

論文代寫價錢-宜家的供應鏈結構。值得註意的是,供應鏈管理是其成本管理的主要原因,最終使其具有競爭優勢,因為它使其產品比競爭對手的成本降低了30%。通過對預測的依賴,宜家通常會確定其產品的可承受價格,只有少數產品是根據客戶訂單生產的(Kilger et al, 2014, p.25)。宜家的供應鏈通常包括一個流的生產加上過程,這包括創建原材料和在瑞典宜家產品設計,目的是使產品價格很低。因此,該公司從全球50多個國家的約1300家供應商處采購材料。

This involves the retail stores of IKEA which adds value towards manufactured products/ goods through provision of shopping that is different to ordinary high-street experiences.
One of major organizations behind IKEA’s supply chain includes the Baosteel Iron & Steel Company Limited which is a world class steel conglomerate that is headquartered in China. It is one of biggest production bases of “high-quality steel products”. The company passed the certification of the IKEA Company (Sweden Headquarters), and thus began to supply it with stainless steel that was meant for export to the IKEA’s suppliers. Today, the company supplies IKEA with “stainless steel” that is needed for manufacturing of beds and even crouches in form of furniture, and in making goods such as knives and forks.
Another significant organization that is involved in IKEA’s supply chain is Steel Stone Company Limited which was established in Taiwan in 1999. The primary function of this company is to supply IKEA Company with various products such as bolts, nuts, and even screws that are used in all kinds of furniture at IKEA. Because of the company’s low cost of labour, it supplies IKEA Company with high quality products at cheaper prices.
How the Supply Chain of IKEA is structured
It is important to note that IKEA as a company is indeed a “high volume” retailer since it purchases its products from approximately 1801 suppliers based in over 50 nations. In addition to that, the company also makes use of around 42 “trading service offices” that are located around the world. This is so as to manage its relationships with suppliers. The suppliers not only negotiate prices with the company’s supplier, but also check the quality of the materials being purchased and keep a closer eye on the working and social conditions (Monden & Minagawa, 2015, p.43). Despite the fact that the IKEA Company fosters competition among its numerous suppliers so as to ensure that they achieve the best materials and prices, it still believes in the creation of long-term business interactions and relationships with such suppliers through the signing of long-term contracts thus making the prices of products to become further reduced.
The IKEA supply chain is structured in manner that it comprises of a “Code of Conduct” called “The IKEA- Way of Purchasing Home Furnishing Products” or (IWAY). The code constitutes the minimum guidelines and rules which help different manufactures that deal with the company to reduce or minimize the impact/effect of their activities on the general environment. Such requirements have greatly raised the standards of IKEA’s structured “supply chain” through development of sustainable business activities. This ensures that positive impacts are left on the business platform that the company’s suppliers operate on.
The supply chain of IKEA is structured in such a manner that each of its stores has a warehouse on premises and a main showroom where customers can easily browse for various products. Customers can easily obtain the required products by themselves which are located on the “floor pallet location” that can easily be reached by any typical person. On the other hand, other additional products are usually kept in the reserve racks that are above the normal or ordinary locations.

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