


在早期,一些特定的服装只适合工作,牛仔裤就是其中之一。然而,到了20世纪40年代,这种服装的地位从工作服变成了休闲服,尤其是在美国。在第二次世界大战期间,美国士兵装备了作战武器和配件,但是当他们休息的时候,他们会把他们偶尔穿的牛仔裤放在一边。战后,敌对组织,类似于李和牧马人,开始接近Levis,通过提供一个机会,在世界各地的牛仔制造和分销行业工作。1947年,战争刚刚结束,裤子开始成为穿着的象征,然后代代相传(Noble, Strauss, & Osheim, 2010)。牛仔裤在20世纪50年代成为年轻人反叛的象征。电影《无因的叛逆》上映后,牛仔变得流行起来。这部由詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean)所描绘的电影中的主人公有着激动人心的过去,他的服装代表了他对监护人、同龄人、法律要求和社会的反叛行为。尽管这些角色在生活中可能会有一些比较的问题,但要给这些青少年贴上标签并不难,因为有些人穿的是那个时代的奇异风格,而且没有角色穿牛仔裤的程度。

这样的电影极大地影响了青少年,改变了他们的穿着风格。裤子给人一种与“基础”相悖的印象,给人一种以前从未有过的力量和区别。一些剧院、小酒馆和学校禁止穿这种衣服。在时尚界工作的人认为,毫无疑问,裤子在这一时期创造了设计历史。《无因的反叛》等电影上映后,年轻人跟随电影人物的着装风格(Lindner, 2003)。年轻人对蓝色粗斜纹棉布裤子的新造型和样式特别感兴趣。除了电影明星,流行符号也开始穿裤子。著名人物,如詹姆斯·迪恩、猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利和马龙·白兰度都穿牛仔裤。这些人有一个坚实的,指导的画面,模仿起来很有趣,最直接的方法是模仿他们的穿着。由于一些银幕人物和艺术家在世界范围内的成就,这种风格很快就传遍了世界。专业人士告诉零售商,“时尚”是一种国际现象。任何一个国家的存在都离不开其他国家潮流的影响。所以在美国牛仔裤风靡一时之后,苏联也开始生产牛仔裤。


In early times, some particular garments were meant only for working and one of such garment was jeans. However, by the time of 1940’sthis garment changed its position from working wear to recreational wear especially in USA. At the time of World War II, the American soldiers were equipped with fighting weapons and accessories, yet when they were taking a break, they put aside some jeans which they wore at times. After the war, adversary organizations, similar to Lee and Wrangler, started to approach Levis by offering an opportunity to work worldwide in business sector of jean manufacturing and distribution. In 1947, just after the end of war, pants began to become a symbol of dressing and then continued from generation to generation (Noble, Strauss, & Osheim, 2010).Jeans became the symbol of rebellions of youth in 1950’s. After the release of the film “Rebel without a cause” Denim became popular. The protagonist in this motion picture, depicted by James Dean, had an agitated past and his garments represented his rebellious behavior towards his guardians, peers, law requirement and society by and large.Despite the fact that the characters may have comparative issues in their lives, it is anything but difficult to tag these adolescents in light of the fact that some wear the fantastic styles of that period and don’t emerge to the degree that the characters wearing denim do.

Films like this greatly affected adolescents and changed their dress styles. Pants created an impression against the “foundation” and gave individuals a kind of strength and distinction that might not have been felt before. A few theaters, bistros, and schools banned this outfit. Individuals who work in the style business feel that pants, without question, made design history amid this period. The youngsters followed the film characters dressing style after the release of movies like “Rebel without a Cause” etc (Lindner, 2003). Young people were exceptionally intrigued by the new look and mold of blue denim pants. Alongside film stars, pop symbols began to wear pants, as well. Well-known figures, for example, James Dean, Elvis Presley, and Marlon Brando all wore denim. These men had a solid, directing picture that was enjoyable to imitate and the most straightforward approach to do that was to duplicate how they dressed. It didn’t take long for this style to spread over the world because of the worldwide accomplishment of a few on-screen characters and artists. The professionals told retailers that “fashion” are an international phenomenon. No country can exist without the influence of other countries’ trend. So after massive trend of jeans in US, soviet also started manufacturing it.