puts it into his films, which accords with the weak hearts of mortal beings in cities.
In the aspect of reflecting themes, the direct expression object of Karwai Wong is the emotional crisis of urbanites in the postmodern context. Probably, the group images of people and things including bizarre city lights, prostitutes, casinos and gangster Dome with postmodern colour that appear repeatedly in the films of Karwai Wong as well as the collapse of people’s values and the loss of subjects in the postmodern society demonstrate frustrated life, but his films are humorous and ironic, which shows that the director takes a positive attitude towards the value orientation of life in films.
With a cool sense of form, the films of Karwai Wong are filled with feelings. For instance, the irony of fast food-style love in Chungking Express, sensitive and tangled emotion in Happy Together and the scene in which Takeshi Kaneshiro makes ice cream for his father in Fallen Angels are unforgettable. His works always carry through a theme, namely people’s yearning for some confession and communication and the helplessness of having no individual communication which is much stronger than such yearning (Bettinson, 2014). In the Chinese film industry, no one is better at expressing this theme so exquisitely and vividly than Karwai Wong.

In the films of Karwai Wong, the love he wants to show in society is presentable and also important content of characters’ life. In real life, emotion is the dependence of life. An isolated world calls for tender feelings more. People will feel depressed more easily if their needs are stronger. This is a sad fact but true. Namely, people are so lonely. In the crowd, people find it impossible to know and love each other even if “the closest distance between us is only 0.01 centimeter.” (Chungking Express). The deep sorrow of modern people is disclosed in the desperation of post-industrial civilization and the shown theme in a playful tone (Li et al, 2012).

Love is the carrier of stories in the films of Karwai Wong. In his films, on one hand, Karwai Wong shows interpersonal alienation, estranged relationship, paranoid personality and unsuccessful communication, and on the other hand, he uncovers the ubiquity of loneliness and unrequited love in the people. Through describing the changeable life and lonely feelings, he always adheres to focusing on the narrative theme of “pursuit and refusal”.

有关论文范文论文代写-王家卫电影创作的表达方式就为留学生分享这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



通过本篇论文代写-CD24细胞蛋白在乳腺癌研究中的意义了解到,CD24是一种小细胞表面蛋白分子,在多种癌症[9]中与糖基磷脂酰肌醇结合。人们发现它们具有信号转换器的功能。它也被称为热稳定抗原簇。CD24 (HSA)[43]实际上是一种由CD24基因编码的蛋白质。这是在6号染色体上发现的。糖基化细胞表面蛋白CD24在乳腺癌研究中具有重要意义。CD24+癌细胞更容易在血流中扩散,并在次生器官中形成新的菌落[9,10]。CD24糖蛋白存在于淋巴细胞和某些神经母细胞中。编码的蛋白通过糖基磷脂酰肌醇(GPI)与细胞表面结合。人们发现CD24常与各种癌症的预后有关,接下来有关论文代写-CD24细胞蛋白在乳腺癌研究中的意义分析如下:

CD24 is a small cell surface protein molecule that has binded to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol in many kinds of cancer [9]. It is has been found that they function as a signal transducer. It is otherwise known as the cluster of differencation 24 or heat stable antigen. CD24 (HSA) [43] is actually a protein that is encoded by the CD24 gene. This is found on the chromosome 6. Heavily glycosylated cell surface protein CD24 is important in the study of breast cancer. CD24+ cancer cells tend to spread more easily in bloodstream and seed new colonies in secondary organs [9, 10]. CD24 glycoprotein is found in the lymphocytes and some kinds of neuroblasts. The protein encoded is found to be adjoined via glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI) to the cell surface. It has been found that the CD24 is often associated with the prognosis of various cancers. The exact heuristics and the mechanism adopted by the CD24 are not clear. CD24 expression was analyzed in 747 breast cancer tissues. It was found that the CD24 was used in the DNA methylation and histone modification status in the promoter region of CD24. It was found that the patients who had higher levels of CD24 had shorter survival rates that with patients who had low CD24 [26]. It was also found from analysis that the gene expression of CD24 was involved in histone acetylation. This is an independent processing the DNA methylation [44]. This points to the mechanism of action of the epigenetic regulation of CD24. The result indicated that over gene expression of the CD24 gene causes lower survival rates [46].

Thus analysis of CD24 can be a potentially strong therapeutic target for the specific subtypes of breast cancer. CD24 is thus found to be more adept in diagnosing carcinoma owing to their enhanced functionality. It has been found that the glycosylation has diversity in the proteome. Every aspect of the glycosylation process can be changed or modified [38]. This includes the glycoside bond, glycerin composition, glycerin structure and also in the oligosachharide layer. From this analysis, it is found that glycosylation plays an important biochemical process and is involved in a number of biochemical pathways in the body. E-selectin is found to play an important role in this process. The reason for exploring the function of glycosylation and the CD24, CD44 gene expression is to understand the role of the glycosylation for the metastasis. Empirical research has found that glycosylation plays an important role in the metastasis function. Details are discussed in detail in the following.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



The researcher has planned to carry out the research study with respect to the data processing and analyzing method with the help of SPSS. This software is to be used in processing the result and findings of the survey. The SPSS application will be to measure the factors that facilitates entrepreneurship for the households of developing and emerging economies are work experience, wealth, age, and education; development and improvement of brand equity related to the luxury and experiential brands are vital for their successes; and catering industry of China is growing rapidly that makes it inevitable for the catering brands branding themselves, offering unique dishes, incorporating cooking skills that re exclusive.

The expected outcomes are listed as follows:
Majority of households will require the factors that facilitates entrepreneurship for the households of developing and emerging economies are work experience, wealth, age, and education
Majority of entrepreneurs will enable development and improvement of brand equity related to the luxury and experiential brands are vital for their successes.
Majority of entrepreneurs will endorse the fact that catering industry of China is growing rapidly that makes it inevitable for the catering brands branding themselves, offering unique dishes, incorporating cooking skills that re exclusive.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供新西兰代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


论文代写-文化对标准化和适应性的影响。在回顾了关于产品标准化和适应的不同观点之后,本论文范文讨论文化可以被认为是影响企业制定适应水平或标准化战略的一个因素。一般来说,产品的销售是为了迎合特定的国际市场。为了适应市场,文化将是产品修改的首选。文化是一种协调一致的心理规划,它将一类人的成员与另一类人区分开来(Hofstede, 1984)。文化被描述为行为和互动的一致模式,认知结构,以及通过社会化过程学习的情感理解。当消费者考虑一种产品时,他们可能会选择熟悉的而不是不熟悉的。其他具有相同文化背景的消费者可能会因为文化偏好而认为相同。

Culture is the concerted programming of mind which differentiates the members of one category of people from another (Hofstede, 1984). Culture is described as the consistent patterns of behaviours and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. When consumers consider a product, they may choose a familiar one instead of an unfamiliar one. Other consumers who have the same cultural background may deem the same on account of the cultural preference. Moreover, cultural differences result in distinct values. Conflicts and misunderstandings may occur when people with diverse views make decisions together (Phatak et al, 2009). For example, when people are considering whether to purchase a food item, they usually take into account the cultural factors, consumer tastes, habits and income level. Corporations have to consider these in their decision making for introducing products.
Furthermore, people seem to be subjective to their cultural programming. They are exposed to diverse cultures and even the global culture through Medias, travels and consumption experiences (Ghantous, 2008). He proposed that consumers don’t belong to only one group representing one unique cultural identity, but has distinctive cultural forms through adapting to different consumption situations. It shows that consumers are seeking for differential experiences. Ghantous (2008) also argued that consumer’s behaviours are widely influenced by the cultural differences. Therefore, it may be inappropriate to establish a standardized way of marketing strategy on a global scale. Since consumers may understand the corporation’s marketing actions based on their cultural backgrounds and lenses, the company perception by the consumers diverges. As a result, cultural adapted products may be more familiar with customers.
In contrast, Rau and Preble (1987) argued that multinational firms deemed that the world markets are becoming increasingly homogenized, and thence they can standardize their cross-country marketing practices. Product standardization could be viable when nonspecific variables take place among consumers. Likewise, Badier and Rousset (2007) found that centralized control and product standardization can be regarded as two critical components of a firm’s long term strategy. They argued that a firm should ease its global development through owned subsidiaries and franchises with a product standardization strategy across cultures. Standardization is regarded as a marketing strategy which is appropriate for global market segments in which the consumers have relatively similar needs and wants, cultural backgrounds and using conditions.

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 論文代寫-多動症在犯罪學中的研究意義。患有多動症的人有沖動的傾向,很難集中注意力。他們在自我調節方面也會有困難。它是違法行為和藥物濫用的潛在危險因素。患有多動症和反社會行為的年輕人是繼續犯罪的高危人群。Pratt等人(2002)在ADHD與犯罪學的關系識別方面的研究工作具有重要意義。統計數據顯示,約3%和5%的在校青年被視為患有多動症(Pratt et al., 2002)。更具體的估計顯示,約6-12歲的青少年在4%和12%的比例上符合ADHD標准(Pratt et al., 2002)。雖然對多動症的估計單獨在犯罪學中沒有意義,但它們可以與需要調查的監獄犯人的類似統計數據相結合(Grimm & Wozniak, 1990)。


Israel & Ebstein (2010) argued that aggression and criminal tendencies link in humans in a complex way. There are both biological explanations and non-biological explanations for why the link happens (Wolraich et al., 1996; Thapar et al., 2001). Twin studies for instance were conducted on understanding the biological link and it was estimated that genetic factors perhaps contribute a significant variance when it comes to aggressive behaviour. Gene variants in different genders makes people more violent and aggressive and others lesser so. Studies also show associations between gender, aggression and criminality. A low variant of the monoamine oxidase A or the maoa gene can result in high aggression in the male (Israel & Ebstein, 2010). Not all aggression is genetically derived. Aggression is also formed out of associations based on the environment, and other predisposed conditions. A combination of these factors hence results in aetiology of violence.

Almost 40 per cent of children who have ADHD also develop or related disorders and conduct problems such as that of chronic aggression (Pratt et al., 2002). Oppositional defiant disorder is one such conduct issue that arises from ADHD where the child would tend to have frequent outbursts. The child will argue with the adult, will ignore any requests that are made to them, might have one too many outbursts, and would indulge in behaviour that is annoying for others.
Pratt et al. (2002) established with secondary research work that in the study of a prisoner population, it was possible to have at least an estimated 50 and 80 per cent as showing ADHD symptoms. Some might have ADHD diagnosed when they were a child and in others, it was possible that ADHD symptom manifestation happens later and hence their diagnostic assessment happens. Either ways, ADHD related aggressiveness as a contributing factor for criminality could not be rejected. The study of Pratt et al. (2002) concluded that ADHD posed a significant risk factor when it came to crime and delinquency in later life (Pratt et al., 2002). Such deviant associations have also been noted by researchers Goggin et al. (1998). Combined with ADHD, antisocial behavioural disorders, deviant peer associations, and low self-control are also observed in assessing for criminal delinquency (Goggin et al., 1998).

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