


暴露相关的危害,以清洁液的形式使用,将存在于患者。例如,人们可能最终会使用氯漂白剂来清理服用碘胶囊的人所在的区域。这可能导致放射性元素碘气体的形成。这种气体可以扩散到更广阔的区域,这可能导致更广泛的污染区域。人们可能会遭受二次污染,这是一个高风险的方面。应选择专门用于放射性碘去除的去污剂,并在收容所中使用。在危害、依从性等方面,可以说这些方面也使得生产具有一定的风险(Martin, 2006)。N-13或13N是氮-13在正电子发射中衰变为碳-13。含有氮的化合物在人体内的寿命很短,因此在对其生理过程进行修饰时,必须对其进行迅速研究。N-13用作氨,在心脏研究中用作血流示踪剂。

不同的反应用于它的生产。通常,N-13的生产是固体、液体或气体,其化学形式的变化取决于生产下降的原因。现在,使用放射性同位素的危险不仅在于接触,例如从表面转移到皮肤,而且还在于以悬浮或气体的形式吸入。吸入的物质的质量和颗粒的活性将导致潜在的放射毒性危险(Martin, 2006)。在分析应用情况的基础上,也根据工业上的不足之处,将提出停止使用一种同位素的建议。在分析的基础上,确定了待停同位素是防护中危害最大的同位素。同位素选择停产也是基于其潜在的二次危害和它对许多废物管理的贡献,这增加了公司的成本。


Exposure related hazards in the form of the cleaning solution used will exist for the patients. For instance, people might end up using chlorine bleach to clean up in the areas where the person taking iodine capsules is present. This could result in the formation of radioactive elemental iodine gas. This gas can spread over a wider area and this could result in wider contamination zone. People could suffer because of secondary contamination and this is a high risk aspect. Decontaminants that can specifically be used for radioactive iodine removal are to be selected and used in the hospice. In the context of hazards, compliance to be followed and more, it can be said that these aspects make the production risky as well (Martin, 2006). N-13 or 13N is Nitrogen-13 which decays in positron emission to carbon-13. Compounds incorporating Nitrogen 13 have a very short life in the body and hence in the modification of physiological processes, it has to be studied rapidly. N-13 is made use of as ammonia and is used a blood flow tracer in cardiac studies.

Different reactions are used for its production. Usually, the N-13 production is solid, liquid or gas and the chemical form changes based on the reasons for which the production is being down. Now the risks involved with the use of the radio isotope do not only lie with that of contact such as transfer from the surface to the skin, but also in the form of inhalation as suspension or as a gas. The mass of the material that is inhaled and the activity of the particle ingested would result in potential radiotoxicity hazards (Martin, 2006).Based on analysis of applications, and also based on what suffers shortage in the industry, recommendations will be made for discontinuation of one of the isotopes. Now based on analysis, it has been established that the isotope to be discontinued is the one that is most hazardous in protection. The isotope selection for discontinuation is also based on its potential to result in a secondary hazard and also its contribution to a lot of waste management which increases costs for the company.