


从1949年以来,中国共产党在其现行的中国统治下,从不同的分裂和巩固周期中发展出了关键的发展方向。第一阶段是在1949-1956年发生的巩固阶段。这就是中华人民共和国的成立。击破第一阶段发生在1956-1961年,就在反右派运动开始出现大飞跃饥荒之后。然后是文化大革命时期的第二次巩固阶段,然后是1994年之后的第三阶段和最后的巩固阶段。每一个阶段都是中国共产党理解和发展的阶段。然而,中国共产党和威权政体理论的历史表明,可能会有一场失败。正在发展的坚实而高效的体制化可以显示出巩固的迹象,也可以显示出崩溃的迹象,这是国家必须对两者都保持警惕的必要条件。到1989年,出现了这种崩溃的迹象。例如,在台湾的一些主要政策讨论中,PBSC成员出现了公开分裂的现象(Gilley, 2003)。


像江这样的退休领导人已经公开露面,更多的是一些迹象。中国共产党机构的制度崩溃和其他挑战被认为。600万名警察和士兵的存在可能不会使其免于这样的崩溃,但一些CCP现有战略的结果可能有助于巩固CCP的机构。另外,还有一个问题是,中国共产党治理的独特体制框架是否足够强大,足以承受挑战。另一个可能的结果可能是民主党的突破,即中国可能最终突破其共产主义形象,进入民主和一种较新的治理形式。改革派的精英们可能会设计出这种方法(Gilley, 2003)。当前中国共产党制度化的挑战可能会导致备受期待的中国民主国家。正是在这一背景下,本文论述了中国共产党所面临的主要挑战,以及中国共产党保持其合法性并巩固其对日益多元化社会的控制的策略。对这些策略进行了批判性的分析和评估。来自同行评议期刊的现有文献证据正在被用于这一目的。


The CCP in its present rule of China can be said to have developed key points in growth from different cycles of break and consolidation since 1949. The first phase is the consolidation phase which happened in the years of 1949-1956. This was the establishment of the PRC. The Breakdown phase one happened during the years of 1956-1961, right after the Anti Rightist Movement to the inception of the Great Leap Famine. Then there was a consolidation phase two in the Cultural Revolution, and then a Breakdown phase three and a final consolidation phase after 1994. Each of these phases was that of understanding and growth for the CCP. However, the history of CCP and authoritarian regime theory suggest that there could be a downfall. The solid and highly efficient institutionalization that is developing can show signs for consolidation as well as signs for a breakdown and it is necessary for the country to be vigilant for both. As of 1989, there are such signs of breakdown. For instance, there is an appearance of an open split in the case of PBSC members on some of the major policy discussions of Taiwan (Gilley, 2003).

Retired leaders like Jiang have openly appeared in public and more have been some of the signs. Institutional breakdown and other challenges for the CCP apparatus in China are perceived. The presence of six million police officers and soldiers might not save it from such a collapse but the outcomes of some of CCPs existing strategies could help consolidate the CCP apparatus. Alternatively, there is the question of whether the unique institutional framework of CCP governance for China would be strong enough to withstand the challenges. Another alternative consequence could be the democratic breakthrough where it could be said that China could finally breakout of its Communist profiles into democracy and a newer form of governance. Reformist elites might engineer this extraction (Gilley, 2003). The current challenges to its CCP institutionalization might lead to the much-awaited democratic state for China. It is in this background contextthat this essay discusses the major challenges that the Chinese Communist Party faces and the strategies that CCP has adopted to maintain its legitimacy and consolidate its control over an increasingly diversified society. The strategies are critically analyzed and assessed. Existing literature evidence from peer review journals are being used for the purpose.