


Michael Brauer creates an eclectic mix of music from a wide variety of artists. He has a unique approach to the sound mixing. He has worked with a number of critically acclaimed musicians such as James Brown, Aerosmith, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones. He was known for his compression techniques. He uses some of the multi–bus compression technique to develop music. His technique is known as “Brauerize”. He has worked in a number of important albums and is known for his contributions as mixer. Brauer does not simply use new techniques. He uses the techniques to emphasize the importance of the singer and the unique voice of the singer. He creates music in the form of feel and color. There is the use of 8 million different strings and tunings. He was famous for the ways in which he creates music and presents it in a unique manner.
One of the signature styles of the engineer was the technique Brauerize. This has been mentioned earlier. In this notion, there is the fusion of the drums, bass, guitar, keys and vocals. In this, the A, B, C and D buses come into the center of the SSL J9000. This divulges into the amplifier for mix down with the stereo. The final stereo compressor that develops in this paradigm is a simple composition. The mixing of the song is between two radically different elements in the song. In the regular approach, there is the pre-fader compression. The ABCD compressor is mixed with the song. As Brauer states, the 4 sub stereos that are used for this technique is the Neve 33609. This uses the Pultec P1A3S EQ, along with the B mixing with the Avalon E55 EQ, C, Pendulum ES8 tube limiter and finally D [TF Pro], Edward The Compressor P8. This was the multi-bus compression method that was developed by Brauer in 1985. There is allowance for the engineer who uses these tools to create a newer eclectic mix. There was the use of the instrument to make sure that the compression is not destroyed in the process. By using this technique of compression, he was able to develop unique sound mixes. These would bring out the innate talents of the singer and the unique sound was developed. This technique enabled the engineer to make different kinds of mixes and sounds. This created a final work
Even though he had worked with a number of eminent artists one of the most important albums was the album by Rolling Stones. It was “Steel Wheels” album.

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