标签存档: 新西兰essay代写



MTT正在寻求维多利亚资本投资有限公司(Victoria Capital Investment Ltd, VCI)的全额股权融资。风险投资资金由私人或政府支持的基金管理,其主要目的是确保投资获得高回报。对于具有巨大增长潜力的新人或业务不断增长的企业来说,它是一个有效的资金来源,因为风险投资家也为企业的增长提供了他/她的专业知识(Smith, et al, 2011)。的资金来源有几个优点和缺点,而MTT接近的全部金额时可能面临股权融资,讨论如下:业务专长:风险资本融资的主要优势是获得业务专长可以帮助MTT采取有效决策公司的增长和提高整体回报。风险投资家的商业专长(VC)将为新的创业企业的管理和实现预期目标提供指导和咨询(Klonowski, 2014)。MTT管理层缺乏适当的经验和专业知识来管理其业务操作,因此,它甚至在2015年面临损失后产生巨大的收入,所以VC的专业知识将对肝癌有效管理其资源优化和降低整体运营成本,增加盈利。

这也将改善MTT的财务决策,因为VC的主要目标是为风险投资公司的投资者获得更高的回报,从而帮助他们做出更好的决策。更高的回报:由于风险投资公司的计划和管理能力,他们可以获得更高的投资回报。在当前,麻省理工经济回报不是由于缺乏资金和专业知识相对较好,它面临着失去£674 k由于更高的销售成本。VC将提供所需的专业知识,也将增加公司接触更多供应商的机会,这将使MTT能够降低销售成本并提高盈利能力。同时,新产品开发需要妥善管理,企业在当前条件下无法面对较高的资金成本,因此风险投资融资将有效降低整体成本,提高组织盈利能力(Wolinski, 2012)。


MTT is seeking a full equity funding from Victoria Capital Investment Ltd (VCI) is a London-based venture capitalist firm. Venture capital funding is managed privately or government-backed funds and the main objective of this funding is to ensure a high return on the investment. It is an effective source of fund for the new with huge growth potential or a growing business as venture capitalist also provides his/her expertise for the growth of the firm (Smith, et al, 2011). This source of funding has several advantages and disadvantages, which MTT can face while approaching for the full amount of equity funding, discussed as below: Business expertise: The major advantage of venture capital funding is to obtain business expertise that can help MTT to take effective decisions for the growth of the firm and to increase overall return. The business expertise of venture capitalists (VC) will provide the guidance and consultancy for the management of the new start-up business and to achieve the desired goals (Klonowski, 2014). MTT management has the lack of proper experience and expertise to manage its business operations and due to this, it faced loss in the year 2015 even after generating huge revenue, so the expertise of VC will be effective for MTT to manage its resources optimally and to reduce the overall operational cost and gain profitability.

It will also improve the financial decisions of MTT as the main objective of VC is to gain a higher return for the investors in the venture capital firm, so they contribute in taking better decisions. Higher return: A higher return on investment is received through venture capital firms due to their ability to plan and management. In the current year, MTT’s financial returns are not relatively good due to lack of funds and expertise and it faced a loss of £674K due to a higher cost of sales. The VC will provide the required expertise and will also increase the access of the firm to more suppliers that will enable MTT to reduce the cost of sales and to increase the profitability. At the same time, new product development needs to be managed properly and the firm is not able to face a higher cost of capital in current conditions, so venture capital funding will be effective to reduce the overall cost and to improve the organisational profitability (Wolinski, 2012).



财务或经济表现表明公司有能力与市场需求保持一致,制定适当的战略,以最有利可图的方式满足需求,从而提高其销售、品牌价值,并获得可观的利润。此外,财务绩效还寻求满足所有者、投资者、员工和股东的要求和关注。良好表现的最终结果将是与股东建立健康的关系,他们将在更长的时间内保持投资。上述财务报表说明了公司应对市场动荡的能力,以及满足所有者、投资者和股东的期望需求的能力。从报表中可以看出,2014年的每股收益较2013年有所下降(Myer Annual Report 2014, 2014)。这表明经营成本一直在上升,销售一直停滞不前。与去年相比,该公司的净现金流也较弱,并已大幅下降。对于Myer来说,市场似乎很困难,或者该公司无法利用市场疲软的机会。

现金流量的下降表明销售业务放缓,市场活动受到更多投资的推动。在市场本身疲弱且没有任何复苏迹象的情况下,成本不能也不应该持续上升。当整体市场不好时,就等于销售业绩不佳,公司必须避免在营销活动上投入过多。该公司可能没能研究出,当消费者扮演净储蓄者而非固定支出者的角色时,社会结构会发生什么变化。当收入增长停滞不前,停止增长时,很明显,它将转化为更少的零售支出,这是公司必须理解的问题的关键(Benson, 2012)。市场上有很多供需的把戏,可支配收入的涨跌,这直接影响到零售商,而Myer是一家固定成本很高的大型百货店零售商。因此,必须将固定成本降至最低,并采取额外措施,使用可变员工、节能照明和削减员工的其他福利,将薪酬转化为绩效薪酬。


Financial or economic performance speaks about the company’s ability to align with the market demands, formulate an appropriate strategy and deliver the demands in the most profitable manner such that it enhances its sales, brand equity and also makes substantial profits. In addition, financial performance also seeks to meet the demands and concerns of the owners, the investors, employees, and the shareholders. End result of a good performance will end up in healthy relationship with the shareholders and they will stay invested for a longer period of time. The above financial statement speaks about the company’s ability to handle the market turbulence and deliver the desired demands of the owners, investors, and shareholders. From the statement it is seen that the EPS for 2014 has declined compared to what it was in 2013 (Myer Annual Report 2014, 2014). This indicates that the cost of doing business has been rising and the sales have been stagnated. The company also has a weaker net cash flows compared to the previous year and has declined to a significant amount. The market seems to be difficult for Myer or the company is not able to capitalise on the weakness of the market.

The decline in cash flows indicates a slow sales business and the marketing activity was pushed hard by being invested more. The cost cannot and must not be consistently increased when the market itself is weak and does not indicate any revival. When the overall market is bad, it is tantamount to a low sales result and the company must avoid investing heavily into marketing activities. The company probably failed to study the social structure changes that take place when customers assume a role of net savers than set spenders. When the rising income is stagnant and stops from being raised, it is apparent that it will convert into less retail spending and this is the crux of the problem that the company must understand (Benson, 2012). Market plays a lot of tricks of demand and supply and rise and fall of disposable income and this has a direct impact on retailers, and Myer is a large departmental store retailer with heavy fixed costs. Thus, the fixed costs must be reduced to a minimum with extra measures of using variable employees, energy efficient lightings and cutting down other perks to employees and convert pay into a performance based one.



裁军是指消除、减少或废除武器。裁军通常限于一个国家的军事或武器。裁军不仅集中于废除武器,而且也集中于能够造成大规模毁灭性的其他技术和工具。解除武装为复员提供了基础。裁军进程包括三个阶段:爆炸物、重武器、轻武器和其他弹药等破坏性因素的分类、控制和消除(Berdal, 1996)。在需要时,可以为战斗人员和平民解除武装。裁军的目的是在人口混乱而毫无准备的戒备环境中,在人口之间建立信任。裁军进程敦促制定优秀的军备管理方案,以负责任的态度应付这种情况。裁军的基本目标是从可持续和平社会(Gamba, 1998)中消除小武器和轻武器。



Disarmament refers to the elimination, reduction or abolishment of weapons. Disarmament is usually restrained to military or weaponry of a country. Disarmament does not only focus on abolishment of weapons, but also other technologies and tools which can cause mass destruction. Disarmament provides basis for demobilization. The process of disarmament includes three phases: assortment, control and elimination of destructive elements such as explosives, heavy weapons, light weapons, and other ammunitions (Berdal, 1996). Disarmament can be carried out for combatants as well as civilians when needed. The purpose of disarmament is to build confidence among population in wary environments where population is chaotic unprepared. Disarmament process urges for excellent arms management programs to cope with the situation with accountability. The basic aim of disarmament is to remove small arms and light weapons from the society for peace sustainability (Gamba, 1998).

It is aimed at creation of normal environment in the society and avoids tensed situations. Moreover, disarmament is necessary to carry out non-aggressive and non-destructive conflicts clarifications. When there is continual circulation of arms and mass destructive elements among the people of society, the process of disarmament becomes necessary to avoid any violent situation in the society, hence assuring security of the people. Thus the overall objective of disarmament in society is to ensure peace, development and security of people. The disarmament phase is targeted at a pre-planned group and wary party. It is because acquisition of arms may be legal and appropriate for one party and may not be for other as in the case of military and militants respectively. There are usually two types of conflicts which are confronted by the state.




通过对《供应链管理期刊》、《欧洲市场营销期刊》、《计算机媒介传播期刊》、《供应链管理:国际期刊》、《传播期刊》等国际期刊相关文章的研究,积累了已有的知识。其他网络资源也得到了审查,包括:国际采购办公室在中国:动态演变模型编写的贾等(2014);Kai(2012)网络海外采购分析消费者对网络商店的信任:Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky& Saarinen(1999)的跨文化验证和中国电子商务奖霍夫曼和贝恩(2013)。由于本研究的重点是基于客户的行为来探索海外采购的机会和挑战,因此我们将对包括国际业务领域在内的业务进行调查,找出提出的问题。客户的行为领域也将被用来支持这项研究。


As said above, customers’ behaviour plays a significant role in influencing the development of overseas purchasing. Therefore, answering these questions could provide credible and valuable information to accurately figure out the challenges and opportunities for overseas purchasing. Furthermore, this benefits a lot to predicate the future of overseas purchasing. As a matter of fact, studying the factors that influence customers’ behaviour is an indispensable and crucial part in gaining an accurate and convincible conclusion. There is another point worth mentioning that answering these questions will also benefit China’s economy to make adjustments to face the rapid developed overseas purchasing. Exploring the opportunities overseas purchasing brings to China’s economy allows China to make good use of them and help China grasp the opportunities. The analysis of existing literature on customer behaviour in overseas purchasing is carried out to gain previous data and knowledge on the topic.

The existing knowledge has been gathered by studying relevant articles from international journals including: Journal of Supply and Chain Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal and Journal of communication. Other web sources are also reviewed which include: International purchasing offices in China: A dynamic evolution model written by Jia et al. (2014); Analysis of Online Overseas Purchasing written by Kai (2012); Consumer Trust in an Internet Store: A Cross-Cultural Validation by Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky& Saarinen (1999); and China’s E-commerce Prize Hofftmann& Bain (2013).Since this research is focusing on exploring the opportunities and challenges of overseas purchasing based on the customers’ behaviour, the business including international business area will be investigated to find out the proposed questions. The customers’ behaviour area will be also referred to support this research.



在窗户、拱门、走廊和门的设计中,双曲线和抛物线主导着新艺术主义建筑。元素的造型主要是基于植物形态和花卉设计。在室内设计中,Art Nouveau有时会使用由火焰、贝壳和花卉图案衍生出来的图案和绘画,使其与有机的自然艺术形式有着深刻的联系。新艺术设计的灵感还来自海藻、昆虫和水生物种。在新艺术风格的建筑中,采用不规则自由的玻璃和铁的图案。新艺术风格的首饰是非常独特和创新的。它使用各种各样的材料来制作首饰,如模压玻璃和象牙。精湛的技艺是新艺术首饰的一个独特元素,而独特的珐琅也是一个独特的特点。新艺术的珠宝制作受到日本艺术或日本主义的启发和衍生。

日本的金属工艺有一定的创新,在新艺术中引入了新的装饰技术。宝石和宝石被用于新艺术主义,很多焦点放在设计工作上。1850年,英国是全球的领导力量。它在经济和军事上都是19世纪世界上最稳定的国家之一。自从第一次工业革命以来,英国的经济一直统治着世界。联合王国的军队保护了这个国家的贸易,因此加强了它的帝国。中世纪狂热以来,随着贵族建筑风格的出现,英格兰的艺术和工艺开始衰落。人们认为这是当时唯一适合首都和最大的全球帝国的建筑形式。也可以说,英国的艺术和工艺受到了英国统治世界的不利影响(Eisenman, 1994)。由于德国人对世界其他地区所面临的危险,这种统治后来移交给了美国。


Hyperbolas and parabolas dominate Art Nouveau architecture in the designs of windows, arches, corridors, and doors. Moulding of elements was majorly based on plants forms and floral designs. In interior designing, Art Nouveau sometimes uses patterns and drawings derives by flames, shells and floral patterns giving it deep association with organic natural form of art. Art Nouveau designs are also inspired by seaweeds, insects and aquatic species. In buildings of Art Nouveau designs irregular and free glass and iron patterns are used. Jewellery of Art Nouveau style was very unique and innovative. It used various materials for jewellery making such as moulded glasses and ivory. Virtuosity was a distinguishing element of Art Nouveau jewellery, while unique enamelling is also a peculiar characteristic. Jewellery making in Art Nouveau was inspired and derived by Japanese art or Japonism.

In Japonism metal work has certain innovations, which introduced new ornamentation techniques in Art Nouveau. Precious stones and gems were used in art Nouveau and much focus was put into design work.United Kingdom was a global leading power in 1850. It was, economically and militarily, among the most stable nations of the world in 19th century. The economy of United Kingdom has been ruling the world since the beginning of first Industrial Revolution. The military of Unite Kingdom protected the trade of the country hence strengthening its empire. The art and craft in England seen a downfall since mediaeval mania and with the emergence of Aristocratic style of architecture. It was being thought that is the only form of architecture that will suit the capital and biggest global empire of those times. It can also be said that the art and craft of England was adversely affected by the English domination in the world (Eisenman, 1994). This domination was handed over to United States later due to the danger faced by Germans to the other parts of the world.






The significance of this research is that it presents a paradigm to understand how and why brand has an impact on the consumer behavior. Consumers in current times are seen to shop more than their predecessors. The reasons behind the shopping are increased consumer level of living and also the different options available to them. Consumers in making their shopping often make use of mental cues that would be useful for the purpose of product purchases. They pay attention to many small things, such as how the product is presented, the form of service that goes with the product and more. These cues although simple are part of much complex heuristics that are aggregated over time. Marketing of the product, word of mouth communication and even personal use experiences over time are seen to make up this heuristic network. In this context, understanding how the person chooses a product based on brand, can be taken to be the equivalent of understanding all those cues that a person associates with this brand.

Now understanding this complex set of cues or brand associations might not be a simple task. This is because the consumers themselves might not be aware of the cues at times, so this research focuses on understanding only some selective aspects of how and why consumers might make decisions based on some brand related aspects. These are identified in the research objectives and questions section. The research makes use of consumer opinion and attempts to come to a conclusion on how and why they make the choice of having a Coca-Cola versus a Pepsi or vice versa. Now the research significance lies in the fact that attempts to aggregate a set of seven factors, such as that of feel, act, think and more in order to present a comparative difference. This study hence is new in nature as it mixes the research parameters from two different studies.






There also exists widely published reports on a study involving interviews of young people sample on their blatant pop star life style imitation, making up, tattoo, hair dye, reducing weight, using bad language, being promiscuous, smoking and even taking drugs. The researchers, Ming Pao, (2007), illustrated the results through illustrating his finding that younger individuals are not critical and are impressionable with particular vulnerability to the pop stars influence and entertainment industry promotion (Yue et al, 2013). There are, furthermore, various channels inclusive of columns of magazine’s and Websites chat rooms disclosing worship of young fans and idols style imitation. By such channels, voice of young fans depicts how they admire their idols with regard to their outlooks of body and facial expression, talent, taste as well as performance.

Their pop idols clearly are essential vainglory and romance objects. Their fanatic attitude, in the meanwhile looks at betraying their identity achievement inadequacy. Despite the case reports vividness, nevertheless, the pop idol worship influence generality needs an investment of systematic nature which the current study has conducted.Another essential model is the causal model to explore this investigation issue. Achievement of identity refers to identity development for an individual which is ethical, confident, has autonomous ability, has productivity, and has resilience against issues and consciousness politically. The individual, as such needs to develop goals with regard to individual family and marriage or career, religion and allegiance politically (Lawrence et al, 2011).






Individually, the propulsion system is designed to enable the motor-driven propellers to generate the mandatory amount of thrust, which would be able to withstand the total load of the airship. These include the frame and related components. The design of the system was started by extracting the obligatory thrust that is needed to generated each motor-driven propeller used.In addition, other components that are used in this system are battery, electronic speed controllers (ESC), motors and propellers. The system was built from testing each motor to make sure it works and to avoid any faulty which might affect the performance and safety of the airship. The propulsion system is attached to the frame of the airship which would then attach to the envelope of the airship.In this section, there will be discussion of the propeller. The materials used the important variables that are derived along with the shape of the propeller need to be understood to develop a robust propeller.

These factors have been discussed in detail in the following sections. The roots of the formation of propeller are found to be very interesting. It was during the 3rd century that Archimedes had developed an idea where the screws were used to move objects. This was known as the “Archimedes screw”. It has been stated that the primary roots of the propeller technology owe itself to this primary principles of screws. Leonardo Vinci in the 16th century has tried to develop a helicopter using the basic tenets of helicopter propeller technology. In 1976, Fitch was said to have developed the basic steamboat that had stemmed from the propeller technology. In 1903, Wright brothers had also utilized the tenets and have tried to build airplane.



英国经济增长去年增加了0.6%。家庭支出持续增长和通货膨胀率继续上升。在同一时期,固定资产投资增长速度较慢。国家的外部需求造成负面的范式。一般来说,国内生产总值增长率平均为0.61%。在英国的情况下,适度增长和进步。这个国家被认为是一个安全风险(Grinevich et al .,2015)。在这个分析,Derby手臂船起重领域和克鲁斯在河里德文特河已经被讨论了。所示的城市德比郡进步的经济在过去的几年里。这一领域的发展是在138年排名前三的城市的城镇和城市。



The British economy increased by 0.6% growth last year. The household expenditure continued to grow and the inflation rate continued to increase. In the same period the fixed investment was growing at a slower pace. The external demand of the nation contributed negatively to this paradigm. In general, for the GDP the growth rate was an average of 0.61%. In the case of UK, there has been moderate growth and progress. The nation is considered to be a safe venture (Grinevich et al., 2015). In this analysis, the Derby Arm Boat Lifting area and the Cruise in the River Derwent has been discussed. The city Derbyshire had shown progress in terms of economy in the past few years. The growth of this area was in top 3 cities out of the 138 towns and cities.

Rolls-Royce, Bombardier and Toyota are the main reason for growth in this city. Rolls-Royce maintains business of more than £70 billion in the county. This growth in the bigger companies has enabled the small-scale suppliers and over growth and progress has been witnessed in this area. The manufacturing sector has led to the growth of the county as well as the overall economy. Even though UK decided to leave the European Union in 2019, there has been political stability in the nation (Davis and Walsh, 2015). The people are considered to be a politically stable nation owing to these paradigms. The nation has been viewed as a stable political investment and there is growth in the Derby areas owing to the manufacturing sector growth in the state.



有五种不同的计算机。目前,人们认为第五代计算机的发展正在进行中。第五代计算机阶段被认为是人工智能阶段(Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014)。这个人工智能阶段指的是用来模拟人类行为的数字工具。据发现,第五代起源于1980年至今。在第5代,超大规模集成电路技术转变为大规模集成电路。ULSI代表超大规模集成电路。这是技术发展中一个明显的特征发展。在这方面,功能是试图标志着微处理器芯片的发展。人们发现,每一个微处理器芯片都有超过1000万个电子元件。这是基于并行处理硬件和人工智能软件发现的。除了硬件技术,软件技术也有了增长。高级语言如C、c++、Java等在这一代中被使用。随着时间的推移,计算量和相关算法都在增加。



There has been five different generation of computers. Currently, it has been considered that the fifth generation of computer development is in play. This fifth generation of computer stage is considered to be the artificial intelligence stage (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). This artificial intelligence stage refers to the tools that are used for the digital tools that mimic human actions. The fifth generation is found to have originated in 1980 to the current times. In the 5th generation, VLSI technology changed to ULSI. ULSI stands for Ultra Large Scale Integration. This is a characteristic development that is evident in this technology development. In this, feature is an attempt to mark towards the development of the microprocessor chips. It has been found that each of these microprocessor chips is found to have more than 10 million electronic components. This is found to be based on the parallel processing hardware and the Artificial Intelligence software. Apart from hardware technology, there has been growth in the software technology as well. The high-level languages such as C, C++, Java etc., are used in this generation. The computations and the algorithms that have been associated are found to have increased along with time.

These artificial intelligence tools are found to be have been implemented in a number of sectors. The artificial intelligence is found to encompass a wide variety of systems and operations.These are found to resonate in the robotics, game playing, neural networks, development of real life situation, and natural language generations. The key features of the fifth generation are ULSI technology, development of the artificial intelligence, growth of the natural language processing, advancement in the parallel processing, advancements in the super computer technology and the development of the user-friendly interfaces. These computers are found to be powerful and can impact the compact computers at cheaper rates. Each development of computer technology has been found to make the older system obsolete in the process.The computers that are developed in this generation include the desktop, laptop, tablets to name a few. Critical analysis of this generational phase has been elucidated in the following.