

技術因素包括開發高質量的功能產品,並確保過程中的安全性。人們的購買能力取決於人們的財務狀況,這隨後取決於就業率、GDP和金融市場的表現(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012)。這些經濟因素決定了企業如何在特定的地理位置生存。文化影響是一個社會對產品所持有的基本價值觀和信仰。它們取決於目標人口對產品的看法。品牌形象和品牌資產對企業對特定產品的感知也起著不可或缺的作用。上面描述的每個方面都是在業務操作過程中發現會發生變化的動態因素。有許多因素是個別公司無法控制的。但是,它們應該制訂戰略,以應付不斷變化的動態情況。企業戰略的製定需要考慮很多變量。然而,在這些變量中,消費者在戰略計劃的製定中起著核心作用。
正如一開始所闡明的,消費者與營銷計劃的形成有著直接的關係。下面將詳細討論這一點。消費者是製定企業營銷策略的核心。營銷策略應該讓消費者了解產品的功能效用。應該了解消費者的需求,營銷計劃應該是關於單個產品如何滿足這些需求(Solomon, 2014)。對於商業公司和個人家庭來說,營銷計劃通常是多種多樣的。營銷計劃因開始提到的五種消費者而異。在製定營銷計劃時,公司首先需要確定其產品的目標人口結構。消費者營銷策略是一個公司用來聯繫目標受眾的模式數量。在線工具、社交媒體、數字媒體、電視、當地活動的促銷是公司與消費者聯繫的幾種方法(Baker and Hart, 2008)。這是一個動態的戰略計劃,由公司製定,以連接他們的目標基地。


Technological factors involve developing high quality functional products and also ensure security in the process. Buying capacity of the people is dependent on the financial status of the people this is subsequently dependent on the employment rate, GDP and performance of financial markets (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012). These economic factors determine how business will survive in a particular geographical location. Cultural influences are the basic values, beliefs held by a society regarding the products. They are dependent on how the product will be perceived by the target demography. Brand image and brand equity of the company also play an integral role in the perception of the particular product. Each facet that has been described above is the dynamic factor that is found to change during the course of business operations. There are many factors that are beyond the control of the individual companies. They should however formulate strategies to meet the ever-changing dynamic situation. There are many variables that need to be factored in while formation of a business strategy nevertheless of these variables, it has been found that the consumers play a central role in the formation of strategic plan.
As elucidated in the beginning there is a direct relationship between consumers and formation of the marketing plan. This is probed in detail in the following.Consumers are central for the formulation of a business marketing strategy. The marketing strategy should give an idea of the functional utility of the product to the consumers. There should be understanding of the requirements of the consumers and the marketing plan should be about how the requirements are met by the individual products (Solomon, 2014). For business corporations and individual households marketing plans are usually various. Marketing plans vary from each of the five kinds of consumers mentioned in the beginning. While formulating a marketing plan, companies first need to be identify the target demography for their products.Consumer marketing strategy is the number of modes a company used to connect with target audience. Online tools, social media, digital media, television, promotions of local events are few of the methods by which companies connect with the consumers (Baker and Hart, 2008). It is a dynamic strategic plan developed by the companies to connect with their targeted base.