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新西兰论文代写:office Assistant办公产品和服务零售商店

新西兰论文代写:office Assistant办公产品和服务零售商店

office Assistant是一家销售办公产品和服务的零售商店。该公司在澳大利亚各地拥有25家门店。他们主要销售办公产品和提供服务,如复印,印刷,提供租赁设备,并处理包装和邮寄服务。组织希望在明年6月之前将服务销售额提高10%。个别企业要求门店经理制定经营计划,实现公司规定的10%的销售增长。此外,服务的扩展应包括平面设计服务。有人提议购置更多的打印机、复印机和运货车,以增加销售。需要增加更多的人力资源,即增加大约10名员工到运营计划中。经营计划的第一步是分析产品的市场潜力。平面设计服务是一个具有竞争力的服务行业。许多公司提供类似的服务。在现实中要获得竞争优势,公司需要开发独特的市场广告和设计。办公室助理的服务类似于Office Max, Staples。这些都是已经拥有品牌赞助和股权的领先企业。

新西兰论文代写:office Assistant办公产品和服务零售商店

新西兰论文代写:office Assistant办公产品和服务零售商店

The office Assistant’ is a retail store that sells office products and services. The company has 25 stores around Australia. They primarily sell office products and provide services such as photocopying, printing, providing equipments for rent and also handling packaging and posting services. Organization wants to increase services sales by 10% by June of next year. Individual businesses have requested store managers to develop an operational plan to achieve sales growth of 10% that was prescribed by the company. Additional to this the expansion of services should include graphic design services.There is proposal of acquisition of additional printer, photocopier and delivery van to provide for the increase in sales. More human resources i.e. around ten more employees need to be added to the operational plan.First step of an operation plan is to analyse market potential for a product. Graphic design services are a competitive service sector. A number of companies provide similar kind of services. In reality to gain a competitive edge the company needs to develop unique market advertising and design. Services of Office Assistant are similar to that of Office Max, Staples. These are leading companies that already have brand patronage and equity.

新西兰论文代写:office Assistant办公产品和服务零售商店
Apart from this owing to globalization that has also been a rise in the number of competitors and online competitors. In the new dynamics competitors are competing for the same market based from across the spectrum. Companies need to have competitive advantage to make sure that they have consumer patronage. Employee relations with the consumers have been found to be effective in ensuring consumer patronage. To address the issue of competition and developing more consumers, it is essential to have customer services and train professional who are qualified to meet the growing consumer demands in the society. For this process, management has allocated resources to hire ten more personnel in the company. There is a need to find the right resources that are skilled in graphic design techniques and also skilled in dealing with the newer products. Existing human resources of the company should also be trained to meet the requirements.Hence a combination of coaching and interviewing has been prescribed in the current scenario.






The existing WHS policy for the company is amended. While the purpose and scope and the features are kept as such, some additions in the form of specific responsibilities are now highlighted. The proposed WHSMS system for the company will have features and policy such as the ones mentioned in section 3a and also the adaptations in the form of literacy and communication skills and IT skills presented below. Literacy and Communication Skills:It is necessary for the WHS consultant to possess good literacy and communication skills. The policies have to be developed with clarity and the objectives of policy have to be communicated with the stakeholders in a very proficient manner. Information Technology Skills:Information and technology skills are required for many reasons. Primarily creating the policy, procedures and more becomes easier. A person with good Information and technology skills would be able to research for the right data in a more efficient manner, they would also be able to show competency in using a wide variety of technology to present, display the data, the policy and also the training based on the policy.

Chairperson and Board of Members:The chairperson and Board of Members will have to ensure that they have an up to date working knowledge of the work health and safety matters. They should ensure that appropriate resources and materials are made available to the management who will need to manage the safety and health issues of the workplace. Furthermore, the board of members will work with the management to ensure that policies are created for all issues. As per the company’s new policy it is recommended that the Chairperson and the Board of members have a meeting with the management once every three months to review their policiesManagement and Employees:It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that all policy and procedures with respect to the WHS is translated into workplace rules. Employees will have to show strict compliance to the rules.The Wollongong Store WHS policy is amended and a description of features, explanation of legislative requirements and stakeholder requirements are presented above, and in the below report actual descriptions, and compliance to legislation are discussed.

论文 代写:Personal Statement写作指导

论文 代写:Personal Statement写作指导

Personal Statement既是个人陈述,是申请出国留学是必不可少的一份资料,不管是本科预料,本科还是研究生,这份资料都是必要的。在准备英国留学文书写作之前,申请者要清楚留学文书的写作包括哪些内容。留学申请文书中的个人陈述写作部分有很多要点需要注意的。






论文 代写:Personal Statement写作指导


最后大家要知道,Personal Statement因为是出国留学生要写的,所以是一定要用英文的。

这其中对英语写作能力的要求就很高了,整篇Personal Statement不要太长也不要太短,要写出自己的特点,让这份个人简历只属于你自己,这样的PS就是一个成功的PS。






论文 代写:Personal Statement写作指导


如果能够把自己的以往经历与学校特色加以整合,得出“我这么活着这么多年,有这么多坎坷经历,就是为了读你们学校,恰恰是你们学校如量身定做般满足了我的人生履历及未来需要”那么特别的话,就是一篇很好的PS+Why essay了。




所有留学文书全部Times New Roman字体12号,双倍行距。PS一般控制在两页之内,不要去偷偷修改缩进之类的数据,教授们手上N多标准文书,你有没有改一看就知道。

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“我会帮你抓住他的,克拉丽斯。”说了这句话,莱达立刻就把自己和同类人区分开了。大多数惊悚片和恐怖片都有一个引人注目的反派,但这部电影本身就有两个。然而,在《汉尼拔·莱克特》和《野牛比尔》中,《沉默的羔羊》中有两个角色可能会争夺银幕上有史以来最可怕的恶棍的头衔(塔斯克,94岁)。然而,汉尼拔·莱克特的角色是美国流行文化的伟大代表。他成了家喻户晓的人物,谁吃蚕豆都会想起他。这个角色是由托马斯·哈里斯和安东尼·霍普金斯扮演的汉尼拔创造出来的。在电影《沉默的羔羊》中对汉尼拔·莱克特的刻画使他成为美国流行文化中最可怕的虚构反派之一。电影的主题是食人,这一直是电影在流行文化中反复出现的主题(Jenkins, 29)。



“I’ll help you catch him, Clarice.” With that one line, Lecter immediately separates itself from others of its kind. Most of the thrillers and horror movies have one compelling villain, but this movie alone had two. Yet in Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill, The Silence of the Lambs brings two characters that could each vie for the title of the most horrific villain ever on screen (Tasker, 94). Yet the character of Hannibal Lecter is the great presentation of the American Pop Culture. He became the household name and no one could eat Fava Beans without remembering him. The character is the amazing creation of the Thomas Harris and the role of Hannibal is played by Anthony Hopkins. The portrayal of Hannibal Lecter in the movie The Silence of the Lambs has turned him into one of the most horrific fictional villains in American pop culture.The theme of the movie is cannibalism, which has been a recurring theme of the movies in the popular culture (Jenkins, 29).

Hannibal Lecter was a psychiatrist and he had accused of imprisoning and killing at least seven girls, even he had eaten them. Thus Cannibalism is the major theme as another villain of the movie is also abducting girls and killing them (Anderson, 89). The character of Hannibal made Hopkins win Academy Awards and even Oscars and thus his name became the cultural icon in America. Everything that has been displayed in the movie like the characters, theme, and dialogues could take place only in America. America is considered as the land of ‘free’, in comparison to the other parts of the world. The American culture and values have been placed at the extremely ironic place. Though, it is believed that America is organized around the conscious symbols, beliefs and ideologies, which comprised of freedom, family and lot of opportunities. But, the reality which is faced to the citizens of America is not consistent.





因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题——why choose this school,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。











lun wen:利他主义

lun wen:利他主义


lun wen:利他主义
这种行为被认为是人道主义援助。然而,并非所有情况都是如此。主要在某些情况下,接收方期望向最初帮助过他们的另一方提供支持服务或帮助。这就是所谓的互惠(Keohane 6),有一条不成文的规则,在困境中提供帮助的人需要得到他们的回报。向人民提供救济的行为不依赖于任何方面或有形回报(领导人17)。互惠的意识形态是通过情感的行动来表达的。其他形式的援助是帮助这些国家发展他们的国家,这反过来又帮助捐助国从国家重建中获益。资本主义的情况下促进增长和增加贸易有了国家,国家建设活动有高水平的自然资源和较低的基础设施(& Elhawary歌3)。在这些情况下,发达国家提供帮助这些经济落后国家促进经济增长。这种援助行动变得模糊不清,在这一进程中谁将受益的确切概念也变得可疑。

lun wen:利他主义

Altruism is a notion where the people in the societies interact with each other. In this act of altruism, there is aiding people in need. These forms of humanitarian assistance are provided in order to save lives of the people, reduce suffering and protect human dignity. This is usually provided to the people after crisis times or during exigent circumstances. While providing humanitarian assistance to the people fundamental notions of humanity, helping people without any bias, neutrality should be maintained (Leader 16). During this condition, people are provided with help without expecting anything in return. Fundamental notions of these altruistic societies are to help people. Normative structure of reciprocity is to ensure that the people are repaid for their kindness. When Earthquake hit Haiti people from all over the nations poured in to help the nation in rebuilding. During the catastrophe of earthquake and Tsunami in Japan countries around the world helped the nation in its rebuilding efforts. Help and aid was provided to the nations without any expectation of remediation or payment from the individual countries.

lun wen:利他主义
These kinds of acts are considered to be humanitarian assistance. However, this is not the case in all the situations. Primarily in some situations, there is expectation of the receiving party to offer back services or help to the other party who had initially helped them. This is known as reciprocity (Keohane 6). There is an unwritten rule that the people who help during dire circumstances need to be reciprocated for their gesture. This act of providing relief to the people is not dependent on any one facet or tangible returns (Leader 17). Ideologies of reciprocity are expressed through actions of sentiments. Other forms of providing aid are helping the countries develop their nations, this in turn helps the donor nation to gain from this acts of nation rebuilding. In the cases of capitalism to promote growth and increase trade there has been a nation building activity in the countries where there is high levels of natural resources and lower infrastructure (Collinson, & Elhawary 3). In these cases, the developed nations offer to help these economically backward nations to foster growth. This acts of assistance becomes nebulous and the exact notions of who would be benefitted in the process becomes questionable.















reference 格式:宗教建筑

reference 格式:宗教建筑


reference 格式:宗教建筑

reference 格式:宗教建筑

This iconic religious building is truly glory work of art. The sanatorium is an enormous, white-walled airy space whose main center of attraction is a beautiful mosaic of Jesus Christ. It is the main Catholic Church indeed the largest seating of any Church in the City and beyond. As a result, it handles well as a welcoming place of all. There was beautiful monument statement written outside the building “So the big Pope himself came here in 1987”. The neighborhood on the Hill allows for a spectacular view of the surrounding area. Saint Mary’s Cathedral, is the main church of Roman CatholicArchdiocese.Catholicism tradition rotate over the ritual and the few practices– including purification , acceptance , Communion, Harmony, Chrism of the Sick, Holy directions , and Holy Matron, Understood as obvious signs of God’s existence , confession mark main changeover in life and, in the case of association and compromise are part of keep balance in life. By the celebration of togetherness, or the sacrament , at plurality , Catholics obtain the body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine.

reference 格式:宗教建筑
Harmony including the confession of sins to a Monk, who intercede God’s mercy through a magisterial forgiveness and absolution. Presence at Mass is technically mandatory for attentive Catholics on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.Roman Catholicism is an antique adaptation of the real tradition of the Church in Western Europe, and Baptist is a later try to come back to the original Faith. The Roman Catholic Church connects its history to Jesus Christ and the Apposes. Over the passage of time it created a highly citified theology and an imposing commanding structure chairs by the papality, the enduring complete monarchy in the world. At the level, of course, the concentration of Roman Catholicism likely interpretation of Christianity as such by its particular history, Roman Catholicism Arise with the very initial time of Christianity. An essential fundamental of the clarification of any one of the other factors of Christendom, moreover, is its connection to Roman Catholicism.



空气污染已成为生活在北京的人们关注的一个主要原因。空气中的主要污染物是颗粒物,包括一氧化碳、氮氧化物和二氧化硫。北京拥有中国1900多万人口,自过去三十年来经历了重大的发展(Schipani, 79)。在此期间,整个首都的污染源都在增加。自3月份以来,首都北京已经推出了新的空气质量下滑尺度;2015年,北京市首次发布红色预警。煤炭是北京空气污染加剧的主要来源之一,因为中国本身就是煤炭的第一大消费国。污染源的急剧增加、工业化程度的提高和化石燃料使用的增加,都使得北京的空气在几个地区几乎无法呼吸。红色预警系统作为一种减少污染和保护健康的方法被引入,当污染水平在一个月的特定时间是非常严重的。

众所周知,北京的二氧化硫通量可以忽略不计,而氮氧化物的信号却很小,这可能是由于北京附近限制建设煤炭的政策所致,而且在更广泛的范围内一直在应用缓解污染的技术。自2006年以来,中国一直是世界上最大的温室气体排放国(Wang and Jiming, 5),根据2009年的哥本哈根协议,中国考虑到2020年将其排放量在2005年的基础上减少40% – 45%。中国科学家警告称,中国有毒的空气污染已经加剧,这带来了一个核冬天,因为它减缓了植物的光合作用过程,在未来,可能会对中国的食品供应造成严重破坏。这个国家的一大片农田受到严重污染,因为这些地区的工业已经被禁止种植粮食作物。此外,中国三分之二的地下水不适宜人类饮用和接触(Schipani, 77)。


Air pollution has turned out to be a major cause of concern for the ones living in Beijing. Out of the major pollutants of air are particulate matters (PM) that include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and Sulphur dioxide. Beijing resides more than 19 million of the population of China, and has been experiencing major development since the last three decades (Schipani, 79). In this period, there has been an increase in the sources of pollutants across the capital city. Since March, the capital of China has introduced new scale of sliding for the quality of air; after the city was issue its first red alert in the year 2015. Coal is among the main sources increasing the level of air pollution across Beijing as China itself is the first biggest user of coal. Dramatic rise in sources of pollution, enhanced industrialization and increased use of fossil fuels have all left the air of Beijing almost impossible to breath in several areas. The system of red alert has been introduced as a way of reducing pollution and protecting health, when the level of pollution is extremely during specific times of the month.

Beijing is known for having negligible flux of Sulphur oxide, irrespective of a large signal of nitrogen oxide, possibly due to policies for limiting the building coal within the vicinity of Beijing, and in a more extensive way has been applying the technologies of mitigation. China has been the biggest emitter of greenhouse gas of the world since the year 2006 (Wang and Jiming, 5). Under the Copenhagen Accord of the year 2009, China considered reducing its intensity of emissions by 40 to 45 percent from the levels of 2005 by the year 2020. It has been warned by the scientists of China that the toxic air pollution of the country has enhanced, which brings in a nuclear winter, as it slows down the process of photosynthesis in plants and further ahead, potentially wreaks havoc across the food supply of the country. A large area of the farmland of country is highly contaminated from the run- off of industries that the areas have been banned from the growth of food crops. Also two- thirds of the underground water of China is inappropriate for human consumption and contact (Schipani, 77).



上下文中的组织是一个名为MSS的信息技术服务和解决方案组织。该组织成立于十多年前,业务遍及多个分支机构。该组织规模相当小,在主要分支机构有大约100名员工。组织的问题是使用传统的管理系统。组织中使用的传统管理制度引起了员工的不满。一些人认为这个系统对他们有偏见,一些人认为他们没有机会表达自己的不满,其他人则认为绩效考核是一个非常艰难的阶段,根本不是健康管理和生产力锻炼的一部分。该组织面临的问题是,它有一个更传统的绩效管理系统。根据许多关于管理的研究和文章,传统的绩效管理体系可以带来成功的好处,但在现代环境中可能行不通,因为他们更注重于死板的规则和结构,较少理解绩效管理中的人的概念(Hueslid, 1994;Hunsaker,亚历山德拉,1980)。



The organization in context is an Information Technology Services and Solutions organization by name of MSS. The organization was incepted more than a decade before and operates over multiple branches. The organization is quite small to medium scale and has around 100 employees working at the main branch. The issue for the organization is the use of a traditional management system. The traditional management system used in the organization has causes discontent among employees. Some believe that the system is biased towards them, some believe they are not getting a chance to login their grievances and others are seen to go through performance appraisal as a very tough phase and not at all as part of a healthy management and productivity exercise. The issue for the organization in question is that it has a more traditional performance management system. The traditional performance management system according to many research studies and articles on management can deliver success benefits but might not work in the modern environment as they are more focused on rigid rules and structures and less on understanding the human concept in performance management (Hueslid, 1994;
Hunsaker,and Alessandra,1980).


Now the main issue here is that the use of a traditional model would result in such a system where the discussions on performance and management would neither be open nor be honest. The organization is more focused on evaluating the performance of the employee and less on understanding the employee outside the process. The discussions would mainly center on understanding the employee’s contributions to the workplace and how to understand these contributions and then make recommendations on compensation.Secondly in the context of the performance management, the process is given more importance. The performance evaluation is just one way to understand the people in the organization and motivate them, and more contemporary designs are focused on different aspects of motivation and theories. Thirdly the use of the conventional designs is more often designed to find out what is negative in the performance of the individual. In the workplace, this form of traditional performance management has led to issues for the employee.