



沃达丰在供应链管理系统中引入了企业资源规划,有效的处理供应链管理中的资源。BT PLc中的企业资源规划有助于在业务流程中对库存物资进行处理。通过企业资源管理实时访问数据,帮助沃达丰供应链管理系统正确处理活动。Hillier等(2011,p.12)认为供应链管理系统业务组织确保了库存物资在业务流程中的流动,并将成品交付给客户。沃达丰供应链管理系统通过企业资源规划实现高效的客户关系管理系统。从上图中可以看出,沃达丰引入了企业资源规划软件包,用于高效的供应链管理系统、客户关系管理、人力资源管理和财务管理。


The current report encompasses the performance evaluation of an organisation in comparison to another on the basis of the industry’s benchmark. The key purpose of the report is to deliver the performance of the chosen firms in different business aspects including financial, operational, valuation and the strategic explanation. In that case, Vodafone and BT Plc have been chosen for a comparative analysis so that the better performer in the telecom industry could be judged properly, instead of having larger market share of BT plc. Vodafone has the competitive advantage due to its cost focus and differentiation strategy. The report also includes the last five years financial performance of the companies to gauge the trend of the financial management in both the company. It could also identify the standpoint of both the companies in context of the benchmark. The report also enlightens the loopholes in the company operation and management to recommend accordingly. In this part, the supply chain and logistics for both the companies are analysed to evaluate whether the selection of the firms are appropriate for this report.

Vodafone introduced Enterprise resource planning in the supply chain management system for efficient handling of resources in the supply chain management. The enterprise resource planning in BT PLc helps to procere the inventory material in the business process. The real time access of data through the enterprise resource management helps Vodafone supply chain management system to process the activity in proper manner. Hillier et al. (2011, p.12) argued that the supply chain management system business organisation ensures the flow of inventory material within the business process and delivers the finished good to the customers. The efficient customer relationship management system is implemented by enterprise resource planning in the supply chain management system of vodafone. According to the depicted graph above, it reflects that the enterprise resource planning software package is introduced in Vodafone for the efficient supply chain management system, customer relationship management, human resource management and financial management.