标签存档: 新西兰论文代写价格


代写价格-公司的营销策略制定。公司的目标是增加销售,减少客户获取,增加品牌惠顾和产品的定价是有竞争力的。在这种情况下,公司应该与较小的公司和分销商结成联盟。通过关注员工和社区来提高产品的知名度。通过开发新的沟通媒介来增进与消费者的关系。除此之外,该公司还需要将业务拓展到更新的市场。这些方法的组合将为公司带来最佳实践。这将反过来帮助公司实现目标。与盟友合作,开发更好的供应和分销系统。为了提高公司的销售和知名度,其旗舰品牌应该有更好的分销体系。这可以通过加入并与在该地区经营的类似小型企业结成联盟来实现(Foxall, 2014)。这将增加品牌在全国的存在,并与消费者发展更好的关系。该系统将缩短服务时间,缩短产品交付时间。这可以增加产品的销售量。可以有效地交付产品,并利用合作公司现有的消费者基础。从本质上讲,这也会增加品牌形象,作为这一特定行动的后续影响。

Focus on developing awareness of the online presence and collaborating with the influencers. It has been found that the company has an online presence in social media. It has presence in Facebook, twitter and has also launched a digital mobile app to promote sales. This is a right step towards the growth. Nevertheless, there can be more engagement with the brand by working in cohorts with the influencers of the community. They can develop relations and increase the brand awareness through influences. This could be brand endorsement from celebrities, promotional campaign where the average consumer speaks about the product (Foxall, 2014). This can increase brand image and foster better relations with the existing customer communities.

Newer mediums to allow consumer interaction and fulfilling the requirements of the consumers. The digital portals allow for community interaction with the brand. But the company needs to develop a Warehouse group community where the consumers are allowed discussion about the various products (O’shaughnessy, 2014). They can discuss their problem areas and the company can engage in effective communication to understand the issues faced by the average consumers. In this process all the stakeholders involved in the operation are benefitted. In short the strategy should be devised in a way that it causes an impact in the community and the people can relate with the brand. Focusing on digital media instead of conventional media such as television the costs can be reduced for consumer acquisition. This serves a dual purpose of developing effective communication and reducing the consumer acquisition costs involved for the company (O’shaughnessy, 2014).

Foster and establish newer relations with target demography with the legacy of the brand. In this it is imperative to understand that the existing consumers need to be maintained. For this the products and services should be lesser than the competitors. This can essentially promote sales and increase market base for the company (O’shaughnessy, 2014). Company needs to be focus on the fact that it has serviced people for more than 30 years. Within the domestic markets it needs to be promoted as an authentic New Zealand brand that owes its growth the people of the local communities. Existing consumer base are in New Zealand and Australia. The company needs to be developed and engage with the consumers to establish a strong brand image. Loyalty programs, referral, discounts should be given to the regular customer. This would increase the purchase frequency of the brand. Costs involved in increasing sales from consumer who have strong affinity to the brand is relatively lesser. There can be increased brand image and also increase in the sales.

Increasing brand awareness through employee’s involvement and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities. There should be more local community interaction within the domestic markets. They should involve themselves in community building activities and in sustainable operations (Foxall, 2014). This would increase the brand patronage for the company. Employees of the company are of increasing importance in the current times. Employees are the first level of communication of the consumers with the brand. Hence it is important to ensure that the employees connect with the brand. Employee referrals should be given for employee who is able to achieve sales (Wilson, & Gilligan2012). This is not a commission model. Employee can interact with the consumers during CSR activities. In this process, company will leverage presence in the local community, employee will develop positive image for the company owing to the fact that they are working in community development activities. The target consumer will form newer better relationship with the employee and the brand. In this situation all the stakeholders involved will gain. Owing to this the company should develop a combination strategy of fostering relation with the employee and the community.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


論文代寫價錢-宜家的供應鏈結構。值得註意的是,供應鏈管理是其成本管理的主要原因,最終使其具有競爭優勢,因為它使其產品比競爭對手的成本降低了30%。通過對預測的依賴,宜家通常會確定其產品的可承受價格,只有少數產品是根據客戶訂單生產的(Kilger et al, 2014, p.25)。宜家的供應鏈通常包括一個流的生產加上過程,這包括創建原材料和在瑞典宜家產品設計,目的是使產品價格很低。因此,該公司從全球50多個國家的約1300家供應商處采購材料。

This involves the retail stores of IKEA which adds value towards manufactured products/ goods through provision of shopping that is different to ordinary high-street experiences.
One of major organizations behind IKEA’s supply chain includes the Baosteel Iron & Steel Company Limited which is a world class steel conglomerate that is headquartered in China. It is one of biggest production bases of “high-quality steel products”. The company passed the certification of the IKEA Company (Sweden Headquarters), and thus began to supply it with stainless steel that was meant for export to the IKEA’s suppliers. Today, the company supplies IKEA with “stainless steel” that is needed for manufacturing of beds and even crouches in form of furniture, and in making goods such as knives and forks.
Another significant organization that is involved in IKEA’s supply chain is Steel Stone Company Limited which was established in Taiwan in 1999. The primary function of this company is to supply IKEA Company with various products such as bolts, nuts, and even screws that are used in all kinds of furniture at IKEA. Because of the company’s low cost of labour, it supplies IKEA Company with high quality products at cheaper prices.
How the Supply Chain of IKEA is structured
It is important to note that IKEA as a company is indeed a “high volume” retailer since it purchases its products from approximately 1801 suppliers based in over 50 nations. In addition to that, the company also makes use of around 42 “trading service offices” that are located around the world. This is so as to manage its relationships with suppliers. The suppliers not only negotiate prices with the company’s supplier, but also check the quality of the materials being purchased and keep a closer eye on the working and social conditions (Monden & Minagawa, 2015, p.43). Despite the fact that the IKEA Company fosters competition among its numerous suppliers so as to ensure that they achieve the best materials and prices, it still believes in the creation of long-term business interactions and relationships with such suppliers through the signing of long-term contracts thus making the prices of products to become further reduced.
The IKEA supply chain is structured in manner that it comprises of a “Code of Conduct” called “The IKEA- Way of Purchasing Home Furnishing Products” or (IWAY). The code constitutes the minimum guidelines and rules which help different manufactures that deal with the company to reduce or minimize the impact/effect of their activities on the general environment. Such requirements have greatly raised the standards of IKEA’s structured “supply chain” through development of sustainable business activities. This ensures that positive impacts are left on the business platform that the company’s suppliers operate on.
The supply chain of IKEA is structured in such a manner that each of its stores has a warehouse on premises and a main showroom where customers can easily browse for various products. Customers can easily obtain the required products by themselves which are located on the “floor pallet location” that can easily be reached by any typical person. On the other hand, other additional products are usually kept in the reserve racks that are above the normal or ordinary locations.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供新西兰代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


代写价格-亚里士多德美德伦理。亚里士多德通过伦理学和德性的概念,强调习惯在行为中的作用。为了形成和发展这种美德,保持灵魂的平衡状态是至关重要的。这有助于在知情的情况下选择行为。美德也可以通过正确的愿望和思考来达到,并以紧密的理性作为目的。有效的判断是成为美德的必要条件。为了做出有效的判断,控制情绪和对给定事实进行合理的分析是至关重要的。灵魂可以通过行为习惯和行为原则来满足正确的欲望和正确的外表(Iep.utm.edu, 2017)。

The virtue ethics of Aristotle consider action to be important as it assists to evaluate one’s character. However, consequentialist theory gives little importance to the conduct, but considers the result of the action to be the final basis for any judgement about the rightness and wrongfulness of the action. If the wrong conduct creates best results, then the conduct can be considered to be rightful. Unlike consequentialist, the non-consequentialist theory focuses on the intention of the actions and not the consequences or rather the action itself. If an individual carries out an action with the aim to do something good, then those actions are considered virtuous (Faculty.washington.edu, 2017). Non-consequentialism is based on the moral duty and responsibility of an individual to act as per the moral belief. Virtue ethics take account of the moral character rather than the duties or intention or the consequences.

Neglect of integrity capacity by Managers: This is the most important ethical ground for which Enron encountered the financial issues. Integrity capacity is the individual and collective capacity of moral awareness and conduct that led to moral decision making. The CEO Ken Lay and CFO Jeffery Skilling were engaged in security frauds and conspiracy in to increase profit. Both of them made use of ‘off-the-book’ partnership for hiding the debts and disastrous financial position of the company to the investor and employees. Violation of the accounting laws to fitful the desire of the short-term profit made the saturation grimmer (Sims and Brinkmann, 2003). The relationship between the leading directors and the executive grew arrogant as they considered themselves to be invincible and thus acted in an unethical manner. The unprofessional behaviour of Arthur Anderson also resulted in the shattering of integrity capacity.
b. Neglect of Process integrity: Process integrity is the alignment of the individuals towards moral awareness, deliberation and conduct to create reputational capital results. The executives of Enron failed to assess the relevant moral issues. They were over confident, became morally blind and deaf, and demeaned the capacity of ethical awareness. The debt was kept hidden in the balance sheet to prevent the investors from seeing them. When the burden of debt became known, the lenders demanded payment in terms of million dollars. The conflict of interest that arose was solved through centred policies and ignored the harm caused to the stakeholders. Moral conduct and characters of the managers were hampered for the greed for financial gain and absence of leadership wisdom (Dembinski et al., 2005).

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供新西兰代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



At IDEO, ensuring continuous and appropriate training as an official element for the responsibilities of every manager and in majority of the cases, the manager has personal involvement in the process of teaching. And hence, the partial structure of training at the organization has key focus on developing the coaching skills of managers. The categories of training programs are extremely extensive at the company of IDEO. The begin by continuously providing training for ex- apprentices considering the potential of becoming section leaders or supervisors, while continuously move across different levels of maintenance, electrical and mechanical engineering along with the management of IT. There has been a significant expansion in the scope of providing local training. The increased recognition with information technology has resulted in enabling distance learning for becoming a source of value, and several brands of IDEO have been seen appointing corporate assistants of training across the area. This seems to be providing huge benefit to allow students in the selection of courses for making up individual needs, and doing the work as per individual preference, and with convenience. The target market for GRO Luggage is the market of active baby boomers that prefer to travel a lot for the purpose of diving, swimming, hiking and other sports related activities. This market has been targeted because baby boomers tend to seek a different lifestyle after retirement while avoiding staying at home and working (Wiese & Sherman, 2011). Mostly, baby boomers are people at the age of 55 years or more and earn 71,000 dollars on an average every year. A number of baby boomers show preference in sports related activities and also own a second home specifically for vacationing with leisure activities. Since this population has ended up reaching a chronological age, they show more willingness in being active with outdoor activities that is crucial for maintaining their health and physical fitness (Mullin et al., 2014). As per the health experts from the Health System of Loyola University in the coming 20 years, the healthcare system of USA will be experiencing a lot of demand for heart care as a large population of baby boomers will be turning 60 years old. And hence, there will be increased risk for them for a heart attack.
The Research Centre of IDEO maintains the fundamental focus on research and development, while developing processes of food production and products. There is also adaptation of processes and products for certain local needs. There is implementation and deployment of development collaborating with specialists and this further leads towards increasing the degree of expertise among local producers and in local factories. There seem to be substantial differences in foods on regional basis, and hence, are developed and adapted accordingly. Technology, as a term, holds the tendency of conjuring up views of sophisticated equipment of production in modernized shiny plants. However, this can be considered as the partial story. These types of investment need to be supplied with reliability related to local raw material in order to successful in the longer run, while ensuring the supply chain. Introduction of considerably low level improvement across growers has been affected in a significant manner. Production of coffee can be considered as a good example. The coffee factories of IDEO include operations intensive of capital and coffee beans are supplied maintaining appropriate quality while transferring the new expertise. Directing knowledge transfer and local procurement in Cote d’Ivoire, IDEO has been successful in setting up its own direct centres of coffee procurement, in which farmers end up receiving a price involving variation with respect to the quality of coffee beans used.

新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!



Economic opportunities were the main reason of Chinese immigration to America. The Chinese people who were going through painful economic and social condition in their own country were ready to grab opportunities in the United States, as one poem states:
“Instead of remaining a citizen of China, I willingly became an ox.
I intended to come to America to earn a living” (Nelson, 2000).
Here, the author was willing to come to America and work as an ox in order to improve his life, thinking that America was a land of opportunities and social mobility. The sociological factor here is clearly established. One of the poems written by a Chinese immigrant leaves behind their respected pursuit of Chinese of being writer and warriors, just to earn money:
“Leaving behind my writing brush and removing my sword, I came to America . . .
[to attain] my ambition and become successful” (Nelson, 2000).
The goals of these immigrants were reinforced by the American philosophy of opportunities. The ideology of American Frontier was made popular by Frederick Jackson Turner. He wrote a paper “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” in the year 1893, in response of the belief that democracy had come to the New World. Though, since starting this paper was criticized but, it was very influential and popular among the American scholars. According to Turner, the frontier was the country, which has no boundaries and thus presented that America also had no boundaries and provided lots of opportunities for economic and social upliftment. This belief became the philosophy and ideology, which was connected with outward mobility to “Go West”.
Chinese immigrants who came to America were connected with the Frontier philosophy of America. They came through San Francisco and gave their hand in the development of many industries. They developed those industries for which they thought that it will raise their economic status. Their contribution towards the development of American Frontier was significant, but the American philosophy clearly denied it. Various conventional American writers have put forward the question that the ideology of equal opportunity made for competition or just to display the class issue. The poetry from Angel Island is the part of this theory. For Chinese, America was the land of opportunities and also equality. They never expected that they will be detained here, as one of the poems displays this grief:
“I told myself that going by this way would be easy.
Who was to know that I would be imprisoned at Devil’s Pass?
How was anyone to know that my dwelling place would be a prison” (Nelson, 2000)
Their disappointment at being denied of the opportunity of better future has been expressed in detailed form and had the revenge plot in many of the poems of Immigration Station.
“I will not speak of love when I level the immigration station!
An advantageous position for revenge will surely come one day.
I will certainly behead the barbarians and spare not a single blade of grass”. (Nelson, 2000)

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


代写论文-斯大林的政治技巧和个性。斯大林的策略向人们证明了他的平庸和迟钝。他被称为“没有留下任何痕迹的灰色模糊”。由于斯大林的性格并不为人所知,所以这句话显示了他的战略才能,使他免受批评。革命日记作家苏哈诺夫曾这样评价斯大林:“在他在执行委员会的低调活动中,给我留下的印象不仅是我自己的,而且在其他人的眼中也是模糊的,模糊的地方闪烁着模糊的光芒,没有留下任何痕迹。”关于他,实在没有什么可说的了。(Bullock, 1992)通过考察苏哈诺夫的日记可以看出,斯大林的政治策略给了他一个融入背景的机会(Sebag Montefiore, 2004)。

Even the Deutscher had the same point of view about Stalin in his reviews, “He used to carefully follow the course of the debate to watches very carefully in which way the wind was blowing and where the majority is he used to always vote there unless he had assured his majority beforehand.” (Bullock, 1992) The political battle was turned into a nightmare by the personality of Stalin. By removing all the players from the Politburo, the main objective of Stalin was to be the last person in the Politburo.

Stalin used external circumstances, which were created by Lenin. His political mindset could be observed by analyzing how he incorporated those external circumstances to his advantage. Perfect example for this was the introduction of policies like the nomenclature system, the Ban on Factions and Lenin’s enrolment. In the year 1921, the ban on factions was created by Lenin which he called for an end to splits and factionalism and to unite as Lenin stated, “All members of the Russian Communist Party who are in the slightest degree suspicious or unreliable … should be got rid of” (Bullock, 1992) and also helped Lenin to get rid of his rival after the death of Lenin. The system of nomenclature was established from the year 1923 onwards. In the Communist Party, the decision-making was applied to a few hands and most of the voters were loyal Stalinists. Under the policy of Lenin’s enrolment which started in the year 1923 and started recruiting after which members of Soviet Union’s Communist Party increased to about 600,000 from 340,000 members by 1925. The main motive behind the Lenin Enrolment was for the purpose of the party but the General Secretary; Stalin vetoed the members for his own personal growth. In the hands of Stalin, the external circumstances were as destructive weapons.

During the Georgian Affair in 1922, the ruthlessness behaviour of Stalin had been seen. In the year 1878, Stalin was born to a Georgian cobbler family. His real name was Losif Dzhugashvili and later changed his name to Stalin, which means “Man of Steel’. In his childhood, he was a violent kid and he grew up in a lawless place and used to get involve in brawls with other kids (Sebag Montefiore, 2004). Although he lived in a peasant family and did not get an education but he had a unique kind of personality (Service, 2005). Stalin used to hate his native country, Georgia that can be seen after he imposed Bolshevik rule there.

Many people were shocked by his behaviour including Lenin. In the testament of Lenin, he wrote, “Stalin is too rude”. Svetlana Alliluyeva, daughter of Stalin also had the same point of view for his father and in an interview she said, his father was a very simple man. He was rude and also cruel.” She also said about his father, “I want to explain to you that my father broke my life. He broke my life twice.” Information grabbed from Stalin’s daughter were very reliable and valuable because it had been derived from the first person`s point of view. In Svetlana’s memoir, “Twenty letters to a friend” she described her father’s personality and she wrote, “At this point, and this was where his cruel, implacable nature showed itself, the past ceased to exist for him. Years of friendship and fighting side by side in a common cause might as well never have been.” (Deutscher, 1967)

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!



結果,塞達卡60%的農用地都是由聯合收割機收割的,從而減少了對勞動力的需求,1979年灌溉季節就出現了這種情況。然後,在1980年,這個數字增加到80%,讓帕蒂的工人們只能選擇移植。這個問題肯定導致了集體行動,因為依靠工資勞動的四分之一的農村人口被排除在技術發展的方程式之外。因此,這是一場社會運動,導致工人和帕蒂工人的無助,他們的工作是幫助季前種植(斯科特和詹姆斯,1985)。廣大農民在聯合收割機的幫助下選擇了播音的做法,這是當時出現問題的根本原因。不久,缺乏這些帕蒂工人領導對相關工作情況顯著降低勞動者的需求被認為導致需求減少,從而減少工資價格的本質(盧卡́cs &György, 1971)。這種情況主要影響的是貧困農民,也就是低於貧困水平的人。他們必須生存,因為他們的生活依賴於每天的工資;結果,他們搬到大城市找工作。
在這種情況下,機械化鼓勵了大規模農業的選擇,這只對富裕的群體有利,因為他們從收穫付款從小塊地轉到與土地租賃有關的直接付款。在綠色革命發生之前,農民應該根據僱傭一定數量的勞動力來決定耕種多少土地。大型農民使用聯合收割機後,由於在更大的土地上耕作的能力更強,他們獲得了更大的利潤。因此,他們考慮從貧困的農民手中收回租來的土地,因為農民必須為插秧機和聯合收割機付款(Gibson, Timothy & Mark Douglas, 2007)。然而,大農場主們並沒有採用殘暴地提高租金的陰險手段。另一方面,他們在自己的文化標準範圍內選擇了另一種方式,以此作為他們的一個親戚需要一部分土地來耕種的藉口。這又造成了另一個嚴重的問題,當時擁有土地面積不超過2.83英畝的農民,也就是說大約61.8%的農民只擁有不到2.83英畝的土地。


As a result, sixty percent of the patty lands of Sedaka were being harvested by the combine harvesters eliminating the requirement of labour force and it was seen during the 1979 irrigated season. Then, in 1980, it increased up to 80% leaving the patty workers behind with the only option of transplanting. This problem definitely led a collective action as one-quarter of the population of the village depending on the wage labour got eliminated from the equation of technological development. So, it was a social movement causing helplessness of the wage labourer and patty workers whose work was to helping the pre-season planting (Scott & James, 1985). The large farmers opted for the practice of broadcasting with the help of combine harvester and it was the fundamental reason for the problematic issue arose during that time of situation. Soon, the lack of working related to these patty workers led towards a situation when significant decrease in labourer requirements was perceived causing less demand and consequently decreasing nature of price of wages (Lukács &György, 1971). This situation mainly affected the poor farmers otherwise known as the people below poverty level. They had to survive as they lives subsisted on daily wages; as a result, they moved to larger cities in search of work.
Mechanization in this scenario had encouraged the option of large-scale farming which was only beneficial for the rich groups as they moved from harvest payment from land patty post towards direct payment associated with the lease of the lands. Before the occurrence of the green revolution, based on the hiring of a certain amount of labourers, a farmer was supposed to decide about farming on the specific amount of land. After using the combine harvesters by large farmers, they gained larger profits due to more capable nature of farming in larger plots. So, they thought about taking back the rented land from the poor farmers, because the farmers had to pay off for the transplanters and the combine harvesters (Gibson, Timothy & Mark Douglas, 2007). However, the large farmers did not follow the sinister method of raising the rent atrociously. On the other hand, they chose another way within the boundary of their cultural standards in a manner of excuse that one of their kin was in need of a part of the land for farming. This situation caused another serious problem that cost the peasants who at that time owned not more than 2.83 acres, which means around 61.8% peasants only owned less than a land area of 2.83 acres.


技術因素包括開發高質量的功能產品,並確保過程中的安全性。人們的購買能力取決於人們的財務狀況,這隨後取決於就業率、GDP和金融市場的表現(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012)。這些經濟因素決定了企業如何在特定的地理位置生存。文化影響是一個社會對產品所持有的基本價值觀和信仰。它們取決於目標人口對產品的看法。品牌形象和品牌資產對企業對特定產品的感知也起著不可或缺的作用。上面描述的每個方面都是在業務操作過程中發現會發生變化的動態因素。有許多因素是個別公司無法控制的。但是,它們應該制訂戰略,以應付不斷變化的動態情況。企業戰略的製定需要考慮很多變量。然而,在這些變量中,消費者在戰略計劃的製定中起著核心作用。
正如一開始所闡明的,消費者與營銷計劃的形成有著直接的關係。下面將詳細討論這一點。消費者是製定企業營銷策略的核心。營銷策略應該讓消費者了解產品的功能效用。應該了解消費者的需求,營銷計劃應該是關於單個產品如何滿足這些需求(Solomon, 2014)。對於商業公司和個人家庭來說,營銷計劃通常是多種多樣的。營銷計劃因開始提到的五種消費者而異。在製定營銷計劃時,公司首先需要確定其產品的目標人口結構。消費者營銷策略是一個公司用來聯繫目標受眾的模式數量。在線工具、社交媒體、數字媒體、電視、當地活動的促銷是公司與消費者聯繫的幾種方法(Baker and Hart, 2008)。這是一個動態的戰略計劃,由公司製定,以連接他們的目標基地。


Technological factors involve developing high quality functional products and also ensure security in the process. Buying capacity of the people is dependent on the financial status of the people this is subsequently dependent on the employment rate, GDP and performance of financial markets (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012). These economic factors determine how business will survive in a particular geographical location. Cultural influences are the basic values, beliefs held by a society regarding the products. They are dependent on how the product will be perceived by the target demography. Brand image and brand equity of the company also play an integral role in the perception of the particular product. Each facet that has been described above is the dynamic factor that is found to change during the course of business operations. There are many factors that are beyond the control of the individual companies. They should however formulate strategies to meet the ever-changing dynamic situation. There are many variables that need to be factored in while formation of a business strategy nevertheless of these variables, it has been found that the consumers play a central role in the formation of strategic plan.
As elucidated in the beginning there is a direct relationship between consumers and formation of the marketing plan. This is probed in detail in the following.Consumers are central for the formulation of a business marketing strategy. The marketing strategy should give an idea of the functional utility of the product to the consumers. There should be understanding of the requirements of the consumers and the marketing plan should be about how the requirements are met by the individual products (Solomon, 2014). For business corporations and individual households marketing plans are usually various. Marketing plans vary from each of the five kinds of consumers mentioned in the beginning. While formulating a marketing plan, companies first need to be identify the target demography for their products.Consumer marketing strategy is the number of modes a company used to connect with target audience. Online tools, social media, digital media, television, promotions of local events are few of the methods by which companies connect with the consumers (Baker and Hart, 2008). It is a dynamic strategic plan developed by the companies to connect with their targeted base.


第X代的另一個特徵是它們與值對齊。人的數字營銷策略屬於x一代。屬於這一代的人更獨立,更有資源,更注重家庭。與他們的父母相比,他們更注重家庭價值觀。與成年人的健身和健康相比,X一代的人在品牌的穩定性方面為未來幾代人提供了吸引力。屬於X世代的人帶來了品牌的穩定性(Williams et al ., 2010)。一旦他們喜歡上了這些產品,他們就會與這些產品、它們的持久價值、安全性和保護緊密聯繫在一起。 X一代的大多數人都喜歡在一個生活環境中工作,在這樣的環境中,產品可以讓他們的生活更輕鬆。除此之外,這個年齡段的人更關心自己的健康。他們也是廣告商的目標。
廣告商需要瞄準一些共同的特徵,如憤世嫉俗、疏離、唯我主義、無子女、悲觀主義、對機構的不信任、無神論和幼稚主義。屬於這一代人的人更關心更有用的產品。他們尋找的是能夠輕鬆實現目標的產品,而不是他們所擁有的實際需求。因此,屬於這一年齡組的人可以被對其需求的適當評價和對其需求的評價所吸引。在英國,這一代人最喜歡的廣告模式是博客寫作,其中可能包括已經在網上寫過的主要博客,然後是圖片和評論。人們的購買習慣也可以通過人口統計學來預測(Borges et al, 2006)。一個人對廣告了解得越多,他就能更好地制定營銷策略,也能更好地與X世代的人建立聯繫。


Another character of the Generation X is that they align themselves with the values. The digital marketing strategy of the people belongs to Generation Xers. The people belonging to this generation are much more independent, resourceful and family oriented. They are much more focused on the family values in comparison to their parents. The people belonging to Generation X provide an appeal for the future generations with respect to the stability with the branding in comparison to the fitness and wellness of the adults. The people belonging to Gen X lead to the creation of a stability with branding (Williams et al, 2010). Once they like the products, they are much more associated with the product, their lasting value, the security and protection. Most people belonging to Gen X like to work in a live environment where the product helps to make their life easier. In addition to this, the people belonging to this age group are more concerned about their fitness and wellness. They are also the target of the advertisers.
The advertisers need to target some of the common characteristics such as cynicism, alienation, solipsism, childlessness, pessimism, distrust of the institutions, atheism and infantilism. The people belonging to this generation are more concerned towards the more useful product. They look for the product with which their objective can be easily fulfilled other than the actual requirement possessed by them. Thus, the people belonging to this age group can be attracted by the proper evaluation of their requirements and the assessment of the same. The mode of advertisement which is preferred by the people belonging to this generation in UK is blogs writing which may include the primary blogs which have been written online followed by the images and comments. The buying habits of the people can also be predicted by the demographics (Borges et al, 2006). The more can a person learn about the advertisements, the better one can tailor the marketing strategy, and the better they can be connected to the people of Generation X.




劳动过程理论是建立在资本主义概念下的劳动组织意识形态基础上的理论。根据马克思的劳动过程,它指的是劳动作为一个变量,释放到物质或物化的使用价值。劳动可以被认为是实际工作人员与环境之间发生的一种相互作用,在这种环境中,要素以有意和谨慎的方式被有意改变。根据劳动过程理论,有三个方面需要考虑。这三个变量是人们有目的的行为或活动。第二个变量是作品本身的实际变量,第三个变量是特定作品的工具位置。从经济学的角度来看,它可以被定义为为普遍物质主义和生产力所准备的生存资料的必需品的简单平均数(Bray, 1994)。这三个因素模拟了环境和元素之间的内在关系。
由此,可以理解为野猪过程是实际的工作组织。我们可以从马克思的劳动理论出发来探讨这一问题。根据马克思理论,工人和生产力有三个要素(Burawoy, 1978)。第一个是实际的工作行为,第二个是预先定义的工作对象和物理工具,通过它可以生产材料。其直接结果是,劳动力过程产生了过剩。劳动过程被发现无论是在资本主义社会还是在社会主义社会的社区中都是被模仿的(韦伯,1978)。然而,劳动、结构和组织对劳动过程的控制表明社会中存在的宏观环境社会(Braverman, 1974)。这一劳动过程理论批判了弗雷德里克·W·泰勒的科学管理理论。布雷弗曼的理论假设填补了理论的空白和问题。


Labour process theory is a theory that has been proposed based on the ideologies of the organization of work under capitalistic notions. According to the Marx labour processes, it refers to the labour as a variable that released to the material or objectified use values. Labour can be considered as an interaction that occurs between the person who actual works with the environment where the elements deliberately altered in a purposeful and cautious manner. According to the labour process theory, there are three folds that need to be considered. The three variables are the purposeful action or activity of the people. Second variable is the actual variable of the work in itself and the third variable is the place of instrument of the particular work. From an economic standpoint, it can be defined as a simple mean of necessaries of the means of subsistence that are ready for the universal materialism and productivity (Bray, 1994). These three factors emulate that inherent relationship between the environment and the elements.
From this, it can be construed that the boar process is the actual work organization. The initial point of discussion can be utilized by considering the labour theory proposed by Marx. According to the Marx theory, it has been postulated that there are three elements for the worker and productivity (Burawoy, 1978). The first is the actual act of working, the second is the predefined subject where it is worked and the physical instrument by which this leads to the production of the material. As a direct consequent of this, there is surplus that is generated from the labour processes.Labour process is found to be emulated in both the capitalist or socialist societies in the communities (Weber, 1978). However, the labour, structural and organization control of labour process is indicative of the macro environmental society within where exists in the societies (Braverman, 1974).This labour process theory critiques Frederick W Taylor theory of scientific management. The gaps and the issues in the theory are added by the theories postulated by Braverman.
