


语言习得的作用发生在这些阶段。维果茨基理论的最近发展区指出,智力增长最大的最佳最优水平。在这一发展过程中,语言的作用在认知发展中起着重要的作用(Lightbown & Spada, 2006)。孩子们用社会语言、内心语言和以自我为中心的语言与周围的世界进行交流。他们在这个思维过程的基础上形成思维过程及其智力功能。在这种情况下,Ola拥有一个强大的相互联系的家庭成员网络,他们相互支持。她还与其他对家庭处境感同身受的难民一起,在一个地方不断壮大。这些微观和宏观的家庭因素可以使Ola以更快的速度学习语言。


There is the role of the language acquisition that occurs in these stages. The Zone of Proximal Development of Vygotsky’s theory states that the best optimal level where there is maximum growth in the intellectual abilities. In this development, the role of the language plays an important role in the cognitive development (Lightbown & Spada, 2006). The children use social speech, inner speech and their ego centric speech to community with the world around them. They formulate thought process and their intellectual functions based on this thought process. In this case, Ola has a strong interconnected network of family members who support each other. She is also swelling in a place with other refugees who have empathy towards the family situation. These micro and the macro family factors can enable Ola to learn the language at a much faster pace.
Based on the stages of life proposed by Piaget and the social dynamic constructs explored by Vygotsky, it is evident that Ola had a nurturing childhood up until the Civil war crisis in the state. Ola had learnt Arabic in Syria and the cultural nuances are similar to that of the ideology of people living in Syria. She has learnt the basic tenets of the Arabic language. Based on these events, it is quite clear that Ola should adapt to the Australian culture and learn the language process based on these steps. She has to learn the L2 language to survive in Australia. Her younger siblings will have a better adjustment rate given that they are in the pre operational stages mentioned in Piaget. Ola however has to learn the L2 language. The notions of L1 and L2 are discussed in the subsequent section.