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论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑

论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑

西班牙的四个王国靠四个扶壁而坐。这些是“加泰罗尼亚公国,莱昂、阿拉贡和卡斯提尔王国”。在基座的底部还有四个雕像。这些雕像是Jaume Ferrer de Blanes,加泰罗尼亚制图师,Luis de Santangel Bessant,队长Pedro Bertran i de Margarit,他几乎是跪着的印第安人,第四尊雕像是Bernat de Boi神父,他在布道跪着的印第安人。纪念碑的柱子里有一个电梯,是用来带游客参观站台的。倾斜的八角形底座嵌有八个青铜浅浮雕板。所有这些展板都展示了哥伦布第一次美洲航行的重要场景。纪念碑的浮雕描绘了哥伦布在科尔多瓦会见伊莎贝尔王后和费迪南德国王的场景,哥伦布和他的儿子,哥伦布向僧侣们解释了计划,哥伦布在议会会议上,哥伦布离开了阿平港,哥伦布到达了新大陆。

论文 代写-巴塞罗那纪念碑

The four realms of the Spain are seated against the four buttresses. These are the “the Principality of Catalonia, and the kingdoms of León, Aragon, and Castile”. There are four more statues at the base of the pedestal. These statues are of Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, a Catalan cartographer, Luis de Santángel Bessant, Captain Pedro Bertran i de Margarit, who could be seen near kneeling Indian, and the fourth statue is of Father Bernat de Boï, who is preaching the kneeling Indian. There is an elevator inside the column of the monument, which is meant to take the visitors to view the platform. Canted octagonal plinth is inset with eight bronze bas-relief panels. All these panels shows the important scenes related to the first voyage of Columbus to the Americas. The Bas-relief of the monument depicts the scene of Columbus meeting the Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand in Cordoba, Columbus and his son, Columbus explain the plan to the monks, Columbus at the council meeting, Columbus leaving the port of Apian, and Columbus reaching the New World.
There are also eight costs of arm that have been visited by Columbus during his voyage. The base of the Monument in Barcelona is a big circle of 20m. The base has four staircases. There are also four statues of lion on each staircase. The idea of making the monument came to Antoni Fages i Ferrer in the year 1856. But for the next sixteen years, he could not work on his plans. In the year 1872, he received the support of then mayor Francesc Rius i Taulet and in the year 1881 a resolution was passed to build the monument in Barcelona. Antoni Fages i Ferrer wanted to get the monument built by the Cataalans, thus a contest was proposed to present their design of the monument. The winner of the contest was Gaietà Buigas i Monravà, who was also a Catalan. The funding for the construction of the monument came from the Spanish sources. Only the 12% of the funding was raised by the private sources. The complete construction of the monument was done by the Catalans.




尽管就速溶咖啡而言,澳大利亚人是世界上消费最多的国家之一,但他们在户外喝咖啡的趋势却越来越明显。在餐馆、咖啡馆等场所,咖啡的消费量已超过每年10亿杯。这意味着在过去10年里增长了65%。即使在2000年到2005年之间,咖啡贸易销售额也增长了大约18%。咖啡文化的普及程度的增长,使得2007年的营业额以每年5%的速度增长。通过外卖销售的咖啡已经达到31%。预计未来的增长领域将是fast coffee (Euromonitor, 2008)。这种趋势也出现在更大比例的外卖上,400ml杯的外卖越来越受欢迎(Euromonitor, 2008d)。然而,可以说,这些趋势是由星巴克推动的,尤其是与更大的规模有关。
在澳大利亚,大约有14000家餐厅和咖啡馆提供各种类型的咖啡。在2006-2007年期间,咖啡销售创造了97亿美元的收入。然而,尽管有这些数据,咖啡业务并不能保证一定会成功。澳大利亚咖啡零售市场不景气。根据官方数据,咖啡馆的经营并不总是盈利的,其净盈利能力下降到4%左右(Charles 2007)。为了咖啡业务的成功,新的和即将到来的咖啡馆必须提供比当地竞争对手稍好一点的咖啡。这种竞争优势必须持续下去。澳大利亚喝咖啡的人很有眼光。他们可能会特意去买好咖啡。他们不像在其他国家那样容易被说服,那里的人们只是到离他们最近的咖啡馆去。


Although, in terms of instant coffee, Australians are one of the highest consumers in the world, there is increasing trend that they are having their coffee outside home. In the restaurants, cafes and other outlets, the consumption of coffee has been over one billion cups per year. This represents a 65 percent increase over the last one decade. Even between 2000 and 2005, there was an increase of coffee trade sales by about 18 percent. The popularity growth of the café culture has the result in the growth of trade volume sales at 5 percent annual rate in 2007. The coffee that has been selling through takeaway of the food service has been in the tune of 31 percent. It is also anticipated that the future growth area will be the fast coffee (Euromonitor, 2008). The trend is also there with regards to the takeaway sizes of larger proportions, with an increasing popularity for 400ml cups (Euromonitor, 2008d). However, it can be argued that the driving of these trends was done by Starbucks, particularly in relation to the larger sizes.
There have been around 14,000 restaurants and cafes that serve a range of coffee types in Australia. In the period 2006-2007, the generation of employment regarding coffee selling has been to the tune of $9.7 billion in income. However, in spite of this data, the business of coffee is not guaranteed for success. The retail market of coffee in Australia is tough. As per the official figures, the business of cafes is not profitable always, with cafes’ net profitability decreasing to about 4 percent (Charles 2007). For the success of the café business, the new and upcoming cafes must offer coffee that is marginally better than the local competitors. And this competitive advantage must be continued consistently.There is discernment among the coffee drinkers of Australia. They can be going out of their way to buy good coffee. They cannot be persuaded easily as in other countries, where the people simply touch down the café that is nearest to them.






Another chief concern faced by the Chinese bond market is rivalry with the banking sector and equity market. Conferring to the pecking order theory in corporate finance, debt financing should carry lesser costs of capital than equity financing. However, many government officials, corporation managers and even private industrialists in China still treat equity financing as the inexpensive channel for financing, since the public companies relish the right offering, face slight domination and rules, and frequently do not pay any dividends. Facing with such a challenging setting, officials need to not only make the bond market obtainable for issuers and stakeholders, but also instruct the market on the mechanism by which each market operates.The rules on interest rate and issuance take away the elasticity of the bond market and many mixed investors. Without an extensive variety of tradable securities and a vigorous secondary market, bond market cannot completely relish its role of price detection and risk administration, which put bond financing into direct rivalry on interest rate with bank loans, to which many of the high-quality companies already have easy access.
Given the much higher administration and transaction costs, bank loans are often times favoured by issuers with admittance to both markets. While the Chinese domestic bond market has gone through a seven-fold enlargement over the previous decade, most bond issuers are government-linked, obviously giving rise to moral hazard dangers. The treasuries distributed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF), PBOC bills, and government-supported bonds collected have accounted for more than 70 percent of entire bonds outstanding. Apart from this most of the residual sections such as corporate bonds and commercial bank bonds are SOE and LGFV issues. The Chinese domestic bond market only saw its first rare defaults of SOE issuers in 2015, suggesting still significant moral hazard risk. Lastly, such government-linked bonds are separated into various segments with different controllers and obligors, thus distributing liquidity and depressing market complexity. Presently, not any of them can become important global asset classes on their own. When a given liquidity pool is separated into two equal market sections, the liquidity of each can decay by 80 percent or more.




从20世纪90年代开始,韩国政府开始意识到为了国家权力而建立一个独特的韩国身份的重要性。为了实现这一目标,金大中政府(1998-2003)向文化产业提供了1.485亿美元的财政支持,并将重点放在所谓的三个c——内容、创意和文化上(Nye and Kim, 35岁)。卢武铉总统和李明博总统通过增加文化内容的多样性和推广韩国流行音乐,进一步增强了韩国的软实力。简而言之,韩流从来都不是在全球范围内流行的事件;相反,这是一项复杂而精心设计的国家政策。“韩国特色”的品牌确实带来了多维度的影响,在全世界引起了轰动。首先,韩国的旅游业在很大程度上是由韩流推动的。据韩国旅游组织统计,2010年至2014年,韩国旅游业的平均增长率为12.7%,2014年约有1400万外国人来韩国旅游(韩国旅游组织)。在一个名为“韩流”的韩国旅游网站上,有一个名为“主题旅游”的特别网站,列出了60多套面向旅游业开放的电视剧和电影。


Starting from the 1990s, the Korean government started to realize the importance of building up a unique Korean identity for the sake of national power. In order to do that, the Kim Dae Jung government (1998-2003) provided the financial support of $148.5 million to the cultural industry and focused on the so-called three Cs-Content, Creativity and Culture’ (Nye and Kim, 35). And the two following presidents Roh Moo Hyuu and Lee Ayung Bak further enhanced the nation’s soft power by increasing diversity of the cultural contents and promoting K-pop music. In short, Korean wave is never an incident that happened to be popular around the globe; instead, it is a sophisticated and elaborately designed national policy. The branding of ‘Koreanness’ did brought multidimensional effects that have created blockbuster around the world. First of all, the tourism industry in Korea is largely enhanced by the Korean Wave. According to Korea Tourism Organization, the average growth rate of tourism from 2010 to 2014 is 12.7%, about 14 million foreigners visited Korea during 2014 (Korea Tourism Organization). In a Korean tourism website called ‘Korean Sparkling’, there is a special site called ‘Themed Travel’ that lists more than 60 drama and movie sets that are open for tourism.
Millions of Korean drama fans are attracted by the memorable sceneries in the TV dramas and actually visit these locations, as the caption for the website says, ‘with the film industry in Korea garnering a lot of attention globally, it is no wonder that there are so many visitors seeking to explore the sets of their favorite dramas’ (Korean Sparkling). The Hallyu also brought a lot influence in the fashion industry in East Asia. In the famous TV drama ‘My Love from the Star’, the main characters Cheon Song-yi and Do Min-joon’s clothing became the hottest fashion items in Asia. Everything that Cheon Song-yi wears in the drama were sold out after the showA famous fashion blogger in China even wrote a long article analyzing the fashion style of the female character. Not only fashion, but people’s aesthetically standards actually changed a lot because of influence of Korean culture, thousands of people go to Korea for plastic surgery every year in wishing themselves to become more like a ‘Korean beauty’. In today’s information age, soft power is an influential force that can gain people’s attention without the use of military. Korea has already got the niche in the global market by promoting its culture and establishing the ‘Korean Brand’.


留学 论文代写:苹果公司的财务健康状况

留学 论文代写:苹果公司的财务健康状况

本报告的目的是确定苹果公司的财务健康状况。除了苹果公司的财务业绩,还介绍了行业分析、公司背景和产品,让投资者对公司有一个全面的了解。这有助于投资者对苹果有更清晰的认识,并帮助他们在投资方面做出更好的决定。此外,对连续多年的财务比率进行了深入分析,得出了苹果公司财务绩效的趋势线。财务比率也与它的竞争对手之一进行比较,以提供关于竞争分析的清晰。但是,苹果公司的财务报表没有被分析,这可以被认为是本报告的一个局限性。苹果公司(Apple Inc.) 46%的收入来自可播放音乐的手机或音乐设备的销售,42%来自电脑销售,12%来自与音乐相关的众多服务,包括iTunes音乐商店(iTMS)的音乐销售。

留学 论文代写:苹果公司的财务健康状况

The objective of this report is to determine the financial health of Apple Inc. Apart from the financial performance of Apple Inc., the industry analysis and the company background and its products are also described so that the investors can get an overall picture of the company. This help the investors with clearer picture regarding Apple and help them take better decisions regarding investment. Moreover, the financial ratios for consecutive years are analyzed thoroughly so that a trend line emerges regarding financial performance of Apple. The financial ratios are also compared with one of its competitors to provide clarity with regards to the competitive analysis. However, the financial statements of Apple Inc is not analyzed which can be considered as a limitation of this report. Apple Inc. has been earning 46 percent of its revenue from the sale of music capable phone or music device, 42 percent from computer sales, 12 percent from numerous services related to the music that includes sale of music with iTunes Music Store (iTMS).
As a response to the digital transformation, the emphasis of the product strategy of Apple Inc. has been on the seamless integration of the range of its services and products. There is seamless loading of the music bought on iTMS into the music software of the iTunes that is provided with every computers sold by Apple. In turn, there is seamless integration of these computers, where iPod music player is stored and played with music. The point of entry for the iTune music and the Macintosh computers has been the iPod ownership, and vice versa. Apple Inc. when entering sales sector and the music distribution has not adopted the preferences for copyright of the dominant players of the sector of the recording sector. There is minimal copyright protection for the iPod device in relation to the obtainment of the content through iTMS. There has been enormous growth of piracy in music as a result of the iPod’s success. This has cost the recording industry in billions of dollars every year.





The marking of any product is dependent on supply and demand. The same economics is being followed by Melbourne housing market. The threshold haul of underproduction that forces the costs to be increased in Melbourne has foregone in the year 1994. Presently, the demand is less than supply as depicted in the figure 1. It is because construction rate is lower compare to supply rate of 140,000. This additionally forces the costs to be lowered as clarified by last ten years’ price trend. It additionally depicts that it afterwards shows an increasing trend in the last decade except for2011 and 2012 because of the above described reason.It is clear that the cost has followed a downward trend in the past two years, yet the essential query is if the lowering costs can be afforded and if it is in the Melbourne citizen’s range per income or not. Let us provide an answer this question by taking the support of a number of economic dynamics. If we compare this with it income ratio, then we can conclude Melbourne price is higher by 30%.In comparison to other developed countries, it is amongst the highest.
Yet if a comparison on the nations on cost per square meter, it’s the lowest of all nations and can be afforded due to the greater average house dimension in comparison with other countries across the globe. The mean dimension is 243 meter square in comparison with Denmark’s 137 square meters which means it is one of the cheapest place to live.Next, if affordability is considered, we acquired that repayment as a portion of housing loan has not exceeded beyond the mean of last 3 decades. It reveals that Australian people can afford a new house. Nonetheless, if we do not take into account the adjustment in interest, the fig is alarming and is depicting that owning house is a major issue for people of Melbourne as proved by fig 4.It reveals that it increases distinctly in last 3 decades and sending it to one of the highest ranks as compared to its international partners. Let us throw some light on the housing affordability index, from the figure 5; we see that mortgage rate decrement has helped the increasing trend. This will surely better the interest of the investors and will force the increase in prices.



此外,该框架有一种倾向,即把重点放在财务报表中所载数据的重要性上,而财务报表是必不可少的,但是没有研究允许管理人员管理的数据的重点。会计原则只关注经济中表现出来的现象和交易,而这些现象和交易也受到了索洛(Solo, 2000)等研究人员的批评(Teizeira, 2015)。有一种观点认为,在必须作出投资决定时,特别是在明显存在区域差异时,业务的其他组成部分,例如实体对广泛社区的影响和外部环境,也是必不可少的。此外,用户的需求是多样化的,可能会有各种标准的需求,但是一个单独的概念框架,没有复杂性就不能满足不同的需求。当寻找一个普遍的基础和简单的方法来获得全世界的认可时,框架应该认识到其中存在的一些与泛化相关的缺陷(Gordon et al., 2015)。
这意味着开发特定的规则,以帮助治理框架不充分的情况。此外,概念框架为会计实践和原则制定了标准。然而,在不同国家之间设置框架的局限性也不容忽视。在所有国家建立这一框架都是很有问题的。rick和发达国家可以遵守这一框架,但发展中经济体将发现它需要更多的资金和时间。财务报告概念框架的使用有助于规定财务会计的性质和报告,具有功能和局限性。由于概念框架的质量和实用性,框架的贡献在于它的存在。制定《商定框架》的理由是,它有助于提供基本原则,支持加强与会计有关的标准。(Barth et al., 2015)。即使在其局限性存在,例如泛化问题和在特定情况下的不足之后,框架的优势,例如为加强比较和一致性而制定的标准,以及管理财务报告的普遍接受的框架,也会超过缺点。


Moreover, the framework has a tendency of focusing on the importance of data contained within statements of finances which are essential, but the focus on data allowing the management stewardship management is not looked into. The accounting principles focus only over phenomena and transactions expressed within economies that have also been criticized by researchers such as Solo, 2000 (Teizeira, 2015). There is a perspective that other components of operations, such as the influence of entity on the wide community, and the external environment, are also essential when decisions of investment have to be made especially when regional differences are evident. Additionally, the requirement of users is diverse and there may be requirement for various standards and however an individual conceptual framework, without complexity cannot cover the distinct requirements. When looking for a general basis and simplicity for gaining the desired acceptance across the world, the framework should recognize several suffering generalization related inadequacies present within it (Gordon et al., 2015).
This signifies developing particular rules that help in governing situations of inadequate framework. Furthermore, conceptual framework has set standards for practices and principles of accounting. However, the limitations of setting the framework across different nations are not something to ignore. It is very problematic to set up this framework in all nations. The rick and developed nations can abide to the framework but the developing economies will find it more capital and time consuming.Use of conceptual framework for financial reporting helps in prescribing the financial accounting nature and reports, with functions and limitations. The framework’s contribution lies in its present till now because of conceptual framework quality as well as utility. The reason to develop agreed framework lies in that it helps in providing essential principles that support in enhancing the standard related to accounting. (Barth et al., 2015). Even after the presence of its limitations, such as generalization problem and inadequacy in particular circumstances, the advantage of the framework such as standards set to enhance comparison and consistency along with universally accepted framework to govern financial reports results in outweighing shortcomings.





Unitarism operates in the perception that all the stakeholders in the entire organization are functioning as one team. In this context, Chand has assumed that the people in the company are working towards the goal of making profits for the company. Ironically, Chand perception only benefits Chand and the company. Workers are exploited in this situation. Chand needs to pay competitive market rates and follow the mandates to pay the employees. Chand has already undertaken Unitarism approach. He can pay the employees more for the overall benefit and sustenance of the company. Other than that, undertaking pluralist approach can also find amiable solutions. By developing a pluralist perspective, more power and empowerment can be given to the employees. Bargaining act stipulates that the employees can work under the agreed pay rate provided the employer has provided with information regarding their rights. The people are allowed to express or voice their views against such payment within 14 days of signing the agreement.
In this case, the mother of a teenage son has filed a complaint about the functioning of the company. Owing to this, the restaurant owner needs to show how they had taken up the efforts to explain the government mandated employee rights to the employees. In the employee agreement, if it was signed, there should have been a flexibility clause in the agreement. In this case based on the factual evidence, it can be seen that the restaurant owner did not act in good faith efforts. The workers did not have the knowledge about their rights. Essentially 110 workers were grossly underpaid. In this scenario, there is no pluralist or unitarist objective of common good. Hence, it can be said that the method of payment of the employees cannot be constituted as being legal. Even though the employees agreed to the terms, they are exploited owing to their lack of knowledge or experience. From the analysis of the events, it can be said that the restaurant owner has exploited the employees. Paying for food and beverages is not correct even though the employees of the company agreed it upon.



1860年11月6日,亚伯拉罕·林肯成为美国第16任总统。这是他第二次尝试成为总统,也是第一个共和党人。从1861年到1865年,他的整个学期都是总统。在他的任期内,他有两位副总统。汉尼拔·哈姆林(Hannibal Hamlin)在1861年至1865年间担任副总统,安德鲁·约翰逊(Andrew Johnson)在1865年担任了两个月的副总统。林肯在1865年被暗杀前再次当选总统。1862年7月,国会通过了《1862年禁止奴隶制没收法》。在此基础上,建立了释放奴隶的法庭程序。尽管国会无权在各州内解放奴隶,但该法案是在立法机关的尊重下通过的。这类行动是利用授予总统的战争权力采取的。林肯认为,为了维护联邦,必须消除奴隶基础。《解放宣言》于1863年生效,宣布10个州的奴隶将获得自由。被释放的奴隶被带进军队。对于林肯所采取的措施,其中一个观点是,这将影响到联邦的和平。该法案遭到了民主党和边境各州的反对。共和党人在南方各州并没有强大的影响力,因此在这一地区遭遇了巨大的反对。
他事业下降的主要原因是他处理问题的方式。他总是冒着一切困难采取措施。他是一个了不起的战略家,但他采取了严厉的措施,有时可以用来反对他在社会问题的竞选活动。今天人们把他尊为美国最伟大的三位总统之一。亚伯拉罕在19世纪中期所采取的立场被认为是一个具有里程碑意义的决定,是考虑和分析当时国家形势所必需的(Lamon 2012)。考虑到废除劳动的复杂性和影响,林肯所采取的措施受到了许多历史学家的赞赏。他展示了奴隶制的巨大,并采取措施维护统一。因此,尽管反对林肯行为的运动不断发展,但他一直被认为是真正的领袖和捍卫美国未来的人。他的遗产仍然存在。他的思想和主张与人权有关,也与当今世界有关。与人权相关的挑战可能是不同的,但是林肯给出的方向提供了社会中普遍存在的这些问题的概述。


Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of USA on 06th November 1860. It was his second attempt and first Republican to become the president. He was the president for the full term i.e. from 1861-65. During his tenure, he had two vice presidents. Hannibal Hamlin was the vice president from 1861-65 while towards the end of his tenure Andrew Johnson was the vice president for two months in 1865. Lincoln was re-elected for president in 1865 before being assassinated.The Confiscation Act of 1862 for banning slavery was passed in July 1862 by Congress. Under this, court procedures to free the slaves were set up. Although the Congress did not have the power to free the slaves within the states, the bill was approved in deference to legislature. Such action was taken using war powers granted to the president.Lincoln believed that in order to preserve the union, slave base had to be eliminated. The emancipation proclamation was put into effect in 1863 and declared that in 10 states slaves will be freed. The slaves that were freed were taken into army.One of the opinions for the step taken by Lincoln was that it will be affecting peace in the union. The bill was opposed by the democrats and the Border States. The Republicans did not have strong hold in the southern states, and thus, witnessed huge opposition in this area.
The main cause of his decrease in his career was the way he took up the issues. He always took steps against all the odds. He was a marvelous strategist but took stern steps that at time could be used against him in his campaign for issues in the society. People today respect him as one of the three greatest presidents of USA. The stand which Abraham took in mid nineteenth century had is seen as the landmark decision that was necessary considering and analyzing the situation of the country at that time (Lamon 2012).The steps taken by Lincoln have been appreciated by various historians considering the complexity and effects related to abolishment of labor. He exhibited slavery in its enormity and took steps to maintain the unity. Thus, although campaigns were developed against the actions of Lincoln, he has been considered as true leader and person who safeguarded the future of USA. His legacy is still alive. His thoughts and ideas are related to human rights and are relevant in today’s world as well. The challenges related to human rights may be different, but the direction given by Lincoln provides an overview of such issues that are prevalent in the society.



社会从对社会经济不平等基础的高度关注和缩小社会经济地位差距的尝试中获得了优势,这是目前在美国和其他国家进行的(Polk, 1999)。行为科学和社会科学专业人员拥有必要的工具来确定这些策略,这些策略可以减轻社会和个人层面上讨论的差异。这可以帮助减少年轻男子犯下的罪行。接触暴力改变了社会经济地位,从而影响到所有职业、教育和收入水平。在社会经济地位较低的群体中,某些研究文件加强了暴力的严重性和暴露程度。然而,研究发现,大多数的研究集中在社会经济地位和暴力犯罪者之间的联系。虽然暴力接触对所有社会经济地位群体都有影响,但社会经济地位越低的家庭和个人接触暴力的程度越高。
Browne(2010)发现,居住在年收入低于1万美元家庭中的妇女面临暴力的风险是居住在较富裕家庭中的妇女的4倍(Polk, 1999)。同样,与低收入家庭的母亲相比,无家可归的母亲一生中报告的性侵犯事件非常严重。这一发现对于社会经济地位较低的青少年来说,在暴力方面与其他阶层的青少年相似。从这篇文章的角度来看,论文的论点不仅是有效的,而且是合理的。有可能描述出研究人员面临的各种主观困境,但他们不承认同样的系统化过程(Salter, 2016)。犯罪研究不仅聚焦于社会中的男性同行,而且以一种有助于改善他们处境的方式进行设置。本文理解这背后的原因是需要在较低的语境中提出一个改变,而不是在后面的语境中思考这个问题。社会上的年轻人更容易受到伤害。


The society receives advantages from higher focus on the socioeconomic inequalities foundation and attempts of reducing the gap within the SES, this is presently undertaken within Unites States and other nations (Polk, 1999). Professionals of behavioral and social science hold the required tools to identify such strategies which could alleviate discussed disparities at level of society as well as individual. This can assist in reduction of the crimes committed by young males. The exposure towards violence changes the SES which affects all levels of occupation, education and income. Certain documents of research enhanced severity and exposure to violence amid the low socioeconomic groups. However, it is found that most of the researches are concentrated on the link among SES and violent offenders. Even though the exposure to violence impacts all groups of SES, the lower SES families and individuals are found to have exposure of increased extent.
It is identified by Browne (2010) that women residing in households with earnings of less than $10,000 on a yearly basis had four times more risk of facing violence than the women residing in households that are wealthier (Polk, 1999). Similarly, homeless mothers were found to report highly severe incidences of assault throughout their lifetime in contrast with the mothers in low-income households. This finding remains similar for the youths from low SES in regards to violence than youths of other segments. From the perspective of this essay, the essay thesis statement appears not only valid but also justified. It is possible to depict that there are various subjective dilemmas that researchers face, but they do not acknowledge the systemized process for the same (Salter, 2016). The crime researches are not only focused on the male counterparts in the society but also have been set in a way that they can help improve their situation. The essay understands the reason behind this as the need for bringing forward a change at the lower context itself rather than thinking about the issue in the later context. The young men of the society are more vulnerable.