

代写论文-斯大林的政治技巧和个性。斯大林的策略向人们证明了他的平庸和迟钝。他被称为“没有留下任何痕迹的灰色模糊”。由于斯大林的性格并不为人所知,所以这句话显示了他的战略才能,使他免受批评。革命日记作家苏哈诺夫曾这样评价斯大林:“在他在执行委员会的低调活动中,给我留下的印象不仅是我自己的,而且在其他人的眼中也是模糊的,模糊的地方闪烁着模糊的光芒,没有留下任何痕迹。”关于他,实在没有什么可说的了。(Bullock, 1992)通过考察苏哈诺夫的日记可以看出,斯大林的政治策略给了他一个融入背景的机会(Sebag Montefiore, 2004)。

Even the Deutscher had the same point of view about Stalin in his reviews, “He used to carefully follow the course of the debate to watches very carefully in which way the wind was blowing and where the majority is he used to always vote there unless he had assured his majority beforehand.” (Bullock, 1992) The political battle was turned into a nightmare by the personality of Stalin. By removing all the players from the Politburo, the main objective of Stalin was to be the last person in the Politburo.

Stalin used external circumstances, which were created by Lenin. His political mindset could be observed by analyzing how he incorporated those external circumstances to his advantage. Perfect example for this was the introduction of policies like the nomenclature system, the Ban on Factions and Lenin’s enrolment. In the year 1921, the ban on factions was created by Lenin which he called for an end to splits and factionalism and to unite as Lenin stated, “All members of the Russian Communist Party who are in the slightest degree suspicious or unreliable … should be got rid of” (Bullock, 1992) and also helped Lenin to get rid of his rival after the death of Lenin. The system of nomenclature was established from the year 1923 onwards. In the Communist Party, the decision-making was applied to a few hands and most of the voters were loyal Stalinists. Under the policy of Lenin’s enrolment which started in the year 1923 and started recruiting after which members of Soviet Union’s Communist Party increased to about 600,000 from 340,000 members by 1925. The main motive behind the Lenin Enrolment was for the purpose of the party but the General Secretary; Stalin vetoed the members for his own personal growth. In the hands of Stalin, the external circumstances were as destructive weapons.

During the Georgian Affair in 1922, the ruthlessness behaviour of Stalin had been seen. In the year 1878, Stalin was born to a Georgian cobbler family. His real name was Losif Dzhugashvili and later changed his name to Stalin, which means “Man of Steel’. In his childhood, he was a violent kid and he grew up in a lawless place and used to get involve in brawls with other kids (Sebag Montefiore, 2004). Although he lived in a peasant family and did not get an education but he had a unique kind of personality (Service, 2005). Stalin used to hate his native country, Georgia that can be seen after he imposed Bolshevik rule there.

Many people were shocked by his behaviour including Lenin. In the testament of Lenin, he wrote, “Stalin is too rude”. Svetlana Alliluyeva, daughter of Stalin also had the same point of view for his father and in an interview she said, his father was a very simple man. He was rude and also cruel.” She also said about his father, “I want to explain to you that my father broke my life. He broke my life twice.” Information grabbed from Stalin’s daughter were very reliable and valuable because it had been derived from the first person`s point of view. In Svetlana’s memoir, “Twenty letters to a friend” she described her father’s personality and she wrote, “At this point, and this was where his cruel, implacable nature showed itself, the past ceased to exist for him. Years of friendship and fighting side by side in a common cause might as well never have been.” (Deutscher, 1967)

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