


On the basis of the data collected through the primary and secondary methods, it has been found that mobile phone technology provide an effective and strong platform for new language learning. However, the facts that it cannot be intrusive, should not cost much, should not have much technological constraints and that it must be based on pedagogical learning methods are pre-conditions for the learning medium to be taken forward. Mobile technology is practically everywhere, but the question is whether it is being restricted or encouraged within classrooms. Technologies are transforming all facets of human life ranging from communication, socialising, playing, shopping and even conducting business. These deep and thoughtful changes have placed an increasing pressure on the conventional models of learning languages and also present the teacher and learner with a range of amazing prospects to redefine and redesign the styles of teaching and learning languages respectively.

Integrating teaching and technology is a long-term exercise and strategy and it is recommended that certain things are followed to ensure its sustainability. The recommendations are mainly for those teaching languages who are the main drivers of mobile technology for language learning with a few suggestions for students as well. Teachers themselves need to be engaged with mobile technologies before implementing them in classrooms. The learning objectives are to be set clearly and precisely so that the students are not distracted by the negativity of social media. Both teachers and students may think of leveraging upon social media to innovate lessons and learning plans. A great deal of research is to be done by all the entities involved in the learning process, students, teachers, institutions and course designers to find suitable and relevant apps for the study of new languages.
Mobile phones in classes for learning have helped in creating a personalised and inclusive environment for learning and students have to make the best use of this in their benefit. The research can be concluded by restating that mobile technologies are indeed the future for many things in life including learning and that it is yet to penetrate the market in full strength. The features and benefits of this are yet to be understood and perceived by a great base of people learning new languages frequently.

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